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Margaret Ferrier MP SNP cunt

Earl of Punkape

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I read about poor Sinead O'Connor being on the bread line begging friends for help. She's having a terrible time with her mental health.

She went to the Doctor and guess what he told her? *

*If you don't get it, don't fucking ask. 

I know what he told her.

He said 'girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do'

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That's my point. Once they've collapsed the existing economic infrastructure and everybody's out of a job, they get that labour for next to nothing.

The Chinese have been doing it for donkeys years. Keep the people poor and hungry, and they'll work all day for a bowl of rice. Because they've got no choice. If the cunts at the top want a slave workforce, they need to do away with the 'fair wage' economy first. 

They’ll be fucked in this country then.... the populace are so thick and fucking lazy...they’ll die rather than work.

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9 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

They don't need to Eric. They're getting rich for doing fuck all.  In my time we've had Brixton, Tottenham, Toxteth go up, but that was down to black people getting fucking angry. We had the battle of Orgreave during the miners strike and we had the poll tax riots which were mainly the white working class. But little since then. If this was the 80s I would expect there to be an explosion of anger where people say "enough" and rise up. I keep saying it will happen again but its getting doubtful. Many places here in london are now middle class enclaves and the middle classes are highly unlikely to do anything other than tut and pour themselves a other glass of merlot. Class cleansing in parts of london has had a nullifying effect, fuck even Peckham is going that way. "Dockers mansions", the 2 up 2 down terraced houses of Peckham, lived in by working class families connected to the dock yards on the Thames,  are now worth 600k+. The rebellion is being gradually rinsed away

I was at Orgreave and Toxteth. Toxteth, primarily was opportunistic looting and fuck all to do with blackism. That was piled on later. Michael and Delroy Showers were interviewed on Granada crying that ‘the police have ruined my city!’ These cunts were the bosses of the biggest organised crime mob in the city...they drove around in pink Rolls Royces ffs! Delroy was a rapist sphincter stretcher who died of aids...sad really....Orgreave....cracking dust-up of which I still carry the scars....

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I was at Orgreave and Toxteth. Toxteth, primarily was opportunistic looting and fuck all to do with blackism. That was piled on later. Michael and Delroy Showers were interviewed on Granada crying that ‘the police have ruined my city!’ These cunts were the bosses of the biggest organised crime mob in the city...they drove around in pink Rolls Royces ffs! Delroy was a rapist sphincter stretcher who died of aids...sad really....Orgreave....cracking dust-up of which I still carry the scars....

Both spooks incidentally...

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16 hours ago, Rev said:

Her briefings long ago diverged into simple and gratis party political broadcasts, courtesy of a Sturgeon-compliant Scottish media. The majority of the press up here are cowed by the SNP threat of withdrawal of advertising and thus, don't pose any hard to answer questions her way.

Two of her MPs effectively gagged, intimidated and forced the resignation of a journalist for sharing his personal opinion in one of his comment pieces...where he gave his personal opinion. 

His then employer, STV, a broadcaster and long-term bedfellow of Sturgeon, instantly buckled under SNP pressure.

She and her husband are currently thwarting an inquiry, where they have attempted to conceal their pressure on police and courts to jail her predecessor.

Their Ceaucescu-esque empire is growing right in front of everyone's eyes and our SNP/Scottish Government-led media (the conflation between the two is complete) just gazes lovingly and fawns.

Nobody anywhere else gives a shit. They just assume that nobody can be worse than Johnson. They have no idea.

That's why a majority now support independence. She must be doing sommit right. 

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17 hours ago, Goober said:

All politicians are liars, it goes with the job. I'm not seeing where the implied lie that this pandemic is a hoax is though, cuz it just isn't. Some form of pandemic every now and then is as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. Also, it's not just a "group" of politicians, it's nigh on every politician on the planet and >95% of scientists without an agenda. 

As for the second highlighted point, couldn't agree more. I blame the previous Labour government who, in a desperate attempt to show that they were improving the education system, ensured that every retard in the country left school with 12 A* GCSEs and encouraged each of  them to believe they're the smartest cunt to draw breath since Albert Einstein. I mean look at @ChildeHarold

The majority of undergraduates these days don't know their arses from their elbows.

I heard that quite a few are supplementing their incomes with their arses. 

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6 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

They’ll be fucked in this country then.... the populace are so thick and fucking lazy...they’ll die rather than work.

Theres enough of the cunts not working but still seem to have enough to have a mobile and enough ciggies and alcohol to rot themselves from the inside. 

