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Locked-down Scouse cunts.

Dyslexic cnut

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Yes. I checked it and the account's empty now. I expect they moved the money out to make room for the 76 thousand he will be paying in to it.

He told me that the money in my account needed to be Covid tested. Anyway I gave him Pen's account number. Well she's old. Very old. Don't want her catching the slope flu. Do we? 

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

That’s no excuse. I’m fuckin stunned here! They say ‘never meet your hero’s especially if they’re cunts.’ You & are finished Eric...for tonight at least....cnut.

You’re fuckin [sic] stunned? How do you expect Eric to live with himself now? 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
29 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Knackers ya ring piece fingering wanker. I spent my early years in Yorkshire, Nether Edge Sheffield to be exact, and am proud the experience made me into the complete and utter cunt i am today.  So fuck off and take yer flat cap and ferrets with you, and dont forget your whippets. Cunt. 


You absolute oaf.  

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
10 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

He’s really quite something, isn’t he? 

Reminds me of some of my relatives, as he shares with them a talent for starting fights in an empty room.  

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4 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Reminds me of some of my relatives, as he shares with them a talent for starting fights in an empty room.  

He reminds me of a thick, loudmouthed, bullshitting fucking wanker. It’s different perspectives we all have that make us such a fascinating species.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Eat shit you dirty, unwashed, scouse slurping fucking tramp.

I wish you'd been the 97th lawn pancake. 

But I’m not ‘scouse’ softshite...I’ve never said I was. This is what happens when you ‘like’ Ape’s bullshit...it diminishes you, cereberally. Require a barium meal...tomorrow, cunt.

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Scouse cunts were only locked down last night...trainloads and covered wagons, full of the diseased pondlife headed over to Wankchester this morning for a session....now look what’s happened. Next stop Stoke on Trent and Pen’s, erm homeland...fingers 🤞 

I have never said that I like Stoke-on-Trent .. my belief is that the place should be concreted over with the clayheads buried beneath the concrete.

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