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Has Anyone Cunted The Government In The Last 24hrs ?

Cillian Murphy

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20 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Still embarrassed are you, because your bull shitting claims about your " originality" have been uncovered.

There's another website where an almost identical penned write up is posted, some eight years ago. Although it happens to be about Bradford rather than Hull. Swap the towns and its pretty much the same. So you can drop your act you plagiarising little cunt, and fuck right off. 

Have a nice day, arse hole. 🙂 and eat shit. 

Almost a century back, King George V supposedly uttered the phrase, "Bugger Bognor". If that doesn't prove that @Decimus is a filthy plagiarist then I don't know what will.

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48 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Still embarrassed are you, because your bull shitting claims about your " originality" have been uncovered.

There's another website where an almost identical penned write up is posted, some eight years ago. Although it happens to be about Bradford rather than Hull. Swap the towns and its pretty much the same. So you can drop your act you plagiarising little cunt, and fuck right off. 

Have a nice day, arse hole. 🙂 and eat shit. 


Almost forty years ago, Joey Deacon went on Blue Peter. Dribbling and with a command of the English language that seemed less developed than that of a lump of dog shit, the similarities to your output on here have thus far been uncanny. 

When you've exhausted the material you can copy and paste from your almanac of 20th century spastics, maybe you can spend another two months working out how to show us this shit about Bradford. 

You fucking idiot.

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16 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Almost forty years ago, Joey Deacon went on Blue Peter. Dribbling and with a command of the English language that seemed less developed than that of a lump of dog shit, the similarities to your output on here have thus far been uncanny. 

When you've exhausted the material you can copy and paste from your almanac of 20th century spastics, maybe you can spend another two months working out how to show us this shit about Bradford. 

You fucking idiot.

I wouldn't worry too much Decs. all of our best material will eventually be presented as the work of negroes.

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24 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I'm certain that it was also recorded that he also involuntarily evacuated his bowels in public. Much of that im sure has been scraped up and reposted on here in the shit that @Decimus spouts out his gaping arse hole  and claims as his "original" work.

Never in history has anyone witnessed a bigger cunt than he. 

Unless your @Decimus fixation stems from a desire to suck his dick, I suggest you accept that you lost the argument and stop boring the fucking shit out of everyone.

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Just now, JohnnySaucePants said:


Didnt lose, didnt start it, wont stop. 🙂 . You know the answer through dont you, if your so bored or "offended".

Simple, dont fucking read them. Duh,

Fucking idiot. 

You got your bottom spanked. Everyone knows it. Stop being a fucking idiot, if you can. 

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

Almost forty years ago, Joey Deacon went on Blue Peter. Dribbling and with a command of the English language that seemed less developed than that of a lump of dog shit, the similarities to your output on here have thus far been uncanny. 

When you've exhausted the material you can copy and paste from your almanac of 20th century spastics, maybe you can spend another two months working out how to show us this shit about Bradford. 

You fucking idiot.


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18 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Still embarrassed are you, because your bull shitting claims about your " originality" have been uncovered.

There's another website where an almost identical penned write up is posted, some eight years ago. Although it happens to be about Bradford rather than Hull. Swap the towns and its pretty much the same. So you can drop your act you plagiarising little cunt, and fuck right off. 

Have a nice day, arse hole. 🙂 and eat shit. 


JSP, just to put my own mind at rest, are you Yabba Sebulba on the Banging Tunes forum?

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30 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

JSP, just to put my own mind at rest, are you Yabba Sebulba on the Banging Tunes forum?

Of course it's him. Unless he's a Cuntybaws multi, he's hardly going to recall a nearly five year old post from a random member on some dog shit website.

He's not going to admit it, though, although he doesn't seem to mind making himself look like a bullshitting fucking idiot, so maybe he will. 

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14 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

No, it's a guy called Nev Woods. Used to live here and had an IT company. Originally hailed from Stoke on Trent and went back to Blighty about eighteen months ago to tidy up his mothers estate when she snuffed it.  She left him i think around three and a half million quid. He's currently living in her old hose in Solihull. Returning here when he's sold it and covids F'd off. We keep in touch. He owes me a few beers, the tight bastard. 

He’ll be so pleased you’ve just doxed him on here, you utter prick. Or is it simply more bullshit?

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6 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

No, it's a guy called Nev Woods. Used to live here and had an IT company. Originally hailed from Stoke on Trent and went back to Blighty about eighteen months ago to tidy up his mothers estate when she snuffed it.  She left him i think around three and a half million quid. He's currently living in her old hose in Solihull. Returning here when he's sold it and covids F'd off. We keep in touch. He owes me a few beers, the tight bastard. 

I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that "Nev" also used to bang on about Royal Enfields, the provincial backwater of New Zealand and seemed to use the word Blighty with frequent tediousness.

I'm sure it's also a complete coincidence that "Nev" revisited his post from five years ago on a dog shit forum to edit and remove something on December 17th 2020 shortly after I gave you that idea on here.

