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King Billy

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On 01/09/2022 at 19:47, Eric Cuntman said:

We had air rifles, catapults, crossbows, and white girls that didn’t reject us because the telly said so.

My therapist friends would call this insightful progress, Eric. Bravo. 

To many, the average white man in England was doomed as soon as they let Leonard Rossiter be cuckolded by Don Warrington in his pursuit of Frances De La Tour. Many of them have never really gotten over it. 

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On 13/09/2020 at 13:08, King Billy said:

The Wuhan batflu and the worldwide response to it is a socialist/Marxist move to destroy the world economy and restart eventually with a compliant population who’s free will has been broken and are totally dependant on state handouts The real agenda is The Green New Deal. Think about it. This year fossil fuel use has been massively reduced. Air travel, in fact all international travel, almost zero. Most countries which were thought to be democratic have arbitrarily taken away nearly all civil liberties from their citizens. Welfare for everyone. Government by dictat under ever changing and harsher ‘emergency’ legislation, even when the science and statistics clearly don’t justify it.

The initial lockdown policies all over the world were based on computer modelling done by Imperial College London who predicted 40 million deaths, which anyone can see now was bullshit. It’s no coincidence that these same experts have for years been at the forefront of climate change project fear propaganda. Their modelling predictions over climate change over the years were all totally wrong too.

The reduction in CO2 since January, considering all the shutdowns and reduced travel is ZERO. In fact CO2 emissions have increased at exactly the same rate.

The rhetoric coming from governments like Canada, Australia, the EU, the Biden Democrats and more worryingly the corrupt and discredited WHO, is that there will be no going back to the previous ‘normal’ and that lockdowns etc. must continue in some form for at least another two years, and that things will have to slowly restart with a huge green agenda. This talk pleases the PC sheep who are willingly imprisoning themselves in their own homes. The puppet masters are orchestrating the collapse of capitalism deliberately and in plain sight. This isn’t about public health or climate change. It’s about gaining total control of populations by paralysing them with fear, then slowly allowing them some semblance of freedom but under hugely different rules, which become the new and permanent normality.

This is the greatest con trick ever played on the world and it mustn’t be allowed to succeed.

People need to fucking wake up and stop this NOW before it’s too late.

Im up for it. Whatever it fucking takes.

Fact checked (sorry for the 2 year wait)……100% Correct!

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On 01/09/2022 at 13:44, Roadkill said:

You know @Wolfie is just going to say you played with dog shit, don't you?

Why do you keep doing this to yourself?

It's his default setting, he has no other material, neither has Dickless, they're tired and angry little men who both have a very limited imagination.🦄🌛🦙🌈

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1 hour ago, cunt said:

It's his default setting, he has no other material, neither has Dickless, they're tired and angry little men who both have a very limited imagination.🦄🌛🦙🌈

Your obsession with a select few on this site is becoming sinister 

Anyone would think being accused of lurking the streets, pathetic cock in hand, waiting to bang one out as a passed pooch curls one out, is getting to you 

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18 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Your obsession with a select few on this site is becoming sinister 

Anyone would think being accused of lurking the streets, pathetic cock in hand, waiting to bang one out as a passed pooch curls one out, is getting to you 

Really, and what is your opinion on the scat obsessions of your angry cohorts?

Oh, I forgot, you're all in the boys club together, so you wouldn't dare comment on that.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


Fact checked by whom?

Simply that it’s all become fact now should be a reality check for even someone as dim as you, but we all know that you’ve never been wrong about anything. Keep on digging that hole Luv. 
I don’t know where you’ve been recently, but welcome back and fuck off.

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55 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Simply that it’s all become fact now should be a reality check for even someone as dim as you, but we all know that you’ve never been wrong about anything. Keep on digging that hole Luv. 
I don’t know where you’ve been recently, but welcome back and fuck off.

So not fact checked.

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