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The Exit Strategy

Mrs Roops

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A lot of noise is being made on "The Exit Strategy", foremost of the noise-makers is Sir Keith Starmer who no doubt is looking for deflections (and warding off potential law-suites) on the leaked report to the NEC on Labour's alleged anti-Semitism, itself an exercise in deflection as the report concentrates on accusing Labour moderates of treachery against Corbyn leaving the anti-Semitism very much a side issue.

The truth is that any effective exit strategy is dependant the availability of a national wholesale regular testing regime and a Coronavirus vaccine, neither of which is available any time soon. So, our political masters have to make some uncomfortable decisions as the lockdown can't continue indefinitely and we can't keep on burning cash for zero or limited productivity. Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society.  But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?

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Guest Bernard Fuck

For anyone to judge this there needs to be transparency about the full details concerning deaths, projected deaths and potential damage . These are either not forthcoming or are a total mish-mash of bollocks because nobody in this parliament has the faintest idea of what they're dealing with unless it's an opinion offered by one of their pet 'experts' who'll as likely say any old shit in order to keep their cushty wages and privileged position.

My eyes are on Sweden for now.

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Guest Bernard Fuck
1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

He's got to be a cunt with a name like Keith. Floyd, Harris, Lemon. All cunts.

It's Kier, so probably a lot worse. 

Oh, and he was the Attorney General or whatever the fuck who brushed the Savile allegations under the carpet before mumbling about lessons being learned when the truth did reveal itself.

So, Grade A cunt to be sure. A millionaire barrister purporting to represent the common man, if that isn't a display of total contempt on a Lady Nugee level then I don't know what is.

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Guest 'eavensabove
24 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

A lot of noise is being made on "The Exit Strategy", foremost of the noise-makers is Sir Keith Starmer who no doubt is looking for deflections (and warding off potential law-suites) on the leaked report to the NEC on Labour's alleged anti-Semitism, itself an exercise in deflection as the report concentrates on accusing Labour moderates of treachery against Corbyn leaving the anti-Semitism very much a side issue.

The truth is that any effective exit strategy is dependant the availability of a national wholesale regular testing regime and a Coronavirus vaccine, neither of which is available any time soon. So, our political masters have to make some uncomfortable decisions as the lockdown can't continue indefinitely and we can't keep on burning cash for zero or limited productivity. Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society.  But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?

The answer to this will be known to the government already. They more or less established this during the building of Nuclear Fallout Shelters immediately beneath numerous borough council offices and other locations throughout the UK.  'Leaked reports' have also been stating that schools & colleges and other facilities which cater for special needs children and young adults will be one of the first areas where lockdowns will be lifted, and the government information & guidelines that has been openly issued to these departments supports this.

Most high-streets were almost devoid of any business before this current crisis, and I dare say that to some shop owners the closure has been a blessing in disguise. I cannot imagine that such places will be amongst the first to be allowed to trade again or be encourage to either, as this would also draw hordes of people back into our towns & cities and we'd soon be back to square one.

In terms of how many deaths are acceptable? Well, you can certainly add those in care homes and those that have snuffed it in the community who have been refused hospital care despite there being the empty beds available, and their pleads for assistance if they've been fortunate enough to navigate and get through on the so-called 'emergency' NHS 111 online service.  

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

A lot of noise is being made on "The Exit Strategy", foremost of the noise-makers is Sir Keith Starmer who no doubt is looking for deflections (and warding off potential law-suites) on the leaked report to the NEC on Labour's alleged anti-Semitism, itself an exercise in deflection as the report concentrates on accusing Labour moderates of treachery against Corbyn leaving the anti-Semitism very much a side issue.

The truth is that any effective exit strategy is dependant the availability of a national wholesale regular testing regime and a Coronavirus vaccine, neither of which is available any time soon. So, our political masters have to make some uncomfortable decisions as the lockdown can't continue indefinitely and we can't keep on burning cash for zero or limited productivity. Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society.  But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?

...and that, is what to do about the estimated 6 million people in UK alone who are currently infected.

That's of course if the words coming from University of Oxford epidemiologist Professor Christophe Fraser, are anything to go by. After all, he only currently leads the NHS-team working at the forefront, and is the scientist behind the governments new contact tracing smartphone app.

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2 hours ago, Bernard Fuck said:

For anyone to judge this there needs to be transparency about the full details concerning deaths, projected deaths and potential damage . These are either not forthcoming or are a total mish-mash of bollocks because nobody in this parliament has the faintest idea of what they're dealing with unless it's an opinion offered by one of their pet 'experts' who'll as likely say any old shit in order to keep their cushty wages and privileged position.

My eyes are on Sweden for now.

Our Prime Minister is better and you should be thankful for that.Boris will develop a strategy for our deliverance and you can return to your Susan Boyle videos....


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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Boris will develop a strategy for our deliverance

Seems you're correct. Regent Street is to be reopened for business.



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Guest Bernard Fuck
2 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Our Prime Minister is better and you should be thankful for that.Boris will develop a strategy for our deliverance and you can return to your Susan Boyle videos....


I don't know what alternative reality you live in but if you really identify as a speccy toff string bean I'd imagine your own standards are pretty fucking low to begin with.


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Politicians are easy targets and often quite rightly so, for their duplicity, weasel-wordedness and general incompetence.

However, they are head of a (macro-level) decision-making process, which is going to have ramifications for years to come and for which I wouldn't want the responsibility.

