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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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8 hours ago, Neil said:

I've had the jabs, sorry to disappoint but you'll be pleased to know I've just been diagnosed with a tumour in my eye so if the prostate doesn't get me maybe that cunt will.

Forza Italia 

I sometimes wonder if I'm the only fucking one on this site who hasn't got cancer.

I wouldn't worry too much though, Neil, Frank and Withers have gotten over a few hundred terminal doses of the big C since 2017 alone.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I sometimes wonder if I'm the only fucking one on this site who hasn't got cancer.

I wouldn't worry too much though, Neil, Frank and Withers have gotten over a few hundred terminal doses of the big C since 2017 alone.

I hope the fat cunt will bequeath his Rascal and mattress to the London Dungeon.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I sometimes wonder if I'm the only fucking one on this site who hasn't got cancer.

I wouldn't worry too much though, Neil, Frank and Withers have gotten over a few hundred terminal doses of the big C since 2017 alone.

Funny how it only takes the good ones early eh?

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I sometimes wonder if I'm the only fucking one on this site who hasn't got cancer.


Don't knock it, my left bollock paid off my mortgage and gave me three months holiday ,it 'aint all bad. Ask Frank, how the fuck do you think he'd still fit into his jeans if it wasn't for the chemo.

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Where the fuck have the goalposts gone now? That cunt Worzel Johnson has only gone and moved them again, just as I said the bumbling, lying cunt would a month ago. The ‘irreversible’ roadmap to freedom has become ‘hopefully’ irreversible now. The two doomsday professors Whitty and Vallance back in full on apocalypse mode today to make sure all the good, obedient sheeple get their dose of fearporn, mask up and get back under the bed with a fresh supply of nappies.

The lying bastards AKA the  fakestream media asking questions such as.. ‘With the NHS again under pressure to cope with Covid admissions, Do you think it’s irresponsible to lift all restrictions on the 19th?  Fucking staggering.

The NHS own figures last week  show that only 1.5% of hospital beds in England were occupied by Covid 19 patients. Hardly putting much fucking pressure on the layabout, tik tok prancing, rainbow coloured heroes imo.

Ive put up with an endless stream of virtue signalling cunts looking down their face diapers and in some cases demanding to know why I’m not wearing a mask for the last year or longer. In most cases I’ve ignored the cunts or quietly told them to fuck off and mind their own business. The next time one of these self righteous fucking retards opens their gob and mumbles a demand that I mask up, they’ll be fucking sorry they poked their sanitized beak into what’s none of their fucking business. 





(You’re going to need it Cunt)




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On 12/07/2021 at 20:35, King Billy said:

Where the fuck have the goalposts gone now? That cunt Worzel Johnson has only gone and moved them again, just as I said the bumbling, lying cunt would a month ago. The ‘irreversible’ roadmap to freedom has become ‘hopefully’ irreversible now. The two doomsday professors Whitty and Vallance back in full on apocalypse mode today to make sure all the good, obedient sheeple get their dose of fearporn, mask up and get back under the bed with a fresh supply of nappies.

The lying bastards AKA the  fakestream media asking questions such as.. ‘With the NHS again under pressure to cope with Covid admissions, Do you think it’s irresponsible to lift all restrictions on the 19th?  Fucking staggering.

The NHS own figures last week  show that only 1.5% of hospital beds in England were occupied by Covid 19 patients. Hardly putting much fucking pressure on the layabout, tik tok prancing, rainbow coloured heroes imo.

Ive put up with an endless stream of virtue signalling cunts looking down their face diapers and in some cases demanding to know why I’m not wearing a mask for the last year or longer. In most cases I’ve ignored the cunts or quietly told them to fuck off and mind their own business. The next time one of these self righteous fucking retards opens their gob and mumbles a demand that I mask up, they’ll be fucking sorry they poked their sanitized beak into what’s none of their fucking business. 





(You’re going to need it Cunt)




Oh dear?

I am answering all the questions.

King Billy  - what a lark

He thinks he's witty. He THINKS 🤭 

Yawn, I had a bigger laugh when i found my grannie's broken shoe horn



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3 hours ago, ProfB said:

Oh dear?

I am answering all the questions.

King Billy  - what a lark

He thinks he's witty. He THINKS 🤭 

Yawn, I had a bigger laugh when i found my grannie's broken shoe horn



Freedom day was yesterday Weirdo. Get back in your room with the bouncy wallpaper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve just been reading an article about Iceland and specifically the fact that 90% of the cunts over 16 there have been double vaxed.

So fucking what? I thought. There’s only about 4 or 5 people work there, excluding the retard security guard. Then I realised the piece was about Iceland the country. According to this article Iceland was released from lockdown around a month ago and mask mandates, anti social distancing rules etc. were lifted, after 15 months of near constant imprisonment.

Bravo I said to myself. Well done, 3 cheers and all that shit. I was so pleased that I even considered popping down to the jib/jab drive through tomorrow to offer up my arm.

However, carrying on reading I discovered that the snow worshipping, penguin fucking, puffin munching spackos have been ordered back into lockdown a few days ago. Nice one.

At that point I flew into a rage, shouted ‘bollocks’ and started laughing hysterically at the missus and pointing at her upper arm.