If I didn't think it was so pitiable, I'd be flattered that years ago you used to spend time lurking on here whilst stealing my material.

Try engaging your brain and developing your original thinking in future, Johnny, you useless, pathetic, parroting fucking idiot. You've completely embarrassed yourself.

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21 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that "Nev" also used to bang on about Royal Enfields, the provincial backwater of New Zealand and seemed to use the word Blighty with frequent tediousness.

I'm sure it's also a complete coincidence that "Nev" revisited his post from five years ago on a dog shit forum to edit and remove something on December 17th 2020 shortly after I gave you that idea on here.

If I didn't think it was so pitiable, I'd be flattered that years ago you used to spend time lurking on here whilst stealing my material.

Try engaging your brain and developing your original thinking in future, Johnny, you useless, pathetic, parroting fucking idiot. You've completely embarrassed yourself.

Comprehensively rumbled. As guilty as a puppy sat next to a pile of poop. 🐶💩

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42 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Hahaha, Im sure you will find that most ex uk residents here refer to it as Blighty, which it certainly is, listening to the news about Covid.  It was also he that talked me into doing a trip to Kathmandu on Royal Enfields, a trip he did the year before. 

Funny, weve had a few chuckles over your pathetic tantrums over something you never wrote you fucking weasel. Plus, FF sake, it seems to completely dominate your one celled brain, it's not that good. But i can see why you stole it, to appear cleverer than you are.

Also, since learning that you work for a "local authority" my opinion of you couldnt possibly sink any lower.  You seriously need to get out more. Still i suppose the private sector wouldnt hire you on anywhere near the same paltry income. Which is the only reason your there.  Snout in the public trough, cunt.


With your creepy, pathetic stalking of myself whilst lifting my all time greatest hits, it speaks volumes about how fucking thick you are that you didn't know what I did for a living until yesterday, despite me mentioning it numerous times during the years you've been cumming yourself silly over my material. 

If it wasn't such a great post, why did you feel the need to copy and pass it off as your own four days after I originally penned it? Nobody is going to believe this "Nev" exists after all the other bullshit you've been caught out on, especially with your shit excuse that anyone other than you would refer to the UK as Blighty, time after time, after tedious fucking time. Also, why would "Nev" edit his five year old post on 17 December 2020 completely out of the blue?

I'm absolutely loving the fact that despite trying to act like you hate me, you are obviously so in awe of me that you try to pass off my material as your own. 

Keep digging, Johnny, the more you reveal, the more you're exposing yourself as an insecure little cunt who hides behind the stolen words of those more mentally capable than himself.



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1 hour ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

No, it's a guy called Nev [Deleted]. Originally hailed from Stoke on Trent and went back to Blighty about eighteen months ago to tidy up his mothers estate when she snuffed it.  She left him i think around three and a half million quid. He's currently living in her old hose in Solihull. Returning here when he's sold it and covids F'd off. We keep in touch. He owes me a few beers, the tight bastard. 

I'm satisfied that you are Yabba. For one thing elsewhere on the BangingTunes forum you were asking, "where's Nev"


Then after that "Yabba" gave a life story that seems remarkedly familiar...


You may recall I asked you to take a screen shot of your desk top which you kindly did*. The screen capture shows your other desktop activities with details which ties in with the above image. This is awkward, JSP.

* Another punter nearly blew my plan when he suggested you use the sniping tool instead of a screen grab. Phew!

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16 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm satisfied that you are Yabba. For one thing elsewhere on the BangingTunes forum you were asking, "where's Nev"


Then after that "Yabba" gave a life story that seems remarkedly familiar...


You may recall I asked you to take a screen shot of your desk top which you kindly did*. The screen capture shows your other desktop activities with details which ties in with the above image. This is awkward, JSP.

* Another punter nearly blew my plan when he suggested you use the sniping tool instead of a screen grab. Phew!

Bang to rights. I can't wait for his inevitable explanation as to why 'Nev' has his bulldog, Molly. Perhaps Nev liked Johnny's one so much that he bought one and named it Molly too. I wonder if Nev has a 3500-4500psi water blaster. 😂 

I know we don't often get on Roops, but I fucking love you some times.

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11 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

But it's funny though eh. Been winding the special needs kids up for weeks. LOl , especially Decimus. Wonderful detective skills you have there Mrs Roops, i dob my cap to your tenacity. 

Yes, I've been wound right up every single time you've been caught out bullshitting, I looked especially stupid when you posted your plagiarised nomination including a date stamp that confirmed it was days after my original post. 

By confirming you're a lying, thick as fucking shit weasel incapable of reading a simple date format you've really shown us all a lesson! If you can't even tell the difference between the numbers 13 and 17, is it any wonder you can't tell the fucking time as evidenced when @Eric Cuntman caught you out in yet more bullshit? 

The only thing I believe that you've said so far is that you were in the building trade, purely because you're too fucking thick to have ever achieved anything else.

