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Covid Insanity.

Jake The Muss

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1 hour ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Hahah, more rattled shite from the Jobsworth idiot. 

Lift your game. 
As your fantasy world disintegrates before our eyes, I would have hoped for even the briefest flash of talent, yet you fail to fulfil even my most modest of expectations. 
Blowhard twat.

If I met you in real life, I would doubtless hear you braying before I saw you.

Guess I’d never meet you then.


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9 hours ago, southerncunt said:

Lift your game. 
As your fantasy world disintegrates before our eyes, I would have hoped for even the briefest flash of talent, yet you fail to fulfil even my most modest of expectations. 
Blowhard twat.

If I met you in real life, I would doubtless hear you braying before I saw you.

Guess I’d never meet you then.


Happy new year SC. I see that stinking pile of shit Andrews has deflected and dodged his way through the enquiry and come out with hardly any shit stuck to him. No surprise really as the cunt he put in charge was clearly well briefed beforehand and probably the whole way through, not to push too hard when the evidence started to point the finger at the greasy, lying, amnesia stricken bastard. It’s the biggest case of collective memory loss I’ve ever seen, and the slag never even tried to recall any of the cunts to explain. Total cuntwash, and even more surprising to me is that the Victorian public still seem to support the snake as much as ever. I fear Australia is too far down the woke shitpipe to recover mate. Sorry.

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10 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

What a vile waste of oxygen you are. Not an ounce of humour or intelligence in anything you say. Short back and sides is the limit of your abilities. 


His consistency is astounding Ape. Surely he can’t keep it up? No one can be this bad for ever.

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

His consistency is astounding Ape. Surely he can’t keep it up? No one can be this bad for ever.

Dunno mate, he’s obviously match fit. It’s the staggering variety and imagination of the insults that impresses me. He’s had me splitting my sides for days now.

Utterly humourless fucking cunt that he is.

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15 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Happy new year. Scum.

It will be for me Johnny! The public lavatory opposite my cardboard box has just had hot running water installed in the baby changing room. And Mr Patel has just thrown out a dozen, past sell-by Pot Noodles! 

Life is sweet in Blighty.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It will be for me Johnny! The public lavatory opposite my cardboard box has just had hot running water installed in the baby changing room. And Mr Patel has just thrown out a dozen, past sell-by Pot Noodles! 

Life is sweet in Blighty.

Here we go again Eric. Full lockdown. I can’t help wondering why if two extended lockdowns haven’t worked, why are we doing it again? And if the have worked, why are we doing it again? 

Who was it that said If you keep getting the same answer, you’re not asking the right questions. 

Stick your lockdown up your arse BOZO. This week Oi shall mostly be taking no fucking notice. 

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Just now, King Billy said:

Here we go again Eric. Full lockdown. I can’t help wondering why if two extended lockdowns haven’t worked, why are we doing it again? And if the have worked, why are we doing it again? 

Who was it that said If you keep getting the same answer, you’re not asking the right questions. 

Stick your lockdown up your arse BOZO. This week Oi shall mostly be taking no fucking notice. 

'This week, they aaaarve been mostly eating.. bullshit'

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Here we go again Eric. Full lockdown. I can’t help wondering why if two extended lockdowns haven’t worked, why are we doing it again? And if the have worked, why are we doing it again? 

Who was it that said If you keep getting the same answer, you’re not asking the right questions. 

Stick your lockdown up your arse BOZO. This week Oi shall mostly be taking no fucking notice. 

Basically it's on the premise that this will keep the fatties out of covid wards long enough for the silver bullet to arrive and save us from mass extinction. At least this is what all the brainwashed face nappy wearers believe because this is what INGSOC........whoops sorry, I mean Boris Bunter's government, are telling them. 

I was talking to a Dr friend of mine yesterday and she's been TOLD to have the vaccine even though she don't want it. 

If the unbrainwashed remain the minority, then expect a future sliding down the shitpole*

*Mr Lahey; Trailer Park Boys. 

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18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Here we go again Eric. Full lockdown. I can’t help wondering why if two extended lockdowns haven’t worked, why are we doing it again? And if the have worked, why are we doing it again? 

Who was it that said If you keep getting the same answer, you’re not asking the right questions. 

Stick your lockdown up your arse BOZO. This week Oi shall mostly be taking no fucking notice. 

Exactly that, lockdowns don't work. They are simply there to stop overloading the underfunded NHS. Fuck the lockdown I'm off to London tomorrow. 

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Basically it's on the premise that this will keep the fatties out of covid wards long enough for the silver bullet to arrive and save us from mass extinction. At least this is what all the brainwashed face nappy wearers believe because this is what INGSOC........whoops sorry, I mean Boris Bunter's government, are telling them. 

I was talking to a Dr friend of mine yesterday and she's been TOLD to have the vaccine even though she don't want it. 

If the unbrainwashed remain the minority, then expect a future sliding down the shitpole*

*Mr Lahey; Trailer Park Boys. 

Get off the stage Lahey, you fuckin drunk.

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11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

'This week, they aaaarve been mostly eating.. bullshit'

Eric when are the public going to pull their heads out of their arseholes and at least question  what’s being done to them? 

‘Lockdown’ is a prison term and has only ever been used in that environment as far as I’m aware. Have the British people, who have conquered the world, stood up to and defeated the most evil and fearsome regimes the world has ever seen, been at the forefront of industrial, scientific, military and technological innovation for millennia and had its language, legal system, and culture copied the world over been worn down and bullied into submission by a ringfull of fucking clowns led by Bozo Johnson and a handful of even less believable fuckwits?