She demanded to know what I was doing, so eventually I told her not to worry, I’d just remembered something funny that happened in Iceland the other week.

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve just been reading an article about Iceland and specifically the fact that 90% of the cunts over 16 there have been double vaxed.

So fucking what? I thought. There’s only about 4 or 5 people work there, excluding the retard security guard. Then I realised the piece was about Iceland the country. According to this article Iceland was released from lockdown around a month ago and mask mandates, anti social distancing rules etc. were lifted, after 15 months of near constant imprisonment.

Bravo I said to myself. Well done, 3 cheers and all that shit. I was so pleased that I even considered popping down to the jib/jab drive through tomorrow to offer up my arm.

However, carrying on reading I discovered that the snow worshipping, penguin fucking, puffin munching spackos have been ordered back into lockdown a few days ago. Nice one.

At that point I flew into a rage, shouted ‘bollocks’ and started laughing hysterically at the missus and pointing at her upper arm.

She demanded to know what I was doing, so eventually I told her not to worry, I’d just remembered something funny that happened in Iceland the other week.

Why are they back in lockdown? Has Bjork contracted the batflu? I mean she is batshit mad after all. 

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According to NHS England, on the 27th July there were 5021 beds occupied by patients who’d tested positive for Covid 19, of whom 3855 were being treated primarily for the virus. The other 1166 were being treated primarily for something else and just happened to also test as positive for the bat flu.

This deception, where hospitalisations and deaths with Covid  have been portrayed to the cowering, mask wearing public, too scared to venture out from under their beds to change their piss soaked pants, but encouraged to open the window and clap like seals for the NHS ‘heroes’ as the real Kungflu statistics is a con trick and a downright fucking pile of shit.

The NHS has never been in imminent danger of being overwhelmed due to Cuntflid 19, and the 400 billion pounds+ which has already been spunked up the wall by the Bozo crime gang could have quadrupled the NHS capabilities if that was the real danger.

The goalposts are constantly on the move. Today SAGE have said that some new variant, yet to appear, could kill 1 in 3 of the U.K. population. Yeah, and Pen could give birth to octuplets, every one of them sliding down his massive cock like passengers bailing out of a blazing 737 on the runway at Gatwick.

Fuck off.

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

According to NHS England, on the 27th July there were 5021 beds occupied by patients who’d tested positive for Covid 19, of whom 3855 were being treated primarily for the virus. The other 1166 were being treated primarily for something else and just happened to also test as positive for the bat flu.

This deception, where hospitalisations and deaths with Covid  have been portrayed to the cowering, mask wearing public, too scared to venture out from under their beds to change their piss soaked pants, but encouraged to open the window and clap like seals for the NHS ‘heroes’ as the real Kungflu statistics is a con trick and a downright fucking pile of shit.

The NHS has never been in imminent danger of being overwhelmed due to Cuntflid 19, and the 400 billion pounds+ which has already been spunked up the wall by the Bozo crime gang could have quadrupled the NHS capabilities if that was the real danger.

The goalposts are constantly on the move. Today SAGE have said that some new variant, yet to appear, could kill 1 in 3 of the U.K. population. Yeah, and Pen could give birth to octuplets, every one of them sliding down his massive cock like passengers bailing out of a blazing 737 on the runway at Gatwick.

Fuck off.

I'm sure that Roops is, as I type, filling her large glass with merlot, and is busily searching on Google to challenge the veracity of your claims. Strap yourself in Billy boy, you could be in for a bumpy ride.

Good luck old boy.

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18 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm sure that Roops is, as I type, filling her large glass with merlot, and is busily searching on Google to challenge the veracity of your claims. Strap yourself in Billy boy, you could be in for a bumpy ride.

Good luck old boy.

Why do you think I never provide links Gypps?

At least I have the satisfaction of making her keyboard overheat before she comes to the inevitable conclusion that I’m a bacofoil hat wearing idiot. I don’t know why she bothers. I guess it’s just one of her numerous personality disorders. I’m happy to help keep her enormous brain ticking over in whatever small way I can. I like to help the unfortunates amongst us. That’s the type of cunt I am. 

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15 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm sure that Roops is, as I type, filling her large glass with merlot, and is busily searching on Google to challenge the veracity of your claims. Strap yourself in Billy boy, you could be in for a bumpy ride.

Good luck old boy.

Like wot you did when you Googled "Felecia"?

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Why do you think I never provide links Gypps?

At least I have the satisfaction of making her keyboard overheat before she comes to the inevitable conclusion that I’m a bacofoil hat wearing idiot. I don’t know why she bothers. I guess it’s just one of her numerous personality disorders. I’m happy to help keep her enormous brain ticking over in whatever small way I can. I like to help the unfortunates amongst us. That’s the type of cunt I am. 

Get away. There's no links on made up stuff and even if there was you lack the wherewithal to upload them.

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39 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Get away. There's no links on made up stuff and even if there was you lack the wherewithal to upload them.

There are plenty of actual links but they do seem to be of the same recycled stuff from the same people who are once again crawling out of the woodwork. In truth we are still in a hard hat rather than tinfoil hat situation. The doubters are mostly enjoying the benefit of the majority who are being careful.

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