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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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10 hours ago, Snowy said:

I'm not one to Stoke the fire here but this argument is backed up by one side ,Proper the day nurse and current owner of cuntscorner ,who's conspiracy theories on the kung flu is reaching levels that even the fucking mental evans could of achieved.

In the blue corner we have the master of deception and person who edits every Wikipedia page to her own narrative, the so called heavyweight of ,and I quote  " analytical research " ,the woman who wouldn't admit if she's wrong if someone slapped a massive cock around her face to shut the fuck up and said it wasn't a cock,statically it was very small so there by being a vulvar so I'm right .

There's something wrong when the goon squad argue.

What am actually trying to say is ...shut the fuck up.

The clue is in the thread title, Snowy. As far as I am aware, no one is forcing you to read it.

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15 hours ago, Eddie said:

Never mind all this horse shit, where’s my bloody dinner?

Read the bloody post-it note on the fridge - A pack of cheese and pickle sandwiches from the petrol station, a small bottle of lemonade Panda Pop and ready salted crisps. You owe me £1.98. 

PS. Don't wait up.

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15 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It probably wouldn't have been much different. But you asked me what 'I think the death count would have been'. A question with no specific answer, because there is no way of knowing. Any answer would only be speculation based on the views and experience of the person being asked. You can't ask for an opinion on the outcome of a fictional scenario, and then demand evidence which can't exist. But that's how you kid yourself that you're clever isn't it. pose theoretical questions and declare victory when you don't receive factual answers. Childish.

The question was designed to elicit an honest response. At first you tried to make out that you had answered it, then when pressed, presented a weasley-worded exercise in avoiding the bleedin' obvious as this would have been contrary to your original premise. The answer was childish and cowardly. Your best course of action would have been to ignore and not make out that you had answered the question.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

In December 2020 Pfizer were given immunity by the U.K. government from  being sued by anyone who suffered serious side effects from their Covid 19 vaccine, along with whoever administered the jab and also the companies which manufactured the product on behalf of Pfizer. 
The vaccine was and still is authorised by the MHRA under regulation 174 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012, which allows an unlicensed medicine to be used in an emergency. Under these regulations which the government hastily altered in Sept 2020 immunity from civil action is granted. All the other vaccines have been authorised under the same legislation.

Ben Osborn, the boss of Pfizer U.K. point blank refused, when asked to explain why Pfizer had been granted, or needed immunity from litigation.

He said ‘ We’re not disclosing details around any aspects of the agreement, and specifically around the liability clauses’.

The U.K. government did add Covid vaccines to the vaccine damages fund , which can pay out up to £120K for 60% disability injury and has been historically very difficult for the victim to be fairly compensated.

As I’m sure you’re well aware, Big Pharma in general and Pfizer specifically, have a well documented history of less than satisfactory safety standards around the launch of new products. Their vast financial power and influential politicians on their payrolls all over the world allows them to fill their bank accounts first and then settle out of court, if and when they are accused of causing serious harm and damage, which has happened many many times in the past.

I do hope this has cleared up your confusion around this matter and look forward to your reply, which I’m hopeful, but not very confident, won’t be the usual gaslighting, finger wagging nonsense I’ve become accustomed to.

This is all very interesting but here's a thought; why not read what I actually said rather than what you think I said.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

‘Dr’ lol Fauci has been doing the Sunday morning round of leftie fake news channels and the latest ‘science’ is guess what? A fourth ‘booster’ shot is going to be necessary to kick this killer, most dangerous ever, definitely not from the Wuhan lab virus into touch for ever. And this before the third ‘booster’ shot has even been stuck into the arms of most of the dumb arse Americans who lean to the left hand side. You couldn’t make it up.

As usual, the normal caveats apply...

On 12/12/2021 at 23:00, King Billy said:

Some of the comments I post are what I believe to be fact, some are just things that I find interesting and don’t really care if they’re factual or not.

Whilst I have your attention what do you think of your hero taking all his shots and encouraging his followers to do the same? In your eyes does this make Trump a brainwashed sheeple and if not, why not?

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Whilst I agree with every word you say, I’m seriously worried about a certain female (allegedly) moderators blood pressure when she reads this post. She’s been on the ropes a lot and taken some serious punishment recently. I’m not sure she’ll be able to get off her stool and come out for the next round. 

