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King Billy

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The Wuhan batflu and the worldwide response to it is a socialist/Marxist move to destroy the world economy and restart eventually with a compliant population who’s free will has been broken and are totally dependant on state handouts The real agenda is The Green New Deal. Think about it. This year fossil fuel use has been massively reduced. Air travel, in fact all international travel, almost zero. Most countries which were thought to be democratic have arbitrarily taken away nearly all civil liberties from their citizens. Welfare for everyone. Government by dictat under ever changing and harsher ‘emergency’ legislation, even when the science and statistics clearly don’t justify it.

The initial lockdown policies all over the world were based on computer modelling done by Imperial College London who predicted 40 million deaths, which anyone can see now was bullshit. It’s no coincidence that these same experts have for years been at the forefront of climate change project fear propaganda. Their modelling predictions over climate change over the years were all totally wrong too.

The reduction in CO2 since January, considering all the shutdowns and reduced travel is ZERO. In fact CO2 emissions have increased at exactly the same rate.

The rhetoric coming from governments like Canada, Australia, the EU, the Biden Democrats and more worryingly the corrupt and discredited WHO, is that there will be no going back to the previous ‘normal’ and that lockdowns etc. must continue in some form for at least another two years, and that things will have to slowly restart with a huge green agenda. This talk pleases the PC sheep who are willingly imprisoning themselves in their own homes. The puppet masters are orchestrating the collapse of capitalism deliberately and in plain sight. This isn’t about public health or climate change. It’s about gaining total control of populations by paralysing them with fear, then slowly allowing them some semblance of freedom but under hugely different rules, which become the new and permanent normality.

This is the greatest con trick ever played on the world and it mustn’t be allowed to succeed.

People need to fucking wake up and stop this NOW before it’s too late.

Im up for it. Whatever it fucking takes.

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16 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The Wuhan batflu and the worldwide response to it is a socialist/Marxist move to destroy the world economy and restart eventually with a compliant population who’s free will has been broken and are totally dependant on state handouts The real agenda is The Green New Deal. Think about it. This year fossil fuel use has been massively reduced. Air travel, in fact all international travel, almost zero. Most countries which were thought to be democratic have arbitrarily taken away nearly all civil liberties from their citizens. Welfare for everyone. Government by dictat under ever changing and harsher ‘emergency’ legislation, even when the science and statistics clearly don’t justify it.

The initial lockdown policies all over the world were based on computer modelling done by Imperial College London who predicted 40 million deaths, which anyone can see now was bullshit. It’s no coincidence that these same experts have for years been at the forefront of climate change project fear propaganda. Their modelling predictions over climate change over the years were all totally wrong too.

The reduction in CO2 since January, considering all the shutdowns and reduced travel is ZERO. In fact CO2 emissions have increased at exactly the same rate.

The rhetoric coming from governments like Canada, Australia, the EU, the Biden Democrats and more worryingly the corrupt and discredited WHO, is that there will be no going back to the previous ‘normal’ and that lockdowns etc. must continue in some form for at least another two years, and that things will have to slowly restart with a huge green agenda. This talk pleases the PC sheep who are willingly imprisoning themselves in their own homes. The puppet masters are orchestrating the collapse of capitalism deliberately and in plain sight. This isn’t about public health or climate change. It’s about gaining total control of populations by paralysing them with fear, then slowly allowing them some semblance of freedom but under hugely different rules, which become the new and permanent normality.

This is the greatest con trick ever played on the world and it mustn’t be allowed to succeed.

People need to fucking wake up and stop this NOW before it’s too late.

Im up for it. Whatever it fucking takes.

Trouble is that if you continue to play fast and loose with the facts then whatever nonsense you're attempting to promulgate will fall by the wayside.

Here are the facts as understood by accepted science.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Trouble is that if you continue to play fast and loose with the facts then whatever nonsense you're attempting to promulgate will fall by the wayside.

Here are the facts as understood by accepted science.

Reported for attempted thread derailing. Anyone can pluck ‘accepted facts’ from the net. Anyone can then find ‘facts’which completely contradict them. The point in making is that the accepted science has so far been totally wrong and internet censorship of anything which disagrees with it hasn’t really helped to dispel so called conspiracy theories. And cunts like you who think they’re too clever to fall for anything untoward and blindly believe the likes of the WHO and the UN deserve to be called out as fucking idiots.


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41 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Reported for attempted thread derailing. Anyone can pluck ‘accepted facts’ from the net. Anyone can then find ‘facts’which completely contradict them. The point in making is that the accepted science has so far been totally wrong and internet censorship of anything which disagrees with it hasn’t really helped to dispel so called conspiracy theories. And cunts like you who think they’re too clever to fall for anything untoward and blindly believe the likes of the WHO and the UN deserve to be called out as fucking idiots.