The trade offs between lives saved vs. cost is a dreadful one with all the data known and verified, never mind in the current situation where, statistically, we are comparing apples with oranges and for the most part, coming up with rhubarb.

We never spend the sort of money being spent now on the response to Covid-19, to save the young drug addict, or the suicidal family man struggling to keep his home and family intact. Does that make the current response wrong?

I don't know and couldn't justify one route above another even if I did..

Unlikely as it may seem therefore, respect is due to all our politicians, especially for what's coming up the road ahead at them.

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Guest 'eavensabove
14 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

We never spend the sort of money being spent now on the response to Covid-19, to save the young drug addict, or the suicidal family man struggling to keep his home and family intact.

Wasn't it marvellous, that within the space of one week, all homeless people throughout the UK were provided with accommodation.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

A lot of noise is being made on "The Exit Strategy", foremost of the noise-makers is Sir Keith Starmer who no doubt is looking for deflections (and warding off potential law-suites) on the leaked report to the NEC on Labour's alleged anti-Semitism, itself an exercise in deflection as the report concentrates on accusing Labour moderates of treachery against Corbyn leaving the anti-Semitism very much a side issue.

The truth is that any effective exit strategy is dependant the availability of a national wholesale regular testing regime and a Coronavirus vaccine, neither of which is available any time soon. So, our political masters have to make some uncomfortable decisions as the lockdown can't continue indefinitely and we can't keep on burning cash for zero or limited productivity. Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society.  But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?

We are about to witness exactly this,lets see how far we lean either way.

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

 Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society.  But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?


1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

The trade offs between lives saved vs. cost is a dreadful one with all the data known and verified, never mind in the current situation where, statistically, we are comparing apples with oranges and for the most part, coming up with rhubarb.

We never spend the sort of money being spent now on the response to Covid-19, to save the young drug addict, or the suicidal family man struggling to keep his home and family intact. Does that make the current response wrong?

This is an old dilemma in new clothes. The supposedly-dispassionate Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) is used to assess the cost/benefit of disparate treatments across the whole range of health spending, and on those grounds alone the response to COVID-19 would have failed every test NICE would normally have thrown at it.


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The exit strategy, by Mrs Roops.

When I saw this nom I almost cried with joy. YESSS!! I exclaimed. It’s finally happening. At last some good news and oh how welcome it is at this time of lockdown. As I’ve started to read and savour the moment my joy quickly turned to disappointment, depression and then rage. The story is exit from the Bat Flu lockdown and not Roops’s exit from the Corner.


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22 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?

Bat flu has killed approx 0.03% of the UK population so only another 99.97% (69,979000) to go.

The UK would certainly benefit from a reduced population of dependants who cost the government shed loads of cash to look after them or pay for their sky TV and grotty tats of their 5 rat cunt kids. It would be interesting to see some kind of demographic breakdown of those who have died, I'm guessing over 50% will be 80+.

The real question is how many deaths of economically important people is acceptable- those under 60 who work to keep the money moving. 

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Guest Bernard Fuck
1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

It would be interesting to see some kind of demographic breakdown of those who have died, I'm guessing over 50% will be 80+.

I'm thinking any genuine result won't be made public.

1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The UK would certainly benefit from a reduced population of dependants who cost the government shed loads of cash to look after them

That's gonna include a horde of mudslimes as well as the chav element.

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The real question is how many deaths of economically important people is acceptable- those under 60 who work to keep the money moving. 

Indeed. And I would up the age barrier to include older, productive members of our society.

As for the lazy rich old fuckers who are riding expensive and complex NHS treatments for free, the covid is a great leveler. As they often have servants and other staff, there is always the chance of catching it from them.

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

 It would be interesting to see some kind of demographic breakdown of those who have died, I'm guessing over 50% will be 80+.

9 out of 10 have been aged 60 and over, and they are only those who were snuffed by Dr Shipman. The figures are expected to increase now that nurse Kathy Bates has come-out from retirement to spread some more misery, whilst Dr. Crippen is held in reserve.


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1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

Indeed. And I would up the age barrier to include older, productive members of our society.

As for the lazy rich old fuckers who are riding expensive and complex NHS treatments for free, the covid is a great leveler. As they often have servants and other staff, there is always the chance of catching it from them.

Of course with many bouts of illness, old folk and those of poor constitution are likely to snuff it first (one thinks of fatties, cancer sufferers, the general unhealthy etc), AIDS being an obvious exception. But donning the tin foil for a second, if the worlds governments could reduce the number of dependants and the cash spent on them (Estimates suggest obesity cost the NHS £5.1 billion in 2006/07, and by 2034, 70 per cent of adults are expected to be overweight or obese) the world could be a much better place. If only there was a virus, that just happened to originate in a city where the chinks had their level 5 security bio-labs and was being funded by the US government, that would tick a few of these "cull the useless cunts" boxes?


2 hours ago, Bernard Fuck said:

I'm thinking any genuine result won't be made public.

That's gonna include a horde of mudslimes as well as the chav element.

1. Eventually

2. In all our dreams

20 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

9 out of 10 have been aged 60 and over, and they are only those who were snuffed by Dr Shipman. The figures are expected to increase now that nurse Kathy Bates has come-out from retirement to spread some more misery, whilst Dr. Crippen is held in reserve.



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My 'exit strategy' is, grip the base of the penis and the condom, making sure not to spill any jizz or have physical contact with un-protected piss-flaps, I don't want to pay for the upkeep of a young Joker, or take another embarrassing trip to the STD clinic. 😉

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