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camberwell gypsy

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15 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You won’t because you can’t. Unless you’re going to copy and edit something which you have already instructed @JohnnySaucePantsto do, which leads us to the logical assessment that you’ve done this sort of snide activity before. Which in turn leads us to the assertion that you are a plagiaristic dishonest bellwipe. With all due respect to your esteemed and self appointed status on here. Fuck off.

Right on the money, DC... Decs is the biggest plagiarist of them all. You probably haven't seen any content from the old site, but anything I posted that was worth repeating, is indeed repeated here by that prick on a daily basis. Sure, the man can string a sentence or two together, but when it comes to fresh ideas, he's up the creek without a paddle.

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7 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Just how many times have you done this Deco? You appear to be a skilled fake news spreader as you’ve made the basic error of illustrating how to circulate fake posts to others on here. I’m staggered that @JohnnySaucePants, a newbie, has got you so riled up that you’ve dropped this bollock. Unfuckin-believable stupidity!

Decimus works for the Met Police. Say no more.

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21 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m not that bright or interested Ed.

Right on the money, DC... Frank is the biggest plagiarist of them all. You probably haven't seen any content from the old site, but anything I posted that was worth repeating, is indeed repeated here by that prick on a daily basis. Sure, the man can string a sentence or two together, but when it comes to fresh ideas, he's up the creek without a paddle.

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6 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’ve been quiet. Still trying to spend those imaginary top shelf cocktail vouchers on that Chavpit hellhole. Fucking Gobshite.

Unlike you, I don't live in a rat infested hovel claiming dole money and shooting up with the untermensch of your zoo a of council estate. Some of us have to work for a living instead of beating up old ladies and robbing them of their pension money which means I have less time on my hands. Business is booming and I've just upgraded my holiday to 3 weeks. I'll be eating sirloin steak while you're eating moldy bread out of your neighbours bins. You fucking scouse cocksmoker.

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18 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Just how many times have you done this Deco? You appear to be a skilled fake news spreader as you’ve made the basic error of illustrating how to circulate fake posts to others on here. I’m staggered that @JohnnySaucePants, a newbie, has got you so riled up that you’ve dropped this bollock. Unfuckin-believable stupidity!

Let's talk about 'fake news' DC.. Johnny claims that there is no PM from him to you, asking for help or support. If that's true, then your PM to me, claiming that he had spoken to you and asked for help is a load of bullshit cooked up by yourself.

Did Johnny really PM you for assistance, or were you just poking your nose in and making yourself busy? 

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Let's talk about 'fake news' DC.. Johnny claims that there is no PM from him to you, asking for help or support. If that's true, then your PM to me, claiming that he had spoken to you and asked for help is a load of bullshit cooked up by yourself.

Did Johnny really PM you for assistance, or were you just poking your nose in and making yourself busy? 

It was one of his underworld contacts that gave him the message Eric. Scouse cunt is going to have a sit down with the corner and straighten everything out like he used to when he was an "associate" of Curtis Warren.

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3 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

It was one of his underworld contacts that gave him the message Eric. Scouse cunt is going to have a sit down with the corner and straighten everything out like he used to when he was an "associate" of Curtis Warren.

Curtis Warren wouldn't be seen dead in Cape Verde.

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8 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Let's talk about 'fake news' DC.. Johnny claims that there is no PM from him to you, asking for help or support. If that's true, then your PM to me, claiming that he had spoken to you and asked for help is a load of bullshit cooked up by yourself.

Did Johnny really PM you for assistance, or were you just poking your nose in and making yourself busy? 

Eric, it’s beneath you to play the PM game mate. My PM to you, which was well received as I recall, was just that, A P.M. to YOU! Frankly, why you’ve introduced it into a squabble between two other members is puzzling and disappointing. I’m happy to PM you as a newbie who has been advised to in the past by other highly esteemed seniors on here. I have been PM’d myself by other beasts on here, the difference is, I wouldn’t dream of making them public. This forum is a game mate, it’s not real life. Some of you seem to be forgetting this. Any comment on @Decimusadvising on how to make a genuine post/message be altered, then re-posted as fact? Does this not compromise the bloke’s credibility on here or is that now acceptable conduct? Any message I sent to you, regarding @JohnnySaucePantswas done by my own instigation, misplaced as it may have been, I trusted you. Johnny never asked for your assistance or for anyone to go easy on him. Read what I said again. Disappointing mate.

