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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
29 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

I think we would be naive to think that any politician is 100% clean.  Unfortunately these days its a case of selecting the lesser of two evils.  Sometimes its difficult to differentiate between nasty truth and smear campaigns.  We need more motivated journalists and internet platforms that don't censor themselves.  

This is 100% truth. 

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4 hours ago, Williewhoopassjohnson said:

Martini and coke, i dont think you need the cattle prod, martini and coke will do you far more harm, and possibly also from the barman you'd have the audacity to order it from. A now closed club round my way used to deal with misbehaviour on the premises by sticking you in the lift with the bouncers and them then kicking the shit out of you for a solid minute, i think martini and coke would justify that 

You seem to know a lot about the subject so I give way to the honourable gentleman. 

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On 13/12/2020 at 10:30, Mrs Roops said:

Well, look at you stomping your feet and having a tantrum - quite an emotional little fella it seems.

The federal Supreme Court declined the petition for reasons I previously intimated. Trump's portion was thrown out because it was sneakily inserted solely to by-pass the relevant state Supreme Courts and the federal Courts of Appeals. Let's not forget that Trump and his allies had 56 out of 57 lawsuits declined at district level. Its worth noting that all nine justices (including the three recently appointed by Trump) signed the Supreme Court's order to decline the lawsuit. Two of the SCOTUS conservatives, Justice Samuel Alito & Justice Clarence Thomas went as far to remark that they would have allowed the hearing but would have declined the order on its merits.

The lesson for you is if you're going to bleat "read the fucking judgement you spastic witch" then you better make damn sure you've read same yourself rather than salivating over cherry-picked material published by Trump soy boys to keep the MAGA-sheep onside otherwise it might make you look...well, spasticated. 

The Supreme Court showed supreme cowardice in not hearing the case. SCOTUS is the only court in the land with the authority under the US constitution to adjudicate suits brought by a State against another State, or States as in this case. The electors clause in the US constitution CLEARLY  and unambiguously states this. As I’ve previously said to you Trump has been far too trusting in Mitch McConnell for guidance and recommending his appointments, both to the courts and government. The three SCOTUS appointees are all Federalist Society members who have shown their true colours with this cowardly denial. Using the ‘no standing’ excuse is a well known get out clause for judges up and down the country who simply want to throw a case out to another court or completely avoid hearing it. The Constitution does not mention standing at all in setting out the responsibilities of SCOTUS in State v State cases. The sheer weight of political support behind this case should make it obvious even to you that hundreds of elected politicians are willing to put everything on the line because they see the scale of the fraud that has been perpetrated here. Alido and Thomas were the only 2 out of 9 who had the courage to stand up to Roberts and there are reports of Roberts shouting and screaming during deliberations about civil war and rioting on an unprecedented scale if they got involved in this case. Quite simply SCOTUS has rendered the constitution void by this action, giving free reign to rogue states to rig elections. I apologise for the initial  insult and perhaps we could conduct any further interaction in a civil manner. I actually do have a bit of knowledge and a very keen interest in US political events than you give me credit for. You have probably noticed I try  not to get into arguments with other members on this subject as I appreciate that most aren’t really interested enough in US politics to dig a bit deeper than MSM and find out what’s really happening. Interesting to note that Harris has been parading around for weeks as VP ELECT but has still not resigned from the Senate. To me that says she’s not convinced at all that this is a done deal.

Just noticed that Nevada electors have endorsed Trump for the Electoral College, ignoring the fraudulent vote total. This is not over.

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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The Supreme Court showed supreme cowardice in not hearing the case. SCOTUS is the only court in the land with the authority under the US constitution to adjudicate suits brought by a State against another State, or States as in this case. The electors clause in the US constitution CLEARLY  and unambiguously states this. As I’ve previously said to you Trump has been far too trusting in Mitch McConnell for guidance and recommending his appointments, both to the courts and government. The three SCOTUS appointees are all Federalist Society members who have shown their true colours with this cowardly denial. Using the ‘no standing’ excuse is a well known get out clause for judges up and down the country who simply want to throw a case out to another court or completely avoid hearing it. The Constitution does not mention standing at all in setting out the responsibilities of SCOTUS in State v State cases. The sheer weight of political support behind this case should make it obvious even to you that hundreds of elected politicians are willing to put everything on the line because they see the scale of the fraud that has been perpetrated here. Alido and Thomas were the only 2 out of 9 who had the courage to stand up to Roberts and there are reports of Roberts shouting and screaming during deliberations about civil war and rioting on an unprecedented scale if they got involved in this case. Quite simply SCOTUS has rendered the constitution void by this action, giving free reign to rogue states to rig elections. I apologise for the initial  insult and perhaps we could conduct any further interaction in a civil manner. I actually do have a bit of knowledge and a very keen interest in US political events than you give me credit for. You have probably noticed I try  not to get into arguments with other members on this subject as I appreciate that most aren’t really interested enough in US politics to dig a bit deeper than MSM and find out what’s really happening. Interesting to note that Harris has been parading around for weeks as VP ELECT but has still not resigned from the Senate. To me that says she’s not convinced at all that this is a done deal.