You mean reported for having an opinion different to yours. You sound like the sort of censorious Libtard that you despise so much.

You have your knickers in such a twist that on another thread your quoting a recent WHO statistic yet here you are rubbishing anyone who does the same thing.

Whilst we're at it, where did you find the "fact" that reductions in Co2 emissions have been zero during the Covid crisis?

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6 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You mean reported for having an opinion different to yours. You sound like the sort of censorious Libtard that you despise so much.

You have your knickers in such a twist that on another thread your quoting a recent WHO statistic yet here you are rubbishing anyone who does the same thing.

Whilst we're at it, where did you find the "fact" that reductions in Co2 emissions have been zero during the Covid crisis?

Not telling you. Mind your own business. 💊💉😂

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
2 hours ago, King Billy said:

The Wuhan batflu and the worldwide response to it is a socialist/Marxist move to destroy the world economy and restart eventually with a compliant population who’s free will has been broken and are totally dependant on state handouts The real agenda is The Green New Deal. Think about it. This year fossil fuel use has been massively reduced. Air travel, in fact all international travel, almost zero. Most countries which were thought to be democratic have arbitrarily taken away nearly all civil liberties from their citizens. Welfare for everyone. Government by dictat under ever changing and harsher ‘emergency’ legislation, even when the science and statistics clearly don’t justify it.

The initial lockdown policies all over the world were based on computer modelling done by Imperial College London who predicted 40 million deaths, which anyone can see now was bullshit. It’s no coincidence that these same experts have for years been at the forefront of climate change project fear propaganda. Their modelling predictions over climate change over the years were all totally wrong too.

The reduction in CO2 since January, considering all the shutdowns and reduced travel is ZERO. In fact CO2 emissions have increased at exactly the same rate.

The rhetoric coming from governments like Canada, Australia, the EU, the Biden Democrats and more worryingly the corrupt and discredited WHO, is that there will be no going back to the previous ‘normal’ and that lockdowns etc. must continue in some form for at least another two years, and that things will have to slowly restart with a huge green agenda. This talk pleases the PC sheep who are willingly imprisoning themselves in their own homes. The puppet masters are orchestrating the collapse of capitalism deliberately and in plain sight. This isn’t about public health or climate change. It’s about gaining total control of populations by paralysing them with fear, then slowly allowing them some semblance of freedom but under hugely different rules, which become the new and permanent normality.

This is the greatest con trick ever played on the world and it mustn’t be allowed to succeed.

People need to fucking wake up and stop this NOW before it’s too late.

Im up for it. Whatever it fucking takes.

I agree with you that the response to cv19 has been disproportionate, and has been allowed to knock the economy far too hard.  I don't remember anything like this for the avian flu, or the other various viruses which have been transmitted over from China. 

The previous approach was "if you get ill stay at home, but everyone else keep on trucking, no big deal", but we seem to be treating cv19 as though its more dangerous and virulent than the black death.  I don't want to be too casual and glib about the people who have died from it, but as far as I can tell, it only seems to be a major problem for the elderly or those with heart conditions or diabetes etc etc, so I am completely baffled as to why young able bodied people are wearing masks and standing 2 metres apart.  Obviously, I am not a medical professional, but I would have thought a better approach would be to allow it to spread through the population naturally, and for the population to develop herd immunity as soon as possible, so that we can update our immune systems and move on.  

KB, I am not sure if I agree with their approach being part of a Marxist/green cabal assault on capitalism, but the response of governments across the world does seem to have been strange and questionable.  It is definitely odd, and it does make me wonder if they do have more evidence to indicate that cv19 is an escaped lab bug.  Maybe this would explain the fear with which they seem to regard cv19... perhaps they half expect it to mutate into something worse...

Our grandfathers, who I imagine largely subscribed to the philosophy of " soldier on" and "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" must be spinning in their graves at this policy of wrapping up people in cotton wool and hazmat gear.  

Strange days.  

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

The Wuhan batflu and the worldwide response to it is a socialist/Marxist move to destroy the world economy and restart eventually with a compliant population who’s free will has been broken and are totally dependant on state handouts The real agenda is The Green New Deal. Think about it. This year fossil fuel use has been massively reduced. Air travel, in fact all international travel, almost zero. Most countries which were thought to be democratic have arbitrarily taken away nearly all civil liberties from their citizens. Welfare for everyone. Government by dictat under ever changing and harsher ‘emergency’ legislation, even when the science and statistics clearly don’t justify it.

The initial lockdown policies all over the world were based on computer modelling done by Imperial College London who predicted 40 million deaths, which anyone can see now was bullshit. It’s no coincidence that these same experts have for years been at the forefront of climate change project fear propaganda. Their modelling predictions over climate change over the years were all totally wrong too.

