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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

This is wonderful. The self proclaimed "fact checkers" from faecesbook being called out as fucking frauds and openly ridiculed.

Facebook, like  most social media companies use third party organisations which hilariously call themselves ‘fact checkers’. Almost all are signed up to Poynters International Fact Checking Code of Principles.😂also known as the IFCN (International Fact Checking Network). Major donors to the IFCN include LOL….The Open Society Foundation (George Soros), Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, National Endowment for Democracy (US State Department), Omidyar Network (eBay) and Craig Newmark (Craigslist). 
All major donors coincidentally, and closely involved with  the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton 2016 political campaign. It’s not difficult to understand why almost everything Donald Trump said or did was ‘fact checked’ and sold to the public as fake news, when the fact checkers were and still are basically just a propaganda arm of the Democrats. If something is ‘fact-checked’ as ‘untrue’ or ‘misinformation’  nowadays, it’s more or less certain to be the exact opposite, especially if it’s inconvenient to the lefts narrative.


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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Facebook, like  most social media companies use third party organisations which hilariously call themselves ‘fact checkers’. Almost all are signed up to Poynters International Fact Checking Code of Principles.😂also known as the IFCN (International Fact Checking Network). Major donors to the IFCN include LOL….The Open Society Foundation (George Soros), Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, National Endowment for Democracy (US State Department), Omidyar Network (eBay) and Craig Newmark (Craigslist). 
All major donors coincidentally, and closely involved with  the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton 2016 political campaign. It’s not difficult to understand why almost everything Donald Trump said or did was ‘fact checked’ and sold to the public as fake news, when the fact checkers were and still are basically just a propaganda arm of the Democrats. If something is ‘fact-checked’ as ‘untrue’ or ‘misinformation’  nowadays, it’s more or less certain to be the exact opposite, especially if it’s inconvenient to the lefts narrative.


I wasn't aware that the NED was a government agency but never mind...but Jeeze, Billy; who knew that rabid pro capitalist, pro profit benefactors were also lickspittle crypto-communists and that all along you were a bastion of truthful reporting and measured objectivity? Only a deranged obsessive could make this shit up...oh...wait a minute...

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I wasn't aware that the NED was a government agency but never mind...but Jeeze, Billy; who knew that rabid pro capitalist, pro profit benefactors were also lickspittle crypto-communists and that all along you were a bastion of truthful reporting and measured objectivity? Only a deranged obsessive could make this shit up...oh...wait a minute...

So what you’re saying is that this cabal of anointed ‘fact checkers’ should decide what’s truth, and therefore allowed to be digested by the masses, who believe most of what they’re fed by the fake news media and big tech oligarchs? Only a ‘deranged obsessive’ would possibly point out the blatant censoring, cancelling and destroying of anyone who dares to question anything that they're told is fact. Most of which turns out to be anything but later on btw.

Oh and the NED has long been regarded as an Obama/Clinton/Democrat Party open door to the State Department, unless you’re a Republican. I thought you knew everything?


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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

So what you’re saying is that this cabal of anointed ‘fact checkers’ should decide what’s truth, and therefore allowed to be digested by the masses, who believe most of what they’re fed by the fake news media and big tech oligarchs? Only a ‘deranged obsessive’ would possibly point out the blatant censoring, cancelling and destroying of anyone who dares to question anything that they're told is fact. Most of which turns out to be anything but later on btw.

'Most' ? How did you arrive at that little gem aside from being another example of the hyperbole you fall back on?

Staying with the gist of your post, you raise the age old question of 'who polices the police'. The answer in this instance are the owners of whichever platform is being used (usually made available free of charge) to promulgate whatever message content-providers wish to disseminate. Didn't Trump announce he was starting his own social media platform? How is that going? Trump of course was in the habit of barring anyone who disagreed with him on his Twitter channel prior to himself being ejected from the platform. You seem to be advocating that anyone can upload anything without being rebutted by 'fact checkers'. Where would you draw the line?

13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Oh and the NED has long been regarded as an Obama/Clinton/Democrat Party open door to the State Department, unless you’re a Republican. I thought you knew everything?

