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Clap for the NHS part 2

Guest Williewhoopassjohnson

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  • 9 months later...

The head of the BMA was quoted in the Telegraph’ last week as saying ‘forcing GPs to do more face to face appointments is harassment and discrimination’. A strange comment to make imo, considering that is precisely what they are handsomely paid to do. 
Tonight we learn that the BMA have said that they are going to start industrial action if GPs are compelled to see patients who request a face to face appointment.

And meanwhile we, the fucking idiots who have had our lives ruined for almost two years to ‘save the NHS’, and had to listen to our neighbours clapping like fucking demented seals for these cunts, are being primed up by the MSM and the puppets in Downing St. for another winter of bullshit regulations and orders to protect these cunts.

Wake up ffs. If you stand for this again you deserve to be fucking dead.


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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

The head of the BMA was quoted in the Telegraph’ last week as saying ‘forcing GPs to do more face to face appointments is harassment and discrimination’. A strange comment to make imo, considering that is precisely what they are handsomely paid to do. 
Tonight we learn that the BMA have said that they are going to start industrial action if GPs are compelled to see patients who request a face to face appointment.

And meanwhile we, the fucking idiots who have had our lives ruined for almost two years to ‘save the NHS’, and had to listen to our neighbours clapping like fucking demented seals for these cunts, are being primed up by the MSM and the puppets in Downing St. for another winter of bullshit regulations and orders to protect these cunts.

Wake up ffs. If you stand for this again you deserve to be fucking dead.


Was at Horsham Hospital for a meeting last week. Place was fucking dead as a dodo. 

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

The head of the BMA was quoted in the Telegraph’ last week as saying ‘forcing GPs to do more face to face appointments is harassment and discrimination’. A strange comment to make imo, considering that is precisely what they are handsomely paid to do. 
Tonight we learn that the BMA have said that they are going to start industrial action if GPs are compelled to see patients who request a face to face appointment.

And meanwhile we, the fucking idiots who have had our lives ruined for almost two years to ‘save the NHS’, and had to listen to our neighbours clapping like fucking demented seals for these cunts, are being primed up by the MSM and the puppets in Downing St. for another winter of bullshit regulations and orders to protect these cunts.

Wake up ffs. If you stand for this again you deserve to be fucking dead.


Well, I wouldn’t wish those dead who clap.  I would sooner direct any anger or vitriol to those doing the manipulating.

As for GP’s, this useless head of the BMA is not widely respected by its members. I am seeing plenty of people self presenting to A&E who have been prescribed medications for an illness diagnosed from a telephone consultation. No doubt some are diagnosed correctly via telephone conversation,  but the injury to the patient and duplication of work is unacceptable in those that are not. Given A&E departments are packed to the rafters almost 24 hours every day for the last 3 months, the last thing needed is resources wasted rectifying easily avoidable mistakes.

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23 hours ago, King Billy said:

The head of the BMA was quoted in the Telegraph’ last week as saying ‘forcing GPs to do more face to face appointments is harassment and discrimination’. A strange comment to make imo, considering that is precisely what they are handsomely paid to do. 
Tonight we learn that the BMA have said that they are going to start industrial action if GPs are compelled to see patients who request a face to face appointment.

And meanwhile we, the fucking idiots who have had our lives ruined for almost two years to ‘save the NHS’, and had to listen to our neighbours clapping like fucking demented seals for these cunts, are being primed up by the MSM and the puppets in Downing St. for another winter of bullshit regulations and orders to protect these cunts.

Wake up ffs. If you stand for this again you deserve to be fucking dead.


I’m not sure why you care, tbh Bill. As an avowed anti-vaxxer you must surely see GPs as government stooges and thus not worth bothering with, especially when the pills they flog in the back of the Fortean Times pretty much cover everything from osteoporosis to Von Willebrands Syndrome. 

GPs would once have shied away from industrial action, fearful of public backlash. Now the ones I speak to don’t give a shit, so sick are they of the mindless public turning on them after reading the Daily Mail. It is of course a bear trap they are walking into, just like the junior medics a few years back. They know it’s suicide. The public will go full toddler if they can’t see a doctor with their 20 year mole that might be a melanoma cos Kylies Mum said so. Expect emotional leverage with old Doris and her leg ulcer being all over Kay Burley.