The reduction in CO2 since January, considering all the shutdowns and reduced travel is ZERO. In fact CO2 emissions have increased at exactly the same rate.

The rhetoric coming from governments like Canada, Australia, the EU, the Biden Democrats and more worryingly the corrupt and discredited WHO, is that there will be no going back to the previous ‘normal’ and that lockdowns etc. must continue in some form for at least another two years, and that things will have to slowly restart with a huge green agenda. This talk pleases the PC sheep who are willingly imprisoning themselves in their own homes. The puppet masters are orchestrating the collapse of capitalism deliberately and in plain sight. This isn’t about public health or climate change. It’s about gaining total control of populations by paralysing them with fear, then slowly allowing them some semblance of freedom but under hugely different rules, which become the new and permanent normality.

This is the greatest con trick ever played on the world and it mustn’t be allowed to succeed.

People need to fucking wake up and stop this NOW before it’s too late.

Im up for it. Whatever it fucking takes.

Which lorry rest area are you currently in? Just so I can drive to the other end of the country to avoid contamination. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
50 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Because a person may have the virus but be asymptomatic. The wearing of the mask is more about protecting others than oneself. 

Yes, I understand that, and I get that they need to protect any elderly relatives they may have, or relatives with heart disease etc.  Surely though, the focus on shielding/quarantine should be on these vulnerable people ?  So have vulnerable people staying at home (working from home if possible), and getting their groceries delivered, all nicely sterile wiped, but everyone else should just be getting on with their lives.  

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1) it's the same family of disease as 'flu, which somehow hasn't been suppressed and is killing 6 times as many people.

2) the rise in cases has come while everyone was already forced to wear face-nappies and distance themselves from everyone else.

3) the restrictions have possibly killed more people than the disease. 

4) ....and destroyed 26% of the economy, with all the additional health problems that will cause, while also ensuring there will be less future funding for healthcare.

5.) Where is the scientific evidence for 'the rule of six'? Why not 4? Or 12? or eleventeen? Because this decision, like every decision on this issue is a political one and can be challenged as such....well, it could be if there was Parliamentary debate and a robust (Mass) media willing to confront the government on this issue....in the absence of which, conspiracy theories such as the OP, gain more traction. Understandably so.

Meanwhile - look at the covid death-rate: 0.06% of those actually infected (NOT .06 of the population), so why the panic for this but not other diseases at a similar level

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2 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

1) it's the same family of disease as 'flu, which somehow hasn't been suppressed and is killing 6 times as many people.

2) the rise in cases has come while everyone was already forced to wear face-nappies and distance themselves from everyone else.

3) the restrictions have possibly killed more people than the disease. 

4) ....and destroyed 26% of the economy, with all the additional health problems that will cause, while also ensuring there will be less future funding for healthcare.

5.) Where is the scientific evidence for 'the rule of six'? Why not 4? Or 12? or eleventeen? Because this decision, like every decision on this issue is a political one and can be challenged as such....well, it could be if there was Parliamentary debate and a robust (Mass) media willing to confront the government on this issue....in the absence of which, conspiracy theories such as the OP, gain more traction. Understandably so.

Meanwhile - look at the covid death-rate: 0.06% of those actually infected (NOT .06 of the population), so why the panic for this but not other diseases at a similar level

Eh? Where do you get that figure from?

You and @Weary&Disgusted do make some salient points though. As for "the rule of six" - it does seem a bit arbitrary, that said back in April I did foretell something like this would happen...

On 27/04/2020 at 12:00, Mrs Roops said:

...The truth is that any effective exit strategy is dependant the availability of a national wholesale regular testing regime and a Coronavirus vaccine, neither of which is available any time soon. So, our political masters have to make some uncomfortable decisions as the lockdown can't continue indefinitely and we can't keep on burning cash for zero or limited productivity. Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society.  But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?

It appears that we have our answer. I presume "the rule of six" is a computer generated model that balances some form of normality which also provides a trade-off between the economic health of the nation and the health of individuals. The acceptable "R" rate is known, what is not so well known is the acceptable deaths ratio of Covid infected patients.

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3 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Eh? Where do you get that figure from?

You and @Weary&Disgusted do make some salient points though. As for "the rule of six" - it does seem a bit arbitrary, that said back in April I did foretell something like this would happen...

It appears that we have our answer. I presume "the rule of six" is a computer generated model that balances some form of normality which also provides a trade-off between the economic health of the nation and the health of individuals. The acceptable "R" rate is known, what is not so well known is the acceptable deaths ratio of Covid infected patients.

I’m in awe. Epidemiologist, dentist, millionaire’s concubine, soft core glamour model, genius engineer, businesswoman of the year, economist, hunt sabatoeur and eco-warrior, eurosceptic guru and, between breaths, Cunting site moderator.

