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The yellow peril #2

Stubby Pecker

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Yes I know there's another recent nom on the chinks so fuck off, but new "no shit Sherlock" revelations from the FBI will hopefully reinforce what evil, insidious rittle cunts they are. 

Any cunt with half a brain and the barest knowledge of history can see that the chinks since their revolution have been bent on at first subduing their own through genocide, starvation and brainwashing, and now attempting of fuck over the rest of us and dominate the planet. 

Their state machine is essentially at war footing against the whole word even to the extent they're actively trying to sabotage and undermine international efforts to combat their bat flu. The yanks, however, seem to have had enough of this shite and a new Cold War is about to start from which there will only be one winner. 

Time to give 'em some of their own medicine in the form of a killer bug that targets only those of a jaundice hue 

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2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Time to give 'em some of their own medicine in the form of a killer bug that targets only those of a jaundice hue 

Giant killer wasps. They can roll off the 3D printer production line by the million.

”Any colour you want, as long as it’s yellow.” 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
22 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Yes I know there's another recent nom on the chinks so fuck off, but new "no shit Sherlock" revelations from the FBI will hopefully reinforce what evil, insidious rittle cunts they are. 

Any cunt with half a brain and the barest knowledge of history can see that the chinks since their revolution have been bent on at first subduing their own through genocide, starvation and brainwashing, and now attempting of fuck over the rest of us and dominate the planet. 

Their state machine is essentially at war footing against the whole word even to the extent they're actively trying to sabotage and undermine international efforts to combat their bat flu. The yanks, however, seem to have had enough of this shite and a new Cold War is about to start from which there will only be one winner. 

Time to give 'em some of their own medicine in the form of a killer bug that targets only those of a jaundice hue 

So, as a prediction, what steps do you see America taking to retaliate in the near future ?  Aside from trade tariffs.  

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28 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

So, as a prediction, what steps do you see America taking to retaliate in the near future ?  Aside from trade tariffs.  

I think the board has already been set for China to overtake the West economically in the future due to the West's ignorance in assuming that its people would want a more democratic way of life and better quality of life as their country became more powerful. Sadly the majority of them seem happy to live like animals and be treated as such. The harsh lesson of Tienanmen Square has already been largely forgotten it seems, and the people are happy to see themselves as proud members of the CCP.

The ones who are unhappy with their lot rely too much on the prospect of foreign influence or are simply (and understandably) too scared to do anything about it at home and the West's dependence on their manufacturing thanks to years of corporate greed happy to overlook local industry in favour of cheaper alternatives overseas and their willingness to turn a blind eye to piddling little issues like basic human rights have left us little more than the equivalent of a smack head complaining to his dealer for stabbing people whilst handing money over for the next hit.

Our greed has fed their ambition and made them indisposable to us - whatever malcontent noises we make at this point are meaningless - we can only hope their side fucks up to the point that they turn on one another.

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57 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

So, as a prediction, what steps do you see America taking to retaliate in the near future ?  Aside from trade tariffs.  

A gradual lessening of economic dependence by most democratic nations and the chinks becoming untouchable when the truth comes out about their underhanded tactics. State sponsored criminal activity, medalling in elections, brutalising it's own people and bullying their neighbours- all things the yanks did and still do. Hopefully they'll kill each other off. 

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Yes I know there's another recent nom on the chinks so fuck off, but new "no shit Sherlock" revelations from the FBI will hopefully reinforce what evil, insidious rittle cunts they are. 

Any cunt with half a brain and the barest knowledge of history can see that the chinks since their revolution have been bent on at first subduing their own through genocide, starvation and brainwashing, and now attempting of fuck over the rest of us and dominate the planet. 

Their state machine is essentially at war footing against the whole word even to the extent they're actively trying to sabotage and undermine international efforts to combat their bat flu. The yanks, however, seem to have had enough of this shite and a new Cold War is about to start from which there will only be one winner. 

Time to give 'em some of their own medicine in the form of a killer bug that targets only those of a jaundice hue 

Get the Japanese to unleash Godzilla and Mothra on them. That'll fucking learn 'em. 

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Get the Japanese to unleash Godzilla and Mothra on them. That'll fucking learn 'em. 

A 1000 mile wide tsunami of nuclear waste, human shit and unexploded mines that engulfs the entire country would do it for me. I want every single one of the evil cunts dead and the world will be better for it.

