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Yet another killer dog


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TBH I do not blame the dog. I blame the fuckwits who believe that the dog is their baby and would never harm a fly, the thick cunts who let their youngsters to play with a torment the dog. We need dogs and their owners to be licenced and we also need to have compulsory training for both the dogs and the owners and for the owners to prove that they are fit people to own a dog or dogs.


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20 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

We need dogs and their owners to be licenced and we also need to have compulsory training for both the dogs and the owners and for the owners to prove that they are fit people to own a dog or dogs.

No we fuckin' don't, we need the fuckin' cunt owners and their fuckin' cunt dogs to be put down humanly (or not, as the case may be) thereby saving the country a lot of hassle, or saving me a savaging by that dog lovin' cunt, Wuffles.

BTW, did I mention, I fuckin' hate dogs (and their cunt owners)?

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3 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

TBH I do not blame the dog. I blame the fuckwits who believe that the dog is their baby and would never harm a fly, the thick cunts who let their youngsters to play with a torment the dog. We need dogs and their owners to be licenced and we also need to have compulsory training for both the dogs and the owners and for the owners to prove that they are fit people to own a dog or dogs.


"I do not blame the dog." I hope you get reincarnated as a tin of Pedigree Chum. 

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This nomination may as well be entitled 'We Fucking Hate Dogs', incepted by one of the site's most vapid B-team loiterers, of unknown gender, who at times displays a worrying hostility towards all things canine. It's little surprise that Neil, whose poor sex life has led to an unhealthy confinement of wiping his spunky little bellend on cheap lace curtains, together with Mr Shit's attraction towards all things turd-related, who at times displays the hallmarks of a serial killer, have followed the lead.

I make no secret of my adoration for dogs, and pretty much all animals. No other species has been the companion of mankind like the canine: faithful, totally dependable, trainable, gives unconditional love, loyal to its last breath etc.  

So what if they shit a lot. Most dog owners are generally responsible and pick it up, unlike virtually all cat owners, who feed their pet 2-3 times each day and turn a blind eye to the fact it leaves its toxic waste in someone else's garden, while helping to decimate the British Isles' natural habitats and numbers of birds, voles, mice et al. like few other non-indigenous species. 

The Chow Chow (and cross-breeds thereof) ought to be treated with caution, and of course it's going to get jealous if it's the centre of love and attention for all of its life from weeks-old puppy and then, all of sudden, gets forgotten about. The golden rule is to have kids first, dogs later – so the dog understands an existing family heirarchy when it joins the pack.

While I take pity on the tragic loss of the couple's child, the most dangerous dogs are the ones neglected, not raised with love, and not socialised around people and other dogs. This makes all the difference. But yes, @Dawn Chorus, I acknowledge there is a good argument for 'compulsory training for both the dogs and the owners and for the owners to prove that they are fit people to own a dog or dogs'.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

This nomination may as well be entitled 'We Fucking Hate Dogs', incepted by one of the site's most vapid B-team loiterers, of unknown gender, who at times displays a worrying hostility towards all things canine. It's little surprise that Neil, whose poor sex life has led to an unhealthy confinement of wiping his spunky little bellend on cheap lace curtains, together with Mr Shit's attraction towards all things turd-related, who at times displays the hallmarks of a serial killer, have followed the lead.

I make no secret of my adoration for dogs, and pretty much all animals. No other species has been the companion of mankind like the canine: faithful, totally dependable, trainable, gives unconditional love, loyal to its last breath etc.  

So what if they shit a lot. Most dog owners are generally responsible and pick it up, unlike virtually all cat owners, who feed their pet 2-3 times each day and turn a blind eye to the fact it leaves its toxic waste in someone else's garden, while helping to decimate the British Isles' natural habitats and numbers of birds, voles, mice et al. like few other non-indigenous species. 

The Chow Chow (and cross-breeds thereof) ought to be treated with caution, and of course it's going to get jealous if it's the centre of love and attention for all of its life from weeks-old puppy and then, all of sudden, gets forgotten about. The golden rule is to have kids first, dogs later – so the dog understands an existing family heirarchy when it joins the pack.

While I take pity on the tragic loss of the couple's child, the most dangerous dogs are the ones neglected, not raised with love, and not socialised around people and other dogs. This makes all the difference. But yes, @Dawn Chorus, I acknowledge there is a good argument for 'compulsory training for both the dogs and the owners and for the owners to prove that they are fit people to own a dog or dogs'.

Add dog breeders to the list of cunts too.

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6 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 My dog, as in a previous nom, killed my neighbours cat. I got a very unjustified shredding on here for it, from cat  loving cunts. The rest of the story is; the neighbour who has now sold and moved ( down sized, old age) called the council animal control people who turned up at my place to have a look at the dog and make sure it was properly secure. Fences etc. I also have responsible dog owner status which means cheaper yearly dog owner fees. Around $40 or 20 quid a year, which is fuck all.  On leaving, the council dog control guy turns to me and says.  " Nice dog, you wont be hearing from us again, looks like you have a particularly effective "cat be gone kit".  🙂  

Wow - what an enthralling tale. Did he give you a little medal to wear, or did he simply cut to the chase and suck your cock?

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11 hours ago, Wolfie said:

But yes, @Dawn Chorus, I acknowledge there is a good argument for 'compulsory training for both the dogs and the owners and for the owners to prove that they are fit people to own a dog or dogs'.

People should also be made to prove they are fit people to have children. It happens for people who want to adopt or foster so why should spawning your own be any different.

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11 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Are you sure you didn't catch a brief glimpse of your reflection while reading the story, Johnny?

Wolfie I hate dog owners and I hate the concept of something that will give unconditional love regardless of whether its owner is good, bad or whatever. One thin however is that I would not have this dog killed .. there must be somewhere that it would be safe and not a danger to anyone.

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14 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I make no secret of my adoration for dogs, and pretty much all animals. No other species has been the companion of mankind like the canine: faithful, totally dependable, trainable, gives unconditional love, loyal to its last breath etc.  

A creature you can dominate, give instructions and orders to, because you've got a God complex, and it won't answer back!

Animals should be free to roam in the wild, not kept as playthings for social inadequates.

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31 minutes ago, Joker said:

A creature you can dominate, give instructions and orders to, because you've got a God complex, and it won't answer back!

Animals should be free to roam in the wild, not kept as playthings for social inadequates.

@Wolfie's idea of unconditional "love" comes undone in a few places .. fighting dogs used in illegal dog fights are often very loyal to their owners as are dogs that have been abused by tail docking. You also have the mutant breed that have difficulty breathing such as french bulldogs they are often very loyal to the selfish worthless cunts who own them, you also have the toy breed and the likes of dachsunds .. what sort of cunt could be evil and twisted enough to breed and/or own something like that?

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19 hours ago, Joker said:

No we fuckin' don't, we need the fuckin' cunt owners and their fuckin' cunt dogs to be put down humanly (or not, as the case may be) thereby saving the country a lot of hassle, or saving me a savaging by that dog lovin' cunt, Wuffles.

BTW, did I mention, I fuckin' hate dogs (and their cunt owners)?

This is because you are an utter cunt, r-soles.


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