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Millwall fans booing 'taking the knee'

camberwell gypsy

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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Mate, mate, mate!

Pull your tongue out of his arsehole, your desperation is absolutely sickening.

As for showing Johnny how to edit and change a post, it's hardly some trade secret known to me alone and used for my own personal and nefarious purposes, it's a common function on most forums. Only a complete fucking idiot wouldn't know how to do it, which was the whole point. As for doing it on here, you obviously missed the part where I said that any edit, even a hidden one, can still be seen by the mods. You know absolutely fuck all if you think that Roops would ever let me get away with it, not with our history of animosity.

Now that has been explained to you in simple terms, I'd like to reiterate that you are deflecting away from the issue, which is that you took it on yourself to send a grovelling PM request for a Johnny Christmas Armistice as requested by a battered Saucepants. You have now been exposed for the weasel you are by Eric, who fucking despises you as much as Stubby, Trucking, Ape, Eddie, Major Cunt and myself do. Mate indeed.

Apologise to the board and move on.

Almost commendably believable qualification on your scurrilous past practices. Doesn’t wash I’m afraid. I’ll type this slowly to give you the chance to fuckin digest it...JS never asked me to ask Eric or anyone else to take it easy on him. Use your finger and read that again...slowly. The point was that your dull, repetative ranting about plagiarism, at great length was boring the arse off me and I thought you should move on. I’m pretty sure that @JohnnySaucePantsreally doesn’t give a fuck about you or your opinions. Hopefully you’ve grasped matters now and perhaps can move on and use your fabulous talents elsewhere. No deflection, and no grovelling at all you sensationalist tit. I’d be surprised if @Eric Cuntmanthought of the PM as otherwise. No need to hide in a crowd or enlist assistance Deco, express your own opinions, be brave, I’m sure you can do it.

Now, fuck off.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Indeed, this was how I rumbled and immediately grassed him when he created the multi "Pierre" during one of his lengthy bans.

I think I would have sussed him purely on the grounds that 'Pierre' is exactly the sort of nomenclature that would be adopted by a disgusting, atrophied faggot with a Gap Kids loyalty card and a charity shop wig.

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5 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Almost commendably believable qualification on your scurrilous past practices. Doesn’t wash I’m afraid. I’ll type this slowly to give you the chance to fuckin digest it...JS never asked me to ask Eric or anyone else to take it easy on him. Use your finger and read that again...slowly. The point was that your dull, repetative ranting about plagiarism, at great length was boring the arse off me and I thought you should move on. I’m pretty sure that @JohnnySaucePantsreally doesn’t give a fuck about you or your opinions. Hopefully you’ve grasped matters now and perhaps can move on and use your fabulous talents elsewhere. No deflection, and no grovelling at all you sensationalist tit. I’d be surprised if @Eric Cuntmanthought of the PM as otherwise. No need to hide in a crowd or enlist assistance Deco, express your own opinions, be brave, I’m sure you can do it.

Now, fuck off.

'You'd be surprised if I thought of the PM as otherwise' ? Otherwise what? You're flapping and making no sense. 

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46 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You keep reciting this mantra but as of yet have failed to provide a rebuttal backed up by any evidence except for some bollocks about "contacts in the industry". I wouldn't take my dog for shit in Benidorm because it's full of retarded scousers who shame their country by behaving like complete fuckwits. I would imagine you're an encyclopedia on the place.

Sued the police for a fortune that paid for an expensive, luxury all inclusive holiday, wait for it...Cape Verde.

It was then pointed out to you that Cape Verde is, and always has been a pikey hellhole for the British underclass and your ‘fortune’ must have been all of £400 as that’s how much the average pondlife pleb pays for a month in that dump.

THEN you stated that you were at the Hilton, you swish little blighter you, until it was pointed out to you that the Hilton there does not and never fuckin has, sold an all inclusive package.

THEN you backtracked and stated that you had some ‘drinks vouchers’ from TUI. TUI do not provide free drinks vouchers for the top shelf spirits that you claimed to have been drinking.

In short, you’re a lying cunt, there was no successful lawsuit, vast financial award or ‘luxury’ all inclusive, drinks voucher Hilton holiday in Shitsville was there? You’ve been rumbled you little Tom Pepper Cunt. Fuck off now, there’s a good pseud.

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Sued the police for a fortune that paid for an expensive, luxury all inclusive holiday, wait for it...Cape Verde.

It was then pointed out to you that Cape Verde is, and always has been a pikey hellhole for the British underclass and your ‘fortune’ must have been all of £400 as that’s how much the average pondlife pleb pays for a month in that dump.

THEN you stated that you were at the Hilton, you swish little blighter you, until it was pointed out to you that the Hilton there does not and never fuckin has, sold an all inclusive package.

THEN you backtracked and stated that you had some ‘drinks vouchers’ from TUI. TUI do not provide free drinks vouchers for the top shelf spirits that you claimed to have been drinking.

In short, you’re a lying cunt, there was no successful lawsuit, vast financial award or ‘luxury’ all inclusive, drinks voucher Hilton holiday in Shitsville was there? You’ve been rumbled you little Tom Pepper Cunt. Fuck off now, there’s a good psued.

Just for plebs and peasants and the British underclass eh? 

No wonder you and Johnny Skintpants have created an online support group for Bullshitting Fantasists. Perhaps you could upload a picture to prove your own claims of affluence. A 4500psi Karcher maybe?

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Just for plebs and peasants and the British underclass eh? 

No wonder you and Johnny Skintpants have created an online support group for Bullshitting Fantasists. Perhaps you could upload a picture to prove your own claims of affluence. A 4500psi Karcher maybe?

