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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Like wot you did when you Googled "Felecia"?

32 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:


Next question 

It's early days yet, admittedly, but I can't see this one engaging the crowds like, say, Chinese steel, Volkswagen emissions, or the various Cotswold-related exchanges from the days of peak Monumental Cunt.


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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What's going on with the online user list, Roops? Apparently I'm not here typing this right now.

I mentioned this last night RK. I still have to post something which won’t go through and then go to another thread, make a post which will go through and then go back to the first thread to see that my post has disappeared. That last update was the fucking bollocks, no doubt about it.

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What's going on with the online user list, Roops? Apparently I'm not here typing this right now.

I presume the system architects ranked the online user list as a low priority with the real-time server synchronisation tasking. Whatever, its no real biggie.

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Great. Just some fucking mare keeps talking to me. I wish she'd fuck off and do something useful. There's forest fires in Turkey that need sorting. 

One would have thought that having a non-engagement policy would include not dropping my name into the discourse otherwise you'll end up looking stupid. Again.

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24 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I presume the system architects ranked the online user list as a low priority with the real-time server synchronisation tasking. Whatever, its no real biggie.

Fucking Bill Gates. At it again. Everything worked OK till the vaccination cull started. You can’t fool me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

PooTube, Fartbook, Twatter etc. have now ‘simultaneously’ announced that they will be removing any content which they deem to be ‘ANTI VAX’ and banning contributors from their forums. Not just Covid 19 vaccinations,  but anything which they decide they don’t like regarding any vaccines.

Speaking as a rational person with an open mind on most subjects, I am slightly concerned, but not in the least surprised at this latest big tech policy.

Throughout history science and civilisation generally has progressed rapidly and the human race has benefitted hugely by open debate and opposing opinions being freely discussed and heard, and eventually a consensus agreed upon. Job done. Problem solved.

Until now. ‘Science’ circa. 2021 has moved on from all that old fashioned nonsense. The way it’s done now is much more 21st century. ‘These are the facts and if you don’t agree you will be vilified and then silenced.’

Its a glaring anomaly though, that it’s always the kind, caring, tolerant lefties who want to silence and demonise their critics, while the racist, bigoted, sexist, far right, white supremacist, knuckle draggers are the ones  willing to argue their point of view, but get shouted down and destroyed by their ‘tolerant and inclusive’ opponents.





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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

PooTube, Fartbook, Twatter etc. have now ‘simultaneously’ announced that they will be removing any content which they deem to be ‘ANTI VAX’ and banning contributors from their forums. Not just Covid 19 vaccinations,  but anything which they decide they don’t like regarding any vaccines.

Speaking as a rational person with an open mind on most subjects, I am slightly concerned, but not in the least surprised at this latest big tech policy.

Throughout history science and civilisation generally has progressed rapidly and the human race has benefitted hugely by open debate and opposing opinions being freely discussed and heard, and eventually a consensus agreed upon. Job done. Problem solved.

Until now. ‘Science’ circa. 2021 has moved on from all that old fashioned nonsense. The way it’s done now is much more 21st century. ‘These are the facts and if you don’t agree you will be vilified and then silenced.’

Its a glaring anomaly though, that it’s always the kind, caring, tolerant lefties who want to silence and demonise their critics, while the racist, bigoted, sexist, far right, white supremacist, knuckle draggers are the ones  willing to argue their point of view, but get shouted down and destroyed by their ‘tolerant and inclusive’ opponents.





I see UnitedAirlines are sacking their non-jabbed employees. Pity they weren’t so stringent about their employees taking the pill.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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21 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:


They’ve  a long and sorry industrial performance/productivity record in no small part down to cow-towing to a certain racial element and their pregnancy demands and oddly breathtaking fertility rates. It’s an industry joke. I’m no anti-vaxxer incidentally, much as I like our orange brother.

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On 29/09/2021 at 23:50, Dyslexic cnut said:

They’ve  a long and sorry industrial performance/productivity record in no small part down to cow-towing to a certain racial element and their pregnancy demands and oddly breathtaking fertility rates. It’s an industry joke. I’m no anti-vaxxer incidentally, much as I like our orange brother.

I’m not an antivaxxer DC. I’ve had the standard list of jabs going back to primary school, as have my offspring. It’s just this Coof jab that I won’t partake of, due to the unknown long term effects, the methods being used around the world to force people to comply, coupled with the ever increasing tyranny of so called ‘democratic’ governments worldwide.

The unvaccinated are being portrayed by the scum MSM as the enemies of the people, (the real dummies), who are being manipulated into treating us as modern day lepers. I will not now, not ever, be cajoled into complying with these fucking power mad cunts. No mask, no social distancing, and definitely no fucking ‘Fauci ouchi’.

