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8 hours ago, Rev said:

To be honest, I'm not a fan of the Jolie hoor Mr B, but if pushed, I'd jet-wash the lantern-jawed Pitt cunt's tubby custard out of her slobbering uterus and proper fucking bruise her bastard kidneys, then simply finish off by sitting on her missing tits, rip the fucking skin off the old fella and give the Mekon-looking cunt a proper hosing with the Rev's special chutney. 

...obviously after I'd asphyxiated the cunt and combed the vintage toffee-strings out of my arse-hairs with the Viet-Cong adopting sow's ridiculous teeth.

Hope this helps in bringing clarity to and establishing my position.

Your congregation are truly blessed Rev, to all come together with their families and fellow worshippers every Sunday, and be mesmerised by you from the pulpit. If only there were a few more like you the Church might not be in the terminal decline it finds itself in.

Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

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On 01/10/2020 at 01:52, Frank said:

She had her phone nicked in Covent Garden last week. Some youth leaned over her table with a map asking directions, then whipped it away from under her nose. She came home in tears and the first thing I said was 'I bet he was black.. he must've been black. Black fucking bastards!' Do you know what she did, Eric? I'll tell you exactly what she did. She turned on her heel and stomped upstairs, hovered briefly on the landing, then stomped back down again. Wide-eyed with head jutting from side to side J. Lo fashion, she sized me up and down with a swirly finger and said, 'so absolutely everyone hates you dad, yourself included'. Who do I turn to?

I blame the father of this poor girl,If you ever find out who he is let me know and I'll give him a visit and put him right.You're welcome.


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On 29/09/2020 at 08:00, Cuntybaws said:

After casting Halle Berry as Ariel in the live action remake of The Little Mermaid, Disney have gone full affirmative action with the announcement of Yara Shahidi as Tinkerbell in another pointless version of Peter Pan, who is apparently "as well known for her political activism as she is for her acting". There's another cartoon character I'll never be able to wank to again.



I don't imagine we'll ever see a live action remake of Song Of The South, but I'm quite looking forward to Coal Black and the Seven Poofs.

Couldn't they find a role for that nice Shamina Begum girl?

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I like that .. the perfect role .. here she is barely 20 years old with 3 dead children.

The first 2 kids could possibly have existed. The third one was just a tiny-tears doll, handed to her by the BBC to garner public sympathy. She probably tossed the corpses into the bucket, next to the severed heads that 'didn't phase her' either.

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26 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The first 2 kids could possibly have existed. The third one was just a tiny-tears doll, handed to her by the BBC to garner public sympathy. She probably tossed the corpses into the bucket, next to the severed heads that 'didn't phase her' either.

It was a livin' doll Eric.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The first 2 kids could possibly have existed. The third one was just a tiny-tears doll, handed to her by the BBC to garner public sympathy. She probably tossed the corpses into the bucket, next to the severed heads that 'didn't phase her' either.

Indeed. That last comment you made about the shocking brutality of ISIS which she and the other fuckwit slags were happy to be part of is why we shouldn’t have these evil cunts back. I’ve said here before she should have been terminated before she got on the radar- lets hope others of her ilk had the double tap and were chucked in the med. Too many soft cock politicians and liberal wankers queuing up to give her a council house so she can plot stabbing some pre school kids 

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25 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Indeed. That last comment you made about the shocking brutality of ISIS which she and the other fuckwit slags were happy to be part of is why we shouldn’t have these evil cunts back. I’ve said here before she should have been terminated before she got on the radar- lets hope others of her ilk had the double tap and were chucked in the med. Too many soft cock politicians and liberal wankers queuing up to give her a council house so she can plot stabbing some pre school kids 

I was hoping she had been sent to Bangladesh. They promised to hang the cunt on telly. 

Chittagong Swansong. Lol.

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In case anybody was in any doubt that Her Majesty’s Government wasn’t really prioritising stopping, or even cutting the record number of illegal immigrants arriving here daily, there’s a revealing little story which wasn’t covered by the MSM yesterday, but which was covered by one of the local papers in Kent. The story was reported without any detail, and in a strangely vague manner that a lorry driver had been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, after four illegal immigrants from Syria, Egypt and some other shithole I can’t remember were found in his lorry. The poor things were handed over to the immigration services and are now probably chilling at their luxury suites in the Dorchester or the Ritz, before heading out for a bit of sightseeing/raping and stabbing.