You manual labouring, fantasist, unoriginal, tedious, illiterate, prefab dwelling, plagiarising, absolute fucking idiot.


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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm satisfied that you are Yabba. For one thing elsewhere on the BangingTunes forum you were asking, "where's Nev"


Then after that "Yabba" gave a life story that seems remarkedly familiar...


You may recall I asked you to take a screen shot of your desk top which you kindly did*. The screen capture shows your other desktop activities with details which ties in with the above image. This is awkward, JSP.

* Another punter nearly blew my plan when he suggested you use the sniping tool instead of a screen grab. Phew!

Fucking good work Roops. 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm satisfied that you are Yabba. For one thing elsewhere on the BangingTunes forum you were asking, "where's Nev"


Then after that "Yabba" gave a life story that seems remarkedly familiar...


You may recall I asked you to take a screen shot of your desk top which you kindly did*. The screen capture shows your other desktop activities with details which ties in with the above image. This is awkward, JSP.

* Another punter nearly blew my plan when he suggested you use the sniping tool instead of a screen grab. Phew!

Cooorrrr go on! 

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8 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Hahaha, ive really gotten to you eh. Fuck me, brilliant. You remind me of Harry Brogdale, the poor hapless cunt. I worked in a "local authority" once. My first job after qualifying as a surveyor. Local roads and bridges dept for a local county council. Harry Brogdale, was a lot older then me, i was never sure what the flat cap wearing fucker did. He was a know it all, terraced house living, cheap Japanese small car driving, holidays in Benidorm wanker. But he wasnt all bad to be fair. The egotistical cunt took it upon himself to suggest that if i knuckled down i could be where he was in fifteen or so years. Which was absolutely nowhere. I studied the hapless fucker and thought, if i let this be the future, im fucked. I left, went travelling ended up here. Brilliant, never looked back.

You are the now Harry Brogdale of Blighty. and Apes the poor hapless dullard who made the tea for the department.

Know your place, wanker, catch Covid too. It's been fun, also i really dont believe you scripted it, you plagiarising little twat. I'm off to Queenstown on Saturday for a short holiday in this beautiful covid free country, and you in the meantime, can eat shit. 

Toodle pip and cheerio.

Have a nice day. 🙂 

Wahhh, Blighty, Waahhh, Covid, Wahhh New Zealand, Wahhh you didn't write it.

For an ex-manual labourer, you really are a sensitive and easily rattled little faggot. I imagine you were the building site whipping boy, which is probably why you left to go to some wet as fuck, liberal backwater where people aren't allowed to call you names. 

As for Harry Brogdale, he's about as real as your good mate Nev. That's the thing about lying, Johnny, you hod carrying spastic, once you've been caught doing it multiple times,which you have, no one is ever going to believe a word you say again.

Now run along and wank yourself silly over one of my fantastic nominations, but ask my permission this time if you're going to copy it, you thick, 'Boy Who Cried Hull', bullshitting, old fucking wanker.

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9 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

But it's funny though eh. Been winding the special needs kids up for weeks. LOl , especially Decimus. Wonderful detective skills you have there Mrs Roops, i dob my cap to your tenacity. 

I realised the moment you were silly enough to share with us the URL of the BTunes site, after spending five minutes mooching around it was simply a question of biding my time.

I don't buy the "I was only having a laugh" - its a cop-out that been used often enough at The Corner, by curious coincidence lately by a fantasist who also described himself as a surveyor. Quite simply you were caught with your pants down over the plagiarism business and instead of manning up and taking a ridiculing for a few days you doubled down on the deceit. You were even prepared to lay the blame on another BTunes punter which makes you the weasel of the moment.

As for the rest  of your story, I have no idea whether its true, frankly I do not care. Drilling into the desktop data you shared with us you could be failed hairdresser whose business was was rescued by your daughter for all we know. That would make you a ponce and a weasel, yes?

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17 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

OOh look he's really having a little tantrum this evening. Who's got themselves all upset, poor little Decimus, someone been nasty to you. AAwwww.

I’d say it was you that’s having a little tantrum and getting yourself all upset. In fairness you have just been exposed as a bullshitting, motormouthed wanker, so I suppose you have good reason to be a bit rattled.

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27 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I realised the moment you were silly enough to share with us the URL of the BTunes site, after spending five minutes mooching around it was simply a question of biding my time.

I don't buy the "I was only having a laugh" - its a cop-out that been used often enough at The Corner, by curious coincidence lately by a fantasist who also described himself as a surveyor. Quite simply you were caught with your pants down over the plagiarism business and instead of manning up and taking a ridiculing for a few days you doubled down on the deceit. You were even prepared to lay the blame on another BTunes punter which makes you the weasel of the moment.

As for the rest  of your story, I have no idea whether its true, frankly I do not care. Drilling into the desktop data you shared with us you could be failed hairdresser whose business was was rescued by your daughter for all we know. That would make you a ponce and a weasel, yes?

God you make me hard. 

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