Just noticed that Nevada electors have endorsed Trump for the Electoral College, ignoring the fraudulent vote total. This is not over.

Still clutching at straws Little Willie?

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4 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Not got one ,, have you?

Tell me, how did they transform your little winkle into a functional cunt? I’m guessing it involved poking up lathed pieces of hazel of increasing girth over a period of a few months. Your ball bag can more than likely be hidden in your matted arse hair amongst the winnets 

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Just now, Stubby Pecker said:

Tell me, how did they transform your little winkle into a functional cunt? I’m guessing it involved poking up lathed pieces of hazel of increasing girth over a period of a few months. Your ball bag can more than likely be hidden in your matted arse hair amongst the winnets 

Did your operation fail?

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38 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The Supreme Court showed supreme cowardice in not hearing the case. SCOTUS is the only court in the land with the authority under the US constitution to adjudicate suits brought by a State against another State, or States as in this case. The electors clause in the US constitution CLEARLY  and unambiguously states this. As I’ve previously said to you Trump has been far too trusting in Mitch McConnell for guidance and recommending his appointments, both to the courts and government. The three SCOTUS appointees are all Federalist Society members who have shown their true colours with this cowardly denial. Using the ‘no standing’ excuse is a well known get out clause for judges up and down the country who simply want to throw a case out to another court or completely avoid hearing it. The Constitution does not mention standing at all in setting out the responsibilities of SCOTUS in State v State cases. The sheer weight of political support behind this case should make it obvious even to you that hundreds of elected politicians are willing to put everything on the line because they see the scale of the fraud that has been perpetrated here. Alido and Thomas were the only 2 out of 9 who had the courage to stand up to Roberts and there are reports of Roberts shouting and screaming during deliberations about civil war and rioting on an unprecedented scale if they got involved in this case. Quite simply SCOTUS has rendered the constitution void by this action, giving free reign to rogue states to rig elections. I apologise for the initial  insult and perhaps we could conduct any further interaction in a civil manner. I actually do have a bit of knowledge and a very keen interest in US political events than you give me credit for. You have probably noticed I try  not to get into arguments with other members on this subject as I appreciate that most aren’t really interested enough in US politics to dig a bit deeper than MSM and find out what’s really happening. Interesting to note that Harris has been parading around for weeks as VP ELECT but has still not resigned from the Senate. To me that says she’s not convinced at all that this is a done deal.

Just noticed that Nevada electors have endorsed Trump for the Electoral College, ignoring the fraudulent vote total. This is not over.

Not sure where you got this last piece of misinformation from, Billy. The electoral college voters in all the states that swung to Biden, including Nevada, have cast their votes and not a single faithless elector voted for Trump in any of them. Regardless, in Nevada they are legally bound to vote for Biden and a faithless elector's vote would be thrown out and the elector replaced.

Nothing remarkable about Harris not having resigned her Senate seat yet either.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The Supreme Court showed supreme cowardice in not hearing the case. SCOTUS is the only court in the land with the authority under the US constitution to adjudicate suits brought by a State against another State, or States as in this case. The electors clause in the US constitution CLEARLY  and unambiguously states this. As I’ve previously said to you Trump has been far too trusting in Mitch McConnell for guidance and recommending his appointments, both to the courts and government. The three SCOTUS appointees are all Federalist Society members who have shown their true colours with this cowardly denial. Using the ‘no standing’ excuse is a well known get out clause for judges up and down the country who simply want to throw a case out to another court or completely avoid hearing it. The Constitution does not mention standing at all in setting out the responsibilities of SCOTUS in State v State cases. The sheer weight of political support behind this case should make it obvious even to you that hundreds of elected politicians are willing to put everything on the line because they see the scale of the fraud that has been perpetrated here. Alido and Thomas were the only 2 out of 9 who had the courage to stand up to Roberts and there are reports of Roberts shouting and screaming during deliberations about civil war and rioting on an unprecedented scale if they got involved in this case. Quite simply SCOTUS has rendered the constitution void by this action, giving free reign to rogue states to rig elections. I apologise for the initial  insult and perhaps we could conduct any further interaction in a civil manner. I actually do have a bit of knowledge and a very keen interest in US political events than you give me credit for. You have probably noticed I try  not to get into arguments with other members on this subject as I appreciate that most aren’t really interested enough in US politics to dig a bit deeper than MSM and find out what’s really happening. Interesting to note that Harris has been parading around for weeks as VP ELECT but has still not resigned from the Senate. To me that says she’s not convinced at all that this is a done deal.