That seems OK. Just the police and Border Force doing their job it seems.

Unfortunately that’s not quite the whole story. While the story is factually correct, there’s a few minor details that the only paper that even reported it seems to have missed.


The driver, a Romanian has been released pending investigation and has stated that he was simply helping them for free as they didn’t want to stay here. So not only are we rolling out the red carpet for these flotsam and jetsam fuckers on their arrival, but our pathetic excuse for a  government is refusing to let them leave if they decide to fuck off once they have a look around and see what a fucking bunch of useless, spastic cunts actually  live here.


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18 hours ago, Rev said:

To be honest, I'm not a fan of the Jolie hoor Mr B, but if pushed, I'd jet-wash the lantern-jawed Pitt cunt's tubby custard out of her slobbering uterus and proper fucking bruise her bastard kidneys, then simply finish off by sitting on her missing tits, rip the fucking skin off the old fella and give the Mekon-looking cunt a proper hosing with the Rev's special chutney. 

...obviously after I'd asphyxiated the cunt and combed the vintage toffee-strings out of my arse-hairs with the Viet-Cong adopting sow's ridiculous teeth.

Hope this helps in bringing clarity to and establishing my position.

She's a bit androgynous and not wholly appealing these days, but, on balance, I'd probably lob some salty cough syrup up her duodenum before cable tying a garden refuse sack over her head and throwing her into a river.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

In case anybody was in any doubt that Her Majesty’s Government wasn’t really prioritising stopping, or even cutting the record number of illegal immigrants arriving here daily, there’s a revealing little story which wasn’t covered by the MSM yesterday, but which was covered by one of the local papers in Kent. The story was reported without any detail, and in a strangely vague manner that a lorry driver had been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, after four illegal immigrants from Syria, Egypt and some other shithole I can’t remember were found in his lorry. The poor things were handed over to the immigration services and are now probably chilling at their luxury suites in the Dorchester or the Ritz, before heading out for a bit of sightseeing/raping and stabbing.

That seems OK. Just the police and Border Force doing their job it seems.

Unfortunately that’s not quite the whole story. While the story is factually correct, there’s a few minor details that the only paper that even reported it seems to have missed.


The driver, a Romanian has been released pending investigation and has stated that he was simply helping them for free as they didn’t want to stay here. So not only are we rolling out the red carpet for these flotsam and jetsam fuckers on their arrival, but our pathetic excuse for a  government is refusing to let them leave if they decide to fuck off once they have a look around and see what a fucking bunch of useless, spastic cunts actually  live here.


The uneducated live off the educated, not vice versa as popular prejudice would have it. So when the educated of the world look at the state of the UK and its direction of travel, they not only turn away from here but this eventually turbs the tide of lower or non skilled away from the UK. If Covid squeezes out our fabulously left wing and othet local authorities from giving ridiculous priority to housing immgrants and refugees and other services, the virus will have done us a fucking favour, by renovng the only obvious reason why anybody would be desperate enough to dump themselves on Britain's shores.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
24 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The uneducated live off the educated, not vice versa as popular prejudice would have it. So when the educated of the world look at the state of the UK and its direction of travel, they not only turn away from here but this eventually turbs the tide of lower or non skilled away from the UK. If Covid squeezes out our fabulously left wing and othet local authorities from giving ridiculous priority to housing immgrants and refugees and other services, the virus will have done us a fucking favour, by renovng the only obvious reason why anybody would be desperate enough to dump themselves on Britain's shores.

Hang on a minute, Harold, I thought you were a left of centre, embrace the unwashed masses, unlimited welfare state type of chap.  Now you are saying that local authorities spending money on immigrants is a bad thing.  Have you changed your tune ?

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8 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Hang on a minute, Harold, I thought you were a left of centre, embrace the unwashed masses, unlimited welfare state type of chap.  Now you are saying that local authorities spending money on immigrants is a bad thing.  Have you changed your tune ?

He’s not all there, the poor unfortunate thing. I do hope he deteriorates even further, if that’s even possible.

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14 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Hang on a minute, Harold, I thought you were a left of centre, embrace the unwashed masses, unlimited welfare state type of chap.  Now you are saying that local authorities spending money on immigrants is a bad thing.  Have you changed your tune ?

