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SKY or BT sports still charging for NO fucking sport

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17 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Jesus fucking Christ. Idiot cunt.

I must agree - what a thick-as-pig shit wanker Monaco Dim is. I particularly liked his use of neumonia [sic] - you’d think someone with such extensive knowledge of virology would know the correct spelling. Fucking idiot.

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Guest 'eavensabove
4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I generally think of him as, "stupid fucking wannabe hard man cunt". 

He's obviously somewhat strange in numerous departments. Some say he's a son of the silent age, and with that, they may have a point. It's a difficult one, isn't it? 

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Behave yourself. @Rick_B was a misguided but decent man. A genuine good guy. I didn't often agree with him. But respected him nonetheless.


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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Is that the astronaut training for the Columbian space programme? 

It's space X Elon Musk.  Armpit 13. 

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16 hours ago, Monaco Slim said:

Listen to me you old infertile haunted cunt.

The entire community of so called professionals thought smoking was healthy and that thalidomide wouldn't turn your babies in to mutants, until they actually got turned in to mutants and until people started getting lung cancer, you're old enough to remember both examples.

I also didn't say its just the flu you reading comprehension challenged whore. What I said was that its the flu AND the cold AND pneumonia, all viruses which share the same symptoms. If your dumb fucking brain was capable of putting 1 + 1 together then you would have wondered by now why Boris was perfectly fine after 1 week of hospital and why others are in there for well over a month with "the same virus".

I wish that the coronavirus was real so that old worthless boomer cunts like you could die at a much faster rate, hopefully in the millions.

I like the way you ignore the rather salient point of mortality rate...anyway

13 hours ago, The Beast said:

Jesus fucking Christ. Idiot cunt.

...what he said.

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17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Well, 3 times the mortality rate, if you believe the figures that include road traffic accidents and heart attacks as caused by Coronavirus.

But you know best. As always.

I would have thought if the mortality rate was x3 of the seasonal types of flu then the world's response with lockdown, demands for PPE etc  would be somewhat muted compared to what's been happening over the past few months.

On a different note I don't buy the conspiracy of inflated death rates either - if anything such institutional machinations would want to massage the death count downwards in view of criticisms levelled at government for its relaxed approach to dealing with a threatened pandemic at the outset. Setting aside the obvious harm to the economy, Boris, for all his faults, is a libertarian who would find the experts' advice of rigid lockdowns and the micro-managing the individual's lifestyle and social behaviour an anathema contrary to his core beliefs.

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16 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

A dilemma is when someone has caught some other infection that they would have recovered from but also had Corvid19 at the same time .. again Corvid19 on its own might not have killed them .. so what did they actually die of?

Boredom! After reading yet another one of your boring posts.

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Guest 'eavensabove
39 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I would have thought if the mortality rate was x3 of the seasonal types of flu then the world's response with lockdown, demands for PPE etc  would be somewhat muted compared to what's been happening over the past few months.

On a different note I don't buy the conspiracy of inflated death rates either - if anything such institutional machinations would want to massage the death count downwards in view of criticisms levelled at government for its relaxed approach to dealing with a threatened pandemic at the outset. Setting aside the obvious harm to the economy, Boris, for all his faults, is a libertarian who would find the experts' advice of rigid lockdowns and the micro-managing the individual's lifestyle and social behaviour an anathema contrary to his core beliefs.

I wouldn't think that his beliefs have any influence at all during moments such as those we are in. Save for protecting his advisors and those who are better placed with dealing a crisis. He is little else but a spokesperson, and lets face it, a dire one at that. The real clout of government are behind the scenes, many of which we don't even know that names of. 

The whole problem with times such as these, is that they are continuously shrouded with mystery and the facts are fed to us in a way to instil some-kind of National mindset to appease us, make us feel that everything is under control provided that we all do exactly what we are told, and 'believe' in what is being told by our government. There's little else that the average Joe can do, really, is there?  

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43 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

I wouldn't think that his beliefs have any influence at all during moments such as those we are in. Save for protecting his advisors and those who are better placed with dealing a crisis. He is little else but a spokesperson, and lets face it, a dire one at that. The real clout of government are behind the scenes, many of which we don't even know that names of. 

The whole problem with times such as these, is that they are continuously shrouded with mystery and the facts are fed to us in a way to instil some-kind of National mindset to appease us, make us feel that everything is under control provided that we all do exactly what we are told, and 'believe' in what is being told by our government. There's little else that the average Joe can do, really, is there?  

If that virus cunt comes anywhere near my manor it’ll fucking wish it hadn’t. I’ve told the boys to get hold of it and bring it round my gaff so we can teach it a fucking lesson. Once Big Ron and Razor tie the cunt to a chair and we go to work on it with a Stanley it’ll wish it had never tried taking over my manor. Fucking grass an all I’ve heard. It must think I’m a Cunt or sumfink.

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