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

That's why a majority now support independence. She must be doing sommit right. 

The majority don't. 

The recent polls are SNP-commissioned and funded to pollsters who have to register and get paid for poll activity. There is a narrow demographic who they contact if they meet the right criteria.

If Sturgeon can only manage 58% in favour of "independence" from her own supporters, she should be worried.

 The question put to them is..."would you vote for independence, if Scotland was better off financially"? As they have no fiscal plan, no central bank and meet none of the EU entry criteria, we wouldn't be.

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58 minutes ago, Rev said:

The majority don't. 

The recent polls are SNP-commissioned and funded to pollsters who have to register and get paid for poll activity. There is a narrow demographic who they contact if they meet the right criteria.

If Sturgeon can only manage 58% in favour of "independence" from her own supporters, she should be worried.

 The question put to them is..."would you vote for independence, if Scotland was better off financially"? As they have no fiscal plan, no central bank and meet none of the EU entry criteria, we wouldn't be.

Bollocks from a unionist. 

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21 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Bollocks from a unionist. 

If by unionist, you mean I don't believe in nationalism, or Sturgeon's brand of Communism, then so be it.

Tell me which part is bollocks. They've readily admitted they have no fiscal plan. Swinney researched the cost of establishing a central bank, then quietly dismissed it. We currently meet no entry requirements of Copenhagen Criteria, Maastricht Treaty, or even the EU's Acquis Communautaire. All of this is fully and publicly acknowledged by them. Unless you are in the higher echelons of UK politics, you don't know.

So, rather than just your dismissive "bollocks" style of debate, let's all hear your eloquent argument.

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12 minutes ago, Rev said:

If by unionist, you mean I don't believe in nationalism, or Sturgeon's brand of Communism, then so be it.

Tell me which part is bollocks. They've readily admitted they have no fiscal plan. Swinney researched the cost of establishing a central bank, then quietly dismissed it. We currently meet no entry requirements of Copenhagen Criteria, Maastricht Treaty, or even the EU's Acquis Communautaire. All of this is fully and publicly acknowledged by them. Unless you are in the higher echelons of UK politics, you don't know.

So, rather than just your dismissive "bollocks" style of debate, let's all hear your eloquent argument.

Fucking reds under the bed. I have that problem too. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Bollocks from a unionist. 

I can confirm what Rev is saying. These recent polls indicating majority support for independence are crooked as fuck. The latest one excludes don't knows despite the fact that don't knows voted overwhelmingly for the union last time which tells me that rather than trying ascertain the mood of the voting public, they're trying to build a narrative. Same goes with the polling for the Holyrood elections which shows a surge in support for the SNP at a time when there is widespread public anger at plans to introduce curtailments on freedom of speech that the Chinese government would be ashamed of and Police Scotland are refusing to support.

Stop buying into the SNP spin doctoring and wanking over pornographic deepfakes of Jimmy Krankie, it's not good for you.

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4 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I can confirm what Rev is saying. These recent polls indicating majority support for independence are crooked as fuck. The latest one excludes don't knows despite the fact that don't knows voted overwhelmingly for the union last time which tells me that rather than trying ascertain the mood of the voting public, they're trying to build a narrative. Same goes with the polling for the Holyrood elections which shows a surge in support for the SNP at a time when there is widespread public anger at plans to introduce curtailments on freedom of speech that the Chinese government would be ashamed of and Police Scotland are refusing to support.

Stop buying into the SNP spin doctoring and wanking over pornographic deepfakes of Jimmy Krankie, it's not good for you.

Unfortunately, the non-nationalist parties are so deeply divided, that the fucking SNP may get back in next May. They took power with 22% of the vote in 2007.


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9 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I can confirm what Rev is saying. These recent polls indicating majority support for independence are crooked as fuck. The latest one excludes don't knows despite the fact that don't knows voted overwhelmingly for the union last time which tells me that rather than trying ascertain the mood of the voting public, they're trying to build a narrative. Same goes with the polling for the Holyrood elections which shows a surge in support for the SNP at a time when there is widespread public anger at plans to introduce curtailments on freedom of speech that the Chinese government would be ashamed of and Police Scotland are refusing to support.

Stop buying into the SNP spin doctoring and wanking over pornographic deepfakes of Jimmy Krankie, it's not good for you.

I know you can always get an opinion poll to divvy up the result you want. On the other hand Sturgeon has stood her ground whereas for large chunks of time Johnson appears to be having his wires overhauled by Cummings. 

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