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Yet another killer dog


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13 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

One concern I have is that often these breeds have had their tails removed (the tail is a vital part of how dogs communicate), tail removing and docking has been illegal exept for a few very none human vanity  limited reasons which have to be recorded on the id chip yet it is still happening .. I do wonder how many of these attacks are done by ogs that have been mutilated in this way.

When are you having your front tail lopped off?

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On 27/09/2020 at 17:12, Eric Cuntman said:

Fuck Blair Peach. The namby-pamby quisling cunt would probably have been stabbed by the blacks he was fawning over if the SPG hadn't cracked his skull. 

The fucking simpering race traitor got what he deserved. 

The crack on the nut that done him was an absolute fucking peach.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

The crack on the nut that done him was an absolute fucking peach.

The police are cunts, Billy.  The way some of them have been acting during this chinky plague has been fucking disgusting. I'm just hoping they try some of that shit in Pecham, Brixton or Toxteth and see what fucking happens then. But they won't because they don't have the arsehole. Dragging women out of protests is more their level. 

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The police are cunts, Billy.  The way some of them have been acting during this chinky plague has been fucking disgusting. I'm just hoping they try some of that shit in Pecham, Brixton or Toxteth and see what fucking happens then. But they won't because they don't have the arsehole. Dragging women out of protests is more their level. 

The dirty stinking Met Police slags raided a church service in Balham on Friday. Good Friday ffs and went up on the stage and told everyone to leave immediately and go home or they would be fined £200 and arrested if they didn’t give their details. The cunts are a fucking disgrace and they love the fact that they can abuse their powers with no  comeback due to the fake pandemic. I hate the rotten cunts more than I ever have, which is fucking saying something.

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The dirty stinking Met Police slags raided a church service in Balham on Friday. Good Friday ffs and went up on the stage and told everyone to leave immediately and go home or they would be fined £200 and arrested if they didn’t give their details. The cunts are a fucking disgrace and they love the fact that they can abuse their powers with no  comeback due to the fake pandemic. I hate the rotten cunts more than I ever have, which is fucking saying something.

Have you seen how the Garda have been acting south of the border? Citizens have been posting vids on Facebook. At the moment they are the closest thing to the SS I've seen. 

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25 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The dirty stinking Met Police slags raided a church service in Balham on Friday. Good Friday ffs and went up on the stage and told everyone to leave immediately and go home or they would be fined £200 and arrested if they didn’t give their details. The cunts are a fucking disgrace and they love the fact that they can abuse their powers with no  comeback due to the fake pandemic. I hate the rotten cunts more than I ever have, which is fucking saying something.

Clearly the boys in the hood giving it XXXL on DeliverooCuntsCorner. Enjoy your £2 an hour. 

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18 hours ago, Joker said:

Can't say I didn't warn you!

Cunts + dogs=trouble

Strange how that cunt canine apologist, Dickless, is notable by his absence.

The only good dog is a dead dog.

Happy Easter:D

The woman over the road's German shepherd ran up to a pile of dog shit yesterday, it rolled over in it then wolfed the lot down. They have been cleaning up all morning as it spent most of the night spewing up and shitting on the living room carpet.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

The dirty stinking Met Police slags raided a church service in Balham on Friday. Good Friday ffs and went up on the stage and told everyone to leave immediately and go home or they would be fined £200 and arrested if they didn’t give their details. The cunts are a fucking disgrace and they love the fact that they can abuse their powers with no  comeback due to the fake pandemic. I hate the rotten cunts more than I ever have, which is fucking saying something.

What's happening over there Billy? Looks like the loyalist natives are getting restless. 

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20 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

You’re a tiresome, repetitive, dog-obsessed wanker.

Unlike some cunt who actually owns a dog, follows it around picking up whatever it leaves behind and tells other, equally canine obsessed cunts, it's their 'best friend'.


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3 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The woman over the road's German shepherd ran up to a pile of dog shit yesterday, it rolled over in it then wolfed the lot down. They have been cleaning up all morning as it spent most of the night spewing up and shitting on the living room carpet.

