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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

As a selfish feeble minded git who ‘probably’ scraped through with no more than three poor CSE grades, I want you to know that I’m eternally grateful that an academically gifted phenomenon such as yourself would even reply to my posts, even if it’s just to remind me of my intellectual inadequacies and your self awarded superiority. However I would like to point out that me having a polar opposite opinion on just about every subject to you is the one thing that confirms to me that I’m right. And every response you make to me in your own self superior way fills me with joy, knowing that as thick as you keep telling everyone I am, your fake ‘I’m too clever to even read the MENSA magazine’ attention seeking boasts show you up as  the fraudulent past your sell by date saggy breasted never was been I could see you for from day one. Only pissy knickers and memories of the glory days on your knees under the bosses desk to look forward to now Luv. I have genuine sympathy for your plite, but I don’t expect that to last long.


Predictable. This always happens, Billy. You never stand your ground and argue a case when called out for your tin-foil hattery. Instead you cave in by stomping your feet and deflect with man-baby tantrums. Save your sympathy for your own plight.

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On 24/02/2021 at 09:55, Mrs Roops said:

As for immunising the under sixteen year olds, children have different immune systems to adults so paediatric versions (there are several dependant on age range) of the vaccines is planned. As I understand it, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been trialled in the States for some months and the Oxford (AstraZeneca) trial commenced on the 13th February.

Perhaps you could enlighten me on the scientific and more importantly the legal and ethical issues around the mass injecting of all children (which is what Professor Edmonds was proposing) with a chemical concoction which could have unknown long term effects, on the spurious grounds of protecting them from a disease which is widely accepted to cause little or no harm to them? Unless I’m mistaken this would violate both the Geneva convention and the UN human rights act. Or perhaps you think I should just put 5 or six masks on, roll up my sleeve, be a good sheep and not have an opinion on anything unless it’s the same as yours?




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6 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

@Frank - I saw your pathetic doxing attempt before it was removed. It proves what we all know - you’re a troll. Nothing more than a sad troll with fuck all better to do. 

I saw it too. Not just doxing but a clear violation of rule 12.

 The man is an absolute fucking disgrace.

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

Perhaps you could enlighten me on the scientific and more importantly the legal and ethical issues around the mass injecting of all children (which is what Professor Edmonds was proposing) with a chemical concoction which could have unknown long term effects, on the spurious grounds of protecting them from a disease which is widely accepted to cause little or no harm to them? Unless I’m mistaken this would violate both the Geneva convention and the UN human rights act. Or perhaps you think I should just put 5 or six masks on, roll up my sleeve, be a good sheep and not have an opinion on anything unless it’s the same as yours?




With a post like this it is clear you realise you're losing the argument. Royalty doesn't usually attach itself to a lost cause. But in your case you're about as royal as..... 

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“It’s worth reinforcing the fact that the great majority of people won’t die from this.”

‘A significant proportion of people will not get this virus at all.”

”Of those who get symptoms 80% are mild or moderate. Even in the very highest risk groups the great majority, if they catch this virus will not die.”

More tinfoil hat nonsense for sure.......Oh hang on a second. Who said these ridiculous things?

Chris Whitty? Chief Medical Officer? Surely not.

”You is lying on the TV. You is a liaaaar.”

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I saw it too. Not just doxing but a clear violation of rule 12.

 The man is an absolute fucking disgrace.

Who did he aim it at?

Hopefully he's been fucked off for an extended period of time, I'd already reported him a few times for his attempts to dox Stubby.

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10 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

He won’t. He never does. Anyone who doesn’t see him for the twisted troll he so regularly reveals himself to be, is a blinkered fool.

@Frankrank said he wished my whole family were wiped out and @Mrs RoopsRoops simply said he was only playing. I will say exactly the same to some cunt I hate like @Eddie and I wonder how long it'll be before I get suspended. @Mrs Roops definitely has her favourites. 

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Most way past their best. attention seeking old banshees do. It’s their last attempt at having at least someone like them, or pretend to.

Never mind that old bollocks, Bill. What do you think of Boris' Road map? I've been giving the plandemic some thought over the last few days after watching a few videos, and have come to the conclusion that the elite don't give a fuck about crashing the world economy as their not going to suffer.

When you're the likes of Bill Gates, and have more dough than you could possibly ever spend it doesn't matter. The man's obsessed with vaccines and population control, and has no doubt been using Sub-Saharan Africa as his own private fiefdom, like a benevolent Josef Mengele. 

I've a feeling something incredibly oppressive will arise from this fiasco. 

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10 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Never mind that old bollocks, Bill. What do you think of Boris' Road map? I've been giving the plandemic some thought over the last few days after watching a few videos, and have come to the conclusion that the elite don't give a fuck about crashing the world economy as their not going to suffer.

When you're the likes of Bill Gates, and have more dough than you could possibly ever spend it doesn't matter. The man's obsessed with vaccines and population control, and has no doubt been using Sub-Saharan Africa as his own private fiefdom, like a benevolent Josef Mengele. 

I've a feeling something incredibly oppressive will arise from this fiasco. 

