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If you could run the U.K.

Guest Weary&Disgusted

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That doesn't bother me, as my great grandad served with Sikh soldiers in India, and they were genuinely regarded as equals anyway. So that's probably an accurate portrayal of 'tiffin', to quote Sir Sidney Ruffdiamond. Sikhs and Hindus are generally intelligent and approach any race issues with common sense. These black wankers are just spinning around, foaming at the mouth in a maelstrom of white hating lunacy. 

Eric .. in line with my plans to do some wild camping and causing heathland fires I have bought an "as used by uk armed forces" mess tin .. what has been delivered has got no lid .. shouldn't it have a fucking lid?

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11 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Eric .. in line with my plans to do some wild camping and causing heathland fires I have bought an "as used by uk armed forces" mess tin .. what has been delivered has got no lid .. shouldn't it have a fucking lid?

No. It's used as a bowl. When the grog is being dished out, you take the mess tin up.

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8 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Eric .. in line with my plans to do some wild camping and causing heathland fires I have bought an "as used by uk armed forces" mess tin .. what has been delivered has got no lid .. shouldn't it have a fucking lid?

There should be two. Rectangular aluminium with the smaller fitting into the big one and the wire handles folding into the top. Some had lids. Most didn't. Perfect size to fit onto the little fold up hexy-block stoves that burn the little white blocks and fold down to the size of a tobacco tin.

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2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

My grandmother used to drink it .. totally revolting  stuff .. worst of it was full of sugar and she was a diabetic. . The reason for its existence in the first place was that the (British) Indian Army wanted a beverage that would keep for a long period in hot climates without going off and could be made by adding boiling water to it in churns. The soldiers queued up and dipped their cups in it as they went past.

Oh that’s right there wasn’t any tea in India.

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31 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Eric .. in line with my plans to do some wild camping and causing heathland fires I have bought an "as used by uk armed forces" mess tin .. what has been delivered has got no lid .. shouldn't it have a fucking lid?

I hope your coffin has a lid

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21 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There should be two. Rectangular aluminium with the smaller fitting into the big one and the wire handles folding into the top. Some had lids. Most didn't. Perfect size to fit onto the little fold up hexy-block stoves that burn the little white blocks and fold down to the size of a tobacco tin.

I told her it didn't have a lid.

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Here’s a piece of news which seems almost designed to provoke universal applause from everyone at The Corner. 


From a Professor Khunti, for good measure. I’m sure this common sense measure will have universal support. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Here’s a piece of news which seems almost designed to provoke universal applause from everyone at The Corner. 


From a Professor Khunti, for good measure. I’m sure this common sense measure will have universal support. 

Prof Khunti, that's an open goal if ever there was.

So the gist of this is that there are shocking health inequalities and BAME johnnies should get checked out by a quack earlier in life and more regularly to hopefully prevent them developing something nasty and nipping stuff in the bud before "dat shit starts goin' off blud".

I've go no real issue with this as long as it's made available to those non BAMERS deemed to but at an equal risk. 

However, in all your years in practice can you say that the advice offered to unhealthy cunts, and fat bastards in particular, to sort their shit out and start looking after themselves was ever heeded? Maybe if folk had to pay for their own treatment if they've been given sound advice and failed to act on it we wouldn't have such a problem or at least a smaller population of lazy thick cunts. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

However, in all your years in practice can you say that the advice offered to unhealthy cunts, and fat bastards in particular, to sort their shit out and start looking after themselves was ever heeded? Maybe if folk had to pay for their own treatment if they've been given sound advice and failed to act on it we wouldn't have such a problem or at least a smaller population of lazy thick cunts. 

It’s well established that patients recall a fraction of what’s said in their appointment and that recall of “resistant” messages like “stop smoking”, “lose weight”, “drink less” and “intravenous heroin is not healthy” is virtually nil. It wasn’t hard to tell those who couldn’t give a shit and just wanted you to crank their meds with each milepost on the obesity highway, from those who would come back six months later having dropped 4 stone and 20 points off both their Hba1C and systolic bp. Money was of course the predicting factor in who would respond to health messages, which makes charging for failing to heed warnings a bit self-defeating, if admittedly tempting. 

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58 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s well established that patients recall a fraction of what’s said in their appointment and that recall of “resistant” messages like “stop smoking”, “lose weight”, “drink less” and “intravenous heroin is not healthy” is virtually nil. It wasn’t hard to tell those who couldn’t give a shit and just wanted you to crank their meds with each milepost on the obesity highway, from those who would come back six months later having dropped 4 stone and 20 points off both their Hba1C and systolic bp. Money was of course the predicting factor in who would respond to health messages, which makes charging for failing to heed warnings a bit self-defeating, if admittedly tempting. 

When you say money was the factor one assumes those well to do actually made a concerted effort to improve their health whereas the poorer, and no doubt lower class individuals, just ignored it and went straight to the Co-op for a couple of pasties, a 6 pack of spech and scored some skag on the way back to their shitty council hovel?

Interestingly this confirms my theory that the lower echelons of our society are invariably thick as pig shit and suck up much needed resource that would be much better directed towards the more deserving. 

Did you ever think of doing a Dr Shipman / @scotty and ridding planet earth of a few dozen useless tossers?

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

When you say money was the factor one assumes those well to do actually made a concerted effort to improve their health whereas the poorer, and no doubt lower class individuals, just ignored it and went straight to the Co-op for a couple of pasties, a 6 pack of spech and scored some skag on the way back to their shitty council hovel?

