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Republican Cunts are Bad Losers


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Hotly disputed? Not a shred of evidence against Trump. Bundles of evidence that the Steele dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton was used to try to frame him and his associates. No one should be surprised that the Democrats have cheated the election. They’ve cheated everything for years now. Have a good look as the Dominion system and it’s role in the election, also the role of organisations such as the Clinton Global Initiative in the Diminion system with its DELIAN Project.

Yes, hotly disputed. You've got one side saying it happened, the other saying it didn't. Is that not a dispute in your lexicon? 

You like that not a 'shred of evidence' argument. You should try applying that metric to this situation. Trump was found to be innocent by a partisan Senate, that's a long shot from there being no evidence. 

Where is your evidence of fraud in this election? Pretty much everything brought before the courts so far has been thrown out for being frivolous and/or completely untrue. 

You keep shouting fraud, but you're just mimicking other right wingers that don't want to accept a valid election result. 

This debate will be concluded in a few weeks when, I highly suspect, the GOP has managed to find nothing that amounts to more than a hill of beans and ultimately when Biden is sworn in. 

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41 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

After your affected bout of merriment and mirth, perhaps you could explain the thinking behind your prediction that Trump would win the election by a huge landside. Don't be sheepish now...



1 minute ago, Goober said:

You like that not a 'shred of evidence' argument. Trump was found to be innocent by a partisan Senate, that's a long shot from their being no evidence. 

Where is your evidence of fraud in this election? Pretty much everything brought before the courts so far has been thrown out for being frivolous and completely untrue. 

You keep shouting fraud, but you're just mimicking other right wingers that don't want to accept a valid election result. 

This debate will be concluded in a few weeks when the GOP has managed to find nothing that amounts to more than a hill of beans and ultimately when Biden is sworn in. 

Let's not forget that Al Gore was declared President-Elect for 37 days in 2000.

Rudy Giuliani says he has evidence of ballot harvesting and a possible violations of the US constitution that he's going to put before the US Supreme court. I think everyone should just wait and see what he digs up and what SCOTUS has got to say about it all.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

After your affected bout of merriment and mirth, perhaps you could explain the thinking behind your prediction that Trump would win the election by a huge landside. Don't be sheepish now...

He got millions more votes than 2016. Black vote up, Hispanic vote up, Asian vote up  If those pesky democrats hadn’t got 110% turnout in some crucial cities, (all democrat controlled) and refused access to observers, even when they were armed with a federal court order in one case, it would be nothing less than a landslide.

Fuck off.

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25 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:



Let's not forget that Al Gore was declared President-Elect for 37 days in 2000.

Rudy Giuliani says he has evidence of ballot harvesting and a possible violations of the US constitution that he's going to put before the US Supreme court. I think everyone should just wait and see what he digs up and what SCOTUS has got to say about it all.

Bush and Gore. Now there's a comedy election pairing. 

There were 500 odd votes in it in one state in 2000, which is a world apart from where we are now. Tbh, my memory of 2000 is a little hazy, was it actually called for Gore or was it all up in the air until SCOTUS decided it? I know there have been some fake mock ups of a newspaper headline announcing President elect Gore in the last few days though. 

These days there's a rather large disconnect between what Guillani says and reality. The bloke has lost the plot lately. 

Ultimately, you're right. This, will be decided in the weeks to come. It may not even reach SCOTUS. I don't know many people, if any, that would put money on Trump now though. 

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

Bush and Gore. Now there's a comedy election pairing. 

There were 500 odd votes in it in one state in 2000, which is a world apart from where we are now. Tbh, my memory of 2000 is a little hazy, was it actually called for Gore or was it all up in the air until SCOTUS decided it? I know there have been some fake mock ups of a newspaper headline abounding president elect Gore in the last few days though. 

These days there's a rather large disconnect between what Guillani says and reality. The bloke has lost the plot lately. 

Ultimately, you're right. This, will be decided in the weeks to come. It may not even reach SCOTUS. I don't know many people, if any, that would put money on Trump now though. 

To be honest, I can only see this being overturned if Giuliani can prove there has been a conspiracy that distorted the vote. I think any constitutional issues will be kicked into the long grass and amended for the mid-terms in 2 years. But on the other hand, this is the US legal system we're talking about so anything is possible.

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On 09/11/2020 at 15:06, King Billy said:

He got millions more votes than 2016. Black vote up, Hispanic vote up, Asian vote up  If those pesky democrats hadn’t got 110% turnout in some crucial cities, (all democrat controlled) and refused access to observers, even when they were armed with a federal court order in one case, it would be nothing less than a landslide.

Fuck off.

I actually asked what your thinking was in predicting a landslide victory for Trump, instead you spew out a farrago of post-event falsehoods and fallaciousness. For a start the voter demographic won't be tabulated for a couple years, but best guesstimate given was that Trump's black voter base was around 8% of the overall black vote. As for the entirely misleading "110% voter turnout", this relates to the early voting levels in Texas (R) and Hawaii (D) compared to the early vote in the 2016 election. In other words, early voting on the day was 10% up.

