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Millwall fans booing 'taking the knee'

camberwell gypsy

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4 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Fuck’s sake E.....how do I get this bus off me now?

Not your problem DC. You asked me to give him a break. Against my better judgement, I tried to do so. He fucking carried on with his shit and now he faces the consequences. No apologies from me. 

Cut him loose. He'll drag you down with him.

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34 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

No one asked me to PM @Eric Cuntmanat all. I just figured, what with it being nearly Xmas and all, you boys might give him a break for half a day...which you kind of did....however....

You 'just figured', did you? Insolent newbie swine. You've been posting less than three months, most of it horse shit, and now, all of a sudden, start throwing your weight around like you're John Wayne. Worming PMs to more established members in the hope they may influence on your behalf makes you unpredictable and untrustworthy. Know your place, minnow.

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31 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not your problem DC. You asked me to give him a break. Against my better judgement, I tried to do so. He fucking carried on with his shit and now he faces the consequences. No apologies from me. 

Cut him loose. He'll drag you down with him.

Wise words to be heeded DC. Sauced in his pants is obviously of pretty low intelligence going by the rubbish he posts here and his awful English 

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50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You 'just figured', did you? Insolent newbie swine. You've been posting less than three months, most of it horse shit, and now, all of a sudden, start throwing your weight around like you're John Wayne. Worming PMs to more established members in the hope they may influence on your behalf makes you unpredictable and untrustworthy. Know your place, minnow.

A tad harsh and if there is a stick in this discussion, you’re holding the wrong end of it. Fuckoff.

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4 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I will in my own time. No sailing, cancelled,  weather turned to shite, lots of summer days to go yet though. 

I"m pretty certain that outside of your shuffling to work and back to your gaff, everything else anyone does is an imaginary lifestyle to you. Being the victim of hundreds of years of being down trodden by the British class system and you have just accepted your place. I know my place, being as good as it gets.

That and probably a  legacy of bad parenting with no aspirations for anything better. 

Oh well, better luck next time, if there is one, but there isnt.  🙂 

 "Please make the big boys stop bullying me, DC, Johnny sad 😢"

 You fucking weasel.

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Just now, JohnnySaucePants said:

Oh dear.




I've seen the PMs, you grovelling little toad, and they're sickenkng.

"Please, DC, all I want to do is use the site for what it is intended for, can you have a word? "

Fight your own battles, you little Renfield cunt.

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Just now, JohnnySaucePants said:

Youve seen more than i have then, never seen the PMs your gobbing off about.

Send them, i want to see. Otherwise shut your snivelling buck toothed gob. 

Wank on, gobshite. 


I'll send them all in good time, Johnny, stand by.

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Just now, JohnnySaucePants said:

Tomorrow, i put up the screenshot.

So stand by. 


Is that when you work out how to follow the simple instructions I gave you on how to doctor old posts on a different forum? You're being optimistic with tomorrow as the big day, I imagine it will take you until at least February to work it out as you've only just mastered cut and paste at the grand age of 60.

I note in your PMs that you said you found me in particular to be quite threatening and you wish that I'd leave you alone. Why didn't you just ask me directly instead of pissing your pants and running to DC? I'm not a monster, I'd have gone easy on you if you asked.

Another thing that puzzles me, why did you go to DC of all people? You say in it he's the only one who has shown you any kindness since you arrived, but I'm sure that's not true.

You make me fucking sick.

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24 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:


Dont worry about it. Its fucking funny, best windup in a while. Cuntmans thrown his toys out of his cot and is having a spastic meltdown. The goby shites got nothing better to focus on in his meaningless and pitiful existence.  Desimus Wank Stain has got himself so worked up with loathing that his arse hole has prolapsed and he's about to be rushed off to A and E to have it pushed back in. Ape in the meantime has been found upside down by his missus. A result of falling off the shitter seat in a frenzied attempt to suck himself off. As if there was ever any chance of that. But he does keep trying.

Thanks anyway and have a great xmas.  

Of course! You snivelling to another member for support was merely another cunning, Machiavellian scheme, a fiendishly clever trap that we've all fallen into. And now you're sitting in your volcano lair, stroking your water blaster and laughing at our stupidity. 

@Ape™️ @Decimus... we've only gone and been outsmarted by JSP, again.


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1 hour ago, JohnnySaucePants said:


Dont worry about it. Its fucking funny, best windup in a while. Cuntmans thrown his toys out of his cot and is having a spastic meltdown. The goby shites got nothing better to focus on in his meaningless and pitiful existence.  Desimus Wank Stain has got himself so worked up with loathing that his arse hole has prolapsed and he's about to be rushed off to A and E to have it pushed back in. Ape in the meantime has been found upside down by his missus. A result of falling off the shitter seat in a frenzied attempt to suck himself off. As if there was ever any chance of that. But he does keep trying.

Thanks anyway and have a great xmas.  

