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Jessica Krug

camberwell gypsy

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So now we have white people claiming to be black. What is the world coming to? Are people now ashamed to be white that they have to bullshit about their ancestry? I've heard of cunts who discover they had an ancestor born in Ireland back in 1780 who came to England to live and then claim to be irish, but this takes the fucking biscuit.

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


So now we have white people claiming to be black. What is the world coming to? Are people now ashamed to be white that they have to bullshit about their ancestry? I've heard of cunts who discover they had an ancestor born in Ireland back in 1780 who came to England to live and then claim to be irish, but this takes the fucking biscuit.

You got there before me!! I'll delete mine and just add it as a post later. 


Is it cos I'm black or Jewish? Sammy Davis combined two with some nifty tap dancing in the middle. 

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


So now we have white people claiming to be black. What is the world coming to? Are people now ashamed to be white that they have to bullshit about their ancestry? I've heard of cunts who discover they had an ancestor born in Ireland back in 1780 who came to England to live and then claim to be irish, but this takes the fucking biscuit.

You have never had to pretend to be black. Standing too close to a bonfire, burning the rubber and plastic off old copper cable. I bet you look like Al Jolson, clutching a bottle of cheap cider, after the event.

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Well fuck my old Jewish boots. This story must bring tears to David Baddiel's swollen eyelids after his most recent rant about the BLM movement stealing all the limelight away from anti-semitism he lives and breathes 24 hours a day with no time off on the sabbath. And besides that he has a hirsute mug that makes my toilet brush look like an impressionist watercolour. David, if you are watching, are you really black? 





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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

She's a stupid fucking cunt, whatever colour she is.

Have you noticed that the BBC and others have started to capitalise the word "Black" regardless of where is appears in a sentence? Strangely, I have yet to see this done for the word "white".

Including your comment above, you fucking snowflake.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

That brings up that national debate of yesteryears:

Fanta or Orangeade? 

Either, but must be in a glass bottle, with ice. Preferably sitting outside a cafe in sunny south of France. Bon apertif. 

That all sounds terribly civilised.

My childhood equivalent of this terrible Sophie’s Choice was,  "Irn Bru or Tizer?" Again, the answer was either, but it had to swigged straight from the bottle, and anyone who wiped before drinking was ipso facto a fucking gaylord and due a good kicking.

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25 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Back on topic, what non-job did this self-hating cunt have anyway? Professor of Watermelon at Strange Fruit University? It never ceases to amaze me what made-up shit attracts a salary these days in the groves of academe.

Director of Visual Technology = Window cleaner

Product placement operative = Shelf stacker.







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