When in your deluded mind did this take place? As I recall you were caught lying and tried to wriggle out of it with a Clintonesque exercise in verbal gymnastics over the meaning of "significant". Even with his fast brain it didn't work out for Slick Willy so god knows why you thought Slackjaw Billy could get away with it.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

The question was designed to elicit an honest response. At first you tried to make out that you had answered it, then when pressed, presented a weasley-worded exercise in avoiding the bleedin' obvious as this would have been contrary to your original premise. The answer was childish and cowardly. Your best course of action would have been to ignore and not make out that you had answered the question.

Absolute fucking bollocks. You've done your usual routine of blurting out 7 paragraphs of statitistics and cerebral 'dazzle camouflage, then a few posts later, demand an answer to a question buried somewhere in the middle of the previous avalanche, except it wasn't really a question, and the answer wasn't relevant anyway. And that's what you focus on. And you do it to draw attention from the real issues, like 'Have you ditched the pharma shares?' Because that was what you were avoiding, wasn't it? Now answer the question... 

Roops, the original 'rootin-tootin' Texas Sharpshooter.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Absolute fucking bollocks. You've done your usual routine of blurting out 7 paragraphs of statitistics and cerebral 'dazzle camouflage, then a few posts later, demand an answer to a question buried somewhere in the middle of the previous avalanche, except it wasn't really a question, and the answer wasn't relevant anyway. And that's what you focus on. And you do it to draw attention from the real issues, like 'Have you ditched the pharma shares?' Because that was what you were avoiding, wasn't it? Now answer the question... 

Roops, the original 'rootin-tootin' Texas Sharpshooter.

This particular spat kicked off Saturday morning. I've no idea what you mean by "cerebral dazzle camouflage" but at no point have I given out any statistics let alone seven paragraphs. In fact the only punter to give out stats is your like-cow KB. Firstly, he did his usual practise on conflating figures and then he blatantly lied and fraudulently cited a vid as proof. I would add he proffered the vid, it was not asked for.

As to the issue over what shares I may or may not own I had noticed you jumping up and down like a toddler overdosed on E's but chose to ignore the question because it's irrelevant, unless you believe that whatever I or any other CC punter writes is going to impact on a pharma's market capitalisation or share performance in which case you are truly special.

Blind Eric "I shoot straight but always miss the target" Cuntman

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

This particular spat kicked off Saturday morning. I've no idea what you mean by "cerebral dazzle camouflage" but at no point have I given out any statistics let alone seven paragraphs. In fact the only punter to give out stats is your like-cow KB. Firstly, he did his usual practise on conflating figures and then he blatantly lied and fraudulently cited a vid as proof. I would add he proffered the vid, it was not asked for.

As to the issue over what shares I may or may not own I had noticed you jumping up and down like a toddler overdosed on E's but chose to ignore the question because it's irrelevant, unless you believe that whatever I or any other CC punter writes is going to impact on a pharma's market capitalisation or share performance in which case you are truly special.

Blind Eric "I shoot straight but always miss the target" Cuntman

Yep. You've ditched 'em. I knew you'd provide the answer by desperately trying to avoid doing so.

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26 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, it's that sort of stellar analysis that got your knickers in a twist from the outset. :rolleyes:

If you say so. If my knickers were twisted by anything, it was your arrogance and refusal to accept or acknowledge any fact or opinion that contradicts your own view. You are a textbook megalomaniac, borderline psychopath (in it's true, sociopathic sense), and as noted by many, almost certainly including everyone who's ever met you, utterly unbearable. 

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29 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

If you say so. If my knickers were twisted by anything, it was your arrogance and refusal to accept or acknowledge any fact or opinion that contradicts your own view. You are a textbook megalomaniac, borderline psychopath (in it's true, sociopathic sense), and as noted by many, almost certainly including everyone who's ever met you, utterly unbearable. 

No need to cry about it. I've often described myself at haughty, condescending, opinionated and imperious so I don't have much of an issue on what you say even if you are becoming a little bit hysterical. BTW, let us know when you've changed your bigoted opinions on race and colour so we can at least remove 'hypocrite' from your character assessment.

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Just now, Mrs Roops said:

No need to cry about it. I've often described myself at haughty, condescending, opinionated and imperious so I don't have much of an issue on what you say even if you are becoming a little bit hysterical. BTW, let us know when you've changed your bigoted opinions on race and colour so we can at least remove 'hypocrite' from your character assessment.

I think the membership have their own opinions regarding who's been getting hysterical and crying... but naturally, they're all wrong as well. Your last sentence smacks of desperation. 