No then? Many thanks.

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On 06/12/2020 at 15:30, Decimus said:

Again, a transparent attempt to cause discord. I've happily taken him on before and I think you'll recall the opposite of what you have surmised happened when I did. He's been warned this time round and I'll leave it there unless I'm further provoked

It'll be me who decides who I take on and when, not you, you greasy fucking weasel.

Frank is Pavlov reincarnated.

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11 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Sued the police for a fortune that paid for an expensive, luxury all inclusive holiday, wait for it...Cape Verde.

It was then pointed out to you that Cape Verde is, and always has been a pikey hellhole for the British underclass and your ‘fortune’ must have been all of £400 as that’s how much the average pondlife pleb pays for a month in that dump.

THEN you stated that you were at the Hilton, you swish little blighter you, until it was pointed out to you that the Hilton there does not and never fuckin has, sold an all inclusive package.

THEN you backtracked and stated that you had some ‘drinks vouchers’ from TUI. TUI do not provide free drinks vouchers for the top shelf spirits that you claimed to have been drinking.

In short, you’re a lying cunt, there was no successful lawsuit, vast financial award or ‘luxury’ all inclusive, drinks voucher Hilton holiday in Shitsville was there? You’ve been rumbled you little Tom Pepper Cunt. Fuck off now, there’s a good pseud.

You're just posting the same old shit. I know where I was and what I got because I fucking paid for it. Now prove me wrong instead of just wasting my time with repeat bollocks!

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10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Just for plebs and peasants and the British underclass eh? 

No wonder you and Johnny Skintpants have created an online support group for Bullshitting Fantasists. Perhaps you could upload a picture to prove your own claims of affluence. A 4500psi Karcher maybe?

Had I been on here boasting about my affluence you’d have been the first on here hoofing fuck out of me, quite rightly. But I haven’t so you haven’t. Don’t know what the fuck you’re lauding to here Eric, do you?

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2 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You're just posting the same old shit. I know where I was and what I got because I fucking paid for it. Now prove me wrong instead of just wasting my time with repeat bollocks!

Busted, life styling bluffing Cunt. Fuck off & die, prefably in Torremolinos, all inclusive of course.

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10 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’d be surprised if you thought my PM was ‘grovelling.’ 

To be honest, I thought your PM was you, kindly trying to help another member who had asked for assistance. That was what the wording of the PM implied. 

The fact that you took it upon yourself to stick your beak into someone else's business demonstrates a sense of self importance disproportionate to reality. 


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39 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Almost commendably believable qualification on your scurrilous past practices. Doesn’t wash I’m afraid. I’ll type this slowly to give you the chance to fuckin digest it...JS never asked me to ask Eric or anyone else to take it easy on him. Use your finger and read that again...slowly. The point was that your dull, repetative ranting about plagiarism, at great length was boring the arse off me and I thought you should move on. I’m pretty sure that @JohnnySaucePantsreally doesn’t give a fuck about you or your opinions. Hopefully you’ve grasped matters now and perhaps can move on and use your fabulous talents elsewhere. No deflection, and no grovelling at all you sensationalist tit. I’d be surprised if @Eric Cuntmanthought of the PM as otherwise. No need to hide in a crowd or enlist assistance Deco, express your own opinions, be brave, I’m sure you can do it.

Now, fuck off.

You wouldn't be the first cunt on here, and you certainly won't be the last, who feels that the only reason they are getting shit from all and sundry is because I have somehow managed to manipulate other members into attacking them.

If I was capable of the superhuman feats of manipulation I'm accused of, I'd certainly not waste my talents getting complete strangers on here to do my bidding. The fact is you've brought this on yourself by having the arrogance and temerity to think that you're some kind of Henry Kissinger type cunt qualified to give your betters advice on their "conduct", despite you freely accepting that it's all a game.

Now, apologise to everyone for your hubris and tuck your tail back between your legs.

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7 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Had I been on here boasting about my affluence you’d have been the first on here hoofing fuck out of me, quite rightly. But I haven’t so you haven’t. Don’t know what the fuck you’re lauding to here Eric, do you?

Stating that Cape Verde is for peasants, is NOT implying that oneself is well off?


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36 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think I would have sussed him purely on the grounds that 'Pierre' is exactly the sort of nomenclature that would be adopted by a disgusting, atrophied faggot with a Gap Kids loyalty card and a charity shop wig.

I was over at Paks Wigs in Finsbury Park this morning, preparing for Frank's Christmas House Party.. showing here 25/12

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33 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Sued the police for a fortune that paid for an expensive, luxury all inclusive holiday, wait for it...Cape Verde.

It was then pointed out to you that Cape Verde is, and always has been a pikey hellhole for the British underclass and your ‘fortune’ must have been all of £400 as that’s how much the average pondlife pleb pays for a month in that dump.

THEN you stated that you were at the Hilton, you swish little blighter you, until it was pointed out to you that the Hilton there does not and never fuckin has, sold an all inclusive package.

THEN you backtracked and stated that you had some ‘drinks vouchers’ from TUI. TUI do not provide free drinks vouchers for the top shelf spirits that you claimed to have been drinking.

In short, you’re a lying cunt, there was no successful lawsuit, vast financial award or ‘luxury’ all inclusive, drinks voucher Hilton holiday in Shitsville was there? You’ve been rumbled you little Tom Pepper Cunt. Fuck off now, there’s a good pseud.

I've been waiting for almost 6 years for someone like you to come along and properly articulate my feelings. I like you, DC.. a lot. 

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