A new model is coming. Where once it would have been resisted, now it will be applauded. Appointments will be £30+ a go and you’ll claim some of that back either from BUPA or the NHS, leaving you with a gap fee. Same the world over. Multiple problems, multiple charges. GPs will click away at their billing software while you moan about your bunions. Thirty appointments a day becomes £1k a day fairly easily and supply/demand will start to align. The keener and more enthused (Greedy) will hoover up waiting rooms and queues, perhaps charging an extra tenner to the desperate to be “fast tracked”. The poor will be locked out of healthcare, suffer hugely, clog up A+E in their droves, leading inevitably to charges in A+E too to restrict demand. Quackery and self care will boom. It’s how the NHS dies. Patients and Staff blaming each other while the Tory Cunts in charge just stir the pot and collect their dividends. 

Come to think of it Bill, your years in the charge per half-hour industries might soon be in demand at your local health centre. I suggest you pop down and ask, maybe in the Sash and Bowler Hat. You’ll have to shout through the letter box but they’ll be glad of your advice. 

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On 23/10/2021 at 01:06, Last Cunt Standing said:

The public will go full toddler if they can’t see a doctor with their 20 year mole that might be a melanoma cos Kylies Mum said so. 

What exempts them from being expected to do their job like everyone else? If I wanted my car fixed and I couldn't see a mechanic because he was being an obstinate cunt, I'd hit the roof. It doesn't matter if the problem with my car was minor or something easily fixed, if I wanted him to look at it I would expect him to do so in person. Similar to a GP, if someone has got a mole that they're worried about, why should they be sneered at as being a hypochondriac and denied a consultation?

The difference is, if my mechanic was being a cunt I could take my business elsewhere. I can't stop the extortionate amount of tax I pay if I have a problem with my doctor, though, even if I went private.

I'm afraid you or your colleagues will get no sympathy from me or anyone else here, LCS. Not because we are going "full toddler" but because we expect your ex-colleagues to do their fucking jobs.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

What exempts them from being expected to do their job like everyone else? If I wanted my car fixed and I couldn't see a mechanic because he was being an obstinate cunt, I'd hit the roof. It doesn't matter if the problem with my car was minor or something easily fixed, if I wanted him to look at it I would expect him to do so in person. Similar to a GP, if someone has got a mole that they're worried about, why should they be sneered at as being a hypochondriac and denied a consultation?

The difference is, if my mechanic was being a cunt I could take my business elsewhere. I can't stop the extortionate amount of tax I pay if I have a problem with my doctor, though, even if I went private.

I'm afraid you or your colleagues will get no sympathy from me or anyone else here, LCS. Not because we are going "full toddler" but because we expect your ex-colleagues to do their fucking jobs.

I didn't read it as him advocating the situation particularly Decs, but more as a prediction. And my guess is he's probably right. 

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3 minutes ago, scotty said:

I didn't read it as him advocating the situation particularly Decs, but more as a prediction. And my guess is he's probably right. 

I agree, I think it's only a matter of time before the government introduces additional charges, probably appointment based. It's his sneering attitude towards patients wanting to see a GP in person as if it's some sort of imposition that I take umbrage with. 

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On 23/10/2021 at 01:06, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m not sure why you care, tbh Bill. As an avowed anti-vaxxer you must surely see GPs as government stooges and thus not worth bothering with

Let me tell you why I care LCS. My life, just like everyone else’s has been disrupted majorly for the last 20 months, my freedoms have been taken away and my ability to choose how to live my life, or even plan the most basic activities going forward, with any certainty that I will be ‘permitted’ to do so have disappeared into thin air. This has all taken place I’m constantly being told, in order to ‘protect the NHS’. That might have been true at the start of this fiasco, when little was known about the so called virus and it’s deadliness re. the general population. The situation now is rather different though. The virus has a survival rate of 99.97% and the 0.3% are still almost exclusively the very old and people with certain medical conditions.

The government have had 20 months to build capacity in the NHS. They have borrowed and spent more than 400 billion quid, throwing money at everything and anything except the NHS it seems. 
The NHS is supposed to protect us, not the other way round. In the U.K. both parties use the NHS as a political football when in opposition. It’s a convenient altar to fool the public to worship at. When I was 17 I was sent home from my GPs surgery and told I had a stomach bug and I’d feel better in the morning. 8 hours later I was rushed to hospital by ambulance and straight to theatre to have my burst appendix removed. I was in hospital with peritonitis for almost a month. The surgeon who removed my appendix, when I told him I’d seen my GP a few hours earlier was visibly shocked as to how and why I had not been properly examined and sent home doubled over with pain. He told me that in his opinion I was very lucky to be alive, due to the time between the burst appendix and getting the surgery I needed. Ever since that I have been a very reluctant visitor to the doctors. I’ve not been to my GP for more than eight years. 
The point I’m trying to make is that the majority of GPs are probably good, conscientious people, but some aren’t and the BMA, who are after all just another trade union seem to be politicising this issue and I reckon they’re making a huge mistake.

