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Gary Lineker


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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'd fuck it. Wouldn't marry it.

7 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

... that will guarantee her a Texan oil baron husband thirty years her senior. 

Now 33, she married "personal trainer" Charlie McNeil in 2016, and divorced him in 2019. The internet is remarkably reluctant to divulge any further details of this brief liaison, not even a wedding picture, which I find somewhat suspicious, but I surmise that he too is a total fucking thicko and not an oil baron or some other Master of the Universe.


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43 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you noticed that all American people have built in compasses? Every single film or TV programme has at least 4 or 5 examples of the following:

"In pursuit.. heading west on 34th!"

"I'm on my way, northbound on Almeda Drive"

.... How the fuck do they know, they've usually burst out of a doorway, into an alleyway after a convoluted chase through a building. How could they possibly know which way they're pointing?

It is bizarre. Most of them don’t have passports and have the geographical acumen of Roops of the Rhöne…near Amsterdam.

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41 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Now 33, she married "personal trainer" Charlie McNeil in 2016, and divorced him in 2019. The internet is remarkably reluctant to divulge any further details of this brief liaison, not even a wedding picture, which I find somewhat suspicious, but I surmise that he too is a total fucking thicko and not an oil baron or some other Master of the Universe.

She also worked as an estate agent in Los Angeles. Sold lots of houses to wealthy investors. I suspect I’ve seen a few of those videos, come to think of it. 

Dumbo will probably be in Congress come November. 

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Did you know that Ratty only signed up to the corner because he thought 'CC' stood for 'concentration camp'.

Nope. I always presumed his bizarre post's were the result of dyslexia, and CC looked like SS to him. I bet it was the fastest he'd typed since April 1945.

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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

It is bizarre. Most of them don’t have passports and have the geographical acumen of Roops of the Rhöne…near Amsterdam.

I was standing in a food bar in Miami years ago and my son was 6 at the time and wearing a Dusseldorf football shirt (I can't remember why). This old geezer was chatting to him and said "Dusseldorf? Where is that"? I told him it was Germany and he said "So I guess that's a European soccer team"? 

Well done Marco Polo


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8 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Did ya sneak in the back door again bally..afraid to show face at the ports in norn iron..ya should come clean n tell the brethren that ya don't know where the money for the bale of smack went ..and that yer beemer is derived from the sale of Christmas trees in a lidl carpark...nothin to see here ...lol


Smack has never really taken off in the North Pansybobo. You guys in Dublin are the biggest consumers per capita  of that particular poison in the whole of your beloved EU. Up in the six counties we prefer a happier buzz. Lying unconscious in the gutter, soaked in piss, vomit and shit, with a needle hanging out of our veins, just doesn’t get our flutes whistling or our lambegs booming.

🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧1690🇬🇧

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you noticed that all American people have built in compasses? Every single film or TV programme has at least 4 or 5 examples of the following:

"In pursuit.. heading west on 34th!"

"I'm on my way, northbound on Almeda Drive"

.... How the fuck do they know, they've usually burst out of a doorway, into an alleyway after a convoluted chase through a building. How could they possibly know which way they're pointing?

The roads in most US cities run N/S or E/W and the buildings are separated by the criss crossing roads into similar sized ‘blocks’. Which makes navigating through these cities very easy. Like a giant crossword really.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The roads in most US cities run N/S or E/W and the buildings are separated by the criss crossing roads into similar sized ‘blocks’. Which makes navigating through these cities very easy. Like a giant crossword really.

Fuck off with your common sense and logic and stupid facts and look into it properly... it's probably something to do with the nano-trackers that Bill Gates and Prince Andrew put in their Twinkies®

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Smack has never really taken off in the North Pansybobo. You guys in Dublin are the biggest consumers per capita  of that particular poison in the whole of your beloved EU. Up in the six counties we prefer a happier buzz. Lying unconscious in the gutter, soaked in piss, vomit and shit, with a needle hanging out of our veins, just doesn’t get our flutes whistling or our lambegs booming.

🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧1690🇬🇧

Happy buzz ya say...sitting in yer lodges drinkin cans with all the guys singin songs about murdered women whilst the even less switched on brethren video it and live stream it to the planet ...jolly japes n high jinks alright..lol


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59 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fuck off with your common sense and logic and stupid facts and look into it properly... it's probably something to do with the nano-trackers that Bill Gates and Prince Andrew put in their Twinkies®

It’s what they put their actual twinkies in that’s a lot more disturbing. Nano Nano.

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Guest judgetwi
13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'll give this some thought, I'm curious to find out why I'm scared of him.

Well only you can answer that question Mr Roops. However I note that since your imposition of the 🔺you have refused to publish some of my posts. Only 3 or 4 admittedly but those rebuttals give me an insight into your mind and thinking. It’s not what I say that scares you Sir but what I know about you. Leaving aside your t’internet history you give yourself away every time. 
Fake, fraud, bullshitter……..have you ever thought about becoming an MP Mr Roops?