Southwark Council, apart from being a cess pit of property developer's backhanders, is West Nigeria Central and white feminists substituting minority issues for real social change and redistribution. They should be destroyed and will be come the revolution. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 29/09/2020 at 08:00, Cuntybaws said:

I don't imagine we'll ever see a live action remake of Song Of The South, but I'm quite looking forward to Coal Black and the Seven Poofs.

Go on, admit it, you all thought I was exaggerating, but check out the current furore over the live action remake of "Snow White" which is currently in the pipeline. Despite casting a Latina actress (or should that be a Latinx thespian) in the title role and waiting for the revisionist plaudits, Disney have been savaged by the Twitterati for daring to have - whisper it - fucking dwarves in the film.


If nothing else, this thread bump should serve to introduce newer members to the @Rev's now classic Angelina Jolie rant.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Go on, admit it, you all thought I was exaggerating, but check out the current furore over the live action remake of "Snow White" which is currently in the pipeline. Despite casting a Latina actress (or should that be a Latinx thespian) in the titular role and waiting for the revisionist plaudits, Disney have been savaged by the Twitterati for daring to have - whisper it - fucking dwarves in the film.


If nothing else, this thread bump should serve to introduce newer members to the @Rev's now classic Angelina Jolie rant.

Indeed. I saw Dinklage have a good moan about this. The wee cunt is just pissed off he didn’t get the gig as dopey. What do you expect wanker, they’re dwarves, it’s a fucking fairytale. Next thing he’ll be having a pop at Time Bandits and the Ewoks, the cunt.

I’ll bet a tenner now at least one of the new dwarves is black, ones transgender and two are in a civil partnership, also that Punkape was employed as a fluffer 

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15 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Indeed. I saw Dinklage have a good moan about this. The wee cunt is just pissed off he didn’t get the gig as dopey. What do you expect wanker, they’re dwarves, it’s a fucking fairytale. Next thing he’ll be having a pop at Time Bandits and the Ewoks, the cunt.

I’ll bet a tenner now at least one of the new dwarves is black, ones transgender and two are in a civil partnership, also that Punkape was employed as a fluffer 

Oh, Grow up.



That's what I would say to Peter.

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29 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Indeed. I saw Dinklage have a good moan about this.

"You're still making that backward story of seven dwarves living in the cave", he said. They didn't live in a cave, you stunted midget freak, they lived in a lovely little house in an idyllic woodland setting. The people I feel sorry for are those poor giants, stuck at the top of a fucking beanstalk.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Go on, admit it, you all thought I was exaggerating, but check out the current furore over the live action remake of "Snow White" which is currently in the pipeline. Despite casting a Latina actress (or should that be a Latinx thespian) in the titular role and waiting for the revisionist plaudits, Disney have been savaged by the Twitterati for daring to have - whisper it - fucking dwarves in the film.


If nothing else, this thread bump should serve to introduce newer members to the @Rev's now classic Angelina Jolie rant.

Peter Dinklage thinks that 'Dwarfism' shouldn't have been a defining trait of Dwarves... despite being logic inverting gibberish, has he apologised or handed back the money he got for spending TEN FUCKING YEARS PLAYING A CHARACTER CALLED THE FUCKING 'IMP'!

Stupid little cunt. If someone lifted him up for me, I'd punch his lumpy Little Rocky Dennis fucking head in.

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10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Peter Dinklage thinks that 'Dwarfism' shouldn't have been a defining trait of Dwarves... despite being logic inverting gibberish, has he apologised or handed back the money he got for spending TEN FUCKING YEARS PLAYING A CHARACTER CALLED THE FUCKING 'IMP'!

Stupid little cunt. If someone lifted him up for me, I'd punch his lumpy Little Rocky Dennis fucking head in.

The dwarf who didn’t go to school?

Not big not clever.

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16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Peter Dinklage thinks that 'Dwarfism' shouldn't have been a defining trait of Dwarves... despite being logic inverting gibberish, has he apologised or handed back the money he got for spending TEN FUCKING YEARS PLAYING A CHARACTER CALLED THE FUCKING 'IMP'!

Stupid little cunt. If someone lifted him up for me, I'd punch his lumpy Little Rocky Dennis fucking head in.

Pointing at my waist, ‘I’ve had it up to here with him’ 

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