I don't profess to know everything but I'm reasonably confident that I know more than you. In point of fact any American non-governmental organisation (NGO) is funded by the Legislature and not the Executive. As such the NED receives it's funding from Congress and has done so irrespective of whatever party controlled the upper and lower houses.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

'Most' ? How did you arrive at that little gem aside from being another example of the hyperbole you fall back on?

Staying with the gist of your post, you raise the age old question of 'who polices the police'. The answer in this instance are the owners of whichever platform is being used (usually made available free of charge) to promulgate whatever message content-providers wish to disseminate. Didn't Trump announce he was starting his own social media platform? How is that going? Trump of course was in the habit of barring anyone who disagreed with him on his Twitter channel prior to himself being ejected from the platform. You seem to be advocating that anyone can upload anything without being rebutted by 'fact checkers'. Where would you draw the line?

I don't profess to know everything but I'm reasonably confident that I know more than you. In point of fact any American non-governmental organisation (NGO) is funded by the Legislature and not the Executive. As such the NED receives it's funding from Congress and has done so irrespective of whatever party controlled the upper and lower houses.

That’s absolutely the best debunk I’ve ever seen, even by the Queen of ‘fact-checking’ royalty, which I’ve come to regard you as. Basically agreeing with everything I’ve said, but appearing to contradict it all with different words is pure genius. No wonder MENSA have been in an existential state of meltdown since realising they may have lost you.

Your obscenely bigbrained eldest should thank his lucky stars he didn’t have a runaway parent like me. Well done you and shame on me. 😘


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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

'Most' ? How did you arrive at that little gem

Don’t you find it a little odd that the Covid narrative has changed recently, from ‘Be extremely afraid’ to ‘We have to live with Covid’, and the MSM have, with a few diehard doommonger exceptions been back-pedalling and gone into full damage limitation mode, hoping that the sheep will forget the lies and damage to their lives that the fakestream media been totally and knowingly complicit in from the start.

The same U turns are happening all over the world, as the millions of real Covid victims are waking up to the reality that they’ve had the piss taken out of them by governments they trusted, who whether through incompetence, cowardice or outright dishonesty, blindly followed the now indisputably wrong and hugely damaging advice of the worlds top  ‘scientific experts’. who’ve now had their 15 minutes of fame and sloped off back to whatever far left institution they crawled out of in March 2020.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Don’t you find it a little odd that the Covid narrative has changed recently, from ‘Be extremely afraid’ to ‘We have to live with Covid’, and the MSM have, with a few diehard doommonger exceptions been back-pedalling and gone into full damage limitation mode, hoping that the sheep will forget the lies and damage to their lives that the fakestream media been totally and knowingly complicit in from the start.

The same U turns are happening all over the world, as the millions of real Covid victims are waking up to the reality that they’ve had the piss taken out of them by governments they trusted, who whether through incompetence, cowardice or outright dishonesty, blindly followed the now indisputably wrong and hugely damaging advice of the worlds top  ‘scientific experts’. who’ve now had their 15 minutes of fame and sloped off back to whatever far left institution they crawled out of in March 2020.

The reality is that all your previous conspiracy nonsense and predictions have turned to shit so now you're covering your arse with a new narrative.

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

That’s absolutely the best debunk I’ve ever seen, even by the Queen of ‘fact-checking’ royalty, which I’ve come to regard you as. Basically agreeing with everything I’ve said, but appearing to contradict it all with different words is pure genius. No wonder MENSA have been in an existential state of meltdown since realising they may have lost you.

Your obscenely bigbrained eldest should thank his lucky stars he didn’t have a runaway parent like me. Well done you and shame on me. 😘

A heartfelt ode to self-pity, I'm sure.

Given all you've previously said about Covid and vaccinations, I have a conundrum for you to solve...

