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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson

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31 minutes ago, Goober said:

Of course I don't know, it's just my gut based on balanced reporting that I've read, with a bullshit filter set to high. It's a conservative packed court, so if they pass on it, as I expect they will, it will be very telling indeed.

Regardless, once states nominate their electors on Monday they'll be locked in and there is less than zero chance of the result, as it stands, being overturned.


SCOTUS has just denied the case, but interestingly they say not on the merits of the case, but on procedural and technical grounds. They’ve bottled it and all I can say is Shame on them. This cowardly decision will come back to haunt them and I really hope it does, big time.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

SCOTUS has just denied the case, but interestingly they say not on the merits of the case, but on procedural and technical grounds. They’ve bottled it and all I can say is Shame on them. This cowardly decision will come back to haunt them and I really hope it does, big time.

Hate to say I told ya.

Technical, essentially, is the law and the case, to be fair, didn't qualify.

Time to move on, I'd say, and hope for a half decent GOP candidate in 4 years to prevent a President Harris.

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Just now, Goober said:

His time is done. He's got a large support base, but being unable to beat Biden marks the end of his political career. He'll be a kingmaker, not a candidate.

All of a sudden the MSM in the last few days are reporting that Hunter ‘crackpipe’ Biden and Sleepy Joes brother Jim aswell as other family members ( I wonder who that might be?) are the subject of criminal investigation over business dealings with China and Ukraine and Russia. Money laundering and IRS investigation into Hunter and blah blah blah. Exactly the same allegations that the MSM dismissed as Russian election interference and then censored any coverage of it before the fraudulent election. Biden, if inaugurated won’t last till the summer. This farce is probably the most accurately scripted work of fiction ever.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

All of a sudden the MSM in the last few days are reporting that Hunter ‘crackpipe’ Biden and Sleepy Joes brother Jim aswell as other family members ( I wonder who that might be?) are the subject of criminal investigation over business dealings with China and Ukraine and Russia. Money laundering and IRS investigation into Hunter and blah blah blah. Exactly the same allegations that the MSM dismissed as Russian election interference and then censored any coverage of it before the fraudulent election. Biden, if inaugurated won’t last till the summer. This farce is probably the most accurately scripted work of fiction ever.

You stupid cunt. 

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

SCOTUS has just denied the case, but interestingly they say not on the merits of the case, but on procedural and technical grounds. They’ve bottled it and all I can say is Shame on them. This cowardly decision will come back to haunt them and I really hope it does, big time.

Well of course they did. The case was declined as it was a blatant abuse of process rather than for any "technicality" The judicial process for two states to go straight to SCOTUS was implemented to sort out inter-state border disputes, water rights and the like, not for a disgruntled Texan state attorney general to submit a a petition because he was unhappy of another state's election result. SCOTOS saw through the partisanship and rightly flushed the lawsuit down the toilet.

Billy, seriously, do yourself a favour and unsubscribe from Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel.

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10 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well of course they did. The case was declined as it was a blatant abuse of process rather than for any "technicality" The judicial process for two states to go straight to SCOTUS was implemented to sort out inter-state border disputes, water rights and the like, not for a disgruntled Texan state attorney general to submit a a petition because he was unhappy of another state's election result. SCOTOS saw through the partisanship and rightly flushed the lawsuit down the toilet.

Billy, seriously, do yourself a favour and unsubscribe from Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel.

I can’t understand why people think that there’s any possibility whatsoever of Trump remaining in the White House for a second term. He’s out. Plain and simple. And good fucking riddance to the mindless cretin.

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

I can’t understand why people think that there’s any possibility whatsoever of Trump remaining in the White House for a second term. He’s out. Plain and simple. And good fucking riddance to the mindless cretin.

There are a lot of people who have invested in Trump's presidency .. by invested I mean that they have either paid money or received favours for past favours. This in all probability has been a corrupt administration. There was a picture of Donald Trump Junior that was posted a few weeks back and depicted as him being angry at how other Republicans had treated his father .. that look on his face was not anger, it was fear, fear of what was to come once the protection from his father's administration was no longer there. There is going to be a lot of dirt dug up once Donald Senior is out of office .. Donald Senior will probably escape .. senile dementia or whatever. The young turks might lose their heads.regardless it will pay Old Donald to hang on for the last possible moment. Last days in the bunker.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well of course they did. The case was declined as it was a blatant abuse of process rather than for any "technicality" The judicial process for two states to go straight to SCOTUS was implemented to sort out inter-state border disputes, water rights and the like, not for a disgruntled Texan state attorney general to submit a a petition because he was unhappy of another state's election result. SCOTOS saw through the partisanship and rightly flushed the lawsuit down the toilet.

