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Paul Ward - cunt

Dave Umbongo

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5 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Christ that’s fucking shocking. Fingers crossed that his stay at HMP will be short and hideously painful. I can’t even bring myself to label him a ‘Cunt’ frankly.

Not a short stay, I want him to serve his full sentence in such hideous pain that when it's over he has to go to a top security mental hospital because he's chewed his own tongue off.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
6 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:


I want this little fuck weasle to continuously nearly die for the rest of his life, painfully. 

Dear god what an absolute bastard monster !  Never mind jailing him, people like this shouldn't be left alive.  I feel quite ill after reading that.  Hopefully the little bairn makes a full recovery.  

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Big Larry on D-wing will rupture this little cunts bowel,dailyfor the next 14 years hopefully.If asked I would gladly take on the job of castrating the little cunt,with a rusty pair of shears,through his arse whilst dousing the cunt with petrol and offering him a fag.

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The little cunt will be out before he turns 30. The liberal social workers will make sure of that. Upon release, he will be given a new identity, a nice flat and a job for life. Within a year he will start abusing children again, which will be ignored by the authorities. Ignored partly because they won't admit that they made a mistake releasing him, but mostly because the authorities look after their own. 

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8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The little cunt will be out before he turns 30. The liberal social workers will make sure of that. Upon release, he will be given a new identity, a nice flat and a job for life. Within a year he will start abusing children again, which will be ignored by the authorities. Ignored partly because they won't admit that they made a mistake releasing him, but mostly because the authorities look after their own. 

He’ll do 7 years on rule 43 with the other nonce scumbags, getting each other all horned up trying to outdo each other with tales of their depraved crimes. I guarantee that 90% of these cunts would never commit the abominable acts that they do if Rule43 segregation was abolished and they were placed in general population on the wings.They would then know that for them the death penalty was the only sentence in town as the minute they were put on the wing their life expectancy becomes zero. And the thing that all these fucking degenerate lowlifes have in common is that they are spineless fucking cowards. Most would top themselves rather than face torture and agonising death in prison. 


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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

He’ll do 7 years on rule 43 with the other nonce scumbags, getting each other all horned up trying to outdo each other with tales of their depraved crimes. I guarantee that 90% of these cunts would never commit the abominable acts that they do if Rule43 segregation was abolished and they were placed in general population on the wings.They would then know that for them the death penalty was the only sentence in town as the minute they were put on the wing their life expectancy becomes zero. And the thing that all these fucking degenerate lowlifes have in common is that they are spineless fucking cowards. Most would top themselves rather than face torture and agonising death in prison. 


Imagine how unpleasant it would be to have to brush your teeth after you've punched the sharpened handle of your toothbrush through a paedophiles kidney. Yuk.

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The inter-wing five a side competition will be a right old laugh this year. What will VAR make of Big Vern the Goalie landing elbow first on this Nonce’s neck? I think quadriplegia seems like a reasonable starting point, with a possible second course of forcibly tossing the salad of every passing Yardie on the hospital wing. 

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37 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Imagine how unpleasant it would be to have to brush your teeth after you've punched the sharpened handle of your toothbrush through a paedophiles kidney. Yuk.

Never mind unpleasant Eric. Fucking impossible for me at the moment as my implants are in Hungsry and I’m not. Fucking  fake virus, mask wanker bollocks. Do you know that fillet steak still tastes good if you cut it up real small and gum crush it? I didn’t until recently.

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11 hours ago, Neil said:

Big Larry on D-wing will rupture this little cunts bowel,dailyfor the next 14 years hopefully.If asked I would gladly take on the job of castrating the little cunt,with a rusty pair of shears,through his arse whilst dousing the cunt with petrol and offering him a fag.

I was getting quite alarmed for a moment...

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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Never mind unpleasant Eric. Fucking impossible for me at the moment as my implants are in Hungsry and I’m not. Fucking  fake virus, mask wanker bollocks. Do you know that fillet steak still tastes good if you cut it up real small and gum crush it? I didn’t until recently.

There’s a woman up the road here who has just had a gastric sleeve, to try and shift 40 years of cake. She’s taken to blending all the meals she cooks, and her poor sap of a husband has agreed to take a puréed diet in solidarity despite being as far through as a broom handle. Apparently all meat regardless of cut or cooking is reduced to a tasteless grey oily paste. We had a whip round in the surf club cafe last week and bought the poor bastard a cheeseburger, which he devoured like a dingo on a baby. 

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31 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Never mind unpleasant Eric. Fucking impossible for me at the moment as my implants are in Hungsry and I’m not. Fucking  fake virus, mask wanker bollocks. Do you know that fillet steak still tastes good if you cut it up real small and gum crush it? I didn’t until recently.

Never mind indeed. Fresubin® Nutritional drinks are fucking lush.

Anyway. I've just been looking at the judicial sentencing tariffs and on average, a convicted paedophile such as this cunt serves around 5.8 years. Under the new 'hate crime' legislation, you can be sentenced to 7 years for 'stirring up racial hatred'.

So let's look at it objectively. If you call a black man a nasty name, you are only slightly less of a bad person than a cunt who rapes, mutilates and almost kills a 10 month old baby....

What a world we live in.

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19 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

There’s a woman up the road here who has just had a gastric sleeve, to try and shift 40 years of cake. She’s taken to blending all the meals she cooks, and her poor sap of a husband has agreed to take a puréed diet in solidarity despite being as far through as a broom handle. Apparently all meat regardless of cut or cooking is reduced to a tasteless grey oily paste. We had a whip round in the surf club cafe last week and bought the poor bastard a cheeseburger, which he devoured like a dingo on a baby. 

I love that film. I always rooted for the Dingo. By the way, to all you philistines. The dog in Mad Max 2 isn't a Dingo, it's an Australian Shepherd. 

I think I'll watch 'Picnic At Hanging Rock' before beddy-byes.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

There’s a woman up the road here who has just had a gastric sleeve, to try and shift 40 years of cake. She’s taken to blending all the meals she cooks, and her poor sap of a husband has agreed to take a puréed diet in solidarity despite being as far through as a broom handle. Apparently all meat regardless of cut or cooking is reduced to a tasteless grey oily paste. We had a whip round in the surf club cafe last week and bought the poor bastard a cheeseburger, which he devoured like a dingo on a baby. 

Why not just inject her with chinky 19. Few months on a ventilator and she'll have a figure like Darcy Bussell. 

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Well...this presents no reasonable conclusion other than beating the pitifully dirty nonce cunt half to death in my secluded lock-up with a rugby sock full of pool-balls and strapping it to my diesel-driven space heater, then introducing the arsehole to a white-hot shish griddle and dropping a freshly dead fat cunt on top of him, then simply yet clumsily basting the bastard in screaming hot 5W30 engine oil and relieving the Rolf Harris cunt of his fingers and toes courtesy of me old mum's secateurs. Can you see what it is yet?


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He'll be in solitary without a friend in the world with a 50/50 chance of him being topped during his sentence. The throw away the key option must apply in cases like this. You can't tell me there was no history with this cunt before this happened. It would be interesting to see the records and all the do gooders involved. 

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On 10/10/2020 at 23:56, Earl of Punkape said:

Most paedophiles are misunderstood by the working men of this country who are largely illiterate and sexually naive.

Most paedophiles are homosexually inclined.

Fucking hell. I didn't know Sidney Cooke's solicitor had joined us. 

Utterly indefensible. I have no idea on the sexual orientation of nonces, but they should all be hung from lampposts with a sign around their necks detailing their offence! 

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