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Yes, another confused young white priviledge woman who hasn't a clue which orifice is used for shit to come out of. Short story, she was harassing youngsters that were cleaning graffiti relating to Black protests that had been daubed on a Whitehall monument. She looks the type who deserves a mystery tour in the back of Neil's van.

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2 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Yes, another confused young white priviledge woman who hasn't a clue which orifice is used for shit to come out of. Short story, she was harassing youngsters that were cleaning graffiti relating to Black protests that had been daubed on a Whitehall monument. She looks the type who deserves a mystery tour in the back of Neil's van.

Someone on Twatter is slagging her off, calling her a 'scummy little effort'. 

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21 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I see Adele has piled the weight back on again. 

The stress of seeing herself looking thinner caused her to start eating again.

Can't have been easy being a role model for anorexia.

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Some really positive news from Bristol today .. protesters have pulled down the statue of a slave trader and thrown it in the river .. I am all in favour of this sort of thing .. lets get rid of all the reminders of inconvenient parts of our history just as so many other countries have done and we can go into denial and soon that bad part of our history will no longer exist.

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1 minute ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Some really positive news from Bristol today .. protesters have pulled down the statue of a slave trader and thrown it in the river .. I am all in favour of this sort of thing .. lets get rid of all the reminders of inconvenient parts of our history just as so many other countries have done and we can go into denial and soon that bad part of our history will no longer exist.

I wonder if any will be arrested for vandalism, criminal damage or reckless endangerment. It appears that blacks and their middle class white champions are no longer subject to the law. I would love to see the genuine statistics regarding black deaths resulting from violent or criminal acts. I suspect that 80-90% of these deaths are at the hands of other black people. 

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12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wonder if any will be arrested for vandalism, criminal damage or reckless endangerment. It appears that blacks and their middle class white champions are no longer subject to the law. I would love to see the genuine statistics regarding black deaths resulting from violent or criminal acts. I suspect that 80-90% of these deaths are at the hands of other black people. 

I really have given up .. I have drained myself of any belief .. The subtle irony is that there is little doubt that many of those protesters have benefited from his bequests ..  Edward Colston (2 November 1636 – 11 October 1721) was a Bristol-born English merchant, philanthropist, slave trader, and Member of Parliament. He supported and endowed schools, almshouses, hospitals and churches in Bristol, London, and elsewhere, and his name is commemorated in several Bristol landmarks, streets, three schools, Many of his charitable foundations still survive.[1] A significant part of his wealth was acquired through the trade and exploitation of slaves.

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wonder if any will be arrested for vandalism, criminal damage or reckless endangerment. It appears that blacks and their middle class white champions are no longer subject to the law. I would love to see the genuine statistics regarding black deaths resulting from violent or criminal acts. I suspect that 80-90% of these deaths are at the hands of other black people. 

The German car companies used slave labour during World War 2 .. I bet that quite a few of them own cars that were made by VW, BMW and Mercedes group companies .. Let's all go round setting light to all VWs, BMWs and Mercs.

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wonder if any will be arrested for vandalism, criminal damage or reckless endangerment. It appears that blacks and their middle class white champions are no longer subject to the law. I would love to see the genuine statistics regarding black deaths resulting from violent or criminal acts. I suspect that 80-90% of these deaths are at the hands of other black people. 

I utterly detest the white middle class. I'd firebomb the whole fucking lot of 'em.

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5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wonder if any will be arrested for vandalism, criminal damage or reckless endangerment. It appears that blacks and their middle class white champions are no longer subject to the law. I would love to see the genuine statistics regarding black deaths resulting from violent or criminal acts. I suspect that 80-90% of these deaths are at the hands of other black people. 