Billy, seriously, do yourself a favour and unsubscribe from Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel.

Read the fucking judgment you spastic witch. Justices Salido and Thomas said that the case was being declined, not on its merits but on a procedural technicality, which was that Texas did not have standing in the case ie Texas did not suffer grievance due to the illegal actions of the 4 swing states. That’s why the Trump legal team are urgently filing suits in the four circuit state courts. They can not legally dismiss on the grounds that Trump has no standing in the matter. The crucial date is 6 Jan. not Monday. I really don’t understand your dismissal of the Trump sides case, considering that SCOTUS have recently stated that the 4 states in question have almost certainly broken the US constitution by bypassing their legislatures to change election rules and still have a case alleging exactly this against Pennsylvania which they have yet to rule on. It’s obvious that they are trying to not have to decide on this as it could unleash civil war, so they’d rather the state judiciaries take the tough decisions. 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Read the fucking judgment you spastic witch. Justices Salido and Thomas said that the case was being declined, not on its merits but on a procedural technicality, which was that Texas did not have standing in the case ie Texas did not suffer grievance due to the illegal actions of the 4 swing states. That’s why the Trump legal team are urgently filing suits in the four circuit state courts. They can not legally dismiss on the grounds that Trump has no standing in the matter. The crucial date is 6 Jan. not Monday. I really don’t understand your dismissal of the Trump sides case, considering that SCOTUS have recently stated that the 4 states in question have almost certainly broken the US constitution by bypassing their legislatures to change election rules and still have a case alleging exactly this against Pennsylvania which they have yet to rule on. It’s obvious that they are trying to not have to decide on this as it could unleash civil war, so they’d rather the state judiciaries take the tough decisions. 

Well, look at you stomping your feet and having a tantrum - quite an emotional little fella it seems.

The federal Supreme Court declined the petition for reasons I previously intimated. Trump's portion was thrown out because it was sneakily inserted solely to by-pass the relevant state Supreme Courts and the federal Courts of Appeals. Let's not forget that Trump and his allies had 56 out of 57 lawsuits declined at district level. Its worth noting that all nine justices (including the three recently appointed by Trump) signed the Supreme Court's order to decline the lawsuit. Two of the SCOTUS conservatives, Justice Samuel Alito & Justice Clarence Thomas went as far to remark that they would have allowed the hearing but would have declined the order on its merits.

The lesson for you is if you're going to bleat "read the fucking judgement you spastic witch" then you better make damn sure you've read same yourself rather than salivating over cherry-picked material published by Trump soy boys to keep the MAGA-sheep onside otherwise it might make you look...well, spasticated. 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
On 11/12/2020 at 23:09, Stubby Pecker said:

Good work lad. 
Beware mind, this could be punkers initial attempts to queer you up- he’s a committed and raging homosexual 

I'll leave a bacardi breezer baited trap on my doorstep, cattle prod is ready to go.. 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
59 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

While you're at the bar make mine a martini and coke with ice. A double. I feel lucky. 

Martini and coke, i dont think you need the cattle prod, martini and coke will do you far more harm, and possibly also from the barman you'd have the audacity to order it from. A now closed club round my way used to deal with misbehaviour on the premises by sticking you in the lift with the bouncers and them then kicking the shit out of you for a solid minute, i think martini and coke would justify that 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
23 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

There are a lot of people who have invested in Trump's presidency .. by invested I mean that they have either paid money or received favours for past favours. This in all probability has been a corrupt administration. There was a picture of Donald Trump Junior that was posted a few weeks back and depicted as him being angry at how other Republicans had treated his father .. that look on his face was not anger, it was fear, fear of what was to come once the protection from his father's administration was no longer there. There is going to be a lot of dirt dug up once Donald Senior is out of office .. Donald Senior will probably escape .. senile dementia or whatever. The young turks might lose their heads.regardless it will pay Old Donald to hang on for the last possible moment. Last days in the bunker.

I think we would be naive to think that any politician is 100% clean.  Unfortunately these days its a case of selecting the lesser of two evils.  Sometimes its difficult to differentiate between nasty truth and smear campaigns.  We need more motivated journalists and internet platforms that don't censor themselves.  

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29 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

I think we would be naive to think that any politician is 100% clean.  Unfortunately these days its a case of selecting the lesser of two evils.  Sometimes its difficult to differentiate between nasty truth and smear campaigns.  We need more motivated journalists and internet platforms that don't censor themselves.  

I remember some of the journalists of old (from the 60s and 70s) they were annoying cunts, but they were usually annoying because they would draw your attention to an inconvenient truth.

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