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Guest Weary&Disgusted

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2 hours ago, Goober said:

Better just to use some common sense and wear one because it's hardly a major bloody inconvenience.

This isn't about the spread of the virus or convenience.

This is about a duopoly of politicians, ergo utter cunts, that do not adhere to the rules they undemocratically force on the masses.

Here in the costa del fucking Essex, the shit cunt county council asked the government could it voluntarily go to tier 2 restrictions. Of course central government gave the nod. Southend and Thurrock are not included, despite being in the county, as they are unitary authorities. 

Then there is the real World. The Mid and South Essex Hospitals NHS trust comprises of three acute hospitals, serving a catchment of 1.5 million punters. There are 47 in-patients with a positive swab only one of which is in a critical care unit. 

We have years of this disproportionate incompetence and bullshit to come.

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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

This isn't about the spread of the virus or convenience.

This is about a duopoly of politicians, ergo utter cunts, that do not adhere to the rules they undemocratically force on the masses.

Here in the costa del fucking Essex, the shit cunt county council asked the government could it voluntarily go to tier 2 restrictions. Of course central government gave the nod. Southend and Thurrock are not included, despite being in the county, as they are unitary authorities. 

Then there is the real World. The Mid and South Essex Hospitals NHS trust comprises of three acute hospitals, serving a catchment of 1.5 million punters. There are 47 in-patients with a positive swab only one of which is in a critical care unit. 

We have years of this disproportionate incompetence and bullshit to come.

I've said before that I don't entirely agree with the disproportionate measures or how they are being implemented based on the reality of the situation. Politicians are all self interested and largely do things to benefit themselves and their reelection chances. Having said that, a modicum of scare tactics is not always a bad thing to encourage people to behave responsibly.

In that instance I was just addressing a borderline crazy conspiracy theory and the way people are getting so nuts over wearing masks when it's not a big fucking deal to wear one.

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34 minutes ago, Goober said:

I've said before that I don't entirely agree with the disproportionate measures or how they are being implemented based on the reality of the situation. Politicians are all self interested and largely do things to benefit themselves and their reelection chances. Having said that, a modicum of scare tactics is not always a bad thing to encourage people to behave responsibly.

In that instance I was just addressing a borderline crazy conspiracy theory and the way people are getting so nuts over wearing masks when it's not a big fucking deal to wear one.

You’re all over the place. You might as well say ‘I’m sorry Proper, I retract my last post in its entirety because I haven’t a fucking clue on earth’. Jesus Christ. 

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36 minutes ago, Frank said:

You’re all over the place. You might as well say ‘I’m sorry Proper, I retract my last post in its entirety because I haven’t a fucking clue on earth’. Jesus Christ. 

When I want the opinion of a fucking idiot, I'll ask you. Fuck off.

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51 minutes ago, Goober said:

When I want the opinion of a fucking idiot, I'll ask you. Fuck off.

I just say it as the majority of the board see it. You had confidence issues at the very beginning under the Dr Cunt handle and never really recovered. I eventually called you out on it and you didn’t take it well.. quite possibly the biggest meltdown in the history of the Corner. I can’t remember the last member reinventing himself with any success. 

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9 minutes ago, Frank said:

I just say it as the majority of the board see it. You had confidence issues at the very beginning under the Dr Cunt handle and never really recovered. I eventually called you out on it and you didn’t take it well.. quite possibly the biggest meltdown in the history of the Corner. I can’t remember the last member reinventing himself with any success. 

Oh, I forgot you had the pulse of the entire membership. Idiot.

A change of handle is not a reinvention, but you're too dim to understand that, cleary.

It's just more fantasist BS from the site's resident dribbling spastic and second best troll. You're not even particularly good at trolling any more, Frank.

How was your cooler time?

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8 hours ago, Goober said:

Oh, you mean the GOP's October surprise, which has been universally derided as unverifiable (being generous) and a complete fabrication, if being truthful. The one 'smoking gun' email, which pretty much amounted to fuck all of interest, is clearly fake.

My politics lie only slightly left of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, but I've no hesitation in saying that Trump and his enablers in the right wing media (Fox, Breitbart et al.) are a joke.

Take off the tin foil hat.

BTW, it's Biden.

If the hard drive is fake then why have Bidens people not said so? And why did Hunter Bidens lawyers  send Rudi Gullianno an email demanding the return of what they said was the property of their client? The New York Post are certain it’s genuine. They are all in with it. The scumbags at Twitter and Facebook know that too. Desperate times for the leftie fuckpigs right now. Bye Bye Sleepy Joe.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2020🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷

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Just now, King Billy said:

If the hard drive is fake then why have Bidens people not said so? And why did Hunter Bidens lawyers  send Rudi Gullianno an email demanding the return of what they said was the property of their client? The New York Post are certain it’s genuine. They are all in with it. The scumbags at Twitter and Facebook know that too. Desperate times for the leftie fuckpigs right now. Bye Bye Sleepy Joe.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2020🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷

Again, why comment on something that isn't true? In this media driven age it simply fans the flames whether something is true or not.