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Trump - cretin though he is - has got the political smarts to understand what Johnny Chink is all about and to call it for what it is (albeit in stumbling, hyper-punctuated, 'good 'ol boy' rhetoric)

There's not a cat in hell's chance of The West getting behind him, given the antipathy there is to him personally.

I'm thinking coherent, targeted sanctions, resisting China's influence in organisations such as the WHO, soft diplomacy to counter their growing influence in Africa and generally 'Make The West Great Again' (okay, a ham-fisted slogan to go to battle with, but basically 'wean yourself of cheap Chinese tat and get your supply chains secured from countries that are friendly to our way of life).

With Cornavirus taking up bandwidth in Latin America, China having a major jump on the rest of the world re its diplomatic thrust in Africa and Europe divided between rich and poor, nationalist and globalist, then the opposition, well we 'aint doing too well.

I suppose you can hope Biden wins in November and in a 'changing the man, not the game' scenario, 'The Free World' (for want of a better term) gets behing him / America if he decides to go all Rambo on Peking.

......either that or hope Ivan wakes up, takes a look at geo-politics 2020 and starts some shit up its Chinese frontier.

Failing this, I'm placing an advanced order for a 22, 65 and 74 (with an extra portion of fried rice) from the Buckingham Place chinky nosh gaff, deliverable in about 2035


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9 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

I suppose you can hope Biden wins in November and in a 'changing the man, not the game' scenario, 'The Free World' (for want of a better term) gets behing him / America if he decides to go all Rambo on Peking.

Trump has to be re-elected, as Biden will be the President in name only if he wins. The dems have been taken over by the mad socialist/Marxist/communist idealogs such as AOC, Omar etc. The Vice President is being chosen to hold do the bidding of the lunatics behind the scenes. Bidens Brain is mush and getting mushier by the day. And Biden will immediately take the knee to China and the WHO and UN. Globalism will be the immediate destination, full steam ahead on day one of  a Biden presidency.Biden is corruption personified. Two of his sons have mysteriously become multi multi millionaires through his corrupt dealings in China and especially Ukraine. The Democratic Party have so much shit on him that they have put him up as their candidate purely as their puppet who will be controlled from day one. Trump has steadfastly refused to play the Washington DC game which has been rotten to the core for a hundred years at least. That’s why he’s hated to a ridiculous level and the thing is if you ask any of these haters to explain why they have a completely deranged hatred for Trump they all can’t logically explain why, apart from the usual rants of racist, misogynist, blah blah blah. None of which stand scrutinisation. CNN and MSNBC and most of the news channels broadcast nothing but  anti Trump stories 24/7. For example CNN dedicated the whole days broadcasting on Sunday to Trump giving a racist speech at Mount Rushmore the previous night, Independence Day, in front of, as one of their anchors put it, monuments of two racist slave owners (Washington and Jefferson) on ground stolen from native Americans. Rewind a few years CNN reporting on President Obama celebrating Independence Day in front of the magnificent backdrop of Mount Rushmore, the tribute to the founding fathers and patriotic former presidents of our great country the USA. Anyone notice any difference in the news there?

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Trump has to be re-elected, as Biden will be the President in name only if he wins. The dems have been taken over by the mad socialist/Marxist/communist idealogs such as AOC, Omar etc. The Vice President is being chosen to hold do the bidding of the lunatics behind the scenes. Bidens Brain is mush and getting mushier by the day. And Biden will immediately take the knee to China and the WHO and UN. Globalism will be the immediate destination, full steam ahead on day one of  a Biden presidency.Biden is corruption personified. Two of his sons have mysteriously become multi multi millionaires through his corrupt dealings in China and especially Ukraine. The Democratic Party have so much shit on him that they have put him up as their candidate purely as their puppet who will be controlled from day one. Trump has steadfastly refused to play the Washington DC game which has been rotten to the core for a hundred years at least. That’s why he’s hated to a ridiculous level and the thing is if you ask any of these haters to explain why they have a completely deranged hatred for Trump they all can’t logically explain why, apart from the usual rants of racist, misogynist, blah blah blah. None of which stand scrutinisation. CNN and MSNBC and most of the news channels broadcast nothing but  anti Trump stories 24/7. For example CNN dedicated the whole days broadcasting on Sunday to Trump giving a racist speech at Mount Rushmore the previous night, Independence Day, in front of, as one of their anchors put it, monuments of two racist slave owners (Washington and Jefferson) on ground stolen from native Americans. Rewind a few years CNN reporting on President Obama celebrating Independence Day in front of the magnificent backdrop of Mount Rushmore, the tribute to the founding fathers and patriotic former presidents of our great country the USA. Anyone notice any difference in the news there?

