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America's imploding!

Major Cunt

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On 09/09/2020 at 01:46, Arthur Dick said:

Ohh trump you really are one of us! Gawd bless you mr trump!

Your obviously a very poorly educated pleb, as your punctuation skills and complete lack of any grammar awareness prove.

     Therefore, it might be in your own best interests if you visit your local library and borrow some basic English language learning publications, before posting on this site again.

    I think that if you’re able to improve your level of communication you may find other members less hostile to your strange thoughts and ideas.

   Alternatively, you could just kill yourself.

Fuck off! LOL. 

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Hmm.......   methinks it’s the uk that are staring down the economic rifle barrel. I am amazed by the number of people known to me who have lost their jobs over the past few months...most of them skilled people. America has a way of coming up smelling of roses....we have a way of demonising and laughing at the less fortunate .. a phenomenon that crept in with the thatcher government and has never left us..... still, the unemployment figures are on the up and this time it’s being topped by people who have never been out of work before ... let’s see what happens.

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20 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Hmm.......   methinks it’s the uk that are staring down the economic rifle barrel. I am amazed by the number of people known to me who have lost their jobs over the past few months...most of them skilled people. America has a way of coming up smelling of roses....we have a way of demonising and laughing at the less fortunate .. a phenomenon that crept in with the thatcher government and has never left us..... still, the unemployment figures are on the up and this time it’s being topped by people who have never been out of work before ... let’s see what happens.

Let’s all of just pray that Roops doesn’t get the boot from any of her dozens of high powered positions. That would surely lead to a worldwide depression of unthinkable proportions. 🙏

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On 09/09/2020 at 03:41, Trucking Funt said:

Spot on MC. Although I strongly suspect Biden will step aside after 6 months siting "ill heath" so the Democrats can show how "progressive" they are by putting a black woman in the White House.

Despite the fact that Trump isn't a professional politician and prone to gaffes, he's made it clear that no other country is going to take liberties with the US while he's in charge and up until covid the economy was in rude health which are the two of most important things to middle America.

Unfortunately, chinky flu has handed the Democrats an opportunity to wreak havoc in major cities that otherwise they wouldn't have had and at this point it's difficult to determine who the US voter is going to blame on election day.

One things for sure, if Biden gets in we can kiss any trade deal with the US goodbye.

My God you really think you'll get a trade deal from a country run by jew boys who will want 2+2=3 in any deal. Remember previous "deals" with the USA? 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
On 09/09/2020 at 03:41, Trucking Funt said:

Spot on MC. Although I strongly suspect Biden will step aside after 6 months siting "ill heath" so the Democrats can show how "progressive" they are by putting a black woman in the White House.

Despite the fact that Trump isn't a professional politician and prone to gaffes, he's made it clear that no other country is going to take liberties with the US while he's in charge and up until covid the economy was in rude health which are the two of most important things to middle America.

Unfortunately, chinky flu has handed the Democrats an opportunity to wreak havoc in major cities that otherwise they wouldn't have had and at this point it's difficult to determine who the US voter is going to blame on election day.

One things for sure, if Biden gets in we can kiss any trade deal with the US goodbye.

Thats one thing I don't understand about the Democrats, why is it that they don't seem to be keen on a trade deal with the UK ?  I remember my anger seeing the news about Obama saying the UK "would be at the back of the queue" for any trade deal if we left the EU, and I still don't understand his attitude (which presumably most of the Democrats still share). 

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10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Here the Leader of The Free World explains his position on the wearing of masks.


FREE world LCS. Unfortunately, Australia can’t honestly be included in that group at present. At least Trump doesn’t downright refuse to answer the awkward questions. Dictator Dan thinks he has some sort of supreme right to sell Victorias future to the chinks and refuse to make public the details. Aussie politics is in a desperate state at present. People in glass houses etc. etc.

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21 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I'd like to take you on a long car journey. You would be tied up in the boot. I would drive to an isolated farm and chop you up with an axe then feed you to some pigs.

You can always tell a good person by his kindness, or lack of, to animals. Bless you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back on topic, Professor Susan Shaw of Oregon State University has been using her super massive Professor sized brain and announced on social media that ‘White Christians’ are to blame for the recent wildfires on the Pacific coast. Not black Christians or Muslims or Mormons or Jews or atheists, but white Christians, who are complicit with the intersecting systems of racism and global capitalism which underly climate change.

What a genius she must be to have solved this mystery. 

I really want her and all cunts like her dead.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Back on topic, Professor Susan Shaw of Oregon State University has been using her super massive Professor sized brain and announced on social media that ‘White Christians’ are to blame for the recent wildfires on the Pacific coast. Not black Christians or Muslims or Mormons or Jews or atheists, but white Christians, who are complicit with the intersecting systems of racism and global capitalism which underly climate change.

What a genius she must be to have solved this mystery. 

I really want her and all cunts like her dead.

I want you dead.

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