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SKY or BT sports still charging for NO fucking sport

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4 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Trip on this.

The Government NEED the deaths to increase to justify the action they've undertaken to date.

Remeber Professor Pantsdown's early worse-case scenarion was 1/2m carking it, so that, (together with the fact every other country was going into lockdown, irrespective of their health services, ppulation densities, age demographics, existing health of population and more intangible aspects such as national cultural responses to central government diktats), means the ends have to be made to justify the means.

Just cos I'm paranoid doesn't mean the cunts aren't out to get me.

Here's a song just for you

Starring Marcus Rashford 

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18 hours ago, Joker said:

I said the same thing about a month ago, I don't want to be walking around with another shed-load of half-dead zombies, coughing and puking our lungs out with COVID, I was praying for an asteroid to hit the earth and put an end to it.

I still can't say I personally know anybody who's actually died from it or suffered from it, it's just statistics in the paper and on tv.

I'll tell you now several people on this site has been personally affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Leave it at that. Whilst I have not been so unfortunate I'm aware of two distant relatives and an in-law who have passed away, all of them elderly. I also know a family who have lost a loved one who was in fact an NHS employee and I know a mother whose toddler son contracted the virus but thankfully presented mild symptoms. Its more than statistics in the paper and on TV.

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5 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'll tell you now several people on this site has been personally affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Leave it at that. Whilst I have not been so unfortunate I'm aware of two distant relatives and an in-law who have passed away, all of them elderly. I also know a family who have lost a loved one who was in fact an NHS employee and I know a mother whose toddler son contracted the virus but thankfully presented mild symptoms. Its more than statistics in the paper and on TV.

Is Frank on a ventilator? Please say yes. Even if it isn't true, give us false hope.

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19 hours ago, Neil said:

A bit like cancer,so why the fuck are we going through this bollocks?......fuck lockdown and open the pubs you cunts,the cunts who snuff it are just collateral damage,and then at least I can go on holiday(unless I get it and die,and then it's a bastard)

All these so called excess deaths and you being off work with a lot of time to kill Neil. I wonder........

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'll tell you now several people on this site has been personally affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Leave it at that. Whilst I have not been so unfortunate I'm aware of two distant relatives and an in-law who have passed away, all of them elderly. I also know a family who have lost a loved one who was in fact an NHS employee and I know a mother whose toddler son contracted the virus but thankfully presented mild symptoms. Its more than statistics in the paper and on TV.

I sincerely hope you don’t contract it and I even more sincerely hope that if you do you don’t pass away. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Its generally accepted that a post-covid enquiry is inevitable.

… and how thorough, remains to be seen.  It's hardly going to alter anything really. Whatever the cause, we've simply got to ensure that nothing like this happens again, whilst also being better prepared if it does. We've all been relatively lucky this time... so far.

Have you put in for your £50 cycle maintenance voucher yet? The brainchild of our Minister of Transport. I dunno if you've seen his marvellous report of yesterday?

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'll tell you now several people on this site has been personally affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Leave it at that. Whilst I have not been so unfortunate I'm aware of two distant relatives and an in-law who have passed away, all of them elderly. I also know a family who have lost a loved one who was in fact an NHS employee and I know a mother whose toddler son contracted the virus but thankfully presented mild symptoms. Its more than statistics in the paper and on TV.

I don't doubt that it is happening, somewhere, I was just stating the fact that I personally don't know anyone affected by it.

Like I said, the only thing that indicates it is happening are the pictures and statistics on the news service providers, papers, tv and radio.

If my job is on lock-down until further notice, there's fuck-all I can do about it!

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On 23/05/2020 at 19:49, 'eavensabove said:

It's not the first time that the squinty-eyed have purposely released poison onto its own people... The fucking Jap's did it with SARIN n a Tokoyo subway c1995, albeit without it having the same devastating affect. Cambodian cunt, Pol Pot, was another. 

The fucking Lung Fung chippy is another.... been fucking poisoning people for fucking decades that shit hole.    I order something different every Friday night, but still get the same fucking shit in a box. It’s like they just pour it in from the pubs toilets and warm it up a bit.  Dirty bastards...... tastes nice though.

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On 23/05/2020 at 16:02, 'eavensabove said:

I live more or less adjacent to a church, and there sure as hell aint been any burials or hearses queuing up 3 meters apart, despite the hundreds of so-called cases (including 5 deaths)  in my manor alone. I do know of few people that have had or still have the disease and it aint no laughing matter... I've always said that every fucker has it, some will get ill, some will not and the rest will snuff it. 

I genuinely know of two people who have died....  however on balance they could have died in any one year anyway.   Both blokes on there 50s, a little over weight, not really kept in shape, stressful work life.... you get the picture.   Now they also died of thing AFTER having appeared to have got over the main symptoms of Covid.   One sent home and died of heart attack two days later.... cause of death Covid. One just off ventilator, has a stroke and died. Cause of death Covid.      Both very sad.  But on balance could have happened anyway.  Certainly helped by the stress of the symptoms and the harsh affects of having the virus.   Other than that I do share your point.... hardly digging pits in the church yard using a 40tonne hitachi excavator.

i predicted this would be under whelming.... just like AIDS.... a total dissapointment.