The only reason ape would be found upside down is because he laughed himself off the shitter seat as a result of what a massive cunt you make yourself look with every post. Best entertainment I’ve had for ages.

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23 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Morning one and all. I see Johnny is getting his shit kicked in - can I have a quick rundown of the situation?

Johnny thought he would entertain us all by copying and pasting a nomination he made on another site about Hull. Not quite sure how he thought he'd get away with it, as it was word for word the same nomination that I made on here in 2016, but I suspect it's because he's thick as fucking shit.

Johnny was then asked to provide a link and refused, claiming bizarrely that we might hound one of his gay mates off of Facebook. It was then suggested to him to provide a screenshot instead, at which point he further confirmed his idiocy by revealing he doesn't know how to do it. Roop's then provided him with an idiots guide on how it's done, but he still hasn't shown any evidence, saying he was busy fishing/sailing etc.

It's now transpired that Pete/Dyslexic Cnut PMd Eric on Johnny's behalf asking us all to stop being so beastly to Johnny. 

All in all, Johnny and DC have both signed their own death sentences.

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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Johnny thought he would entertain us all by copying and pasting a nomination he made on another site about Hull. Not quite sure how he thought he'd get away with it, as it was word for word the same nomination that I made on here in 2016, but I suspect it's because he's thick as fucking shit.

Johnny was then asked to provide a link and refused, claiming bizarrely that we might hound one of his gay mates off of Facebook. It was then suggested to him to provide a screenshot instead, at which point he further confirmed his idiocy by revealing he doesn't know how to do it. Roop's then provided him with an idiots guide on how it's done, but he still hasn't shown any evidence, saying he was busy fishing/sailing etc.

It's now transpired that Pete/Dyslexic Cnut PMd Eric on Johnny's behalf asking us all to stop being so beastly to Johnny. 

All in all, Johnny and DC have both signed their own death sentences.

I always knew Dyslexic Cnut was a faggot. Show him no mercy.

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On 05/12/2020 at 19:44, camberwell gypsy said:




Apparently a number of Millwall fans booed when the players took the knee before their game against Derby County this afternoon. Now I agree, it was out of order but what I dont agree with is the comment from Homes under the Hammer star and ex ropey footballer Dion Dublin's comments that "If you dont agree with taking the knee, then you're racist". No Dion, not so. Many people dont want to do this but agree that black lives matter. Saying everyones racist for not doing it is eroding peoples right to choose. Unless you agree with forcing people to do something that they're uncomfortable with.

Ooh does that make me a racist now? Fuck you.

You want to suck my winkle gyps?

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Johnny thought he would entertain us all by copying and pasting a nomination he made on another site about Hull. Not quite sure how he thought he'd get away with it, as it was word for word the same nomination that I made on here in 2016, but I suspect it's because he's thick as fucking shit.

Johnny was then asked to provide a link and refused, claiming bizarrely that we might hound one of his gay mates off of Facebook. It was then suggested to him to provide a screenshot instead, at which point he further confirmed his idiocy by revealing he doesn't know how to do it. Roop's then provided him with an idiots guide on how it's done, but he still hasn't shown any evidence, saying he was busy fishing/sailing etc.

It's now transpired that Pete/Dyslexic Cnut PMd Eric on Johnny's behalf asking us all to stop being so beastly to Johnny. 

All in all, Johnny and DC have both signed their own death sentences.

A curious yet innaccurate interpretation of the actualitée from the Corner’s ‘cut, edit and post’ clown. You’re normally better than this Decs.

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7 hours ago, Decimus said:

Johnny doesn't know what's about to hit him, I'll copy you into the PM thread where all his begging messages to DC have been revealed...

You won’t because you can’t. Unless you’re going to copy and edit something which you have already instructed @JohnnySaucePantsto do, which leads us to the logical assessment that you’ve done this sort of snide activity before. Which in turn leads us to the assertion that you are a plagiaristic dishonest bellwipe. With all due respect to your esteemed and self appointed status on here. Fuck off.

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On 16/12/2020 at 07:23, Decimus said:

I feel like he could use a helping hand, Southern. So as it's Christmas I'll do him a favour.

@JohnnySaucePants if I was in your shoes, I'd only see one way out of this. Are you a member of any other sites that utilises the format of this particular forum? If so, go back and find a post you made prior to my nomination. Edit it, delete whatever infantile bollocks you originally posted in it, and paste in my masterpiece. Make sure you don't tick the box to show it is edited, and Bob's your uncle, to anyone but the moderator of that site, it'll look like you've been proven right.

No need to thank me.

Just how many times have you done this Deco? You appear to be a skilled fake news spreader as you’ve made the basic error of illustrating how to circulate fake posts to others on here. I’m staggered that @JohnnySaucePants, a newbie, has got you so riled up that you’ve dropped this bollock. Unfuckin-believable stupidity!

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