Dr. Uhuffurrrr for PM.

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm afraid you or your colleagues will get no sympathy from me or anyone else here, LCS. Not because we are going "full toddler" but because we expect your ex-colleagues to do their fucking jobs.

They are doing the job they were instructed to do and you know it. Consultations are up 19% versus pre-pandemic times, GPs are balancing the means of consultation against the vicarious liability of having an open waiting room packed with coughing people when there’s 50k cases a day. But for some, this is not good enough. The indignant wailing of some over entitled patients is not a new problem, but has peaked of late.

Your example of the “mechanic model” probably has merit. Sick of defending a broken model, most of my ex colleagues would now love the opportunity to work that way. Get you on the inspection lift, let out a low whistle, mutter something about Cowboys, tell you it’ll be “at least £350, mate” and that it’ll take a month to get the part from Germany. And if you don’t like it, or if you get shirty and he doesn’t like you, you’ll be invited to take your clapped out Nissan Diabetes to some other fucker. When I trained, GPs were told that the most prized of things was the doctor patient relationship, that you were trusted and valued more than almost anyone else. I think we can conclusively say that’s done. So fuck it, let the market sort it out. There’s no shortage of demand for the product. 

Start saving up would be my advice. Your sympathy is not required. In fact, have some of mine. 

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

The point I’m trying to make is that the majority of GPs are probably good, conscientious people, but some aren’t and the BMA, who are after all just another trade union seem to be politicising this issue and I reckon they’re making a huge mistake.

I agree with this last bit. The BMA don’t do industrial action well, frankly they are used to being listened to or bribed by governments of both hues, so the prospect of braziers and donkey jackets gives some of them the willies. In my view, shared widely among my formers, they would be better off advocating their GP members resign their NHS contracts, giving detailed advice on setting up a private fee-based alternative, and laying the blame for it all at the government. The “dentist” model. For some reason they see their job as defending the NHS when they are actually paid to defend doctors which is now not the same thing, a point many in the job have made for years. 

You aren’t the first on CC to share a horror story with me of poor medical care. I was sorry to hear your appendix story. Every doctor has stories of getting it wrong. I did about 6000 consults a year for decades, even an error rate of 0.1% means there are dozens of people out there who will probably blame me for something. If it’s 1% it’s hundreds. Nature of the job I’m afraid, and why I used to pay £10k a year in indemnity insurance. Incidentally, 8 years for a man of your years is probably a bit long between check ups in my view. 

The coming fee model will suit some people and some doctors. People are well used to consumerist transactional models in many other walks of life. If you distrust doctors now, wait until he’s shoving an invoice over the desk at you and telling you about the premium fast track referral model for an extra £500. Innovation will blow everyone’s mind. “Sick note sir? Certainly. That’ll be £50 please”. The unintended consequence of the consumer model though is that doctors will be suddenly free from any obligation to see patient x. It’s almost enough to get me reaching for my otoscope, the prospect of telling the loudmouth punter banging the reception desk at the end of the day for his Opiates he can either a) fuck off b)pay an extra £70 for an emergency out of hours appointment or c)go and stand in line at Boots’ all-night drive-through script clinic where you’ll be charged £40 just to get in the door before being offered compulsory “extras”. 

“Home visit, sir? Are you aware of our range of interest-free options?”. What a time to be alive. 

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On 22/10/2021 at 11:41, camberwell gypsy said:

Was at Horsham Hospital for a meeting last week. Place was fucking dead as a dodo. 

I am regularly in the Torbay Hospital re the eye issue. Things have changed in that there seem to be far fewer direct interactions with the senior staff such as Mrs Osoba. During my visits I see about 25% of the number people in the waiting area .. possibly part due to fewer people being there to see the actual "doctors" .. also much stricter control of when you can arrive and wait. You can no longer casually wander through the hospital to the relevant department. All this leads to an impression of less activity and fewer people being around.

I regularly go to the RD&E at Exeter with a friend who has several medical issues. I would usually go with her to the waiting area of whichever department she was attending. Presently I can only go with her to the main entrance. General impression is of fewer people around although I do note that the cafes they are busier than they were.

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