As you know, former President Trump has confirmed that he is one of the multi-jabbed and is on record encouraging the unvaccinated to follow his lead. In light of your past assertions on the matter, is former President Trump a running-dog lackey in thrall of the socialist Clinton-Obama-Biden cabal OR is he simply a brain-washed sheeple? Alternatively, you may refuse to answer the question thereby acknowledging the feeble-mindedness of an individual who has entangled himself in a Gordian knot of his own making.

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On 10/02/2022 at 10:48, Mrs Roops said:

, is former President Trump a running-dog lackey in thrall of the socialist Clinton-Obama-Biden cabal OR is he simply a brain-washed sheeple? Alternatively, you may refuse to answer the question

My answer to such a ridiculous question even by your standards, is that he’s neither. That’s like me asking whether you’re a pain in the arse or an annoying cunt?

The Donald has stated many times that people who ‘wish to’ or feel that it’s in their best interest to get vaccinated do so. At the same time he’s stated that no one should be mandated or coerced into it ever, especially not kids. I agree. The ‘science’, which in the last couple of years has come to mean whatever Anthony Fauci says it is on any particular day, and big tech social media then censor any different opinions, has been so politicised that a vast chunk of people now regard the medical profession and scientific community as untrustworthy and propagandists for the governments which have destroyed their businesses, their freedoms and their kids futures for years to come.

As for President Trump, the greatest President in living memory, so great I spent 5 hours in pain and 450€ having him tattooed on my shoulder blade, it doesn’t take a former MENSA bigbrain to look at the absolute train wreck the ‘most popular’ President ever 🤣 has managed to achieve in not even one year.


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On 10/02/2022 at 10:25, Mrs Roops said:

The reality is that all your previous conspiracy nonsense and predictions have turned to shit so now you're covering your arse with a new narrative.

What are your views on the pro freedom truckers protests which have now spread from Canada and Australia to several European countries and been falsely portrayed by the fakestream media as ‘far right’ blah blah blah ‘domestic terrorist’ blah blah blah, ‘anti vaxxers’ blah blah. I see that Macron has deployed armoured military vehicles on the streets of Paris tonight, several other EU countries are threatening truck drivers with 100,000€ fines and long  prison sentences for illegal parking 😂. I would hope that you’re totally 100% in solidarity with these freedom loving protestors, or do you only put on your green Hunters and join the mob to shout and scream for the rights of a few mangy old vermin that prowl around at night massacring chickens and overturning wheelie bins? 
It’s pretty clear to see that the Covid tyrants are resorting to desperate tactics to keep hold of the narrative.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s pretty clear to see that the Covid tyrants are resorting to desperate tactics to keep hold of the narrative.

Now that the main players who pull the strings from the shadows have milked the pandemic for all it's worth the virus has miraculously disappeared. 

There is something incredibly iffy about the whole affair which I'm yet to find a plausible theory/answer to. If I had to make a guess then I'd go for depopulation. Looking at the characters involved in donating to find the cure then it seems possible. 

Bill Gates is a prime example. The man is obsessed with population control and his charitable work in Africa is dubious to say the least. He's a real Dr Strangelove-esque nut-case who unfortunately has the funds and connections to carry out his nefarious experiments that would probably raise an eyebrow from Josef Mengele. 

A cunt who deserves his own daily nomination. 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Now that the main players who pull the strings from the shadows have milked the pandemic for all it's worth the virus has miraculously disappeared. 

There is something incredibly iffy about the whole affair which I'm yet to find a plausible theory/answer to. If I had to make a guess then I'd go for depopulation. Looking at the characters involved in donating to find the cure then it seems possible. 

Bill Gates is a prime example. The man is obsessed with population control and his charitable work in Africa is dubious to say the least. He's a real Dr Strangelove-esque nut-case who unfortunately has the funds and connections to carry out his nefarious experiments that would probably raise an eyebrow from Josef Mengele. 

A cunt who deserves his own daily nomination. 

If they thought that a virus that has a 98% survival rate would clear some room on this planet, they fucked up big time.  What it has done is put the shits up millions of peeps who will quake at anything the media puts up. Only tonight on the news, was a report that some cunts have contracted Lassa Fever because they decided to visit an African shithole. "But don't worry peeps, it's not airborne so DON'T WORRY". You can see what that will do to the already shitted up populace. 