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On 23/05/2020 at 17:15, 'eavensabove said:

True, Jiggers. 

Most governments are quick to label all conspiracy theorists as paranoid idiots, and we all know how many tracks they've covered since the word dot. That there is more to this 'outbreak' than is being made public, is fucking sacrosanct. They're already admitting to so-called 'make-believe' that they dismissed as being nonsense last month. Their latest bollocks, is that they have no real idea how or from where the virus originated, and yet nobody in Government (or in opposition) is standing up and asking why or questioning. All sides more or less agree with whatever crap comes from No.10

Not one single cunt is calling for an enquiry.  

Where the fuck is Farage?  

He telling immigrants to fuck off in the Channel.    Our Navy should be blasting them out of the water...

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On 23/05/2020 at 15:43, Joker said:

I said the same thing about a month ago, I don't want to be walking around with another shed-load of half-dead zombies, coughing and puking our lungs out with COVID, I was praying for an asteroid to hit the earth and put an end to it.

I still can't say I personally know anybody who's actually died from it or suffered from it, it's just statistics in the paper and on tv.

Is it really David Icke? Funny that as my uncle caught Corona when he was suddenly struck down with asbestos related lung cancer.

Another friend of mine lost his Nan to Corona. It is real. I'm not saying the figures haven't been boosted. However, to put the country in lockdown suggests there's probably something in it.

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Guest Monaco Slim
On 24/05/2020 at 10:28, Mrs Roops said:

I'll tell you now several people on this site has been personally affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Leave it at that. Whilst I have not been so unfortunate I'm aware of two distant relatives and an in-law who have passed away, all of them elderly. I also know a family who have lost a loved one who was in fact an NHS employee and I know a mother whose toddler son contracted the virus but thankfully presented mild symptoms. Its more than statistics in the paper and on TV.

Its fake you dumb bitch. Nothing more than the cold, flu & neumonia.

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Guest Monaco Slim

Anyone who believes there's a virus caused by bats that's going around is a stupid ignorant fucking cunt who probably pays the BBC licence and abides by social distancing laws.

Its impossible for a virus to jump from species to species, blown away that some of you dumb fucking bastards actually think a cat caught a virus which came from a fucking monkey then a human

whats known is coronavirus is simply the cold, the flu and neumonia.  Doctors are told to mark down anyone with covid(cold) symptoms as having this fake virus. You people are like NPC's from a half life game or a book about 1984

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Guest Monaco Slim
6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

These companies that make sanitising gel must be rubbing their hands together. 

Most people are just dumb as fuck which is why I don't ever make conversation with NPC's

They believe a £150 bottle of hand sanitiser off ebay is great value

They believe that facemasks protect people from viruses, yet don't ask why businesses are shut down if masks actually work.

They hear about every celebrity under the sun catching this virus, yet nobody they actually know in real life has ever been proven to have it.

They hear about all the covid19 cases, yet never ask why NOBODY has the cold, flu, or neumonia anymore.

They clap for the NHS every night at 6pm after the NHS has spent all day making tiktok dancing videos instead of treating cancer victims

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8 minutes ago, Monaco Slim said:

Most people are just dumb as fuck which is why I don't ever make conversation with NPC's

They believe a £150 bottle of hand sanitiser off ebay is great value

They believe that facemasks protect people from viruses, yet don't ask why businesses are shut down if masks actually work.

They hear about every celebrity under the sun catching this virus, yet nobody they actually know in real life has ever been proven to have it.

They hear about all the covid19 cases, yet never ask why NOBODY has the cold, flu, or neumonia anymore.

They clap for the NHS every night at 6pm after the NHS has spent all day making tiktok dancing videos instead of treating cancer victims

Don't worry Slim, with this hand washing everyone will have OCD when this fucking covid ends. 

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26 minutes ago, Monaco Slim said:

Anyone who believes there's a virus caused by bats that's going around is a stupid ignorant fucking cunt who probably pays the BBC licence and abides by social distancing laws.

Its impossible for a virus to jump from species to species, blown away that some of you dumb fucking bastards actually think a cat caught a virus which came from a fucking monkey then a human

whats known is coronavirus is simply the cold, the flu and neumonia.  Doctors are told to mark down anyone with covid(cold) symptoms as having this fake virus. You people are like NPC's from a half life game or a book about 1984

You can fucking leave me out of this. I've already said all this, albeit more eloquently.

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Guest Monaco Slim
5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Don't worry Slim, with this hand washing everyone will have OCD when this fucking covid ends. 

I don't wash my hands unless I'm about to prepare a meal or after I've just taken a shit.

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