Just noticed that Nevada electors have endorsed Trump for the Electoral College, ignoring the fraudulent vote total. This is not over.

Billy, for better or worse, Trump is out.  I'm not claiming to understand all the accounts of voting irregularities, or passing judgement, but I don't think Trump's team are going to be able to get the result they want.  Rightly or wrongly, come January Biden will be in the Oval Office.  I'm sure there will be a lot of unhappy people, but life goes on and there won't be a civil war.  

Having said that they might want to get both parties together to invest a bit of time standardising their voting protocols so that they are the same for each state, and tightening up security.  

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5 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Billy, for better or worse, Trump is out.  I'm not claiming to understand all the accounts of voting irregularities, or passing judgement, but I don't think Trump's team are going to be able to get the result they want.  Rightly or wrongly, come January Biden will be in the Oval Office.  I'm sure there will be a lot of unhappy people, but life goes on and there won't be a civil war.  

Having said that they might want to get both parties together to invest a bit of time standardising their voting protocols so that they are the same for each state, and tightening up security.  

All this being considered, do you think Michelle Obama has a bigger cock than Pen?

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47 minutes ago, Goober said:

Not sure where you got this last piece of misinformation from, Billy. The electoral college voters in all the states that swung to Biden, including Nevada, have cast their votes and not a single faithless elector voted for Trump in any of them. Regardless, in Nevada they are legally bound to vote for Biden and a faithless elector's vote would be thrown out and the elector replaced.

Nothing remarkable about Harris not having resigned her Senate seat yet either.

In some states they can ignore the popular vote .. I thought that, that happened in 2016 as Clinton actually got about 2million more popular votes than did Trump.

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Tell me, how did they transform your little winkle into a functional cunt? I’m guessing it involved poking up lathed pieces of hazel of increasing girth over a period of a few months. Your ball bag can more than likely be hidden in your matted arse hair amongst the winnets 

Fuck sake Stubs, I'm having meat balls and spaghetti for supper 

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1 hour ago, Goober said:

Not sure where you got this last piece of misinformation from, Billy. The electoral college voters in all the states that swung to Biden, including Nevada, have cast their votes and not a single faithless elector voted for Trump in any of them. Regardless, in Nevada they are legally bound to vote for Biden and a faithless elector's vote would be thrown out and the elector replaced.

Nothing remarkable about Harris not having resigned her Senate seat yet either.

Nevada GOP has filed alternate electors for Trump. PA and GA have done the same and more states to follow suit. This means that until certification in January everything is still to play for. In 1960 Hawaii had two opposing sets of electoral votes submitted and Richard Nixon as sitting VP had to choose which to certify. He chose the JFK vote which was the unofficial, unendorsed by the State Governor option, so it’s not an unprecedented or illegal situation. When the time comes it will be Mike Pence who has to certify one or the other of each set of electoral votes or throw all of them out. This is getting very messy and I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions yet. Also today in Antrim County Michigan a Judge has authorised the release  of a forensic analysis of 22 Dominion voting machines and data from the general election. The analysis was carried out by R J Ramsland Jr. of Allied Security Operations Group, a Harvard MBA with a degree in political science from Duke University who has worked for NASA and MIT and served on numerous federal gov. panels specialising in cyber security and forensic IT analysis. Their finding was that the Dominion systems had inbuilt intentional design faults which intentionally generate an enormously high number of ballot errors and rejections, which in the Antrim County count led to more than 60% of ballots being rejected and then manually adjudicated in a private room with no transparency or oversight or audit trail. The Dems have called the analysis flawed and incorrect but they would wouldn’t they. The bottom line imo is that there has been a concerted effort across many states to block any transparency and any impartial examination of what exactly went on in the few swing states that miraculously swung the result for Sleepy Joe overnight. The Democrats have  shown their dishonesty and willingness to lie and cheat for years now and I think they need to be held to account for their actions. I hope that happens because otherwise it’s game over and back to business for the warmongers and corrupt cunts who’ve had their own way and lined their own and their friends pockets for years.

