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Guest Weary&Disgusted

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8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've just been reading about these 'covid marshalls'. It appears that they have neither powers of arrest or detention. 

Shit, I'm going to have some fun with these establishment arse-kissing, collaborator cunts. I'm going everywhere in full black, stab vest and radio. 

What the fuck is a doorman other than an egotistical bone-headed controlling cunt .. no different than one of these marshalls other than these marshalls will actually be able to read and write rather than being numb brained gun nuts.

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

What the fuck is a doorman other than an egotistical bone-headed controlling cunt .. no different than one of these marshalls other than these marshalls will actually be able to read and write rather than being numb brained gun nuts.

Shut your fucking quisling mouth. Disgusting fucking transvestite freak. 

Dont ever PM me again. 

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18 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Ahh, the voice of the sheeple arrives. Quite ironic considering your place of birth. I find it staggering that an allegedly educated woman can be so fucking thick. When there herding you into a concentration camp you'll see the error of such blinkered thinking. 

Once again, common sense is not a prerequisite of intellect... 

Coming from a thickster who repeatedly demonstrates a lack of critical thinking your comments are incongruous to say the least...

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9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Coming from a thickster who repeatedly demonstrates a lack of critical thinking your comments are incongruous to say the least...

Yawn. The usual mundane idiotic bluster from a thick hormonal housewife... 

Serious question - what are you actually doing on this forum? You're incapable of debate and mimic Frank like a fucking Parrot. You bring nothing to the table except Google results. No humour, no validity to an opinion, and you're one of the three worst posters here.

I'd suggest you stick to moderating, and leave the cunting to the professionals... 


Edited by Major Cunt
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17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Solitary? Well, yes. Apart from the 6,600 doctors who created a Facebook page and signed an online petition stating that the restrictions are draconian for all but the most vulnerable, and those not really at risk should be allowed to get on with their lives. 

I'm sure all those 6,600 doctors were nutters and Facebook were right to remove the page at the governments request. Ffs.

Maybe you should read the small print behind the story.

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13 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I imagine Roops is busy identifying and valuing the businesses which will shortly be going into receivership, so she can act as a broker to buy them up on behalf of the shadowy billionaire syndicates who have orchestrated the hoax for the purposes of acquisition. She knows exactly what's going on. That's why she's helping spread the lies.

Certainly busy identifying supply chain issues caused by the pandemic but that's more about providing assistance and expertise to the stakeholders involved.

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Small weddings n funerals are the main crust earner these days bally baby...helps boost the government stipend of €250 a week..must say im thoroughly enjoying this state of affairs watching supposedly educated people chasing their tails and making things up as they go along..worlds changing around us and may never be the same again.


True words Panz. The problem as I see it is that all these cunts  who’re making things up on the hoof have realised how much easier to govern a compliant, non questioning population is. And so the death by a thousand cuts policy, ie more and more rules and constant removal of hard earned rights and freedoms goes on, with the majority of fucking mask wankers lapping up the lies. As Joe Goebbels said... “By virtue of the people’s mandate, the government is exercised authoritaritively with no possibility for parliamentary interference to render ineffective the execution of the nations will.” Countries all over the world which until this year would have been regarded as Liberal Democracies have basically become dictatorships, ruling by dictat using emergency legislation which, once granted removes the need for any further checks and balances. These abuses of power are so common now that few people or should I say sheep, even realise what’s happening. Goebbels, when asked at Nuremberg How the German people had been persuaded to support and even commit the Nazi atrocities, he answered “Fear. If you scare people enough they will generally agree to anything.”


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21 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Yawn. The usual mundane idiotic bluster from a thick hormonal housewife... 

Serious question - what are you actually doing on this forum? You're incapable of debate and mimic Frank like a fucking Parrot. You bring nothing to the table except Google results. No humour, no validity to an opinion, and you're one of the three worst posters here.

I'd suggest you stick to moderating, and leave the cunting to the professionals... 


Serious answer, everyone has their idiosyncrasies. Why is it that its always the ne'er do wells, the have nots and those employed by the gig economy are always the ones who promulgate theories peppered with random anecdotes, strawman arguments and "sheeple" accusations? Where do they get their remarkable insight from? Discuss...

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Certainly busy identifying supply chain issues caused by the pandemic but that's more about providing assistance and expertise to the stakeholders involved.

There's no pandemic, you brainwashed arsehole. Just a severe curtailing of civil liberties, and a bunch of cunts wearing masks doing more harm than good. Do you have any idea of the ecological disaster caused by dumping billions of non biodegradable masks to landfills. Your stupidity is only matched by your ignorance...

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3 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

There's no pandemic, you brainwashed arsehole. Just a severe curtailing of civil liberties, and a bunch of cunts wearing masks doing more harm than good. Do you have any idea of the ecological disaster caused by dumping billions of non biodegradable masks to landfills. Your stupidity is only matched by your ignorance...

So which YouTuber brainwashed you?

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29 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

But being a doorman is about controlling people isn't it, so you can hardly not be aware of the paradox unless you are bonehead and gormless.

Pen there’s no rhyme or reason when it comes to the Cuntman. The man’s a fucking drunk. Say no more. 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

There's no pandemic, you brainwashed arsehole. Just a severe curtailing of civil liberties, and a bunch of cunts wearing masks doing more harm than good. Do you have any idea of the ecological disaster caused by dumping billions of non biodegradable masks to landfills. Your stupidity is only matched by your ignorance...

Major whenever I log on you appear to be making a fool of yourself. Last Sunday it was I who turned you inside out, and now you’re about to get yourself turned over by Mrs R. Again! What’s going on in your tiny mind? 

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29 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Yes. A cunting forum which you seem to use just to argue with members who's opinion differs from yours. 

So that where I've going wrong for all these years, I should've been arguing with people whose opinion I agree with. Jesus fucking Christ, how do we find people like you?

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