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A new Lockdown

Old Chap Raasclaat

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So here we go again with a new 'Nationwide Lockdown' from Boris the Bellend approaching. Not that I followed the 'rules' during the first lockdown but it didn't work did it? So here we are again with deaths rising and the economy going down the shitter and the old cunts (who should do their bit and stay at home twitching the curtains) causing massive economic and financial problems for younger people like me. I know there are a few mask wearing scared cunts on here and I'll get the usual 'Its your type who are causing the rise in death's' etc but seriously fuck off you selfish cunts. What is the future going to be like when the old cunts (we are fucking the country up for) have passed on. The time has come to riot, have Covid 19 parties and tell the Government to fuck off...the countries fucked anyways so why not.

Fuck off.


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32 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

So here we go again with a new 'Nationwide Lockdown' from Boris the Bellend approaching. Not that I followed the 'rules' during the first lockdown but it didn't work did it? So here we are again with deaths rising and the economy going down the shitter and the old cunts (who should do their bit and stay at home twitching the curtains) causing massive economic and financial problems for younger people like me. I know there are a few mask wearing scared cunts on here and I'll get the usual 'Its your type who are causing the rise in death's' etc but seriously fuck off you selfish cunts. What is the future going to be like when the old cunts (we are fucking the country up for) have passed on. The time has come to riot, have Covid 19 parties and tell the Government to fuck off...the countries fucked anyways so why not.

Fuck off.


Typical snowflake hysteria.

It’s not as if you’re being asked to go over the top from the trenches is it?

Sacrifices from the older generation have given you freedom to establish  your silly platforms to spew forth with cretinous verbiage.

Fuck off.

If you’re from Jamaica fuck off again.

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Just now, Earl of Punkape said:

Typical snowflake hysteria.

It’s not as if you’re being asked to go over the top from the trenches is it?

Sacrifices from the older generation have given you freedom to establish  your silly platforms to spew forth with cretinous verbiage.

Fuck off.

I'm too old to be a snowflake old boy, and my Great Grandfather fought in WW1 but thanks for your shite response nonetheless.




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41 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

So here we go again with a new 'Nationwide Lockdown' from Boris the Bellend approaching. Not that I followed the 'rules' during the first lockdown but it didn't work did it? So here we are again with deaths rising and the economy going down the shitter and the old cunts (who should do their bit and stay at home twitching the curtains) causing massive economic and financial problems for younger people like me. I know there are a few mask wearing scared cunts on here and I'll get the usual 'Its your type who are causing the rise in death's' etc but seriously fuck off you selfish cunts. What is the future going to be like when the old cunts (we are fucking the country up for) have passed on. The time has come to riot, have Covid 19 parties and tell the Government to fuck off...the countries fucked anyways so why not.

Fuck off.



20 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Unless your an old, fat, ill, alchy, cunt with known or unknown underlying conditions what kind of cunt would surrender and wear a mask. It's an embarrassment and I will not wear one. I'm in my prime and will not be told what to do, so any cunt wanting me to wear one can go suck a bumhole.

Fuck off.

You're implying that anyone over sixty or has (possibly hitherto unknown) underlying medical conditions has no worth in today's society. Given the demographic of The Corner that's probably not a wise stance to take especially as a few punters have lost members of their families to the virus. Two things are known about Covid-19; firstly it has a high death rate compared to say the common flu and secondly, it has proven to be highly contagious even from carriers who are asymptomatic. The mask wearing is to protect others from you not you from others. You may or may not be fit and healthy but that is not the issue, your blind irrational selfishness is. Whilst there are some parts of lockdown rules that defy logical explanation that is no excuse for being a selfish git.

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13 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Typical snowflake hysteria.

It’s not as if you’re being asked to go over the top from the trenches is it?

Sacrifices from the older generation have given you freedom to establish  your silly platforms to spew forth with cretinous verbiage.

Fuck off.

If you’re from Jamaica fuck off again.

Did you Google Raasclaat? 

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6 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


You're implying that anyone over sixty or has (possibly hitherto unknown) underlying medical conditions has no worth in today's society. Given the demographic of The Corner that's probably not a wise stance to take especially as a few punters have lost members of their families to the virus. Two things are known about Covid-19; firstly it has a high death rate compared to say the common flu and secondly, it has proven to be highly contagious even from carriers who are asymptomatic. The mask wearing is to protect others from you not you from others. You may or may not be fit and healthy but that is not the issue, your blind irrational selfishness is. Whilst there are some parts of lockdown rules that defy logical explanation that is no excuse for being a selfish git.

Based upon what we now know of the virus, it affects older people (over 70) much more than younger let's say more productive members of society. I am not implying older people have no worth in today's society either, what I am implying is the whole reaction has been way over the top and destroying people's businesses, and sectors of the economy is not the correct way to deal with it. The last lockdown did not work did it? So are you suggesting this one will? Isn't the definition of madness trying the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result?

The Kung Flu is here to stay, so let's get on with it and stop this bollocks. 

Nice to speak with Mrs Roops.

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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Based upon what we now know of the virus, it affects older people (over 70) much more than younger let's say more productive members of society. I am not implying older people have no worth in today's society either, what I am implying is the whole reaction has been way over the top and destroying people's businesses, and sectors of the economy is not the correct way to deal with it. The last lockdown did not work did it? So are you suggesting this one will? Isn't the definition of madness trying the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result?

The Kung Flu is here to stay, so let's get on with it and stop this bollocks. 

Nice to speak with Mrs Roops.

Did you actually read my post? Being younger/fitter does not lessen the ability to be a carrier/spreader.