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8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I was standing in a food bar in Miami years ago and my son was 6 at the time and wearing a Dusseldorf football shirt (I can't remember why). This old geezer was chatting to him and said "Dusseldorf? Where is that"? I told him it was Germany and he said "So I guess that's a European soccer team"? 

Well done Marco Polo


Same fella, never jibbed a round when we were on the Silk Trail in the mid 80’s. Unlike that Kublai Khan mingebag cunt.

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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Well only you can answer that question Mr Roops. However I note that since your imposition of the 🔺you have refused to publish some of my posts. Only 3 or 4 admittedly but those rebuttals give me an insight into your mind and thinking. It’s not what I say that scares you Sir but what I know about you. Leaving aside your t’internet history you give yourself away every time. 
Fake, fraud, bullshitter……..have you ever thought about becoming an MP Mr Roops?

As I recall your unpublished posts were either libellous or were invitations to accuse you of paedophilia.

Be that as it may, I'll remove the chain and collar around your neck but that will go back on if you resort to previous behaviours.

Incidentally, you have my permission to spill the beans on what you know about me.

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44 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

As I recall your unpublished posts were either libellous or were invitations to accuse you of paedophilia.

Be that as it may, I'll remove the chain and collar around your neck but that will go back on if you resort to previous behaviours.

Incidentally, you have my permission to spill the beans on what you know about me.

Thank fuck for that. But I believe that’s just a cordial invitation to a guaranteed suicide which hopefully will occur soon. Now…as the morning finds you in such a benevolent mood, what have you done with Decs, Eddie & Punkers, and for how long?

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Guest judgetwi
22 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

As I recall your unpublished posts were either libellous or were invitations to accuse you of paedophilia.

Be that as it may, I'll remove the chain and collar around your neck but that will go back on if you resort to previous behaviours.

Incidentally, you have my permission to spill the beans on what you know about me.

Interesting. I said nothing libellous about Mr Schofield. I simply pointed out that if he had used his power and influence to seduce a 17 year old FEMALE employee then he would have  been slaughtered in the media. Of course the filthy pervert did the business with a young man so that makes him “brave” and “courageous” for telling the world on live TV before the tabloids exposed the cunt. I believe that’s what feminists call “double standards.”

As for “invitations to accuse you of paedophilia” that sounds very much like victim blaming to me. It’s much easier to blame the victim than to do something about the perpetrator. I have always assumed that women are only too familiar with that concept.

And then you wonder why I don’t believe you are a woman? Are you taking the piss Mr Roops?

Edited by Mrs Roops
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9 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Interesting. I said nothing libellous about Mr Schofield. I simply pointed out that if he had used his power and influence to seduce a 17 year old FEMALE employee then he would have  been slaughtered in the media. Of course the filthy pervert did the business with a young man so that makes him “brave” and “courageous” for telling the world on live TV before the tabloids exposed the cunt. I believe that’s what feminists call “double standards.”

As for “invitations to accuse you of paedophilia” that sounds very much like victim blaming to me. It’s much easier to blame the victim than to do something about the perpetrator. I have always assumed that women are only too familiar with that concept.

And then you wonder why I don’t believe you are a woman? Are you taking the piss Mr Roops?

That you repeated the libel (since corrected) suggests I made a mistake in releasing you from the strait-jacket. In total there are three libellous posts which you made which haven't seen the light of day. As for your penultimate para, the perpetrators were indeed sanctioned resulting in lengthy bans which rather undermines your position about victim blaming. After several punters were coolered or had their accounts deleted you were asked repeatedly to cease inciting the puntership to break the rules but still carried on regardless. For all your shouty rantings you are an emotionally weak individual whose temperament is probably best not suited to the rough and tumble of The Corner. What happens next is up to you but I suspect that at some point during a weekend you will be alone in the sitting room and after the rest of your family have retired upstairs you are going to reach for your device and fortified by alcohol, you'll run your idiot mouth off with the inevitable results ensuing.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

What happens next is up to you but I suspect that at some point during a weekend you will be alone in the sitting room and after the rest of your family have retired upstairs you are going to reach for your device and fortified by alcohol, you'll run your idiot mouth off with the inevitable results ensuing.

Reported for attempting to entice a member into rule breaking.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

That you repeated the libel (since corrected) suggests I made a mistake in releasing you from the strait-jacket. In total there are three libellous posts which you made which haven't seen the light of day. As for your penultimate para, the perpetrators were indeed sanctioned resulting in lengthy bans which rather undermines your position about victim blaming. After several punters were coolered or had their accounts deleted you were asked repeatedly to cease inciting the puntership to break the rules but still carried on regardless. For all your shouty rantings you are an emotionally weak individual whose temperament is probably best not suited to the rough and tumble of The Corner. What happens next is up to you but I suspect that at some point during a weekend you will be alone in the sitting room and after the rest of your family have retired upstairs you are going to reach for your device and fortified by alcohol, you'll run your idiot mouth off with the inevitable results ensuing.

Fuck my old army boots.

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