I really do believe the answer might be yes. I’m not seeing anything to make me think otherwise at the moment. It’s a fucking sad state of affairs.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Eric when are the public going to pull their heads out of their arseholes and at least question  what’s being done to them? 

‘Lockdown’ is a prison term and has only ever been used in that environment as far as I’m aware. Have the British people, who have conquered the world, stood up to and defeated the most evil and fearsome regimes the world has ever seen, been at the forefront of industrial, scientific, military and technological innovation for millennia and had its language, legal system, and culture copied the world over been worn down and bullied into submission by a ringfull of fucking clowns led by Bozo Johnson and a handful of even less believable fuckwits?

I really do believe the answer might be yes. I’m not seeing anything to make me think otherwise at the moment. It’s a fucking sad state of affairs.

To be quite honest, I work from home, have my shopping delivered and go out with the dogs so I couldn't give a rats piss if I never have to meet any other cunt again. Who I feel sorry for is these poor cunts who are going out of their heads through no social interaction. How many are going to go for a drive or a walk to get some sanity and are going to be pulled up by the filth? 

If you can, watch the film Trial of the Chicago 7!  There's a scene where protesters are facing the police who are on a grass hill. Some cunt in the crowd shouts "Take the hill" and the crowd charges the filth. 

It may happen here.

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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

To be quite honest, I work from home,

And that's why the NHS is on its arse. Too many back office jobsworths pulling in a monthly wage that would be better spent on frontline medical staff.

Get back on the ward, you lazy fucking cunt.


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On 02/01/2021 at 20:13, Goober said:

Funny you should say that. You do strike me as the kind of deviant that would park his mobility scooter behind an unsuspecting lady on a late night underground service before finger flicking a bit of his fallen-short-of-the-mark seedless cock batter into her hair and then surreptitiously slinking off to the next carriage, disappointed that she hadn't noticed your sick pathetic effort. 

Point of order here. How does one ‘slink’ on a mobility scooter. No offence intended like.

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20 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Eric when are the public going to pull their heads out of their arseholes and at least question  what’s being done to them? 

‘Lockdown’ is a prison term and has only ever been used in that environment as far as I’m aware. Have the British people, who have conquered the world, stood up to and defeated the most evil and fearsome regimes the world has ever seen, been at the forefront of industrial, scientific, military and technological innovation for millennia and had its language, legal system, and culture copied the world over been worn down and bullied into submission by a ringfull of fucking clowns led by Bozo Johnson and a handful of even less believable fuckwits?

I really do believe the answer might be yes. I’m not seeing anything to make me think otherwise at the moment. It’s a fucking sad state of affairs.

I do think the virus is real, but I'm sceptical about this really convenient "new strain" that suddenly appeared on the horizon when they had every cunt out Christmas shopping - and even if the new strain is a genuine thing and not a convenient excuse for them to get everyone back inside and stop licking one another's faces, then the fact that it was detected in September and nowt was done until the New Year is fucking ludicrous.

Its a lose-lose situation. They're either devious little lying cunts choosing the profits of the Christmas rush over people's safety and are now telling even more porkies to wrestle back control, or window licking mongs who just sat and watched as the virus mutated right on their fucking doorstep. 

Oh well... at least the vaccines are coming... after they've injected every fucking smooth brain, living fossil in the country with it first before it actually gets to the cunts who have more to do than just sit in a chair all day and shit themselves.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

I do think the virus is real, but I'm sceptical about this really convenient "new strain" that suddenly appeared on the horizon when they had every cunt out Christmas shopping - and even if the new strain is a genuine thing and not a convenient excuse for them to get everyone back inside and stop licking one another's faces, then the fact that it was detected in September and nowt was done until the New Year is fucking ludicrous.

Its a lose-lose situation. They're either devious little lying cunts choosing the profits of the Christmas rush over people's safety and are now telling even more porkies to wrestle back control, or window licking mongs who just sat and watched as the virus mutated right on their fucking doorstep. 

Oh well... at least the vaccines are coming... after they've injected every fucking smooth brain, living fossil in the country with it first before it actually gets to the cunts who have more to do than just sit in a chair all day and shit themselves.

I was told, SEVEN weeks ago by a chap who works at a very high level in telecoms, for the government that we’d be getting fucked on the 4th Jan. I told several close mates (despite being told to keep things shtum, because I’m a cunt.) The decision to let the rabble out over Xmas, despite it being ridiculous, was about commercialism and the fear that no cunt would take any notice of a Xmas lockdown and once the plebs realised that government orders are not enforceable by the police, anarchy would ensue & they’d need the army on the streets. 

Thanks to years of cuts and austerity, there aren’t enough police or military to enforce the governments edicts. These cunts aren’t daft, they have to govern by consent because they can’t/won’t enforce.

So this ‘new strain’ shit is bollocks and so is the fuckin data. This date has long been fixed. Pity I’ve got no clue about gambling.



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21 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I was told, SEVEN weeks ago by a chap who works at a very high level in telecoms, for the government that we’d be getting fucked on the 4th Jan. I told several close mates (despite being told to keep things shtum, because I’m a cunt.) The decision to let the rabble out over Xmas, despite it being ridiculous, was about commercialism and the fear that no cunt would take any notice of a Xmas lockdown and once the plebs realised that government orders are not enforceable by the police, anarchy would ensue & they’d need the army on the streets. 

Thanks to years of cuts and austerity, there aren’t enough police or military to enforce the governments edicts. These cunts aren’t daft, they have to govern by consent because they can’t/won’t enforce.

So this ‘new strain’ shit is bollocks and so is the fuckin data. This date has long been fixed. Pity I’ve got no clue about gambling.



Total and utter fucking bollocks. Quick - get your tinfoil hat.

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