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27 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

If they thought that a virus that has a 98% survival rate would clear some room on this planet, they fucked up big time.  What it has done is put the shits up millions of peeps who will quake at anything the media puts up. Only tonight on the news, was a report that some cunts have contracted Lassa Fever because they decided to visit an African shithole. "But don't worry peeps, it's not airborne so DON'T WORRY". You can see what that will do to the already shitted up populace. 

Fair point, Gyps. I think that the virus was aimed at those already in the queue to meet their maker. Old  folks in care homes that have paid forty plus years of taxes and are now little more than a burden to the system. Those with chronic health conditions that can't work and are also a burden on the system. 

My theory is that the vaccine will gradually lower sperm count in males and fertility in the female populace. Anatomy is not my strong suit so do forgive the wording, but I think you can catch my drift. Obviously it will not be an overnight drop in these rates but will subtly passed on through a dwindling population. The fact that children were also targeted for vaccination when there was no need was another piece of the puzzle. 

Maybe Covid was the trojan horse that was needed in order to roll out a program of mass vaccination without too many questions being raised. Obviously I'll be accused of stealing Bill's mantle of the Corners David Icke, or maybe I'll be hailed as a prophet in fifty years time. 

I'd certainly be more concerned about catching Ebola over Lassa Fever in the event that I decided to visit some African backwater. 

There's something incredibly fishy about this whole affair and most people have bought into it. If they managed to convince the masses that a group of Arab's sitting in a cave in Afghanistan brought the World Trade Centre then who knows... 

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42 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Obviously I'll be accused of stealing Bill's mantle of the Corners David Icke

You're going to need to up your game considerably if you think you're going to get close to challenging for that title, MC. 

Several hits of trimetazidine may assist with the necessary verbal quadruple salchows. 


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3 hours ago, Goober said:

You're going to need to up your game considerably if you think you're going to get close to challenging for that title, MC. 

Several hits of trimetazidine may assist with the necessary verbal quadruple salchows. 


Duly noted, Doc. I fully expect our resident virologist/headmistress to accuse me of coating my walls with Bacofoil tomorrow along with a 700 word counter argument sourced from the Guardian and Google. 

Unfortunately for us all she's incapable of forming her own opinion. 

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It's been confirmed... 'Deltacron' is real and out there.


This Variant is NOT to be confused with the new EP called Deltacron by DFA Sazon.


Get your saliva filled masks back out, have the 4th booster and run for you lives...lol.


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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

My answer to such a ridiculous question even by your standards, is that he’s neither. That’s like me asking whether you’re a pain in the arse or an annoying cunt?

The Donald has stated many times that people who ‘wish to’ or feel that it’s in their best interest to get vaccinated do so. At the same time he’s stated that no one should be mandated or coerced into it ever, especially not kids. I agree. The ‘science’, which in the last couple of years has come to mean whatever Anthony Fauci says it is on any particular day, and big tech social media then censor any different opinions, has been so politicised that a vast chunk of people now regard the medical profession and scientific community as untrustworthy and propagandists for the governments which have destroyed their businesses, their freedoms and their kids futures for years to come.

As for President Trump, the greatest President in living memory, so great I spent 5 hours in pain and 450€ having him tattooed on my shoulder blade, it doesn’t take a former MENSA bigbrain to look at the absolute train wreck the ‘most popular’ President ever 🤣 has managed to achieve in not even one year.


A piss-poor attempt at not answering the question by deliberately misquoting the scope and context of the conundrum that was posed to you. 

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5 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Duly noted, Doc. I fully expect our resident virologist/headmistress to accuse me of coating my walls with Bacofoil tomorrow along with a 700 word counter argument sourced from the Guardian and Google. 

Unfortunately for us all she's incapable of forming her own opinion. 

Unfortunately, the Guardian and Google drew a blank on your nonsense as you asserted that you "as yet to find a plausible theory/answer to [the whole affair]".

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