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Incredibly Specific Charity Donation Request Amounts


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I keep seeing adverts for charities that are asking for donations of £19, or £28.22, or other highly specific amounts. I have to assume this is some clever attempt to make the donor believe that the amount is very specific because it will be used for something very specific. No more, no less - they want just enough to rebuild Mr Smith’s shattered fucking life. The reality is that the money will just go into a melting pot, and some of it will end up paying some cunt executive a nice fat bonus. It’s just another way to guilt trip people into parting with their hard earned money. Sneaky cunts.

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It makes it sound like every last penny of your organ transplant of harde earned much needed cash will be shuvelled into the end point of use of the charity and NOT hypothicated into parcels of dosh for the CEO, the "team", expenses, constant tv advertising sponsorship and ad nauseum. Ever since it was revealed Wogan pocketed £5000 in expenses for doing ChildeHarold in Need I lost interest. And the Charity Commission which is supposed to police gang of fraudsters you wouldn't let anywhere near your Grannies' Premium Bonds is stuffed with the self same con artists who rifle the petty cash accounts for their Central London restaurant luncheons. I say let the Shelter GO HOMELESS, let the Heart Foundation DROP DEAD OF HEART ATTACKS, let Water Aid SHRIVEL UP AND DIE OF DEHYDRATION, and let Girl Plan LOSE THEIR BALLS AND COCK IN A HORRIBLY MUTILATING BICYCLE ACCIDENT. 

Edited by ChildeHarold
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18 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It makes it sound like every last penny of your organ transplant of harde earned much needed cash will be shuvelled into the end point of use of the charity and NOT hypothicated into parcels of dosh for the CEO, the "team", expenses, constant tv advertising sponsorship and ad nauseum. Ever since it was revealed Wogan pocketed £5000 in expenses for doing ChildeHarold in Need I lost interest. And the Charity Commission which is supposed to police gang of fraudsters you wouldn't let anywhere near your Grannies' Premium Bonds is stuffed with the self same con artists who rifle the petty cash accounts for their Central London restaurant luncheons. I say let the Shelter GO HOMELESS, let the Heart Foundation DROP DEAD OF HEART ATTACKS, let Water Aid SHRIVEL UP AND DIE OF DEHYDRATION, and let Girl Plan LOSE THEIR BALLS AND COCK IN A HORRIBLY MUTILATING BICYCLE ACCIDENT. 

Quite straight forward and to the point.

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3 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Quite straight forward and to the point.

I actually knocked out my brains complaining to the CC (no...) about the lack of transparency in a charity's published accounts under "directors remuneration" and was fobbed off with a load of bullshit. Have you noticed how every regulator and public guardian has turned to the sort of soft shit you would expect to find in Lagos or Moscow? 

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