Oh dear, how sad, too bad, never mind:D

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4 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The woman over the road's German shepherd ran up to a pile of dog shit yesterday, it rolled over in it then wolfed the lot down. They have been cleaning up all morning as it spent most of the night spewing up and shitting on the living room carpet.

We all know you've got serious issues with your eyesight, Pen. I've a feeling that German Shepherd was actually Joker, and just couldn't contain himself upon spotting a freshly laid canine log. 

I'm also questioning the second half of the story as there's absolutely no way Joker lives as part of a family unit. 

If you told me an elderly spinster spent the night cleaning up after her middle aged son who came home covered in dog-shit, I'd be more inclined to believe you... 

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

The dirty stinking Met Police slags raided a church service in Balham on Friday. Good Friday ffs and went up on the stage and told everyone to leave immediately and go home or they would be fined £200 and arrested if they didn’t give their details. The cunts are a fucking disgrace and they love the fact that they can abuse their powers with no  comeback due to the fake pandemic. I hate the rotten cunts more than I ever have, which is fucking saying something.

I saw that on the news, Bill, and was absolutely outraged that in a Christian country you can now be fined 200 notes for practicing your religion. I bet their not raiding fucking mosques on a Friday in the same area. 

George Orwell predicted most of what's going on at the moment in '1984'. Apparently, though being born into the ruling class but never fully embracing it gave him a true insiders perspective. 

Let's see how much of our freedoms they give us back once the lockdown ends... 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

I saw that on the news, Bill, and was absolutely outraged that in a Christian country you can now be fined 200 notes for practicing your religion. I bet their not raiding fucking mosques on a Friday in the same area. 

George Orwell predicted most of what's going on at the moment in '1984'. Apparently, though being born into the ruling class but never fully embracing it gave him a true insiders perspective. 

Let's see how much of our freedoms they give us back once the lockdown ends... 

Mosques, Gospel churches, community 'yoof' centres, and any other gatherings of 'oppressed minorities' will be ignored in favour of harassing old ladies and retired librarians. 

Such is the mentality of our brave, upstanding police force. The gutless fucking shitcunt enforcers of the ruling elite. I hope they all fucking die.

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18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Mosques, Gospel churches, community 'yoof' centres, and any other gatherings of 'oppressed minorities' will be ignored in favour of harassing old ladies and retired librarians. 

Such is the mentality of our brave, upstanding police force. The gutless fucking shitcunt enforcers of the ruling elite. I hope they all fucking die.

They're just the enforcement arm of the powers that be as you've mentioned. No doubt some of them are enjoying their newly prescribed extra powers, and I watched a video of a charity worker being arrested for feeding the homeless from a mobile soup kitchen due to it being classed as a gathering, or similar bollocks. 

Obviously discretion plays a big part in deciding who to put in the back of a meat wagon, but we've feral fucking animals knifing each other, and the innocent on a daily basis and there more concerned with enforcing the fucking covid laws.

Don't worry about the pensioners who are too scared to walk to the local shop, or are being frog-marched to the Natwest to pay 20 grand for a broken roof tile. 

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2 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

I saw that on the news, Bill, and was absolutely outraged that in a Christian country you can now be fined 200 notes for practicing your religion. I bet their not raiding fucking mosques on a Friday in the same area. 

George Orwell predicted most of what's going on at the moment in '1984'. Apparently, though being born into the ruling class but never fully embracing it gave him a true insiders perspective. 

Let's see how much of our freedoms they give us back once the lockdown ends... 

But it's up to us to take it back. I'm all for going to parliament square and mixing it up. I did when the poll tax came out and was on the receiving end of a baton charge when our brave cunts in blue attacked a load of people, mostly wimmin and kids who were sitting down and protesting. When the police were criticised for this the Cunt in Chief alleged the police were under attack and were defending themselves. How the fuck do people mount an attack when they're sitting on their arses? And of course the government accepted this. 

I'll turn out for it. But I'll wager most cunts will 'tut' behind their face nappies and just be sheep. 

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