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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson

I couldn't imagine people storming the houses of Parliament though which is probably the equivalent, SO19 would deal with them sharpish i reckon. Be an interesting one to watch live 

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2 minutes ago, Williewhoopassjohnson said:

I couldn't imagine people storming the houses of Parliament though which is probably the equivalent, SO19 would deal with them sharpish i reckon. Be an interesting one to watch live 

I seem to recall protestors throwing a flour bomb at Tony B Liar at PMQs during the Iraq war protests. Shame it wasn’t anthrax. 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
Just now, King Billy said:

I seem to recall protestors throwing a flour bomb at Tony B Liar at PMQs during the Iraq war protests. Shame it wasn’t anthrax. 

Or a live grenade with the pin pullled out, blair is the biggest cunt going he should be in the hague 

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7 minutes ago, Williewhoopassjohnson said:

I couldn't imagine people storming the houses of Parliament though which is probably the equivalent, SO19 would deal with them sharpish i reckon. Be an interesting one to watch live 

It's what needs to happen. Literally a handful, i.e. About 4 or 5 thousand cunts with a bit of arsehole would be enough for the police to walk away.

Kill the fucking lot of them. Every single lying, self serving corrupt maggot in parliament needs culling and their heads mounted on the railings at Westminster. Then Jeremy Clarkson could form a new government.

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's what needs to happen. Literally a handful, i.e. About 4 or 5 thousand cunts with a bit of arsehole would be enough for the police to walk away.

Kill the fucking lot of them. Every single lying, self serving corrupt maggot in parliament needs culling and their heads mounted on the railings at Westminster. Then Jeremy Clarkson could form a new government.


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34 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Serve the lunatic wanker with the 25th amendment, and get him the fuck out of the White House. Unhinged, narcissistic lunatic who doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone but himself. An utter disgrace.

The Democrats fiddled the vote whilst you fiddle with your goat 🐐



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42 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Serve the lunatic wanker with the 25th amendment, and get him the fuck out of the White House. Unhinged, narcissistic lunatic who doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone but himself. An utter disgrace.

You forgot to mention patriot, hero, keeper of promises and enemy of the corrupt anti American swamp and low life fake news media. I’m sure it was a simple error Ape.

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Seems to be a lot of talk about impeachment (didn't they try that already?) or 25th amendment removal of Trump. Whilst there will be some kind of response, I can't see either happening or the point of it now. What does seem to be clear is that Trump has dug a hole so deep this time he won't be crawling out of it any time soon. He's definitely completely fucked his chances of reelection in 4 years.

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's what needs to happen. Literally a handful, i.e. About 4 or 5 thousand cunts with a bit of arsehole would be enough for the police to walk away.

Kill the fucking lot of them. Every single lying, self serving corrupt maggot in parliament needs culling and their heads mounted on the railings at Westminster. Then Jeremy Clarkson could form a new government.

I would actually love that, his party would literally be called "no bloody fannying about" or something aswell, first policy, all traffic wardens beaten to death in the streets 

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10 minutes ago, Goober said:

Seems to be a lot of talk about impeachment (didn't they try that already?) or 25th amendment removal of Trump. Whilst there will be some kind of response, I can't see either happening or the point of it now. What does seem to be clear is that Trump has dug a hole so deep this time he won't be crawling out of it any time soon. He's definitely completely fucked his chances of reelection in 4 years.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷

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10 minutes ago, Goober said:

Seems to be a lot of talk about impeachment (didn't they try that already?) or 25th amendment removal of Trump. Whilst there will be some kind of response, I can't see either happening or the point of it now. What does seem to be clear is that Trump has dug a hole so deep this time he won't be crawling out of it any time soon. He's definitely completely fucked his chances of reelection in 4 years.

I enjoyed seeing a huge Confederate flag being carried through the Congressional building..... one in the eye for the BLM protestors who’s murderous rampage and vandalism is mostly responsible for the current political powder keg in the States.

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Just now, Earl of Punkape said:

I enjoyed seeing a huge Confederate flag being carried through the Congressional building..... one in the eye for the BLM protestors who’s murderous rampage and vandalism is mostly responsible for the current political powder keg in the States.

That's nice for you. What was Mtembe's opinion?

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

Never going to happen, Billy. Not only has he scorched the ground behind him, he's also unwittingly burnt his bridges. 

This doesn't make for a pretty epitaph for his presidency. 

large.B6062360-B335-455E-ACC7-BA51B8DAD115.jpeg.ad1f7c8cb0467e245f57fdc4805c071e.jpegStrangely accurate reporting of  events, hours before they happened. Oops! The two ringleaders have been identified. Both regular protestors at BLM and climate change events. Oops!

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

large.B6062360-B335-455E-ACC7-BA51B8DAD115.jpeg.ad1f7c8cb0467e245f57fdc4805c071e.jpegStrangely accurate reporting of  events, hours before they happened. Oops! The two ringleaders have been identified. Both regular protestors at BLM and climate change events. Oops!

Ah, so nothing whatsoever to do with Trump then? Thanks for explaining the truth to all us idiots!

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15 minutes ago, Goober said:

Seems to be a lot of talk about impeachment (didn't they try that already?) or 25th amendment removal of Trump. Whilst there will be some kind of response, I can't see either happening or the point of it now. What does seem to be clear is that Trump has dug a hole so deep this time he won't be crawling out of it any time soon. He's definitely completely fucked his chances of reelection in 4 years.

The thing is, Mike Pence might actually invoke the 25th amendment because Trump has pissed off a fuckload of Republicans on the George W. Bush wing of the party whose support he will need for the republican nomination in 4 years time. Even the purely symbolic nature of such a move would go a long way in distancing himself Trump and attracting support from the centre of the GOP. It would be a totally unprecedented move but not out of the question by any means.

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8 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Trump supporters storm the capitol .. cunts refusing to concede defeat and intimidating elected representatives .. of course it could never happen here .. a strange silence on the media from the remoaners in the UK.

Some of the remain leaning anti white tossers like the guardian were very quick to insert the race narrative because it is always what they do to cover their hypocrisy.

Utter fucking shitcunts.

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