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Millwall fans booing 'taking the knee'

camberwell gypsy

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25 minutes ago, Frank said:

I did receive a PM from DC the other day. I didn't reply, of course, but I can tell you that it was polite and courteous. Why would anyone in their right mind share a private message here on the main board, Eric?

You didn’t, but bravo my musical genius..such a talent. Notice that I’ve reduced my ellipsis down to two to baffle our resident amateur detective @Decimus? The utter meff.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

By 2045 at this rate.

I'm enjoying our daily chats where you come up with ever more desperate excuses as to why you can't or won't provide your evidence. It makes it extra special for me knowing that you're completely oblivious to the fact that each day you weasel out of it makes you look even more of a boo-hoo, DC suckling, bullshitting fucking idiot.

He definitely said he would do it today. I wonder which type of outdoor, alpha male type excursion will prevent him from doing so this time.

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2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Another stunning sunny day here in paradise and ive just made myself a morning cup of coffee.

I see, @Dyslexic cnut seems to be getting an undeserved pasting by the uber cunts on here. No need for it.

On the other hand, 420 replies and 17 pages and still fucking going. I'm feeling VERY proud.

Later, cunts.

Johnny..didn’t you know? You’re a newbie dickhead beneath these big clever senior boys? Yet..420 replies? Smells like ‘rattled to fuck,’ to me

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15 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:


Have you ordered your battery reared, water-injected, fish smelling, 28lb, maggot encrusted Turkey 🦃 from Tesco yet ?


Turkey is massively overrated, bland and disappointing - much like you. I’m having a heritage breed traditional roasting joint from our local butcher.

So, to summarise: fuck off.

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8 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:


Have you ordered your battery reared, water-injected, fish smelling, 28lb, maggot encrusted Turkey 🦃 from Tesco yet ?


I can picture the Ape with his misfit family on Christmas day, all donning surgical masks and cracker hats, cooped up in some revolting prefab semi on the outskirts of Guildford. I'd like to go over there and give his wife a good old-fashioned turkey rimming.

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Johnny..didn’t you know? You’re a newbie dickhead beneath these big clever senior boys? Yet..420 replies? Smells like ‘rattled to fuck’ to me.

When you first arrived here, in your current guise, you went at me like a bull at a gate. This led me to believe that you were a fucking idiot. Since then you’ve done absolutely nothing to change my opinion.

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1 minute ago, Frank said:

I can picture the Ape with his misfit family on Christmas day, all donning surgical masks and cracker hats, cooped up in some revolting prefab semi on the outskirts of Guildford. I'd like to go over there and give his wife a good old-fashioned turkey rimming.

Yawn. You did this several festive years ago, minus the masks.

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1 minute ago, Frank said:

I can picture the Ape with his misfit family on Christmas day, all donning surgical masks and cracker hats, cooped up in some revolting prefab semi on the outskirts of Guildford. I'd like to go over there and give his wife a good old-fashioned turkey rimming.

I can imagine you on Christmas Day. Alone. Sad. Pathetic. Alone. 

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Stating that Cape Verde is for peasants, is NOT implying that oneself is well off?


Implying that Cape Verde is a luxury destination. Implying that it was all inclusive in the Hilton. Why are you not alarmed at this cunts exposure as an utter liar? Come on Eric, look at it for what it is. Trucko was giving it the big ‘I am’ and boasting about lifestyle which you abhor. He’s been proven to be an utter fuckin liar which is the real point at hand. Cape Verde is the holiday company’s latest attempt at winter sunshine for Brits and only an hour away from the Canaries. It’s targeted at the low end of the market, cheap and all inclusive (EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKIN HILTON) This is me projecting myself as financially superior? Fuck off! The man’s a liar, this is the point and I have never boasted about my wealth or lifestyle. You are all over the place here, your loyalty to your longtime mates has clouded your judgement, which is a bit shit to be honest.