The total number of people who have been convicted in court in the UK under the emergency Covid legislation is zero. Tens of thousands of fixed penalty fines have been issued in the last year. 246 ‘criminals’ who haven’t paid and have chosen to have the case heard in court have all had the charges either thrown out by magistrates or have had the Crown drop the charge at the last minute. There is a backlog of thousands of cases waiting to be heard at the moment. The people who have paid because they were scared or couldn’t be bothered have started to join together to overturn the decision they made to pay what is an illegal fine. This is no accident or cock up by Bojos legal clowns. It’s 100% deliberate. They knew from the start that what they were doing was illegal, immoral and was simply a means to an end. The exact same thing is happening in Canada and Australia.Thousands of extortionate fines handed out, and Zero convictions for the few who chose to not pay and take it to court. Johnson has been lying, moving the goalposts, brandishing the whip and dangling the carrot for a year.

The fucking ‘roadmap’ lol is nothing different to the bullshit him and his coconspirators have been spewing out for nearly a year now. “The roadmap to freedom will be purely based on data not dates.” the Worzel headed cunt has been spouting for weeks now. lo and behold, the much awaited plan from our glorious leader is nothing but a list of ‘dates’ which all his clown show and their accomplices in the MSM keep emphasising are not definite and can be put back if necessary, (new variants, infection rates, public compliance etc. etc. The one thing glaringly absent in the road map is DATA. 

No doubt old ginger minge will be along soon to shout “Tinfoil hatter” at me soon but that makes me even more sure that she’s a fucking stupid fucking cunt and at least I’m keeping her busy on the googlenet dribbling away and laughing like a hyena when she finds more BS propaganda to contradict what I say. As I told her yesterday I’m living the dream, (rent free in her head.)

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20 hours ago, King Billy said:

What plight? I’m living the dream Luv. (Rent free in your head).

Your tantrums say otherwise...moving on...

20 hours ago, King Billy said:

Perhaps you could enlighten me on the scientific and more importantly the legal and ethical issues around the mass injecting of all children (which is what Professor Edmonds was proposing) with a chemical concoction which could have unknown long term effects, on the spurious grounds of protecting them from a disease which is widely accepted to cause little or no harm to them? Unless I’m mistaken this would violate both the Geneva convention and the UN human rights act. Or perhaps you think I should just put 5 or six masks on, roll up my sleeve, be a good sheep and not have an opinion on anything unless it’s the same as yours?




Anyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how misguided.  I have a problem when a punter twists or invent "facts" to support his/her POV. That said, you would be doing yourself a favour if you weaned yourself away from the QAnon ramblings of Seamus Slackjaw of Shitville USA and Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel.

I wasn't aware there was a UN Human Rights Act and as I understand it, the Geneva Convention is solely concerned with the treatment of combatants and non-combatants by opposing factions in areas of armed conflict so your inference of illegality has no basis. Its worth noting that the decision to immunise or not to immunise children has not been taken so I would hold back running your mouth off until the trials of paediatric vaccines is completed especially with regards to the efficacy in suppressing 'R' rates.

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43 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your tantrums say otherwise...moving on...

Anyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how misguided.  I have a problem when a punter twists or invent "facts" to support his/her POV. That said, you would be doing yourself a favour if you weaned yourself away from the QAnon ramblings of Seamus Slackjaw of Shitville USA and Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel.

I wasn't aware there was a UN Human Rights Act and as I understand it, the Geneva Convention is solely concerned with the treatment of combatants and non-combatants by opposing factions in areas of armed conflict so your inference of illegality has no basis. Its worth noting that the decision to immunise or not to immunise children has not been taken so I would hold back running your mouth off until the trials of paediatric vaccines is completed especially with regards to the efficacy in suppressing 'R' rates.

I think that he is confusing it with the European Convention of Human Rights something which we have in effect been signed up to since the early 1950s. There is this 1998 Human Rights Act which so far as I can tell signed us up to something that we were were already signed up. We are in effect currently in a state of emergency similar to a wartime situation. However I think that was intended to provide for potential effects of being a member of the EU. Correct me if I am wrong.here is actually presently no legal requirement to have the vaccine .. simply a strong recommendation to do so by the government and therefore no reason for anyone to don a tinfoil act or any other form of protection .. I for one strongly object being injected with anything, but no one is forcing me to be injected with the vaccine, all that is happening is that I am being advised to have the vaccine and the various information that have read from valid scientific sources suggests that have the vaccination is a good idea hence when I am offered the vaccine it is 99.99999% certain that I shall (albeit reluctantly) accept the offer and have the vaccination.

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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

What a fucking cunt. A permanent ban is too much to hope for, but I hope he at least gets longer than my last one. 

If he doesn't get a nice big spell inside for yet another act of malicious stupidity I'll post his address on every thread- "I know where you live", a fact he's keen to point out to every other punter here when his trolling backfires and even the lowest of spackers puts the boot in. 

Him and Mrs R can then have a lovely time opening the postal turds. Both of them are a fucking disgrace. 

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4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If he doesn't get a nice big spell inside for yet another act of malicious stupidity I'll post his address on every thread- "I know where you live", a fact he's keen to point out to every other punter here when his trolling backfires and even the lowest of spackers puts the boot in. 

Him and Mrs R can then have a lovely time opening the postal turds. Both of them are a fucking disgrace. 

The scum-cunt has been very quiet. @Franknothing to say for yourself? 

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6 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If he doesn't get a nice big spell inside for yet another act of malicious stupidity I'll post his address on every thread- "I know where you live", a fact he's keen to point out to every other punter here when his trolling backfires and even the lowest of spackers puts the boot in. 

Him and Mrs R can then have a lovely time opening the postal turds. Both of them are a fucking disgrace. 

I don't think Frank is quite the ticket at the moment.  He has sent me a cheap plastic urn, containing Ming's ashes, and has asked me to feed them to my geese.

Geese like a Chinese, why not?

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