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Teachers & Governors of Glencoats Primary School

Dave Umbongo

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just thinking that the schools board of governors actially agreed to this. I mean, what could go wrong? 

I've always found it to be utterly ridiculous that you can serve on a school's board of governors despite not having any connection to it whatsoever. My suspicion is in this case the board has been packed with freaks and weirdos who think children being exposed to this depravity will broaden their minds.

The world doesn't make sense anymore, I want to get off.

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33 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I've always found it to be utterly ridiculous that you can serve on a school's board of governors despite not having any connection to it whatsoever. My suspicion is in this case the board has been packed with freaks and weirdos who think children being exposed to this depravity will broaden their minds.

The world doesn't make sense anymore, I want to get off.

You'll find that most school governors are middle class, wine slurping lefties who come up with this sort of bullshit. 

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31 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I've always found it to be utterly ridiculous that you can serve on a school's board of governors despite not having any connection to it whatsoever. My suspicion is in this case the board has been packed with freaks and weirdos who think children being exposed to this depravity will broaden their minds.

The world doesn't make sense anymore, I want to get off.

Busybody syndrome. There's a woman who lives near me, no kids, but a loud presence on the local school PTA. She's also straight but an active member of some LGBT action group. I think she also campaigned for local council a few years back. Weird.

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3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I can't post any pictures so go fuck yourself.


Invited a drag queen called Flow Job in to read stories to kids. WTF?

Presumably you just 'stumbled' upon this story Drew, during your usual daily perusal of the only press you ever read.

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19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Busybody syndrome. There's a woman who lives near me, no kids, but a loud presence on the local school PTA. She's also straight but an active member of some LGBT action group. I think she also campaigned for local council a few years back. Weird.

I'm going back to the 70s here: a school in my locality had money to spend. The choice was building a swimming pool to use for lessons and galas against other schools or a work of art, basically some abstract statue. Guess what the fucking governors voted for?

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm going back to the 70s here: a school in my locality had money to spend. The choice was building a swimming pool to use for lessons and galas against other schools or a work of art, basically some abstract statue. Guess what the fucking governors voted for?

Sounds like a parallel with that evil old cunt Mother Theresa. She refused to provide pain meds and other drugs for the patients at her hospital, claiming that "they must suffer like Jesus". Instead, she spent all the money buying statues of the Virgin Mary and bibles and hymn books. 

And guess what? As soon as she became ill herself, she jumps on a plane to a private European hospital and made sure she got the best possible care. Horrible hypocritical cunt.

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1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Actually I was looking for entertainment options for an under 5's birthday party.

Try 'Johnny Napalm'. He tells the kids stories about being tortured by the Viet-Cong, then he puts on a self harming demonstration, shits himself and tries to dig a fox-hole in the concrete patio with his teeth.

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12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

You'll find that most school governors are middle class, wine slurping lefties who come up with this sort of bullshit. 

They're the most socially irresponsible of people because those cunts think think they're right even when confronted with incontrovertible proof that they're full of shit. I fucking despise them.

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If it meant this cunt died from a prolapsed arsehole I'd administer the fateful fist,call it a public service but these cunts need exterminating.Ehy can't bat flu just attack the lefties and leave the good ones be.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Busybody syndrome. There's a woman who lives near me, no kids, but a loud presence on the local school PTA. She's also straight but an active member of some LGBT action group. I think she also campaigned for local council a few years back. Weird.

I fucking know the type. Wears a Palestinian neckerchief and a corduroy jacket with rainbow and CND symbols on it. Doesn't wear make up, graphically illustrating that she's a hideously ugly cunt and regularly hands out flyers in the local high street accusing the Tories of selling the NHS to Donald Trump, illegal experimentation on children in Myanmar and a secret pact with with the Israelis to rebuild the British Empire.

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I was a school governor once and there were 3 people on the board that were a fucking shit waste of skin and bone. 1 was a Labour councillor (say no more), 1 was an old woman who was only interested in making cakes for governors meetings and the other was as deaf as a post and thick as shit. Shortly after I arrived we sacked the headteacher for compiling such a fucking useless board of governors and then we got rid of the dead wood. I resigned 2 years later after the school was transformed and my creation went to high school.

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2 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I was a school governor once and there were 3 people on the board that were a fucking shit waste of skin and bone. 1 was a Labour councillor (say no more), 1 was an old woman who was only interested in making cakes for governors meetings and the other was as deaf as a post and thick as shit. Shortly after I arrived we sacked the headteacher for compiling such a fucking useless board of governors and then we got rid of the dead wood. I resigned 2 years later after the school was transformed and my creation went to high school.

You fascist bastard! 🤣

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I was a school governor once and there were 3 people on the board that were a fucking shit waste of skin and bone. 1 was a Labour councillor (say no more), 1 was an old woman who was only interested in making cakes for governors meetings and the other was as deaf as a post and thick as shit. Shortly after I arrived we sacked the headteacher for compiling such a fucking useless board of governors and then we got rid of the dead wood. I resigned 2 years later after the school was transformed and my creation went to high school.

1 was the local vicar who was John Peel's double and was Lord someone or the others brother. Another was an old biddy who said that pupils should be rewarded for good behaviour but not punished for bad behaviour because that might distress them. Another was a west indian who wanted all pupils to be horse whipped each morning so that they held the teachers in awe  .. bearing in mind that a couple of little cunts kept setting fire to things I agreed with him.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm going back to the 70s here: a school in my locality had money to spend. The choice was building a swimming pool to use for lessons and galas against other schools or a work of art, basically some abstract statue. Guess what the fucking governors voted for?

Ooh, ooh, I know this one...

They actually had the staff car park expensively and badly re-tarmacced by a relative of the head and then they all spent some time at his villa in Marbella, right?

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

1 was the local vicar who was John Peel's double and was Lord someone or the others brother. Another was an old biddy who said that pupils should be rewarded for good behaviour but not punished for bad behaviour because that might distress them. Another was a west indian who wanted all pupils to be horse whipped each morning so that they held the teachers in awe  .. bearing in mind that a couple of little cunts kept setting fore to things I agreed with him.

The Jamaican bloke sounds alright actually. Getting the palm of my hand thrashed with a cane never did me any harm. Obviously it would have been catastrophic for @Neil.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Sounds like a parallel with that evil old cunt Mother Theresa. She refused to provide pain meds and other drugs for the patients at her hospital, claiming that "they must suffer like Jesus". Instead, she spent all the money buying statues of the Virgin Mary and bibles and hymn books. 

And guess what? As soon as she became ill herself, she jumps on a plane to a private European hospital and made sure she got the best possible care. Horrible hypocritical cunt.

Good call Eric, that evil old cunt deserves her very own nom...

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