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Just now, Dyslexic cnut said:

Implying that Cape Verde is a luxury destination. Implying that it was all inclusive in the Hilton. Why are you not alarmed at this cunts exposure as an utter liar? Come on Eric, look at it for what it is. Trucko was giving it the big ‘I am’ and boasting about lifestyle which you abhor. He’s been proven to be an utter fuckin liar which is the real point at hand. Cape Verde is the holiday company’s latest attempt at winter sunshine for Brits and only an hour away from the Canaries. It’s targeted at the low end of the market, cheap and all inclusive (EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKIN HILTON) This is me projecting myself as financially superior? Fuck off! The man’s a liar, this is the point and I have never boasted about my wealth or lifestyle. You are all over the place here, your loyalty to your longtime mates has clouded your judgement, which is a bit shit to be honest.

Why do you continue to try and curry favour with Eric after he's quite rightly exposed you for the snivelling fucking weasel that you are? Do you think you can come to some sort of truce and he'll take you under his wing and protect you from the other big boys? He fucking despises you, you stupid fucking cunt.

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Just now, Decimus said:

Why do you continue to try and curry favour with Eric after he's quite rightly exposed you for the snivelling fucking weasel that you are? Do you think you can come to some sort of truce and he'll take you under his wing and protect you from the other big boys? He fucking despises you, you stupid fucking cunt.

Lame Decsy. I don’t fear you or anyone on here. I have respect for some ‘seniors’ on here who smelled promise and PM’d me in my early weeks. I understand that there needs to be a pseudo rank structure, indeed, I have taken advice from you, fair play. I need no protection, I’m happy to slug it out with you gents. Why do you need to feel the necessity to speak for other members? I smell a lack of self-confidence. Must be a Norfolk thing eh?

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

I'll be in the Auvergne this year, Punk. Poulet de Bresse.

I received a Fortnum's Christmas hamper this morning from an old client.. a Jew I once new. A pig. Anyway, besides my usual favourites such as the marrons glacés and pruneaux d'Agen, there was this massive Wiltshire-cured, spiced and glazed whole ham. What do you do with a whole fucking ham? Nobody likes me. 

This is why I joined. IOU likey thing.

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2 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

What are you having for Christmas lunch?

If you are truly English, it has to be goose, Gressingham for me. A bit fiddly and greasy with not much meat, but utterly delicious. I recommend layering the leftovers twixt sage leaves and goose gravy for a Boxing Day treat. Never failed in my house. Turkey is a tasteless, chalky American abhorration and has no place at an Englishman’s table.

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31 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Implying that Cape Verde is a luxury destination. Implying that it was all inclusive in the Hilton. Why are you not alarmed at this cunts exposure as an utter liar? Come on Eric, look at it for what it is. Trucko was giving it the big ‘I am’ and boasting about lifestyle which you abhor. He’s been proven to be an utter fuckin liar which is the real point at hand. Cape Verde is the holiday company’s latest attempt at winter sunshine for Brits and only an hour away from the Canaries. It’s targeted at the low end of the market, cheap and all inclusive (EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKIN HILTON) This is me projecting myself as financially superior? Fuck off! The man’s a liar, this is the point and I have never boasted about my wealth or lifestyle. You are all over the place here, your loyalty to your longtime mates has clouded your judgement, which is a bit shit to be honest.

If you climb any further up Eric's arse you'll be able to lick the inside of his nostrils.

You're just plankton shit. I bet you have one of those annoying squeaky scouse voices that make dogs have a seizure half a mile away when you open your subhuman mouth full of rotten teeth.

Once again, I demand that you provide evidence that I have been in anyway dishonest. If you can't, fuck off back under your dog turd in your Liverpool slum and die of AIDS with all the other smackheads.


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8 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

If you are truly English, it has to be goose, Gressingham for me. A bit fiddly and greasy with not much meat, but utterly delicious. I recommend layering the leftovers twixt sage leaves and goose gravy for a Boxing Day treat. Never failed in my house. Turkey is a tasteless, chalky American abhorration and has no place at an Englishman’s table.


Goose at the Punkape’s this year.

It’s extraordinarily good cold too...and pints of goose fat to make game chips with and to donate to sex offenders.

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