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Nevada GOP has filed alternate electors for Trump. PA and GA have done the same and more states to follow suit. This means that until certification in January everything is still to play for. In 1960 Hawaii had two opposing sets of electoral votes submitted and Richard Nixon as sitting VP had to choose which to certify. He chose the JFK vote which was the unofficial, unendorsed by the State Governor option, so it’s not an unprecedented or illegal situation. When the time comes it will be Mike Pence who has to certify one or the other of each set of electoral votes or throw all of them out. This is getting very messy and I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions yet. Also today in Antrim County Michigan a Judge has authorised the release  of a forensic analysis of 22 Dominion voting machines and data from the general election. The analysis was carried out by R J Ramsland Jr. of Allied Security Operations Group, a Harvard MBA with a degree in political science from Duke University who has worked for NASA and MIT and served on numerous federal gov. panels specialising in cyber security and forensic IT analysis. Their finding was that the Dominion systems had inbuilt intentional design faults which intentionally generate an enormously high number of ballot errors and rejections, which in the Antrim County count led to more than 60% of ballots being rejected and then manually adjudicated in a private room with no transparency or oversight or audit trail. The Dems have called the analysis flawed and incorrect but they would wouldn’t they. The bottom line imo is that there has been a concerted effort across many states to block any transparency and any impartial examination of what exactly went on in the few swing states that miraculously swung the result for Sleepy Joe overnight. The Democrats have  shown their dishonesty and willingness to lie and cheat for years now and I think they need to be held to account for their actions. I hope that happens because otherwise it’s game over and back to business for the warmongers and corrupt cunts who’ve had their own way and lined their own and their friends pockets for years.



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13 hours ago, Goober said:

Not sure where you got this last piece of misinformation from, Billy. The electoral college voters in all the states that swung to Biden, including Nevada, have cast their votes and not a single faithless elector voted for Trump in any of them. Regardless, in Nevada they are legally bound to vote for Biden and a faithless elector's vote would be thrown out and the elector replaced.

Nothing remarkable about Harris not having resigned her Senate seat yet either.

What he said. Billy, you purposely stated that Nevada assigned the state's electoral college votes to Trump. Either you chose to deliberately misinform, which makes you dishonest or you've blindly repeated an assertion from a Trump soy boy fan site which makes you a fool. Which is it?

12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Nevada GOP has filed alternate electors for Trump. PA and GA have done the same and more states to follow suit. This means that until certification in January everything is still to play for. In 1960 Hawaii had two opposing sets of electoral votes submitted and Richard Nixon as sitting VP had to choose which to certify. He chose the JFK vote which was the unofficial, unendorsed by the State Governor option, so it’s not an unprecedented or illegal situation. When the time comes it will be Mike Pence who has to certify one or the other of each set of electoral votes or throw all of them out. This is getting very messy and I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions yet. Also today in Antrim County Michigan a Judge has authorised the release  of a forensic analysis of 22 Dominion voting machines and data from the general election. The analysis was carried out by R J Ramsland Jr. of Allied Security Operations Group, a Harvard MBA with a degree in political science from Duke University who has worked for NASA and MIT and served on numerous federal gov. panels specialising in cyber security and forensic IT analysis. Their finding was that the Dominion systems had inbuilt intentional design faults which intentionally generate an enormously high number of ballot errors and rejections, which in the Antrim County count led to more than 60% of ballots being rejected and then manually adjudicated in a private room with no transparency or oversight or audit trail. The Dems have called the analysis flawed and incorrect but they would wouldn’t they. The bottom line imo is that there has been a concerted effort across many states to block any transparency and any impartial examination of what exactly went on in the few swing states that miraculously swung the result for Sleepy Joe overnight. The Democrats have  shown their dishonesty and willingness to lie and cheat for years now and I think they need to be held to account for their actions. I hope that happens because otherwise it’s game over and back to business for the warmongers and corrupt cunts who’ve had their own way and lined their own and their friends pockets for years.

All states have set of electoral college voters for both sides. Which set of electoral college voters is used is dependent on who's candidate won the popular vote for that state. To say that Nevada GOP has filed alternate electors as if that was something of relevance is disingenuous.

As for your previous rambling post not only am I pleased that you have shown a degree of contrition I'm also grateful that you have written a POV that is in fact a microcosm as to why the GOP/Trump legal challenges have thus failed and failed badly. Your reasoning mirrors Trump's legal position in that it is reliant on conspiracy rhetoric but no evidence. It also assumes that thousands of election staff, local and state election officials and the entire US judiciary have all knowingly conspired to deny Trump his "victory".

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