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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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The European Medicines Agency posted a video on Twitter recently in which they stated that ‘vaccines and boosters will and do cause Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). 
The Twitter overlords however, decided that the EMA shouldn’t be straying off message and posted a warning underneath this ‘antivaxxer, conspiracy theorist, probably alt right, anti science post, just so anyone who read it would be set straight about the facts.


Learn why health officials consider Covid-19 vaccines safe for most people. Find out more.

The ‘for most people’ bit is to me rather curious, apart from the obvious fact that Twitter appear to now know more than the EMA about medical science. ‘For most people’, to me means 51% or more in old money. That’s good to know. At least half the population won’t die of side effects thank god.

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Those that have acquired natural immunity have significant less risk of hospitalisation. The lie that you need to get vaccinated even if you had the disease put to bed. So many people have been advised to take these bogus injections when unnecessary. 



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4 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Those that have acquired natural immunity have significant less risk of hospitalisation. The lie that you need to get vaccinated even if you had the disease put to bed. So many people have been advised to take these bogus injections when unnecessary. 



I may be too much of a ‘thicko’ (which Roops can confirm) to fully understand the new improved 21st century ‘science’ which seems to be rather different depending on where you happen to live. Scotland, Wales and N Irelands ‘science’ for example is patently different to England’s ‘science’, if we’re to believe what we’re told. And the ‘science’ which a lot of countries are following is amazingly completely different to even our U.K. pick and mix buffet on offer at the moment. I know it’s a bit leftfield but I’ll say it anyway. Is it even remotely possible that the so called ‘free and civilised’ world is currently in the grip of a pandemic of total fucking insanity?

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On 22/01/2022 at 11:21, Mrs Roops said:

What do you think the UK covid death count would have been in the absence of social distancing guides, partial and full lockdowns and vaccination programmes?

5,000,000+ per day (Imperial College London modelling data, courtesy of Prof. Neil Ferguson), excluding the under fives who would be drafted in to run the ICUs, drive the ambulances, buses and trains and protect our borders from illegal immigrants until 7 O’clock which is beddy bye byes time.

‘Next graph please’.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I may be too much of a ‘thicko’ (which Roops can confirm) to fully understand the new improved 21st century ‘science’ which seems to be rather different depending on where you happen to live. Scotland, Wales and N Irelands ‘science’ for example is patently different to England’s ‘science’, if we’re to believe what we’re told. And the ‘science’ which a lot of countries are following is amazingly completely different to even our U.K. pick and mix buffet on offer at the moment. I know it’s a bit leftfield but I’ll say it anyway. Is it even remotely possible that the so called ‘free and civilised’ world is currently in the grip of a pandemic of total fucking insanity?

There have been so many awful things done it beggars belief. There will be things that shock me that I don't yet know about.

Irrespective of whether I am fucked off out of it or not in a few weeks for not taking the needle, I am not sure I want to be part of this game any more. 

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

There have been so many awful things done it beggars belief. There will be things that shock me that I don't yet know about.

Irrespective of whether I am fucked off out of it or not in a few weeks for not taking the needle, I am not sure I want to be part of this game any more. 

The game is certainly looking dirtier and dirtier with every passing day, regardless from which angle we are looking at it.

Any idea when will the GPs be ordered to come out into daylight , open surgeries and actually see patients face-to-face? I mean, it seems to me a sensible option before we all go extinct.


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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

I can’t make Wednesday I am teaching my karate 3rd Dan group the 1 inch punch to kill a man. 

Just wondering if you could arrange the punch up somewhere close to Norwich Station as that would give me time to get to Norwich to take some photos af the fight and then get back home the same day.


1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Sexist, imperial cunt. I can only make Wednesday because the other days I'm teaching my 11th Dan Karate group how to do a 2.54cm punch to kill anyone.


1 hour ago, Eddie said:

I can’t make Wednesday I am teaching my karate 3rd Dan group the 1 inch punch to kill a man. 


