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America's imploding!

Major Cunt

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18 hours ago, Goober said:

C'mon Eric. We all get the utterly wank, opportunistic, overbearing population control implemented by this government in the name of this pandemic. It's an entirely predictable shit storm and a possibly well overdue thinning of an out of control population, but it's definitely not a hoax. Ultimately one's opinion of it is driven by how much one gives a fuck about old cunts. Since they soak up most of the taxes we pay I say let 'em die.

At least one person in the village of ~400 that I live in has died of this. The old twat,  without question, had been circling the drain for a while, but he'd have carried on draining the public purse for a good few years yet without this intervention.

Trump is as ill as fuck and was clearly in rather severe respiratory distress. It's going to take something more powerful than Stormy Daniels to suck this virus out of him.

I hope the bigoted, divisive, narcissistic orange wanker turns white followed by a post mortem yellow and then a shade of black he despised in life in a very, very painful manner quite soon.

I suggest YOU jump down the drain then I can clean it out with sulphuric acid. 

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On 08/09/2020 at 05:07, Major Cunt said:

There seems no sign that the protests in several states are gonna end anytime soon. Predictions are being made that the unrest is going to spread all over the country, and after almost a hundred years as the world's powerhouse it seems America's economy is imploding.

The top 5% that own almost everything, and dictate to the White House the countries direction have fucked up badly. Americans have seen their manufacturering plants close and then setup shop in China, Mexico, Vietnam and others. Even the middle class jobs that fuelled the American dream have disappeared abroad.

They also never tackled the race issue, and police brutality is rife among the ethnic peoples. 

They've spent decades overthrowing regimes they disapprove of in South America with the latest being Chile. The common thread that's at play here is when these countries elect a populist leader. This is generally a president who's got a pair of bollocks big enough to take control of their natural resources and raise living standards. 

Americans are fucking angry right now, and have finally woken up to the rampant inequality of decades of poorly thought out policies. 

Putin's probably laughing himself to sleep right now, along with Julian Assange who's being held in stricter conditions than most terrorists. 

I hope the whole rotten edifice comes crashing down on the heads of both parties, and something new can be salvaged from the ashes. 

Now I'm no communist, but have a feeling socialism may emerge from this!

Good. We already have wind bag Johnson desperately extolling the virtues of entrepreneurship, free markets, and capitalism in the C19 which ceased to exist in the 1950s. A collectivised approach by society based on broad equality, public ownership and input-output economics is the only way forward or the West will just fall behind China. 

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I suggest YOU jump down the drain then I can clean it out with sulphuric acid. 

Suggest whatever you like, I've no interest in the opinions of mentally retarded pissants such as you. I've chewed up and shat out far more talented and durable posters than you. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
20 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

(Washington) DC what the fuck has this got to do with America Imploding? 

It depends on your point of view.  You could see it as a positive thing, where Trump is going to be pulling American troops out of a war which is nothing to do with them.  Alternatively, you could read it as a symptom of American isolationist policy, which is sure to lead to problems when Russia and China decide to move it to fill the power vacuum which the U.S. will leave in their wake.  

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
20 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:
US elections
20 minutes ago
Taliban spokesperson has said that they support Trump for US president and hope he will remove American troops from Afghanistan.

I find it quite troubling that even the Taliban can easily predict American foreign policy now.  Then again,they are probably kept fully briefed by elements in Pakistan's ISI.  

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36 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

It depends on your point of view.  You could see it as a positive thing, where Trump is going to be pulling American troops out of a war which is nothing to do with them.  Alternatively, you could read it as a symptom of American isolationist policy, which is sure to lead to problems when Russia and China decide to move it to fill the power vacuum which the U.S. will leave in their wake.  

Trump the non Covid Hoax cunt? 

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3 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

I find it quite troubling that even the Taliban can easily predict American foreign policy now.  Then again,they are probably kept fully briefed by elements in Pakistan's ISI.  

America had actually drawn up invasion plans for Pakistan during the height of the Afghan conflict. A senior ex CIA analyst stated this during 'The 9/11 Intelligence War' documentary. The reasoning being the ISI not only arming the Taliban, but it's agents being caught or shot in exchanges. He said we had already invaded two Muslim countries so a third wouldn't matter. They should have ethnically cleansed the shithole, and given it back to India. As its only a matter of time before some religious zealot gets their fingers on the nuclear codes, and we're all fucked. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
35 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

America had actually drawn up invasion plans for Pakistan during the height of the Afghan conflict. A senior ex CIA analyst stated this during 'The 9/11 Intelligence War' documentary. The reasoning being the ISI not only arming the Taliban, but it's agents being caught or shot in exchanges. He said we had already invaded two Muslim countries so a third wouldn't matter. They should have ethnically cleansed the shithole, and given it back to India. As its only a matter of time before some religious zealot gets their fingers on the nuclear codes, and we're all fucked. 