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19 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


You're implying that anyone over sixty or has (possibly hitherto unknown) underlying medical conditions has no worth in today's society. Given the demographic of The Corner that's probably not a wise stance to take especially as a few punters have lost members of their families to the virus. Two things are known about Covid-19; firstly it has a high death rate compared to say the common flu and secondly, it has proven to be highly contagious even from carriers who are asymptomatic. The mask wearing is to protect others from you not you from others. You may or may not be fit and healthy but that is not the issue, your blind irrational selfishness is. Whilst there are some parts of lockdown rules that defy logical explanation that is no excuse for being a selfish git.

If members here have lost family members to Covid 19 then that's sad and unfortunate but how many will lose family members etc to cancer and other illnesses that have been forgotten in the hysteria surrounding Covid 19.

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

If members here have lost family members to Covid 19 then that's sad and unfortunate but how many will lose family members etc to cancer and other illnesses that have been forgotten in the hysteria surrounding Covid 19.

All the more reason to wear a mask and so lesson the risk of spreading the virus then or do you have some more fallacious logic to impress us with?

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2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

So why have they allowed schools to stay open? Please explain the madness behind no mask requirements in pubs?

The whole response is a farce.

Probably so cunts can get back to work and not worry about their sprogs burning the house down and an already struggling industry doesn't close its doors for good. If anything you seem to be encouraging even stricter measures - no school or pubs and everyone to stay at home and get their shopping delivered by drone because masks don't work.

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34 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Typical snowflake hysteria.

It’s not as if you’re being asked to go over the top from the trenches is it?

Sacrifices from the older generation have given you freedom to establish  your silly platforms to spew forth with cretinous verbiage.

Fuck off.

If you’re from Jamaica fuck off again.

Our personal freedoms and choices are being taken away without debate etc and you mention the war where those great men died for the freedoms you seem to be happy to see taken away.

I enjoy being able to do what the fuck I want in this great country. 

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Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Our personal freedoms and choices are being taken away without debate etc and you mention the war where those great men died for the freedoms you seem to be happy to see taken away.

I enjoy being able to do what the fuck I want in this great country. 

Your personal freedom not to wear a fucking mask to give a small chance of protecting others from your germs?

Come on...

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5 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

All the more reason to wear a mask and so lesson the risk of spreading the virus then or do you have some more fallacious logic to impress us with?

Why weren't supermarket staff required to wear them during the peak of the pandemic? Why have they only decided recently (in terms of the pandemic) that mask are required. They don't work especially the paper ones. The problem is the government has responded to the media hype and the sad doom and gloom panic buying cunts. 

We need someone with balls in charge.

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Probably so cunts can get back to work and not worry about their sprogs burning the house down and an already struggling industry doesn't close its doors for good. If anything you seem to be encouraging even stricter measures - no school or pubs and everyone to stay at home and get their shopping delivered by drone because masks don't work.

I want a consistent message that's all, not contradictory bollocks.

Whether I follow it though is my choice. 

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Your personal freedom not to wear a fucking mask to give a small chance of protecting others from your germs?

Come on...

You can’t reason with selfish wankers who are unprepared to suffer a very minor inconvenience in order to possibly save lives and prevent the spread of the disease.  

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47 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Typical snowflake hysteria.

It’s not as if you’re being asked to go over the top from the trenches is it?

Sacrifices from the older generation have given you freedom to establish  your silly platforms to spew forth with cretinous verbiage.

Fuck off.

If you’re from Jamaica fuck off again.

Yeah and what happened there? "Another big push boys" and over they go. Fuck all is achieved. "Another big push boys" and over they go. Fuck all is achieved. And so it goes on and on and meanwhile thousands and thousands of men lie dead in the field. The big push didn't work then and it ain't working now. And all I hear from people is about this fabled vaccine where we all queue up to receive it. Just like we do in church when we receive the eucharist. 

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7 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Why weren't supermarket staff required to wear them during the peak of the pandemic? Why have they only decided recently (in terms of the pandemic) that mask are required. They don't work especially the paper ones. The problem is the government has responded to the media hype and the sad doom and gloom panic buying cunts. 

We need someone with balls in charge.

I can't comment on what went on in Kensington (that is if you actually live there) but in my neck of the woods, supermarkets et al were scrupulous in mitigating potential infection hot spots with screens, PPE, spacing - the works.

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Why weren't supermarket staff required to wear them during the peak of the pandemic? Why have they only decided recently (in terms of the pandemic) that mask are required. They don't work especially the paper ones. The problem is the government has responded to the media hype and the sad doom and gloom panic buying cunts. 

We need someone with balls in charge.

Which probably rules you out, softshite.

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Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I want a consistent message that's all, not contradictory bollocks.

Whether I follow it though is my choice. 

So you want to be told what to do, but only if its what you specifically want to hear and still tell them to fuck off if you don't like the end result?

The way I see it is that if there's even a small chance of my mask stopping someone else dying - I'll wear it. If masks didn't help with cross contamination why would surgeons wear them?

And what, exactly is the crushing injustice of wearing a piece of cloth over your face for five minutes when you pop into the shops? Keep in mind they don't advise wearing them outside, just indoors and in closed environments - you can take it back off the moment you set foot back outside. Where's the hardship?

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Just now, Mrs Roops said:

I can't comment on what went on in Kensington (that is if you actually live there, but in my neck of the woods, supermarkets et al were scrupulous in mitigating potential infection hot spots with screens, PPE, spacing - the works.

That's part of the problem, certain parts of the country that are less populated etc can and should be able to manage it. However in places like London etc they have no chance. We could see what was happening in mainland Europe before the outbreak here and when you have a useless Government and combine that with idiots who want a holiday in the middle of a pandemic you have no chance at all of controlling the virus.

The virus cannot be controlled, time to let nature take its course. 

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