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12 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

It was one of his underworld contacts that gave him the message Eric. Scouse cunt is going to have a sit down with the corner and straighten everything out like he used to when he was an "associate" of Curtis Warren.

‘Professional associate’ be more precise, helmet boy....Curtis may be watching now.

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32 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Unlike you, I don't live in a rat infested hovel claiming dole money and shooting up with the untermensch of your zoo a of council estate. Some of us have to work for a living instead of beating up old ladies and robbing them of their pension money which means I have less time on my hands. Business is booming and I've just upgraded my holiday to 3 weeks. I'll be eating sirloin steak while you're eating moldy bread out of your neighbours bins. You fucking scouse cocksmoker.

Drop the ‘lifestyle’ bollocks and ‘imaginary wealth’ crap Trucko. It’s been done on here before and never works, so I’ve been told. It fails miserably when you boast about a discredited all inclusive holiday in a resort that has never sold an all inclusive holiday and sits firmly in a destination for pikey, tattooed pondlife. ‘Sirloin steak?’....get you, you bigshot. Now fuck off and choke on the gristle.

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6 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Eric, it’s beneath you to play the PM game mate. My PM to you, which was well received as I recall, was just that, A P.M. to YOU! Frankly, why you’ve introduced it into a squabble between two other members is puzzling and disappointing. I’m happy to PM you as a newbie who has been advised to in the past by other highly esteemed seniors on here. I have been PM’d myself by other beasts on here, the difference is, I wouldn’t dream of making them public. This forum is a game mate, it’s not real life. Some of you seem to be forgetting this. Any comment on @Decimusadvising on how to make a genuine post/message be altered, then re-posted as fact? Does this not compromise the bloke’s credibility on here or is that now acceptable conduct? Any message I sent to you, regarding @JohnnySaucePantswas done by my own instigation, misplaced as it may have been, I trusted you. Johnny never asked for your assistance or for anyone to go easy on him. Read what I said again. Disappointing mate.

You're getting very defensive over this. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

5 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

‘Professional associate’ be more precise, helmet boy....Curtis may be watching now.

The only profession you have is burglary to pay for your smack, you fucking spastic. Something tells me that he isn't watching, especially after that scandal with the female screw. I bet he's even got camera on him when he goes for a shit these days. I also heard he's had a spot of bother coming up with 200 million quid to pay off that proceeds of crime order. He's going to do a Reggie Kray that cunt. They'll let him out two weeks before he dies.

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18 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Eric, it’s beneath you to play the PM game mate. My PM to you, which was well received as I recall, was just that, A P.M. to YOU! Frankly, why you’ve introduced it into a squabble between two other members is puzzling and disappointing. I’m happy to PM you as a newbie who has been advised to in the past by other highly esteemed seniors on here. I have been PM’d myself by other beasts on here, the difference is, I wouldn’t dream of making them public. This forum is a game mate, it’s not real life. Some of you seem to be forgetting this. Any comment on @Decimusadvising on how to make a genuine post/message be altered, then re-posted as fact? Does this not compromise the bloke’s credibility on here or is that now acceptable conduct? Any message I sent to you, regarding @JohnnySaucePantswas done by my own instigation, misplaced as it may have been, I trusted you. Johnny never asked for your assistance or for anyone to go easy on him. Read what I said again. Disappointing mate.

You appear to have hit the nail on the head whilst missing the point completely. 


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3 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You're getting very defensive over this. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

The only profession you have is burglary to pay for your smack, you fucking spastic. Something tells me that he isn't watching, especially after that scandal with the female screw. I bet he's even got camera on him when he goes for a shit these days. I also heard he's had a spot of bother coming up with 200 million quid to pay off that proceeds of crime order. He's going to do a Reggie Kray that cunt. They'll let him out two weeks before he dies.

He still has eyes everywhere Trucko. Bit of advice, finish your steak but keep the knife handy...that, and...fuck off.

