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Let the hand wringing begin

Stubby Pecker

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"Communities defeat terrorism- we must come together as one"

It comes as no surprise to any cunt that the latest stabby fucker given free reign by our daft authorities to live in our country and plot evil deeds was known to MI5 and on their famed watch list which is probably a spreadsheet so big it requires its own super computer.

This cunt is apparently a Libyan national no doubt welcomed with open arms without any questions being asked of his past, his thoughts on living in an open liberal society or how deep his religious views are. I'm sure the wankers responsible for massive massive cock up will be quick to tag some bullshite mental disorder on the ungrateful little cunt thus exonerating them of all blame.

If you're an Islamic extremist bent on killing innocent people you're not exactly going to prance about in plain site screaming death to the infidels like they used to. The fuckers are sleepers and sneaking through the backdoor and those who fit the profile should not merely put on some poxy list which is checked once in a blue moon, they should be rounded up an locked away for our own safety.

This will happen again and who's to say one of these cunts won't waltz into a primary school and strike a blow for Allah.

British hero, arch imperialist and confirmed racist (by 40s standards), Sir Wintson Churchill once had this quote up his sleeve "you can always take one with you" when referring to another bunch of fascist cunts out to destroy our free way if life. BoJo his a huge fan of his. 

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31 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

"Communities defeat terrorism- we must come together as one"

It comes as no surprise to any cunt that the latest stabby fucker given free reign by our daft authorities to live in our country and plot evil deeds was known to MI5 and on their famed watch list which is probably a spreadsheet so big it requires its own super computer.

This cunt is apparently a Libyan national no doubt welcomed with open arms without any questions being asked of his past, his thoughts on living in an open liberal society or how deep his religious views are. I'm sure the wankers responsible for massive massive cock up will be quick to tag some bullshite mental disorder on the ungrateful little cunt thus exonerating them of all blame.

If you're an Islamic extremist bent on killing innocent people you're not exactly going to prance about in plain site screaming death to the infidels like they used to. The fuckers are sleepers and sneaking through the backdoor and those who fit the profile should not merely put on some poxy list which is checked once in a blue moon, they should be rounded up an locked away for our own safety.

This will happen again and who's to say one of these cunts won't waltz into a primary school and strike a blow for Allah.

British hero, arch imperialist and confirmed racist (by 40s standards), Sir Wintson Churchill once had this quote up his sleeve "you can always take one with you" when referring to another bunch of fascist cunts out to destroy our free way if life. BoJo his a huge fan of his. 

I thought that quote was referring to Cadbury's mini rolls. He's friend Lord Liverpool turned down the offer of one as he was leaving number 10 and Winston uttered that quote. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

quick to tag some bullshite mental disorder

That was in the report that I read, no doubt some bleeding heart liberal, EU apologist, cunt will be using it as his 'get out of jail' card, all set for an easy life in one of our up-market institutions, at our fuckin' expense.

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

"Communities defeat terrorism- we must come together as one"

It comes as no surprise to any cunt that the latest stabby fucker given free reign by our daft authorities to live in our country and plot evil deeds was known to MI5 and on their famed watch list which is probably a spreadsheet so big it requires its own super computer.

This cunt is apparently a Libyan national no doubt welcomed with open arms without any questions being asked of his past, his thoughts on living in an open liberal society or how deep his religious views are. I'm sure the wankers responsible for massive massive cock up will be quick to tag some bullshite mental disorder on the ungrateful little cunt thus exonerating them of all blame.

If you're an Islamic extremist bent on killing innocent people you're not exactly going to prance about in plain site screaming death to the infidels like they used to. The fuckers are sleepers and sneaking through the backdoor and those who fit the profile should not merely put on some poxy list which is checked once in a blue moon, they should be rounded up an locked away for our own safety.

This will happen again and who's to say one of these cunts won't waltz into a primary school and strike a blow for Allah.

British hero, arch imperialist and confirmed racist (by 40s standards), Sir Wintson Churchill once had this quote up his sleeve "you can always take one with you" when referring to another bunch of fascist cunts out to destroy our free way if life. BoJo his a huge fan of his. 

The 'mental illness' narrative was up and running before the claret stopped running

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4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

"Communities defeat terrorism- we must come together as one"

It comes as no surprise to any cunt that the latest stabby fucker given free reign by our daft authorities to live in our country and plot evil deeds was known to MI5 and on their famed watch list which is probably a spreadsheet so big it requires its own super computer.

This cunt is apparently a Libyan national no doubt welcomed with open arms without any questions being asked of his past, his thoughts on living in an open liberal society or how deep his religious views are. I'm sure the wankers responsible for massive massive cock up will be quick to tag some bullshite mental disorder on the ungrateful little cunt thus exonerating them of all blame.

If you're an Islamic extremist bent on killing innocent people you're not exactly going to prance about in plain site screaming death to the infidels like they used to. The fuckers are sleepers and sneaking through the backdoor and those who fit the profile should not merely put on some poxy list which is checked once in a blue moon, they should be rounded up an locked away for our own safety.

This will happen again and who's to say one of these cunts won't waltz into a primary school and strike a blow for Allah.

