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Bianca Williams


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19 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Nope, never happened, or at least the way you recount it. The problem Eric is that people like you bitch about "libtards" suppressing opinion and sticking their fingers in ears yet here you are doing the same thing by spewing out fatuous irrelevances which allude to being middle class and white. It seems you can make your racist PoV's but others may not volunteer counter arguments. Sounds like hypocrisy and self-entitlement.

I slightly agree with your assessment of the fall out. But I see the whole affair as a diversionary exercise executed with the usual British colonial authoritarianism which covers up the general racism and inequality in so called modern Britain. The people at the top love interracial spats like this that lead nowhere. Divide and rule. Black v. White. These cunts are just obscuring the top dogs. Look at the values encapsulated in 26 year old black owns posh car. She's just part of the fucking problem. A trope. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Nope, never happened, or at least the way you recount it. The problem Eric is that people like you bitch about "libtards" suppressing opinion and sticking their fingers in ears yet here you are doing the same thing by spewing out fatuous irrelevances which allude to being middle class and white. It seems you can make your racist PoV's but others may not volunteer counter arguments. Sounds like hypocrisy and self-entitlement.

'Which was nice'

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On 09/07/2020 at 15:21, Dawn Chorus said:

Out of interest someone an ex work mate who has been driving for thirty years and who is black as they come says that he has never been stopped by the police.

I have a black friend who’s also never been stopped. Mind you he doesn’t have a car.

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On 9 July 2020 at 15:21, Dawn Chorus said:

Out of interest someone an ex work mate who has been driving for thirty years and who is black as they come says that he has never been stopped by the police.

Ah yes, your Nigerian doctor ex colleague who now works in a private hospital in Devon. I phoned her up at work on a bogus enquiry to confirm your really identity. Sniff your post before opening.

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9 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Ah yes, your Nigerian doctor ex colleague who now works in a private hospital in Devon. I phoned her up at work on a bogus enquiry to confirm your really identity. Sniff your post before opening.

I look forward to receiving your bogus communication.

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Guest judgetwi
16 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed. How dare a black couple make a vulgar display of their "financial rewards" whilst poor white trash look enviously on. :rolleyes:

The Met are fucked and they know it.  Commisioner Dick stepped in when it became apparent that the Met's original spin of, "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" simply made matters worse. Even the initial probable cause given by "police sources" is confused. One source says "driving against a one way street" whilst another says "driving on the wrong side of the road". In fact a police sergent at the scene gives neither as a probable cause. Instead the officer cites S 1 of PACE which indeed gives probable cause to stop any "person or vehicle" to search for "stolen or prohibited articles".  Unfortunately most plods ignore S 1 (3) which unequivocally states that, "This section does not give a constable power to search a person or vehicle or anything in or on a vehicle unless he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that he will find stolen or prohibited articles". Setting aside the legality of the officers' behaviour there is also the aggravating circumstance of an innocent couple being dragged out of the car, being separated from their 3 month old child and handcuffed as a dozen plods wearing tactical vests and armed with batons, pava spray and tasers were in fear of their safety.

A classic case of driving whilst black.

No prejudice from Mr(s) Roops .....(s)he sides with the wealthy middle class as usual. Skin colour means nothing to him/her, it’s all about class. The coppers have to skateboard with the Extinction Rebellion crew, dance with the LGBTQ+ perverts and get down on their knees and run away from the BLM mob. All because their Mummys and Daddys might be lawyers or, at least, know some cunts who are. Just like Mr(s) Roops getting let out of her handcuffs because of her middle class connections. 

Have you ever been to a football match in the 2nd and 3rd divisions Mr(s) Roops? ( yes I refuse to call them by their corporate names) I’m talking about well away from the Premier League and the arriviste middle class Lineker worshipping cunts like you. The OB have no problem talking to the working class like they are shit, setting the dogs on you, getting their batons out and giving you a fucking good kicking. If they can be arsed to fill out the paperwork you might even get nicked. But most of the time they prefer to just smack you around and call you a cunt.

Spare me your middle class whining Mr(s) Roops. The average black geezer in the street has far more in common with me than Flabbott, Lammy, Hirsch and all those other Guardinista/BBC wankers.

Including your good self obviously.

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Guest judgetwi
15 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

A classic case of a middle class white person championing the cause of oppressed minorities. As long as the nearest one is at least 100 miles away. 

Well said Hardman. I don’t like you,  as you well know, but credit where credit is due I say. 

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