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15 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I never said that at all. Of course I have racist views. That had nothing to do with anything. A distraction tactic from a rattled child that's just had its legs smacked and desperately wants to change the subject before anyone notices. I genuinely like you as a human being, but your preposterously inflated sense of self needs to be addressed.

We were actually going off tangent discussing the entrenchment of views, an issue instigated by you as it happens. I chose racism, 'cos like it or not, that's the one viewpoint you are mostly associated with. "Legs smacked" indeed :rolleyes:.

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8 hours ago, White Cunt said:

The game is certainly looking dirtier and dirtier with every passing day, regardless from which angle we are looking at it.

Any idea when will the GPs be ordered to come out into daylight , open surgeries and actually see patients face-to-face? I mean, it seems to me a sensible option before we all go extinct.


GPs are seeing patients face to face. Theres more telephone triageing going on, which is useful as it cuts down the crap coming in to surgeries. Any clinician will tell you, that around 70%  of patients they see face to face is crap that don't need to come in. 

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

The European Parliament were eventually, after repeated demands by a handful of MEPs (which says a lot in itself) given the contracts between the vaccine companies and the European Commission. Hundreds of pages, and after refusing to release them to the elected politicians, stating that the vaccine companies were not giving their permission, eventually released the contracts, with page after page of what can only be assumed to be the important bits totally redacted. 
So that’s that then. Totally safe, totally effective, totally far too top secret for elected MEPs to see, totally OK to force into peoples arms against their will and totally banned (Astra Zeneca) for under 30s across the entire EU, banned (Moderna) in Denmark for under 18s, banned (Moderna) in Sweden for under 30s.

In the words of little Greta Doomberg, ‘HOW DARE YOU!’ question what your totally not corrupt and totally far cleverer than you Covidiots have decided for your health. How dare you ask to see where your billions, not theirs have gone and the boring details that all the millions of stupid people should be entitled to see, if only they weren’t so stupid and unimportant.

If you weren’t so fucking arrogant and narcissistically self superior, you might open your mind to the possibility that your opinions, which seem never to be anything different to the Google and MSM narrative just show how narrow minded and closed to anything which you decide is fact and nobody else could possibly be right.

Fuck off.

Could not the charge of being 'fucking arrogant and narcissistically self-superior, being unable to open your mind that your opinions, which seem never to be anything different to the Google and Slackjaw News Central narrative just show how narrow-minded and closed to anything which you decide is fact (though not caring if it correct or not - your words) and nobody else could possibly be right' be levelled against you? Do you not see how easy that works? Hypocrite.

Pleasantries aside, I do have some sympathy with you on this one, though as a covid-denying ant-vaxxer conspiracy stick the viewpoint is never going to have any traction.

Unlike the UK, the EU is not a parliamentary democracy - In EU land Parliament is not supreme, a notion made obvious on the last "election" of the EU president.

On 01/08/2019 at 14:53, Mrs Roops said:

...On the 1st of November newly "elected" Ursula von de Leyen will assume office of the President of the European Commission, effectively making her President of the EU. The issue is that no-one outside Germany (where she was, by all accounts, a piss-poor German defence minister) has heard of her. Has her name appeared on any EU ballot paper? No. Perhaps she was the leader of the largest political alliance within the EU. Nope. Ok, was she possibly nominated by the EU parliament? Not at all, they did have a lead candidate but were ignored. The truth is Frau von de Leyen was appointed in a grubby back room deal stitched up by EU bureaucrats and nodded through by national governments, ie Germany. One would have thought the shrill voices of "let the people decide (again)" would be resonating loud and clear throughout Euroland especially by British remainers who cite upholding democracy as their raison d'etre. A sound there came none. Yeah, it cuts both ways...

The fact is the EU parliament is an expensive bloated talking shop with little, almost no power. Lack of parliamentary accountability was one of many reasons I voted leave.

As for the redacted documents, that is the norm on any procurement contract between the EU whether its defence, communications, civil infrastructure or medical supplies. If the EU Commission signed a contract with say Biffa, to empty the bins throughout the EU any document pertaining to the contract will be similarly redacted. Its not an ideal situation but no inferences can be drawn.


