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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson

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12 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Extremecunt will return just to kick you in the bollocks and snort meth off your navel when you're unconscious.

Not because you insulted him in any way by not mentioning him, just because he's Extremecunt.

I love that mental cunt. I hope he does come back.


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4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I won’t ‘publish PMs’ Eric. Not even your replies to mine, which might alter the zeitgeist here, but it’s beneath me. I have plenty, some in the last few days but I’d see that as a betrayal of confidence. It’s sad that your desperation to keep this forum as your own personal fiefdom, you disagree. We’re all different I guess. Ape? Well, it’s Ape isn’t it? We’ve had issues with the PM facility this past week and I’d PM’d him about it. Cue spooky soundtrack.

Is this like how you won't "publish" the irrefutable evidence that you supposedly have which proves I'm a bullshitter provided to you by your high level contacts in the travel industry? How long do I have to wait for this brutal expose? I accept that you've got a bit on your plate at the moment with the savage gang rape that you been subjected to by the corner over the last several days but are you actually going to produce something other than needy incoherent ramblings? 

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7 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Panz, there's about as much chance of me voting Conservative as there is me sipping a pina colada at Punkers local golf club. 

I think you're wrong about Britain fading into obscurity though, there's too much history and legacy at stake. We gave the former colonies systems of law, order, governance and bar the African ones they flourished. We abandoned South Africa the jewel of the continent. English is still the most widely spoken language along most of our trading partners. 

Your greatest contribution to the world is Guinness, famine, and James Joyce. 

I'm disappointed over the boy's missing Thatcher in Brighton, and failing to cripple Tebbit instead of his wife, but that's the Irish for ya... 

Past glories MC baby..if anything most of those countries were glad to see the back of y'all..anyway carrie n the boris sez yer gonna flourish an he's a man with a plan...sort of..maybe..personally i want y'all out with nothin to show after nearly 5 years of theatrics..best thing for yiz really 


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5 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Lower Hutt is actually very nice, in parts.  I went to a fucking good party there a few years back at the American Embassy. It was a birthday party for an attache at the embassy combined with his transfer do. He was off to fucking Birmingham of all places; poor bastard.  Interestingly outrageous  bloke whom we met on holiday in Samoa. He had the life of fucking riley, only worked a few hours a day and was very well paid. Yacht in the harbor and all that.  He had photos in his stunningly beautiful office of himself with Regan, Carter, and Elvis. Was single and a right shagger too. Would have given even you one up the wrongun i reckon. 

What about Tauranga?

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5 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Tauranga, Bay of plenty. 

Stunning town really beautiful, most hours of sun in NZ i think.  Gateway town to the Coromandel Peninsula and places like Whitianga and Hahei hot water beach.  Great beaches too. Pauanui has more private aeroplane hangars attached to holiday homes than garages, mostly owned by cunts from Auckland.  

I have relatives in both places .. one lot are builders and the other insurance broker. Also have a brother-in-law from one of the places who is an economics professor.

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24 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Tauranga, Bay of plenty. 

Stunning town really beautiful, most hours of sun in NZ i think.  Gateway town to the Coromandel Peninsula and places like Whitianga and Hahei hot water beach.  Great beaches too. Pauanui has more private aeroplane hangars attached to holiday homes than garages, mostly owned by cunts from Auckland.  

I don't keep track of y NZ relatives but I have got one who has a farm somewhere on the South Island .. huge farm thousands of sheep, a couple of hundred cattle .. said to be rubbing his hands together about Brexit .. thinks he will make loadsa money out of it.

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5 hours ago, Eddie said:

Mrs roops, despite our very public breakup and obvious hate for each other, I do feel sorry for you having to Wade through pages of this late night shit every morning, senior members indeed.....

I don't hate you or any other punter. I must say its sorta sad watching a group of middle-aged men squabbling like a bunch of 11 year old schoolboys though. If you guys are a representative sample of your generation and bearing in mind you are providing mentorship and guidance to younger people, then this country might have a problem.

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6 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I don't hate you or any other punter. I must say its sorta sad watching a group of middle-aged men squabbling like a bunch of 11 year old schoolboys though. If you guys are a representative sample of your generation and bearing in mind you are providing mentorship and guidance to younger people, then this country might have a problem.

Indeed. Hell in a handcart

Show us yer fanny

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19 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

For some reason I'm outta likes, Stubbs, but I couldn't have put it better. Myself and Dec's have labelled it 'the caged lower primate technique'. You chuck enough shit posts around the Corner and some will stick to the board. It's a tried and tested method for fucking idiots - Pen being a prime example, but failing miserably. 

However, the festive period normally sees the likes of Stickers and the rest of the first squad make an appearance. The overweight Welsh wizard Bubba has already stuck his head in...

5 likes a day seems to be the norm at the moment and scatter gun binge posting is in full force- just look at gyps lording on the leader boards when most of her output is, frankly, fucking shite 

Re Bubba; I'd defiantly like him to "stick his head in"- ideally in an industrial woodchipper set to max.

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22 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I don't hate you or any other punter. I must say its sorta sad watching a group of middle-aged men squabbling like a bunch of 11 year old schoolboys though. If you guys are a representative sample of your generation and bearing in mind you are providing mentorship and guidance to younger people, then this country might have a problem.

The thing about 11 yr old boys as well is that they always overestimate their cleverness. Little cunts!

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13 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Come on spotto, its Christmas after all and defiantly a time for forgiving. My Filipino house boy is getting the day off on the 25th, which as fate would have it, is also his 11th birthday- who'd have thought!

Sack him.... he’s probably a vector for this new variant bat flu that is looking like it’s going to save Mr Johnson’s Brexit and covid mismanagement bacon.... phew!

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