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8 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Drop the ‘lifestyle’ bollocks and ‘imaginary wealth’ crap Trucko. It’s been done on here before and never works, so I’ve been told. It fails miserably when you boast about a discredited all inclusive holiday in a resort that has never sold an all inclusive holiday and sits firmly in a destination for pikey, tattooed pondlife. ‘Sirloin steak?’....get you, you bigshot. Now fuck off and choke on the gristle.

You attempt to deflect away from the fake PM issue is duly noted as is your lack of knowledge about where I spent my holiday. I think it's about time you levelled with the corner and came clean about reams of utter fuckwittery you've been posting on here. On the other hand, what does it matter because no cunt believes it anyway. Fuck off!

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4 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You attempt to deflect away from the fake PM issue is duly noted as is your lack of knowledge about where I spent my holiday. I think it's about time you levelled with the corner and came clean about reams of utter fuckwittery you've been posting on here. On the other hand, what does it matter because no cunt believes it anyway. Fuck off!

You’re a busted flush, Truckso...hoist with his own petard, as you have a Googled grasp of the bard? How was Benidorm by the way?

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7 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

He still has eyes everywhere Trucko. Bit of advice, finish your steak but keep the knife handy...that, and...fuck off.

Is that supposed to be a threat? If so, 1 out of 10 for artistic impression and 0 out of 10 for execution. I don't worship scumbag smack dealers. You can fuck off and so can Warren.

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33 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Eric, it’s beneath you to play the PM game mate. My PM to you, which was well received as I recall, was just that, A P.M. to YOU! Frankly, why you’ve introduced it into a squabble between two other members is puzzling and disappointing. I’m happy to PM you as a newbie who has been advised to in the past by other highly esteemed seniors on here. I have been PM’d myself by other beasts on here, the difference is, I wouldn’t dream of making them public. This forum is a game mate, it’s not real life. Some of you seem to be forgetting this. Any comment on @Decimusadvising on how to make a genuine post/message be altered, then re-posted as fact? Does this not compromise the bloke’s credibility on here or is that now acceptable conduct? Any message I sent to you, regarding @JohnnySaucePantswas done by my own instigation, misplaced as it may have been, I trusted you. Johnny never asked for your assistance or for anyone to go easy on him. Read what I said again. Disappointing mate.

Mate, mate, mate!

Pull your tongue out of his arsehole, your desperation is absolutely sickening.

As for showing Johnny how to edit and change a post, it's hardly some trade secret known to me alone and used for my own personal and nefarious purposes, it's a common function on most forums. Only a complete fucking idiot wouldn't know how to do it, which was the whole point. As for doing it on here, you obviously missed the part where I said that any edit, even a hidden one, can still be seen by the mods. You know absolutely fuck all if you think that Roops would ever let me get away with it, not with our history of animosity.

Now that has been explained to you in simple terms, I'd like to reiterate that you are deflecting away from the issue, which is that you took it on yourself to send a grovelling PM request for a Johnny Christmas Armistice as requested by a battered Saucepants. You have now been exposed for the weasel you are by Eric, who fucking despises you as much as Stubby, Trucking, Ape, Eddie, Major Cunt and myself do. Mate indeed.

Apologise to the board and move on.

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5 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’re a busted flush, Truckso...hoist with his own petard, as you have a Googled grasp of the bard? How was Benidorm by the way?

You keep reciting this mantra but as of yet have failed to provide a rebuttal backed up by any evidence except for some bollocks about "contacts in the industry". I wouldn't take my dog for shit in Benidorm because it's full of retarded scousers who shame their country by behaving like complete fuckwits. I would imagine you're an encyclopedia on the place.

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4 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You keep reciting this mantra but as of yet have failed to provide a rebuttal backed up by any evidence except for some bollocks about "contacts in the industry". I wouldn't take my dog for shit in Benidorm because it's full of retarded scousers who shame their country by behaving like complete fuckwits. I would imagine you're an encyclopedia on the place.

Indulge us, speak your brain, shout your mouth, Julio the Enrique, spill the Solana beans and siw your wild Spanish oats my son. Don't hold back. 

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