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Millwall fans booing 'taking the knee'

camberwell gypsy

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2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Yes .. happy memories .. every time you met a train driver you had met before the conversation would drift around to you asking how many "notches" he had on his gun. One driver proudly told me that he had done a murder .. he had run over a man who had been tied to the track, another driver told me that he had killed four people in one hit.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but apparently train/tube drivers receive such a healthy salary due to the amount of suicides they will encounter. Not bad really for sitting on your arse and operating a lever. I'm gonna email Bob Crow. I could do with a cushdy number. Could you possibly save me some body temperature urine as I'm likely to melt the specimen pot... 

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9 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Call that humour? idiot. Pacifist though i tend to be. I dont think i could resist, giving you a battering and a massive kicking. Leaving you whimpering  and snivelling in the gutter where you belong.  Skinny, goby little chav such as you are.

Unqualified at anything, door opening scum.

Have a nice day 🙂 

I'm sure that's exactly how it would go for you. An Essex doorman would have little chance of winning a fight against a retired pacifist. I'll watch my step in future.


You really are a fucking stupid fucking cunt Johnny.

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1 hour ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Hahaha,, fucking Essex. Well, no surprises there.  Fucking Essex, lol hahaha , fucking Essex. 

Show us ya fake tan and bling lol.  You need more bling. 

Chavy scum. Have a nice day. 🙂 

Johnny, I can't help noticing that you keep referring to New Zealand as being a "paradise", almost as if you're trying to convince yourself as much as us that it's true.

If your idea of paradise is living in the middle of fucking nowhere in a prefab house, in a country poorer, less significant and twice as expensive than the UK, then I guess you're living the dream. If that dream also includes having fuck all to do other than fuck sheep and walk up hills, then you truly are blessed.

You fucking thick cunt.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Johnny, I can't help noticing that you keep referring to New Zealand as being a "paradise", almost as if you're trying to convince yourself as much as us that it's true.

If your idea of paradise is living in the middle of fucking nowhere in a prefab house, in a country poorer, less significant and twice as expensive than the UK, then I guess you're living the dream. If that dream also includes having fuck all to do other than fuck sheep and walk up hills, then you truly are blessed.

You fucking thick cunt.

That is quite a good description of Norfolk.

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25 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Here ya go, 

Hull- a vowel away from being Hell. Unfortunately I have been there. What with it being up north, my expectations were already incredibly low, but what awaited me was even more terrible and Dickensian than I could ever have imagined.

From the looks of it, Hull was built in its entirety by a manically depressed, Lowry obsessed architect, working with a budget of the princely sum of £4.83. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd suspect that it was intentionally designed to be so shit and depressing, that it would inspire the vast majority of the benefit scrounging, peasant populace to fling themselves off of the Humber bridge at an early age to stop them being a drain on the state into old age.

The average native is a sorry looking creature. Stunted and bow legged from years of subsisting on a diet of gravy and Findus crispy pancakes, they shuffle from hovel to hovel with the sunken, dead eyes of a concentration camp victim. The only pleasure they seem to derive from their existence, is when they congregate together in large herds, sheltering in bus stops and sharing a can of super t between 12 of them. The grunts and chirps of their local dialect appears to be completely indecipherable to outsiders, although I did pick out the odd word, like "giro" and "ginsters pasty". Plus the only culture to be found in Hull is on the genitals of the local population.

Easily the shittest place I've ever visited.

I thought this sounded familiar. You plagiarising, bullshitting cunt, that was posted by me on here, not the fucking old site.

I can't believe a wanker even as spectacularly thick as you would attempt to pass off the work of someone else as your own when the site has a fucking search function.

You've been caught out, Johnny, like everything else that comes out of your mouth, this was yet again complete, lying bullshit.

Explain yourself.


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3 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Read my original reply to @cuntspotter. You fucking thick inbred pleb. 

I have, "from the original cunt's corner site". It's on this one and you said "I have a good description", intimating it was yours.

You've been caught with your incontinence nappy around your ankles, the board is going to want answers so you better make it fucking good.

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6 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Read my original reply to @cuntspotter. You fucking thick inbred pleb. Also it wasnt originally written by you, because i known where you stole if from. You thieving pikey fucking cunt. Lying little shrew faced wanker. If you had any self respect at all you'd kill yourself now. Lying piece of shit that you are.

You carry on your my dad is bigger than your dad bullshit by all means, but I thought I’d lighten the mood by posting this moment of hilarity which made our local news in WA today. I suspect our local news chaps having a good old chuckle at their idiot cousins over the ditch.


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37 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I just have you thieving little cunt. I make no claim at all to it originally being written by me. But it certainly isnt your work. You scummy lying piece of absolute shit.  Trying to big yourself up again. You complete and utter wanker. Fuck off. 

Oh, and have a nice day 🙂 

Keep digging, Johnny, you back tracking little wanker. The only thing worse than trying to take credit for someone else's work is being fucking stupid enough to try and do it in the presence of said original creator. 