As for the "court orders" regarding access to observers these were quickly thrown out by the courts. Philadelphia District Judge Paul Diamond was nonplussed to say the least when presented with a GOP affidavit which complained  that Republican observers were denied access. The judge threw out the case when GoP lawyers admitted that the observers had in fact been permitted to within 15 feet of poll workers. "I'm sorry, then what is your problem?" asked the clearly annoyed Judge Diamond. An equally stupefied District Judge Andrew Gordon in Nevada listened to a Republican attorney argue that the observers could not get close enough to hear the poll workers' conversations, "at what point does this get ridiculous?" he asked with remarkable calmness. The rest of the law suites lodged nationwide were denied for being equally frivolous.

Billy, do yourself a favour and recognise your sheep-like gullibility to whatever or whoever is feeding you the Trump spin. I appreciate you are emotionally invested but you're coming across as a slack-jawed redneck.

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2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

To be honest, I can only see this being overturned if Giuliani can prove there has been a conspiracy that distorted the vote. I think any constitutional issues will be kicked into the long grass and amended for the mid-terms in 2 years. But on the other hand, this is the US legal system we're talking about so anything is possible.

There's a very big 'if' in there, but fundamentally you're right. Time will tell. 

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3 hours ago, Eddie said:

I’m looking for someone to help me beat the shit out of fatty later in the week, up for it? 

I don’t know  if you’re using a stolen motor to get to Fattys gaff Ed, or if you’re going to balaclava up on public transport? but If you need any information on train times Pen’s your man, or woman, or thing. I wouldn’t tell him too much though. He’s a grassing cunt of the highest order.

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On 09/11/2020 at 18:01, Mrs Roops said:

I actually asked what your thinking was in predicting a landslide victory for Trump, instead you spew out a farrago of post-event falsehoods and fallaciousness. For a start the voter demographic won't be tabulated for a couple years, but best guesstimate given was that Trump's black voter base was around 8% of the overall black vote. As for the entirely misleading "110% voter turnout", this relates to the early voting levels in Texas (R) and Hawaii (D) compared to the early vote in the 2016 election. In other words, early voting on the day was 10% up.

As for the "court orders" regarding access to observers these were quickly thrown out by the courts. Philadelphia District Judge Paul Diamond was nonplussed to say the least when presented with a GOP affidavit which complained  that Republican observers were denied access. The judge threw out the case when GoP lawyers admitted that the observers had in fact been permitted to within 15 feet of poll workers. "I'm sorry, then what is your problem?" asked the clearly annoyed Judge Diamond. An equally stupefied District Judge Andrew Gordon in Nevada listened to a Republican attorney argue that the observers could not get close enough to hear the poll workers' conversations, "at what point does this get ridiculous?" he asked with remarkable calmness. The rest of the law suites lodged nationwide were denied for being equally frivolous.

Billy, do yourself a favour and recognise your sheep-like gullibility to whatever or whoever is feeding you the Trump spin. I appreciate you are emotionally invested but you're coming across as a slack-jawed redneck.

Sorry I lost focus at actually. It seems you’ve wasted your time  looking all this nonsense up and then typing it out verbatim. Please accept my genuine apologies before you fuck off.


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54 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Sorry I lost focus at actually. It seems you’ve wasted your time  looking all this nonsense up and then typing it out verbatim. Please accept my genuine apologies before you fuck off.


We both know that you read the entire post intently. Twice. Then you had a secret blub. Consider yourself fleeced. 🐑



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21 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

We both know that you read the entire post intently. Twice. Then you had a secret blub. Consider yourself fleeced. 🐑



If you say so. You seem a bit tense and irritable today. Is everything OK at home? I do hope so, just wondering.


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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Bally baby d'ya never get tired of roops baby servin ya yer arse well done


Haven’t you considered pulling your tongue out of hers? It’s been up there as long as I can remember. Run along now. There’s a good boy.

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On 09/11/2020 at 18:01, Mrs Roops said:

I actually asked what your thinking was in predicting a landslide victory for Trump, instead you spew out a farrago of post-event falsehoods and fallaciousness. For a start the voter demographic won't be tabulated for a couple years, but best guesstimate given was that Trump's black voter base was around 8% of the overall black vote. As for the entirely misleading "110% voter turnout", this relates to the early voting levels in Texas (R) and Hawaii (D) compared to the early vote in the 2016 election. In other words, early voting on the day was 10% up.

As for the "court orders" regarding access to observers these were quickly thrown out by the courts. Philadelphia District Judge Paul Diamond was nonplussed to say the least when presented with a GOP affidavit which complained  that Republican observers were denied access. The judge threw out the case when GoP lawyers admitted that the observers had in fact been permitted to within 15 feet of poll workers. "I'm sorry, then what is your problem?" asked the clearly annoyed Judge Diamond. An equally stupefied District Judge Andrew Gordon in Nevada listened to a Republican attorney argue that the observers could not get close enough to hear the poll workers' conversations, "at what point does this get ridiculous?" he asked with remarkable calmness. The rest of the law suites lodged nationwide were denied for being equally frivolous.

Billy, do yourself a favour and recognise your sheep-like gullibility to whatever or whoever is feeding you the Trump spin. I appreciate you are emotionally invested but you're coming across as a slack-jawed redneck.

Yes, he wasn't always like this. He has now become the Jerry Goldsmith (that pretentious film scorer for Spielberg) of Serious Debate. As they say power tends to corrupt, absolute power... 

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

Haven’t you considered pulling your tongue out of hers? It’s been up there as long as I can remember. Run along now. There’s a good boy.

Ya just seem to come off second or third best all the time..but i spose bangin head off wall is the orange way ..bred into ya so it izzz


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