Have any American Presidents owned a massage parlour?

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
9 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Trump - cretin though he is - has got the political smarts to understand what Johnny Chink is all about and to call it for what it is (albeit in stumbling, hyper-punctuated, 'good 'ol boy' rhetoric)

There's not a cat in hell's chance of The West getting behind him, given the antipathy there is to him personally.

I'm thinking coherent, targeted sanctions, resisting China's influence in organisations such as the WHO, soft diplomacy to counter their growing influence in Africa and generally 'Make The West Great Again' (okay, a ham-fisted slogan to go to battle with, but basically 'wean yourself of cheap Chinese tat and get your supply chains secured from countries that are friendly to our way of life).

With Cornavirus taking up bandwidth in Latin America, China having a major jump on the rest of the world re its diplomatic thrust in Africa and Europe divided between rich and poor, nationalist and globalist, then the opposition, well we 'aint doing too well.

I suppose you can hope Biden wins in November and in a 'changing the man, not the game' scenario, 'The Free World' (for want of a better term) gets behing him / America if he decides to go all Rambo on Peking.

......either that or hope Ivan wakes up, takes a look at geo-politics 2020 and starts some shit up its Chinese frontier.

Failing this, I'm placing an advanced order for a 22, 65 and 74 (with an extra portion of fried rice) from the Buckingham Place chinky nosh gaff, deliverable in about 2035


All good suggestions.  In addition, all Western nations need to exclude China from all infrastructure projects.  Even if they promise to deliver cheaper, they simply can't be trusted not to attempt to weaponise 5G and Energy supply networks (by building in sabotage components which can be triggered remotely and data gathering devices).  

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9 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Trump - cretin though he is - has got the political smarts to understand what Johnny Chink is all about and to call it for what it is (albeit in stumbling, hyper-punctuated, 'good 'ol boy' rhetoric)

There's not a cat in hell's chance of The West getting behind him, given the antipathy there is to him personally.

I'm thinking coherent, targeted sanctions, resisting China's influence in organisations such as the WHO, soft diplomacy to counter their growing influence in Africa and generally 'Make The West Great Again' (okay, a ham-fisted slogan to go to battle with, but basically 'wean yourself of cheap Chinese tat and get your supply chains secured from countries that are friendly to our way of life).

With Cornavirus taking up bandwidth in Latin America, China having a major jump on the rest of the world re its diplomatic thrust in Africa and Europe divided between rich and poor, nationalist and globalist, then the opposition, well we 'aint doing too well.

I suppose you can hope Biden wins in November and in a 'changing the man, not the game' scenario, 'The Free World' (for want of a better term) gets behing him / America if he decides to go all Rambo on Peking.

......either that or hope Ivan wakes up, takes a look at geo-politics 2020 and starts some shit up its Chinese frontier.

Failing this, I'm placing an advanced order for a 22, 65 and 74 (with an extra portion of fried rice) from the Buckingham Place chinky nosh gaff, deliverable in about 2035


Trump is skilled in the art of dodgy deal making, misdirection, street fight, low tactics, etc, which works ever so well with sticking the chinks in the eye. What he doesn’t realise, is that a large chunk of trade deficit with China is due to US products made in yellow land and they still count as imports/ trade deficit data, and certain tariffs will screw some corporations, until the US-bound part of production is moved over to another cheapo shithole.  
However his pentagon mates must pay him handsomely for leaving weapons’ production well alone.

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That FBI fake director (after Hoover no US President allowed the Bureau any slack) has certainly earned every cent of his soon to be enjoyed multi-million retirement by stepping up to the microphone and repeating this ridiculous nom. China's inexorable rise to world domination is a WIN WIN opportunity for future mankind. So stop fucking whining and go with a civilisation that hasn't subjected itself to two world wars and a cold war in the past century and is (that's yours truly the Golden West) about as advanced as a slug crawling round a sewage pipe. 