British hero, arch imperialist and confirmed racist (by 40s standards), Sir Wintson Churchill once had this quote up his sleeve "you can always take one with you" when referring to another bunch of fascist cunts out to destroy our free way if life. BoJo his a huge fan of his. 

Stubby you cynical old racist pensioner, lessons will be learned...

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13 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

It looks like the Libyan jihadi stabbed 3 homosexual men in the park in Reading....

Makes you wonder if the knifeman was approached for acts of gross indecency....

It seems like the perfect solution. The peacefuls stab all the poofters, and catch AIDS from the splashback. 2 down, chinks and Africans to go.

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12 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Yet the Pinkaboo Left still embraces and eats out of the hand of the Islamic voting block.


Precisely. They don't seem to acknowledge that the only plans Muslims have for them involve a concrete room, a video camera and a kebab knife hacking through their trachea and cervical vertebrae. The delusional, quisling faggot perverts deserve whatever they get.

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5 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

With another fucking disaster relating to the infamous MI5 watch list it makes me wonder if they've sub-contracted this out to Group 4 to manage and they're using Holly from Red Dwarf to come up with the computations.

Holly, despite going computer senile, still has an IQ of 6. I don't see any decisions being made at the moment which indicate anywhere near that much intelligence.

Talkie-Toaster for PM.

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33 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

With another fucking disaster relating to the infamous MI5 watch list it makes me wonder if they've sub-contracted this out to Group 4 to manage and they're using Holly from Red Dwarf to come up with the computations.

Mr Flibble is VERY cross!


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1 hour ago, Earl of Punkape said:

It looks like the Libyan jihadi stabbed 3 homosexual men in the park in Reading....

Makes you wonder if the knifeman was approached for acts of gross indecency....

You know I think you're right Punky, all homosexual shit stabbers. Yesterday, I thought this was bad news whereas today it's obviously good news. It really is a topsy turvy world at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Holly, despite going computer senile, still has an IQ of 6. I don't see any decisions being made at the moment which indicate anywhere near that much intelligence.

Talkie-Toaster for PM.

He'd just offer them a toasted tea cake.

I wonder if in silicon heaven they get 72 virgin slices of artisan whole meal organic bloomer?

51 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Mr Flibble is VERY cross!


Have you been working on your hex vision in the basement bawsy fuelled on sprout ice cream?


1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Precisely. They don't seem to acknowledge that the only plans Muslims have for them involve a concrete room, a video camera and a kebab knife hacking through their trachea and cervical vertebrae. The delusional, quisling faggot perverts deserve whatever they get.

Indeed. The liberal left must either be thick or delusional if they believe their tree hugging way chimes with your average wallah wallah goat shagger. Ultra conservative, lead by a faith that considers non Muslims as expendable, anti gay and anti women. Hardly sounds like a woke millennial who spunked their pants when jezza got on the stage at glasto?   

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

With another fucking disaster relating to the infamous MI5 watch list it makes me wonder if they've sub-contracted this out to Group 4 to manage and they're using Holly from Red Dwarf to come up with the computations.


Joey Deacon more like

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We seem to have collectively reached an accomodation with terror-related killings.

There will of course be the 'lessons will be learned' platitudes, a candlelight vigil and, swelp me, almost certainly a one-minute's silence before Reading's next Championship match (it would have been two but with the round of applause for the NHS, followed by the taking of the knee for BLM, the ref would be blowing for half-time before the first excretion of snot from the left-back's nostril).

We might even be invited to the virtue-signalling def con one of us all  singing 'Imagine'.

Of course nothing practical will be done. None of the 3,000 suspects on MI5 close monitoring lists will be interned or deported. None on the 40,000 watch list will have liberties curtailed. No mosques will be closed. No commercial ties with Wahhibist Muslim countries will be severed.

We accept the level of death associated with terrorism, from whatever source and we move on.

Ditto cancer. Ditto male suicide. Ditto drug related deaths. Ditto deaths by road accidents all of which could be dramatically reduced or even eliminated in a widely understood sense, if there was the political will and spend put in place.

The punchline to this homily?

Why can't the same be done with Covid 19?

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2 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

It looks like the Libyan jihadi stabbed 3 homosexual men in the park in Reading....

Makes you wonder if the knifeman was approached for acts of gross indecency....

Were any of the victims friends of yours?

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4 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

It will be drenched in HIV contaminated blood now so there’s even less reason to go to the horrendous dump.


For good measure fuck off as well...

I think that the virus dies when the blood goes cold. Nothing particularly wrong about Reading .. I suppose that it is a Stockport or Warrington of the south.

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Guest judgetwi

So three poofs go to some park to cry about the poor blacks, who they wouldn’t go near other than to suck their cocks, and get stabbed to fuck by a peaceful, who they also cry about but wouldn’t go near unless they were waiting on them in some upmarket fucking Curry House. No “silence is violence” from me......i’m pissing myself laughing. 😁

These middle class wankers will never learn. Even when they are nailed to a tree and their house is burning in the background they will still blame themselves for their white privilege. Muggy cunts.

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