Of course they'd ask for the hard drive, it's then easy to prove it's fake, so no surprise is not been handed over, even though it could be easily copied.

I don't think Biden would be a great president, but flipping heck, Billy, try to look behind the headlines and balance the facts. Seems like you've been well and truly tucked up though.


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6 hours ago, Goober said:

Denying it just fans the flames, and the message is fake so it doesn't really matter what it says.

Anyway, last I knew Hunter wasn't running for president and the Trumps can hardly point fingers when addressing potentially profiting from a family member being in a position of power. 

Most of what you've written there is more right wing misinformation. Biden used his power to influence that because it was US and European policy to oust a corrupt official, not a personal effort to protect a family member.

I'm a right wing voter, always have been, always will be, so my preference would be for a Republican president, but not Trump. He's been a disaster for the US both domestically and internationally. I'm definitely not pro Democrat or Biden, but I'll call out the outright lies being pumped out by both sides.

You’re confused. You need a shot of adrenochrome. Or a slice of pizza.

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11 minutes ago, Goober said:

Oh, I forgot you had the pulse of the entire membership. Idiot.

A change of handle is not a reinvention, but you're too dim to understand that, cleary.

It's just more fantasist BS from the site's resident dribbling spastic and second best troll. You're not even particularly good at trolling any more, Frank.

How was your cooler time?

It’s one thing changing your name, quite another asking for several years history to be deleted. The proof will be in the pudding. Post away, Goober. 

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2 minutes ago, Goober said:

Again, why comment on something that isn't true? In this media driven age it simply fans the flames whether something is true or not.

Of course they'd ask for the hard drive, it's then easy to prove it's fake, so no surprise is not been handed over, even though it could be easily copied.

I don't think Biden would be a great president, but flipping heck, Billy, try to look behind the headlines and balance the facts. Seems like you've been well and truly tucked up though.


It’s 100% real. The original was given to the FBI last November. They could have killed the story straight away but their silence tells a tale too. The FBI is rotten to the core at the highest levels. The fact that you seem certain it’s not genuine tells me that you haven’t really done your homework. You will see soon though.

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2 minutes ago, Frank said:

It’s one thing changing your name, quite another asking for several years history to be deleted. The proof will be in the pudding. Post away, Goober. 

I've never asked for that. More lame invented rubbish. I suspect you'll make something else up soon, so I'll do you a favour, don't bother. You're pathetic.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s 100% real. The original was given to the FBI last November. They could have killed the story straight away but their silence tells a tale too. The FBI is rotten to the core at the highest levels. The fact that you seem certain it’s not genuine tells me that you haven’t really done your homework. You will see soon though.

Listen to yourself, silence is proof... Jesus fucking wept.

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

Just swallowing propaganda headlines that fit one's beliefs and repeating them without thought does tend to make one confused, Billy.

I’m glad you’ve realised where you were going wrong. It’s OK. If there’s anything else I can help you with just let me know.

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Just now, King Billy said:

I’m glad you’ve realised where you were going wrong. It’s OK. If there’s anything else I can help you with just let me know.


Maybe I was wrong, maybe you should put a tin foil hat on to keep out those rays that have rotted your brain. I hope it's not too late.

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20 minutes ago, Goober said:


Maybe I was wrong, maybe you should put a tin foil hat on to keep out those rays that have rotted your brain. I hope it's not too late.

If you’d left out the Maybe I’d have read the rest of your post.  You’ve picked this little spar Dr. It appears to me that you’ve based your opinion on whatever talking head on your TV or whatever has told you to believe. The Dems are spinning out their default storyline again, Russian hoax/Putin,Trump conspiracy...blah blah. Adam Schiff has worked this one out too. That one flew well last time, didn’t it?  Witness after witness testified to Congress,(mostly in secret hearings) that they hadn’t found any evidence of Trump colluding with anyone. Why did they testify  that? Because they were under oath and knew that if they lied they’d be bang in trouble when the truth came out. And they’d go straight onto CNN, MSNBC, ABC or the other fake news channels and say they had indisputible evidence incriminating the President. I would have expected better from you Dr. but it seems you’ve been badly infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I hope you make a full and speedy recovery too.

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36 minutes ago, Frank said:

Not only are you out of your depth, you’re no longer welcome here. KB might be a thick as mud conspiracy theorist dope, but he’s certainly got the measure of you. 

You’re still the worst on here. No one can ever take that away from you. Idiot.

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20 hours ago, Goober said:

Denying it just fans the flames, and the message is fake so it doesn't really matter what it says.

Anyway, last I knew Hunter wasn't running for president and the Trumps can hardly point fingers when addressing potentially profiting from a family member being in a position of power. 

Most of what you've written there is more right wing misinformation. Biden used his power to influence that because it was US and European policy to oust a corrupt official, not a personal effort to protect a family member.

I'm a right wing voter, always have been, always will be, so my preference would be for a Republican president, but not Trump. He's been a disaster for the US both domestically and internationally. I'm definitely not pro Democrat or Biden, but I'll call out the outright lies being pumped out by both sides.


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