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Trump has to be re-elected, as Biden will be the President in name only if he wins. The dems have been taken over by the mad socialist/Marxist/communist idealogs such as AOC, Omar etc. The Vice President is being chosen to hold do the bidding of the lunatics behind the scenes. Bidens Brain is mush and getting mushier by the day. And Biden will immediately take the knee to China and the WHO and UN. Globalism will be the immediate destination, full steam ahead on day one of  a Biden presidency.Biden is corruption personified. Two of his sons have mysteriously become multi multi millionaires through his corrupt dealings in China and especially Ukraine. The Democratic Party have so much shit on him that they have put him up as their candidate purely as their puppet who will be controlled from day one. Trump has steadfastly refused to play the Washington DC game which has been rotten to the core for a hundred years at least. That’s why he’s hated to a ridiculous level and the thing is if you ask any of these haters to explain why they have a completely deranged hatred for Trump they all can’t logically explain why, apart from the usual rants of racist, misogynist, blah blah blah. None of which stand scrutinisation. CNN and MSNBC and most of the news channels broadcast nothing but  anti Trump stories 24/7. For example CNN dedicated the whole days broadcasting on Sunday to Trump giving a racist speech at Mount Rushmore the previous night, Independence Day, in front of, as one of their anchors put it, monuments of two racist slave owners (Washington and Jefferson) on ground stolen from native Americans. Rewind a few years CNN reporting on President Obama celebrating Independence Day in front of the magnificent backdrop of Mount Rushmore, the tribute to the founding fathers and patriotic former presidents of our great country the USA. Anyone notice any difference in the news there?

I will sit up through the night to see the Trump/Biden debate. Trump fucking annihilated Clinton and she still had all her faculties about her. I'm sure somebody is stood behind that cunt Biden pushing a lever so his eyes occasionally move and he repeats the same phrases. I pissed myself at his first live press conference after being hidden away for 3 months behind Zoom and carefully scripted questions. He tried to ape Trump's familiar hairdryer treatment of hostile journos but completely forgot the insult he was going to use.

The CNN and MSNBC saturation slagging of Trump has completely backfired. Tucker Carlsen and Sean Hannity on Fox have been demolishing ratings records all over the place because they've graphically illustrated the collusion between the Democrats and the Marxist loons torching businesses and pulling down statues of people most yanks were taught to admire in school. Woke companies even pulled their advertising in an attempt to shut them down but Murdoch told them to get fucked and Trump's Rushmore speech has complimented this by installing a sense of fear in the majority of worse to come if Biden gets in.

All Trump has to do over the next several months is begin rounding up the cunts behind the rioting and highlight their connections to the Democrats then not fuck up in the debates with Biden. As long as he doesn't say something like "all niggers should be lynched", it should be a landslide in November.

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

I will sit up through the night to see the Trump/Biden debate. Trump fucking annihilated Clinton and she still had all her faculties about her. I'm sure somebody is stood behind that cunt Biden pushing a lever so his eyes occasionally move and he repeats the same phrases. I pissed myself at his first live press conference after being hidden away for 3 months behind Zoom and carefully scripted questions. He tried to ape Trump's familiar hairdryer treatment of hostile journos but completely forgot the insult he was going to use.

The CNN and MSNBC saturation slagging of Trump has completely backfired. Tucker Carlsen and Sean Hannity on Fox have been demolishing ratings records all over the place because they've graphically illustrated the collusion between the Democrats and the Marxist loons torching businesses and pulling down statues of people most yanks were taught to admire in school. Woke companies even pulled their advertising in an attempt to shut them down but Murdoch told them to get fucked and Trump's Rushmore speech has complimented this by installing a sense of fear in the majority of worse to come if Biden gets in.

All Trump has to do over the next several months is begin rounding up the cunts behind the rioting and highlight their connections to the Democrats then not fuck up in the debates with Biden. As long as he doesn't say something like "all niggers should be lynched", it should be a landslide in November.

Trump did not annihilate Clinton .. she actually got 2,000,000 more votes than Trump.

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

As long as he doesn't say something like "all niggers should be lynched", it should be a landslide in November.

That will be quite a feat in itself, but it’s likely that the rhetoric will be in sharper focus in relation to the chinks.         
As tariffs and general chink pogroms continue, slogans related to the “taking of millions of innocent American lives” will be on the menu most prominently.

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