Interestingly this confirms my theory that the lower echelons of our society are invariably thick as pig shit and suck up much needed resource that would be much better directed towards the more deserving. 

Did you ever think of doing a Dr Shipman / @scotty and ridding planet earth of a few dozen useless tossers?

More succinctly, in the words of the great Jello Biafra, "Kill the poor".

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I guess with all the shite that's going on bawsy it really is bedtime for democracy 

I actually consider myself quite the egalitarian, albeit as a misanthropic sociopath who basically hates every cunt, but 24x7 exposure to blacks and black culture across all known media, sports and cultural channels has finally tipped me over the edge into genuine racism. The poor white trash are just collateral damage.

While I'm here, @Last Cunt Standing, can you recommend something for apoplexy-induced high blood pressure?

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I actually consider myself quite the egalitarian, albeit as a misanthropic sociopath who basically hates every cunt, but 24x7 exposure to blacks and black culture across all known media, sports and cultural channels has finally tipped me over the edge into genuine racism. The poor white trash are just collateral damage.

While I'm here, @Last Cunt Standing, can you recommend something for apoplexy-induced high blood pressure?

Remember Mr Jackson, 'the rapping teacher' from the Microsoft advert? That was the moment I realised it had all gone too far. He doesn't teach mathematics, he indoctrinates white kids into black culture..

"We call it da remainder, it's da number dat remains"

He also writes children's books (substandard toss, only published because of his ethnicity) and reaches a wider audience with his ethnic politics. What an absolute fucking shitcunt. I want him dead.

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Remember Mr Jackson, 'the rapping teacher' from the Microsoft advert? That was the moment I realised it had all gone too far. He doesn't teach mathematics, he indoctrinates white kids into black culture..

"We call it da remainder, it's da number dat remains"

He also writes children's books (substandard toss, only published because of his ethnicity) and reaches a wider audience with his ethnic politics. What an absolute fucking shitcunt. I want him dead.

Come on Eric, Rap is a great way to engage students.

Rape however...

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28 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I actually consider myself quite the egalitarian, albeit as a misanthropic sociopath who basically hates every cunt, but 24x7 exposure to blacks and black culture across all known media, sports and cultural channels has finally tipped me over the edge into genuine racism. The poor white trash are just collateral damage.

While I'm here, @Last Cunt Standing, can you recommend something for apoplexy-induced high blood pressure?

Domestos kills all known apoplexy induced high blood pressure dead. And 99% of germs. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s well established that patients recall a fraction of what’s said in their appointment and that recall of “resistant” messages like “stop smoking”, “lose weight”, “drink less” and “intravenous heroin is not healthy” is virtually nil. It wasn’t hard to tell those who couldn’t give a shit and just wanted you to crank their meds with each milepost on the obesity highway, from those who would come back six months later having dropped 4 stone and 20 points off both their Hba1C and systolic bp. Money was of course the predicting factor in who would respond to health messages, which makes charging for failing to heed warnings a bit self-defeating, if admittedly tempting. 

Most patients are selfish, narcissistic cunts. Try telling the ones who are always not turning up for appointments that their utter cuntyness is costing the NHS fucking millions every year; they're not fucking bothered. The DM2 patients are the worst. Try getting them in for their check ups. Not fucking bothered even if you explain to them they'll go blind. 

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2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The new lockdown easing measures measures announced by Wee Jimmy Sturge will take care of that pesky 1%. 

The gvt know that everyone needs to get back into work as the economy is gonna be perma fucked and people are gonna be unemployed long term, maybe for as long as they live. I believe the see people dying as collateral damage IMO. 

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6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

While I'm here, @Last Cunt Standing, can you recommend something for apoplexy-induced high blood pressure?

Venesection will do it. Perhaps 4 or 5 litres should make you feel much better. While you’re here, can I interest you in a flu jab / friends and family questionnaire / dementia screen / housing survey / depression self assessment? I’ve made you a follow up appointment with that nice Gypsy nurse, she’ll keep an eye on you, I’m afraid I’m in CCG meetings from tomorrow till Christmas about boosting capacity in primary care. 

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7 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

When you say money was the factor one assumes those well to do actually made a concerted effort to improve their health whereas the poorer, and no doubt lower class individuals, just ignored it and went straight to the Co-op for a couple of pasties, a 6 pack of spech and scored some skag on the way back to their shitty council hovel?

Interestingly this confirms my theory that the lower echelons of our society are invariably thick as pig shit and suck up much needed resource that would be much better directed towards the more deserving. 

Did you ever think of doing a Dr Shipman / @scotty and ridding planet earth of a few dozen useless tossers?

No, I’m afraid even at my age I’m wet enough to actually feel sorry for people sometimes. I didn’t buy the whole poverty is a choice thing. No one would choose to be poor and live in a council tower block. And if your life sucks, why would you want to extend it? Juggling a risk of a stroke thirty years hence seems pretty obscure when you dodge crackheads on the landing every day. Wealth brings choices and different priorities, which yes probably means if you are middle class you have a vested interest in living till 170 so you can fit in all those cruises. If anything they were the people who got my back up. Decrepit oldies hoarding six figures who would happily watch their children struggle from the comfort of a sun lounger on the SS Golden Generation. Nothing I loved more than packing them off with their antimalarials, orthogynest and viagra every January. Or the ones that would get arsey when told no I couldn’t post their free inhalers to them at their little pad in Majorca and no I didn’t care how long they’d paid their fucking stamp, whatever that was.

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