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56 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think the membership have their own opinions regarding who's been getting hysterical and crying... but naturally, they're all wrong as well. Your last sentence smacks of desperation. 

Oh, so you don't have any intractable racist views? What happened in the last five minutes for you to change your opinions on this? 

What you fail to understand is that people rarely change on their views. Its all very well bleating about refusing to accept any fact or opinion contrary to mine but who does? I guarantee that punters who have levelled that charge against me are always, always implacable in changing their own views or "facts" which is fine 'cos the moment they do that as a scoring point I know they have either run out of stamina or they have nothing left to argue with.

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10 hours ago, Eddie said:

Thank you Wolfie, I had a lovely day at the Seven Sisters Country Park in Eastbourne. Roops and I walked hand in hand along the cliffs and picked a spot for our Picnic. We enjoyed crusty cheese, beetroot and onion rolls, crisps and a flask of tea whilst looking out to sea over beachy head, if only there wasn’t so many people around….

So you did know where your tea was. What did you have for 'dessert', something like carrot cake, ginger cheesecake or an out of date red mullet?

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30 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Oh, so you don't have any intractable racist views? What happened in the last five minutes for you to change your opinions on this? 

What you fail to understand is that people rarely change on their views. Its all very well bleating about refusing to accept any fact or opinion contrary to mine but who does? I guarantee that punters who have levelled that charge against me are always, always implacable in changing their own views or "facts" which is fine 'cos the moment they do that as a scoring point I know they have either run out of stamina or they have nothing left to argue with.

I never said that at all. Of course I have racist views. That had nothing to do with anything. A distraction tactic from a rattled child that's just had its legs smacked and desperately wants to change the subject before anyone notices. I genuinely like you as a human being, but your preposterously inflated sense of self needs to be addressed.

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On 23/01/2022 at 00:46, Mrs Roops said:

I don't know about the rest of the world but in the UK and EU, pharma does not have total immunity either in the civil nor the criminal courts if the product is found not to have met safety standards or is defective.

The European Parliament were eventually, after repeated demands by a handful of MEPs (which says a lot in itself) given the contracts between the vaccine companies and the European Commission. Hundreds of pages, and after refusing to release them to the elected politicians, stating that the vaccine companies were not giving their permission, eventually released the contracts, with page after page of what can only be assumed to be the important bits totally redacted. 
So that’s that then. Totally safe, totally effective, totally far too top secret for elected MEPs to see, totally OK to force into peoples arms against their will and totally banned (Astra Zeneca) for under 30s across the entire EU, banned (Moderna) in Denmark for under 18s, banned (Moderna) in Sweden for under 30s.

In the words of little Greta Doomberg, ‘HOW DARE YOU!’ question what your totally not corrupt and totally far cleverer than you Covidiots have decided for your health. How dare you ask to see where your billions, not theirs have gone and the boring details that all the millions of stupid people should be entitled to see, if only they weren’t so stupid and unimportant.

If you weren’t so fucking arrogant and narcissistically self superior, you might open your mind to the possibility that your opinions, which seem never to be anything different to the Google and MSM narrative just show how narrow minded and closed to anything which you decide is fact and nobody else could possibly be right.

Fuck off.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The clue is in the thread title, Snowy. As far as I am aware, no one is forcing you to read it.

I skim through it ,I have a hard problem with big words ,but I can see a recurring theme when I see one ,it's like when you watch an omnibus of eastenders,the cheeky Cockney stuff and mindless fluff seems charming at first,but by time you get to the end of it you want to gurotte Dot Cotton with her tights .

On a side note, as I've dusted off the cobwebs and need to make a nomination worthy of my good self ,can we also get a roops nom to fight the ad nauseum of the covid stuff that spreads between each and ever discussion these days?

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Read the bloody post-it note on the fridge -

Read the note I left in your fridge. It’s rolled up and stuck in a massive turd on one of your best IKEA plates, beside Eddie’s jerk chicken ready meal. Sorry about that but I spent so long trying to squeeze the fucker out I didn’t have time to run upstairs and do it under your pillow.

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5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

If you say so. If my knickers were twisted by anything, it was your arrogance and refusal to accept or acknowledge any fact or opinion that contradicts your own view. You are a textbook megalomaniac, borderline psychopath (in it's true, sociopathic sense), and as noted by many, almost certainly including everyone who's ever met you, utterly unbearable. 

That’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to her.

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