Our former master Anthony Charles Lynton Blair has given his endorsement for domestic vaccine passports to participate in everyday life on several occasions recently. The same grinning hyena who, when he was PM, point blank refused to say whether the fucking monstrosities which had previously fell out of  the cavernous cunt of his gorgeous ‘Aunt Sally’ lookalike wife Cherie, had partaken of the MMR jab. 
Bill Gates is still a cunt.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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  • 3 months later...

150,000 Covid deaths in the U.K. was the headlining story across the MSM last week, with the BBC and Sky News especially sensationalising the landmark number and broadcasting scenes of Wembley stadium packed to capacity and telling their gullible, eager viewers to imagine twice as many people and that’s what 150,00 looks like.
However, according to the ONS official statistics, since the start of the ‘pandemic’ up to the third quarter of 2021 just 17,371 people without comorbidities have died from Covid 19. 
Bearing in mind that the average age of death from or with Covid in the U.K. is 83, a year more than the average age of all deaths in the U.K. I would, as a self confessed sceptic of most things Covid say that something really fucking stinks with the whole narrative that the fake news media and the party animals in Downing Street have been feeding to the public to keep them in a permanent state of fear and unquestioning compliance.



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So the MSM after two years of pushing Covid 19 fear down the throats of all the masked up lemmings are rapidly moving towards their exit strategy so they can at least appear to  be on the right side of history and the fucking moronic fools who’ve believed all their false narrative without questioning a single word for two years will still not wake up to the fact that the Government and their scientific and medical overlords have lied non stop and those lies have knowingly been pushed out to the public by the fake news media. The fakestream media who’ve accepted tens of millions of pounds from the government to run ‘Public Health’ ads scaring the sheeple out of their wits and ruining millions of lives and businesses for ever. 
The Telegraphs science editor Sarah Knapton wrote yesterday ‘Scrap the unreliable daily Covid updates before people become addicted to them, say experts.’ That’s just one of many similar headlines which have all of a sudden started appearing in the last few days. Two years too fucking late you cunts. You’re not slipping out of being held to account for your actions that easily. Why weren’t any of you questioning any of Whitty and SAGEs nonsense while they through their puppet Johnson were destroying our country with their obvious (to some of us) bullshit predictions and taking away our freedom?

The games up when even GMBs Dr Shillary, ITVs fearmonger in chief who last year actually said that anyone swimming in the sea should wear a mask, now says that the NHS vaccine mandate should be scrapped.

Ideally all the MSM collaborators would be strung up from a lamp post outside their place of employment and left to swing in the wind as a warning to whoever replaces them that journalism isn’t rocket science or brain surgery. The only skill required is to tell the truth.

Dan Walker is an absolute cunt.



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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

So the MSM after two years of pushing Covid 19 fear down the throats of all the masked up lemmings are rapidly moving towards their exit strategy so they can at least appear to  be on the right side of history and the fucking moronic fools who’ve believed all their false narrative without questioning a single word for two years will still not wake up to the fact that the Government and their scientific and medical overlords have lied non stop and those lies have knowingly been pushed out to the public by the fake news media. The fakestream media who’ve accepted tens of millions of pounds from the government to run ‘Public Health’ ads scaring the sheeple out of their wits and ruining millions of lives and businesses for ever. 
The Telegraphs science editor Sarah Knapton wrote yesterday ‘Scrap the unreliable daily Covid updates before people become addicted to them, say experts.’ That’s just one of many similar headlines which have all of a sudden started appearing in the last few days. Two years too fucking late you cunts. You’re not slipping out of being held to account for your actions that easily. Why weren’t any of you questioning any of Whitty and SAGEs nonsense while they through their puppet Johnson were destroying our country with their obvious (to some of us) bullshit predictions and taking away our freedom?

The games up when even GMBs Dr Shillary, ITVs fearmonger in chief who last year actually said that anyone swimming in the sea should wear a mask, now says that the NHS vaccine mandate should be scrapped.

Ideally all the MSM collaborators would be strung up from a lamp post outside their place of employment and left to swing in the wind as a warning to whoever replaces them that journalism isn’t rocket science or brain surgery. The only skill required is to tell the truth.

Dan Walker is an absolute cunt.



Bill - this sentence, if read out loud, could cause suffocation. I nearly suffocated reading it in my head.

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3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Bill - this sentence, if read out loud, could cause suffocation. I nearly suffocated reading it in my head.

KB is so well insulated in bacofoil that if he were to spurt out loud his latest missive in its entirety, the reflected energy would make those Tonga volcanoes look like farts in a bath 

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9 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Bill - this sentence, if read out loud, could cause suffocation. I nearly suffocated reading it in my head.

That’ll either be lack of oxygen due to your mask or the toxic fumes which are clearly warned about on all tins of propellor paint.

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