Last year in the USA Eric 10 blacks were shot dead by law enforcement. 21 white, Hispanic or Asians were shot dead by police. Of the 10 blacks, six were carrying or firing guns and were engaged in a serious crime at the time of death. So that leaves four questionable deaths. In 2 of the 4 cases at least 1 cop was charged with murder. So that leaves 2 unexplained. In a country of around 130 million with billions of guns in the hands of private citizens there isn’t a case to answer. All the shit these filthy masked up apes are doing is going  to backfire on them when they cross the line and the country they’re destroying crushes them. The latest call of the BLM dimwits in America gathering speed is to get rid of the Police completely. Just what the millions of redneck pick up owners with assault rifles and better have been dreaming of all their lives. If it happens it’ll be a fucking hoot. I can’t wait.

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16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I utterly detest the white middle class. I'd firebomb the whole fucking lot of 'em.

All Starbucks, any Saturday morning.

Fleshette missiles for maximum kill factor.

I've an old mate at Strike Command who owes me a favour. I think he could whistle up a few adequately armed Typhoons. We could take the soppy cunts out before they got onto the skinny latte made from Civet-Shit beans and best of all, minimal collateral damage to innocent civillians!

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Last year in the USA Eric 10 blacks were shot dead by law enforcement. 21 white, Hispanic or Asians were shot dead by police. Of the 10 blacks, six were carrying or firing guns and were engaged in a serious crime at the time of death. So that leaves four questionable deaths. In 2 of the 4 cases at least 1 cop was charged with murder. So that leaves 2 unexplained. In a country of around 130 million with billions of guns in the hands of private citizens there isn’t a case to answer. All the shit these filthy masked up apes are doing is going  to backfire on them when they cross the line and the country they’re destroying crushes them. The latest call of the BLM dimwits in America gathering speed is to get rid of the Police completely. Just what the millions of redneck pick up owners with assault rifles and better have been dreaming of all their lives. If it happens it’ll be a fucking hoot. I can’t wait.

Not sure where you get your figures from Billy, the true situation can be found here. It worth noting that Floyd's death will not be included in the 2020 stats as he was not shot but died whilst in police custody. Obviously it would be completely nonsensical to defund the law enforcement agencies. The answer is threefold, firstly accountability must be more transparent - all too often in such situations police investigate themselves which usually result in, "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong". All law enforcement complaints should be investigated by a civilian oversight board which has been mandated with executive powers conferred by federal and state legislature. Secondly, in the USA, rogue police officers escape criminal charges by claiming "qualified immunity". The Supreme Court should be able to remove this legal anachronism or at least water it down. Thirdly, and most importantly, it should be made a legal requirement that all law enforcement officers have individual professional indemnity insurance against civil rights violations as a requirement to gaining their law enforcement certification. Bad officers will simply find that bad behaviour will result in rescinded cover and loss of certification.

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22 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Not sure where you get your figures from Billy, the true situation can be found here. It worth noting that Floyd's death will not be included in the 2020 stats as he was not shot but died whilst in police custody. Obviously it would be completely nonsensical to defund the law enforcement agencies. The answer is threefold, firstly accountability must be more transparent - all too often in such situations police investigate themselves which usually result in, "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong". All law enforcement complaints should be investigated by a civilian oversight board which has been mandated with executive powers conferred by federal and state legislature. Secondly, in the USA, rogue police officers escape criminal charges by claiming "qualified immunity". The Supreme Court should be able to remove this legal anachronism or at least water it down. Thirdly, and most importantly, it should be made a legal requirement that all law enforcement officers have individual professional indemnity insurance against civil rights violations as a requirement to gaining their law enforcement certification. Bad officers will simply find that bad behaviour will result in rescinded cover and loss of certification.

I’ve read this reply 5 times and still can’t find the bit where you call me names. I’m not sure if I like this change of tactics. You’re up to something. I’m worried now.

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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve read this reply 5 times and still can’t find the bit where you call me names. I’m not sure if I like this change of tactics. You’re up to something. I’m worried now.

I try to avoid going for the lowest common denominator during debate though sometimes it the only language that's understood.

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