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Calls For Northern Independence


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16 minutes ago, BuggerLugs said:

3 months and I'd have already ate t'fucking kestrel, t'ferret and t'whippet. T'kids would be frantically robbing every cunt in range and t'missus would be breeding their siblings, future conscripts and cannon fodder for t'blossoming YRA in preparation for t'bloody assimilation o t'south. 

Fire up the "General Lee" Decs, gather all your incestuous banger racing swamp cousins and stand to. The battle of Swaffham field will soon be upon you. 

Fuck thissen off.

'They will take my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead, 7 fingered hand' 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I remember spotting a pair of drunk northern cunts in King's Cross shouting 'Yorkshire, Yorkshire'. Wankers.

It's the north that caused the latest flare up of Covid 19 so they need to be taxed more to reimburse the South. Rebuild Hadrian's wall and build another north of Birmingham and charge the cunts to come here. 

I had a similar experience after getting off a train at Liverpool Street and popping over the road to Dirty Dick's for a pint.

Some star struck, northern fucking wanker blinded by the bright lights of the capital was at the bar looking like a befuddled 12th century peasant who had just time travelled to the distant future.

Upon ordering his drink, which came to a grand total of £4.50, he proceeded to bellow "'OWWW BLOODY MUCH?!" as if he'd been asked to hand over his entire life savings.


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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I had a similar experience after getting off a train at Liverpool Street and popping over the road to Dirty Dick's for a pint.

Some star struck, northern fucking wanker blinded by the bright lights of the capital was at the bar looking like a befuddled 12th century peasant who had just time travelled to distant future.

Upon ordering his drink, which came to a grand total of £4.50, he proceeded to bellow "'OWWW BLOODY MUCH?!" as if he'd been asked to hand over his entire life savings.


I've heard that up in the dark north houses are sometimes sold for a pound, so to be fair to the cunt he could have bought half a street instead of that pint.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I had a similar experience after getting off a train at Liverpool Street and popping over the road to Dirty Dick's for a pint.

Some star struck, northern fucking wanker blinded by the bright lights of the capital was at the bar looking like a befuddled 12th century peasant who had just time travelled to the distant future.

Upon ordering his drink, which came to a grand total of £4.50, he proceeded to bellow "'OWWW BLOODY MUCH?!" as if he'd been asked to hand over his entire life savings.


Was Monumental Cunt wearing his denim knee shorts?

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Norwich is not in the South either.

Of course it fucking is, it's certainly not northern, and it's definitely not in the midlands.

Culturally and in every single way that matters, it's in the south. Don't try and associate us with the disgusting cesspool of your birth.

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Andy Burnham could become the great northern leader despite going on the radio yesterday and stating that in March when bat flu was kicking in that the NHS had “nothing” it needed of cope. 
I fucking hate northerners. No wonder COVID is raging up there due to their filthy unwashed ways and sister fucking rituals 

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10 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Andy Burnham could become the great northern leader despite going on the radio yesterday and stating that in March when bat flu was kicking in that the NHS had “nothing” it needed of cope. 
I fucking hate northerners. No wonder COVID is raging up there due to their filthy unwashed ways and sister fucking rituals 

Derek Hatton can be the chancellor of the exchecher. They'll be bankrupt within 5 years but they'll have some cracking leisure centres. 

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35 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Was Monumental Cunt wearing his denim knee shorts?

Mongumental Idiot and Pen are cast out of the same mould as the aforementioned Philip Proudfoot. A couple of Cilla Blackesque fucking wankers who wax lyrical about how great the north is, despite getting the fuck out of there at the first opportunity to move to the land of milk and honey. 

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Of course it fucking is, it's certainly not northern, and it's definitely not in the midlands.

Culturally and in every single way that matters, it's in the south. Don't try and associate us with the disgusting cesspool of your birth.

You are in North Folk and your city is North Wich and you are NORTH of Birmingham .. you are a Northern FUCKING Monkey.

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49 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

You are in North Folk and your city is North Wich and you are NORTH of Birmingham .. you are a Northern FUCKING Monkey.

It was called Norfolk by virtue of it being north of Suffolk. By your own deluded and thick as fucking shit definition, north London is therefore as northern as the two up two down where you spent your formative years dressing up in your mother's clothes, you sinister tranny cunt.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

It was called Norfolk by virtue of it being north of Suffolk. By your own deluded and thick as fucking shit definition, north London is therefore as northern as the two up two down where you spent your formative years dressing up in your mother's clothes, you sinister tranny cunt.