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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

GPs are seeing patients face to face. Theres more telephone triageing going on, which is useful as it cuts down the crap coming in to surgeries. Any clinician will tell you, that around 70%  of patients they see face to face is crap that don't need to come in. 

I don't see how a face-to-face appointment is going to be any good if the quack wants to examine my piles.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I don't see how a face-to-face appointment is going to be any good if the quack wants to examine my piles.

I'd imagine that you'd encounter the same issue if you went for a face to face consultation with a urologist.

Unless the NHS has recently invested in electron microscopes, they'd struggle to examine your Kestrel Super shrunken maggot.

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On 24/01/2022 at 07:28, Eddie said:

Thank you Wolfie, I had a lovely day at the Seven Sisters Country Park in Eastbourne. Roops and I walked hand in hand along the cliffs and picked a spot for our Picnic. We enjoyed crusty cheese, beetroot and onion rolls, crisps and a flask of tea whilst looking out to sea over beachy head, if only there wasn’t so many people around….

If only… you’d have pushed the insufferable cow over the edge 

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Could not the charge of being 'fucking arrogant and narcissistically self-superior, being unable to open your mind that your opinions, which seem never to be anything different to the Google and Slackjaw News Central narrative just show how narrow-minded and closed to anything which you decide is fact (though not caring if it correct or not - your words) and nobody else could possibly be right' be levelled against you? Do you not see how easy that works? Hypocrite.

Pleasantries aside, I do have some sympathy with you on this one, though as a covid-denying ant-vaxxer conspiracy stick the viewpoint is never going to have any traction.

Unlike the UK, the EU is not a parliamentary democracy - In EU land Parliament is not supreme, a notion made obvious on the last "election" of the EU president.

The fact is the EU parliament is an expensive bloated talking shop with little, almost no power. Lack of parliamentary accountability was one of many reasons I voted leave.

As for the redacted documents, that is the norm on any procurement contract between the EU whether its defence, communications, civil infrastructure or medical supplies. If the EU Commission signed a contract with say Biffa, to empty the bins throughout the EU any document pertaining to the contract will be similarly redacted. Its not an ideal situation but no inferences can be drawn.


Don’t you think you’re making a right cunt of yourself arguing the toss with people who’ve already made their minds up and won’t ever change them? Looks like a waste of time to everyone here 

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On 23/01/2022 at 20:14, King Billy said:

Welcome to Conspiracy Corner.

Proper will be along in a minute to measure you up for your shiny new hat.

Nice one. He’d better get ready to measure up my old chap whilst he’s at it and get that forearm ready for some rapid on the NHS hand job action, unless of course he thinks there might be a risk of a Covid super spreading event.

On a less serious not; I’ve had 2 jabs and am now due a booster. My family are pestering me and I’ve even been sent a letter to go and get one. I wonder what the advice would be from punters here, specifically @The Beastand @Mrs Roops?

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8 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I don't see how a face-to-face appointment is going to be any good if the quack wants to examine my piles.

Nowadays virtually every GP consultation involves a photo or video upload, so they can make a decision to examine further.

You could always email the same footage of your swollen arsehole to @Last Cunt Standing if he's up for a bit of private work, especially with the current Covid and immigrant-derived state of the NHS, with its long response times and waiting  lists etc. 

I am sure a decent, honest and considerate doctor-type such as LCS will give you his real email address, lol.

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22 hours ago, The Beast said:

Those that have acquired natural immunity have significant less risk of hospitalisation. The lie that you need to get vaccinated even if you had the disease put to bed. So many people have been advised to take these bogus injections when unnecessary. 



It is this very statement I'd like to put to Prof. Chris Witty (& Liz Truss) under the spotlight of a live TV debate.

Will a paper more relevant to the UK's demographic be available soon? 

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14 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

GPs are seeing patients face to face. Theres more telephone triageing going on, which is useful as it cuts down the crap coming in to surgeries. Any clinician will tell you, that around 70%  of patients they see face to face is crap that don't need to come in. 

Only 70%? 

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