Apparently you copied and pasted it from somewhere, if it's yours, or anyone elses, and you didn't outrageously copy it from my own nomination, where did you get it from? 

You've made yourself look a right cunt here, Johnny. Fancy being that sad you would try and steal the material of a shit rant on a shit website that no one else will ever read.

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16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

That's right. They loaded them all on trains and deported them to the East. That's why Norfolks full of cunts. 

No, they were the ones with initiative. The ones left behind prob wanted to go but couldn't. They died out in the 70s. What's left since then and now of the original white working class in London is a bitter, twisted mutation and nothing like the original. 

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10 hours ago, Decimus said:

Johnny, I can't help noticing that you keep referring to New Zealand as being a "paradise", almost as if you're trying to convince yourself as much as us that it's true.

If your idea of paradise is living in the middle of fucking nowhere in a prefab house, in a country poorer, less significant and twice as expensive than the UK, then I guess you're living the dream. If that dream also includes having fuck all to do other than fuck sheep and walk up hills, then you truly are blessed.

You fucking thick cunt.

He really does come across as the type of red-faced gammon ex-pat spastic whose tastes in entertainment and cerebral stimulation are limited to clowns and oompah music. Imagine the stories his imaginary Chinese housekeeper could tell.

"Mr Johnny pay me velly good lages, but he get dlunk and tly to penetlate me. It ok though, I not feel nuffin."

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On 05/12/2020 at 19:44, camberwell gypsy said:




Apparently a number of Millwall fans booed when the players took the knee before their game against Derby County this afternoon. Now I agree, it was out of order but what I dont agree with is the comment from Homes under the Hammer star and ex ropey footballer Dion Dublin's comments that "If you dont agree with taking the knee, then you're racist". No Dion, not so. Many people dont want to do this but agree that black lives matter. Saying everyones racist for not doing it is eroding peoples right to choose. Unless you agree with forcing people to do something that they're uncomfortable with.

Ooh does that make me a racist now? Fuck you.

The English will rebel against forced piety, ‘Twas ever thus.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

He really does come across as the type of red-faced gammon ex-pat spastic whose tastes in entertainment and cerebral stimulation are limited to clowns and oompah music. Imagine the stories his imaginary Chinese housekeeper could tell.

"Mr Johnny pay me velly good lages, but he get dlunk and tly to penetlate me. It ok though, I not feel nuffin."

Clowns and oompah music...I spat my fucking coffee out!!!

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5 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

You wormy  little wanker. Yes it is copied and pasted from another website, but the original absolutely wasnt written by you. You stole it, and youve been found out for the toad that you are. You know it, i know it. Not a single letter of the original is your work, nor mine. 

I'm right your wrong and thats all there is too it. 

Typical pikey like behaviour, shame on you, scabby little thief. 

Hang your head.

Im off fishing, have a nice day 🙂 

Don’t exceed your quota...not tonight. BoJo’s having dinner y’know?

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12 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

You wormy  little wanker. Yes it is copied and pasted from another website, but the original absolutely wasnt written by you. You stole it, and youve been found out for the toad that you are. You know it, i know it. Not a single letter of the original is your work, nor mine. 

I'm right your wrong and thats all there is too it. 

Typical pikey like behaviour, shame on you, scabby little thief. 

Hang your head.

Im off fishing, have a nice day 🙂 

So, let me get this right, it's gone from being your own work on "The Old Corner" to someone else's entirely on a completely different website.

Of course you've gone fishing, and I'd stay fishing if I were you as you've been caught hook line and fucking sinker here.

If I were in your shoes, and you had evidence that someone who has given you shit incessantly on here was copying and pasting someone else's material, I'd provide a link to prove it. In fact I was in your shoes, and provided a link to my nomination that you shamelessly tried to claim credit for, instantly making you look a cunt. Don't you want to claim my scalp, little Johnny bullshit? Here's your big chance.

Show us a link, you plagiarising shit. If you can't you're finished here and you know it. 

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

So, let me get this right, it's gone from being your own work on "The Old Corner" to someone else's entirely on a completely different website.

Of course you've gone fishing, and I'd stay fishing if I were you as you've been caught hook line and fucking sinker here.

If I were in your shoes, and you had evidence that someone who has given you shit incessantly on here was copying and pasting someone else's material, I'd provide a link to prove it. In fact I was in your shoes, and provided a link to my nomination that you shamelessly tried to claim credit for.

Show us a link, Johnny, you plagiarising shit. If you can't you're finished here and you know it. 

Roops gave him clear instructions on how to post photographic evidence of his opulent lifestyle. However, nothing as yet. It's the clearest case of 'Mitty-itis' I've ever seen on here. 

Definitely a virgin.

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8 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Roops gave him clear instructions on how to post photographic evidence of his opulent lifestyle. However, nothing as yet. It's the clearest case of 'Mitty-itis' I've ever seen on here. 

Have you read a single post of mine from the last 5 years? 

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