Yes, Pakistan terrifies me for exactly that reason.  A nuclear power with religious fanatics in the military and intelligence Dept's... I wonder if there are any plans to quietly neuter their missiles.  

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
39 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

America had actually drawn up invasion plans for Pakistan during the height of the Afghan conflict. A senior ex CIA analyst stated this during 'The 9/11 Intelligence War' documentary. The reasoning being the ISI not only arming the Taliban, but it's agents being caught or shot in exchanges. He said we had already invaded two Muslim countries so a third wouldn't matter. They should have ethnically cleansed the shithole, and given it back to India. As its only a matter of time before some religious zealot gets their fingers on the nuclear codes, and we're all fucked. 

I wouldn't agree with ethnic cleansing, but they certainly need to have a thorough purge within their military and security services.  There is some evidence to suggest that factions within the ISI were behind the Mumbai massacre.  

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8 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Yes, Pakistan terrifies me for exactly that reason.  A nuclear power with religious fanatics in the military and intelligence Dept's... I wonder if there are any plans to quietly neuter their missiles.  

Me too. Forget about North Korea using nukes, its merely a bargaining chip for aid, and to prevent a land invasion. Ever since the Pakistanis got their grubby hands on the technology via theft it's been a concern. I seriously hope there's a program in place to disarm the fuckers, and I'm sure somethings in place. Their top nuclear scientist A. Q Khan was basically hawking his wares to any dictator with the cash before the yanks shut him down. They still refuse to deport him as he's a national hero. What an utter cunt! 

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49 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Yes, Pakistan terrifies me for exactly that reason.  A nuclear power with religious fanatics in the military and intelligence Dept's... I wonder if there are any plans to quietly neuter their missiles.  

It terrifies me that a population of imbeciles and crazed fundamentalist is still growing at a huge rate.  One in five is starving on a daily basis, counting over 220 millions now and 340 by 2050 (from 40 million in the fifties), amassing weapons, while collapsing ecologically, and the US reducing their presence in the region and isolating progressively.

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

🇱🇷🇱🇷TRUMP 2020 🇱🇷🇱🇷


Let's have a knees up as Magaluf Brexit Bonkers Britain rearranges the furniture during a house fire. It's all fucked and the Trump/Johnson fanatics are living in DENIAL. Go to a meeting abd get yourself clean lad. 

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20 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

It depends on your point of view.  You could see it as a positive thing, where Trump is going to be pulling American troops out of a war which is nothing to do with them.  Alternatively, you could read it as a symptom of American isolationist policy, which is sure to lead to problems when Russia and China decide to move it to fill the power vacuum which the U.S. will leave in their wake.  

I'm all for Ivan and the Chinks moving into the region and flexing their military might. Both countries can sustain a much higher casualty rate than the yanks and the goat shaggers will be more than willing to kill as many as possible. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
6 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I'm all for Ivan and the Chinks moving into the region and flexing their military might. Both countries can sustain a much higher casualty rate than the yanks and the goat shaggers will be more than willing to kill as many as possible. 

Afghanistan, grave of empires.  Perhaps you are right and the various threats will end up neutralising each other.  I still think Trumps sudden decision to abandon the Kurds to the dubious mercies of the Turks was an astonishing error.  The Kurds could have been given the homeland they were desperate for, and could have acted as a safety buffer between Turkey and Syria.  They sacrificed a lot to help the West kill jihadists, and then they were unceremoniously dumped and left to fend for themselves.  They could have been our eyes and ears in the region, missed opportunity.  

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8 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Afghanistan, grave of empires.  Perhaps you are right and the various threats will end up neutralising each other.  I still think Trumps sudden decision to abandon the Kurds to the dubious mercies of the Turks was an astonishing error.  The Kurds could have been given the homeland they were desperate for, and could have acted as a safety buffer between Turkey and Syria.  They sacrificed a lot to help the West kill jihadists, and then they were unceremoniously dumped and left to fend for themselves.  They could have been our eyes and ears in the region, missed opportunity.  

They’ll be pissed off for sure and the last thing we want is more disgruntled camel wallahs. We should arm the cunts to the teeth and let ‘em loose to the south, sort them evil Persian snakes out 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been reading some of the coverage about the American election today on the allegedly impartial and unbiased BBC news website.

I know there are a few Trump fans on here, and I definitely don't count myself amongst them. However, it's fairly clear that the Bullshitting Bollocks Cuckold cunts have an agenda that they're trying to push. I'd say it was subliminal, but in fairness it's fairly fucking obvious whose mast their colours are nailed to. 

I don't appreciate a state funded organisation trying to sway my thinking in clear violation of its own charter. So with that being said, here's hoping for four more years of Trump, and let's hope that the journos at the BBC are that triggered that they expose themselves even further for the impartial, politically motivated, cry baby fucking cunts that they are. 



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