I’m amazed you have time to wipe your arse. 

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Just now, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m in awe. Epidemiologist, dentist, millionaire’s concubine, soft core glamour model, genius engineer, businesswoman of the year, economist, hunt sabatoeur and eco-warrior, eurosceptic guru and, between breaths, Cunting site moderator.

I’m amazed you have time to wipe your arse. 

She's also a photographer and has a very fast motorbike.

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On 13/09/2020 at 20:08, King Billy said:

The Wuhan batflu and the worldwide response to it is a socialist/Marxist move to destroy the world economy and restart eventually with a compliant population who’s free will has been broken and are totally dependant on state handouts The real agenda is The Green New Deal. Think about it. This year fossil fuel use has been massively reduced. Air travel, in fact all international travel, almost zero. Most countries which were thought to be democratic have arbitrarily taken away nearly all civil liberties from their citizens. Welfare for everyone. Government by dictat under ever changing and harsher ‘emergency’ legislation, even when the science and statistics clearly don’t justify it.

The initial lockdown policies all over the world were based on computer modelling done by Imperial College London who predicted 40 million deaths, which anyone can see now was bullshit. It’s no coincidence that these same experts have for years been at the forefront of climate change project fear propaganda. Their modelling predictions over climate change over the years were all totally wrong too.

The reduction in CO2 since January, considering all the shutdowns and reduced travel is ZERO. In fact CO2 emissions have increased at exactly the same rate.

The rhetoric coming from governments like Canada, Australia, the EU, the Biden Democrats and more worryingly the corrupt and discredited WHO, is that there will be no going back to the previous ‘normal’ and that lockdowns etc. must continue in some form for at least another two years, and that things will have to slowly restart with a huge green agenda. This talk pleases the PC sheep who are willingly imprisoning themselves in their own homes. The puppet masters are orchestrating the collapse of capitalism deliberately and in plain sight. This isn’t about public health or climate change. It’s about gaining total control of populations by paralysing them with fear, then slowly allowing them some semblance of freedom but under hugely different rules, which become the new and permanent normality.

This is the greatest con trick ever played on the world and it mustn’t be allowed to succeed.

People need to fucking wake up and stop this NOW before it’s too late.

Im up for it. Whatever it fucking takes.

Can’t you just ring your UDA mates? From memory they are very good at changing hearts and minds. Brought terror to a couple of Antrim Youth Clubs in the day, so they did. I suggest “Red Hand Sanitisers” as a working title, and vote for Jim McDonald to be your spokesman. 

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50 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Eh? Where do you get that figure from?

You and @Weary&Disgusted do make some salient points though. As for "the rule of six" - it does seem a bit arbitrary, that said back in April I did foretell something like this would happen...

It appears that we have our answer. I presume "the rule of six" is a computer generated model that balances some form of normality which also provides a trade-off between the economic health of the nation and the health of individuals. The acceptable "R" rate is known, what is not so well known is the acceptable deaths ratio of Covid infected patients.

My mistake

PHE report 41,628 deaths within 28 days of testing positive for covid-19 or with post-mortem positive tests. That is 0.06% of 67,000,000 -i.e 0.06% of the population.

Got a bit carried away - still, don't fuck with a 'C grade at O'Level Maths' desperado!

However, given the level of 'false positives' and 'deaths with ..vs deaths due to...' debate, does anyone have a Scooby what we're really looking at? Point is, (as you acknowledge) is it worth the level of disruption and harm that the poitical decisions taken to combat it?

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m in awe. Epidemiologist, dentist, millionaire’s concubine, soft core glamour model, genius engineer, businesswoman of the year, economist, hunt sabatoeur and eco-warrior, eurosceptic guru and, between breaths, Cunting site moderator.

I’m amazed you have time to wipe your arse. 

Yeah, I'm just yer average multi-tasking polymath but concubine? glamour model? eco-warrior? guru? C'mon now. Housewife, works in the manufacturing sector, saves foxes is about it.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m in awe. Epidemiologist, dentist, millionaire’s concubine, soft core glamour model, genius engineer, businesswoman of the year, economist, hunt sabatoeur and eco-warrior, eurosceptic guru and, between breaths, Cunting site moderator.

I’m amazed you have time to wipe your arse. 

I never bother....

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

My mistake

PHE report 41,628 deaths within 28 days of testing positive for covid-19 or with post-mortem positive tests. That is 0.06% of 67,000,000 -i.e 0.06% of the population.

Got a bit carried away - still, don't fuck with a 'C grade at O'Level Maths' desperado!

However, given the level of 'false positives' and 'deaths with ..vs deaths due to...' debate, does anyone have a Scooby what we're really looking at? Point is, (as you acknowledge) is it worth the level of disruption and harm that the poitical decisions taken to combat it?


Katie knows.

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