Your thoughts on the North are similar to mine, Dec's. It's a shithole mainly populated by Ostrich jockeys who spend the free time away from their corner shops raping teenage girls which is conveniently swept under the carpet. I'm all for either building another Haidrian's Wall 40ft high above Norfolk to keep the savages out, or just despersing VX nerve gas via a crop spraying aeroplane. We'll save @Roadkill though, and the city of Newcastle... 

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20 hours ago, Decimus said:

your average northern independence supporter doesn't care that upon independence he'll be living in a bankrupt state.

It’s amazing how these silly separatist notions catch on, is it not? Imagine breaking away from a prosperous and successful structure with no idea where you’re heading. Bonkers. In wiser times such notions were the stuff of satire.


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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s amazing how these silly separatist notions catch on, is it not? Imagine breaking away from a prosperous and successful structure with no idea where you’re heading. 

I was going to go with an Oregon Trail analogy, but @Decimus touched on this yesterday. In his theory, this would be equivalent to recently-evolved monkeys clinging fearfully to the base of their baobab trees, afraid of the surrounding plains. Had they all done this, there wouldn't be a Europe to break away from - and not much of an Africa either.

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13 hours ago, Decimus said:

Of course it fucking is, it's certainly not northern, and it's definitely not in the midlands.

Culturally and in every single way that matters, it's in the south. Don't try and associate us with the disgusting cesspool of your birth.

It is not in the SOUTH .. never has been never will be .. the South East consists of Essex, Bucks, Middlesex, Berks (a bit like you but not you),  Hants, Sussex, Surrey, Kent and London. Norfolk is North and lies besides the North sea ad The Wash .. thus it is a bleak washed out Northern county .. you say that it is not the Midlands .. it is though mostly on land reclaimed from the sea and is thus the the Mudlands and a place where only a web-footed fool would live.

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20 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

It is not in the SOUTH .. never has been never will be .. the South East consists of Essex, Bucks, Middlesex, Berks (a bit like you but not you),  Hants, Sussex, Surrey, Kent and London. Norfolk is North and lies besides the North sea ad The Wash .. thus it is a bleak washed out Northern county .. you say that it is not the Midlands .. it is though mostly on land reclaimed from the sea and is thus the the Mudlands and a place where only a web-footed fool would live.

Apart from some demented, 6'4, childless freak of fucking nature who dresses up in women's clothes (you), literally no one else in the world thinks Norfolk is in the north. Do a Google image search of "The North of England" and apart from a few jocular ones which includes everything above London, you'll see Norfolk is in the south. Show me one official government map which for statistical purposes includes it in the fucking shit hole region of the country you were born in and I'll say you were right. Until then, shut your prattling fucking mouth, you've got all the geographic talent of a dyspraxic flat earther.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I was going to go with an Oregon Trail analogy, but @Decimus touched on this yesterday. In his theory, this would be equivalent to recently-evolved monkeys clinging fearfully to the base of their baobab trees, afraid of the surrounding plains. Had they all done this, there wouldn't be a Europe to break away from - and not much of an Africa either.

Most expats are well used to the notion of venturing out into the world to make a better life, Baws. And yes, our distant Simian forefathers did need to take some calculated risks to advance the species. Perhaps there was a troop of red-faced shouty monkeys who decided to cast off the shackles of the forest hierarchy and make a new life in the Sea, ignoring the warnings of many that they would quickly sink, be swallowed by sea monsters, or be dragged out on the tide. You don’t tend to hear much about what happened to them, do you? 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Apart from some demented, 6'4, childless freak of fucking nature who dresses up in women's clothes (you), literally no one else in the world thinks Norfolk is in the north. Do a Google image search of "The North of England" and apart from a few jocular ones which includes everything above London, you'll see Norfolk is in the south. Show me one official government map which for statistical purposes includes it in the fucking shit hole region of the country you were born in and I'll say you were right. Until then, shut your prattling fucking mouth, you've got all the geographic talent of a dyspraxic flat earther.

What the fuck is one of these? Wether you like it or not, using parallels of latitude & longitude and area measurements, has more to do with cartography than who occupies Parliament. Norwich/Norfolk is in the southern sector of the north-east of England. So...wether you like it or not, it’s in the north. Also, what the fuck is a ‘southern culture’ when it’s at home? What cultural glue binds the unemployed Cornish tin miner to the rectally torn rent-boy, hobbling into Plymouth General after the Navy docked? I’d say that Ipswich has a shout at being ‘southern’ and Norwich is ‘midlandy’ at best. But chins up Deco....Norwich has commendably kept the black population down to 1.6% but I’ll bet there’s plenty of ‘em presenting TV Swampie, or whatever your local tv station is down there. You do have tv’s...


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