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Give Them Bleach

White Cunt

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Drinking bleach in the full sun or in the privacy of a home trailer is the latest anti-covid treatment craze taking America by storm. Though the boss had not specified the type and the exact dose, it has been noted that inhalation and injection routes are both safe and recommended.

Perhaps it was wrong of me to criticize Trump for his time-delayed poverty cheques. Free antiseptics and disinfectants, together with needles and syringes could treat the problem more rapidly, cheaply and effectively. Who needs money when dead?

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1 minute ago, White Cunt said:

Drinking bleach in the full sun or in the privacy of a home trailer is the latest anti-covid treatment craze taking America by storm. Though the boss had not specified the type and the exact dose, it has been noted that inhalation and injection routes are both safe and recommended.

Perhaps it was wrong of me to criticize Trump for his time-delayed poverty cheques. Free antiseptics and disinfectants, together with needles and syringes could treat the problem more rapidly, cheaply and effectively. Who needs money when dead?

If only. Any cunt thick enough to try this, and there will be, deserves and painful death which I believe is the case with ingesting drain cleaner 

The fact that the yanks can't see Trump for the weapons grade cunt he is and get rid of him once and for all is more worrying

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It's been clear for years that his 'base' will believe anything .. and I mean anything he says and as such will re elect the cunt in November. It seems that even the grown ups in the administration are shit scared and unwilling to call him out on the constant streams of  peurile babble that comes out of the hole in his face. The only hope is some sort of coup - military or otherwise , although a civil war would perfectly suffice for him and his cells of tooled up good ol' boys . Remember that this bozo incredibly has access to ICBM target and launch codes whilst in the pockets of Moscow and Israel. All is not going to end well

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Guest Bernard Fuck

He's system through and through but I like his tenure. Killary was a mahoosive cunt, it was her or Trump, remember? At least Trump has the demrats pissed off and scared of their gravy train of entitlement being derailed, not that that will ever happen but it's good sport.

Seeing those leftards necks wobbling in outrage at the mere mention of his name is proof positive of their utter derangement, they don't care about the nation, they just want to get him out whatever the cost.

They are truly insane and the biggest reason Trump will get back in.


PS: Israel has every presidents bollocks in a vice as well as other world leaders, they are untouchable in global politics. Grab a kippah from the pile and piss up against the wailing wall, muh victims.

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If only. Any cunt thick enough to try this, and there will be, deserves and painful death which I believe is the case with ingesting drain cleaner 

The fact that the yanks can't see Trump for the weapons grade cunt he is and get rid of him once and for all is more worrying

I'm all for it Stubbs. Domestos is known to kill 99% of all known germs, and I'd wager that bro' darkie makes-up the 1% difference. Now, this may be a stab in the dark (to coin a phrase) but by jabbing the jabookies we have nothing to lose and it's worth a shot. 

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If only. Any cunt thick enough to try this, and there will be, deserves and painful death which I believe is the case with ingesting drain cleaner 

The fact that the yanks can't see Trump for the weapons grade cunt he is and get rid of him once and for all is more worrying

Its Darwinism at it's most basic. Thick cunts who inject disinfectant and die from it, clearly deserve to be removed from the human race. 

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The manufacturers are all issuing horrified, virtue-signalling official statements to the effect that their products should never be injected or ingested.

Their marketing departments are missing out on a considerable trick there, and should surely be quadrupling their prices and including a dozen syringes with every multipack purchased. Heartless capitalism has really gone downhill of late.

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Guest 'eavensabove
50 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Its Darwinism at it's most basic. Thick cunts who inject disinfectant and die from it, clearly deserve to be removed from the human race. 

But it could be a Bold move, Gyps, albeit that it will take us to the cleaners.  

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9 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Surely the best way to ingest is via an enema. It avoids the liver and therefore the bleach effects are diminished. Yanks should be buying bleach and a length of hosepipe.

They can stick that idea up their arse.

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Guest 'eavensabove
Just now, King Billy said:

They can stick that idea up their arse.

He does know his stuff though, KB.  He has a PHd in washing machines. He's a spin doctor. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
31 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The manufacturers are all issuing horrified, virtue-signalling official statements to the effect that their products should never be injected or ingested.

Their marketing departments are missing out on a considerable trick there, and should surely be quadrupling their prices and including a dozen syringes with every multipack purchased. Heartless capitalism has really gone downhill of late.

Yep. They could be making a killing. 

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59 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Its Darwinism at it's most basic. Thick cunts who inject disinfectant and die from it, clearly deserve to be removed from the human race. 

Drinking bleach has always been the advice handed out on Cunts Corner so Donald’s gone for the well proven and trusted option. It must be safer than fish tank cleaner but no ones mentioning that on the fake news channels.  Clinical trials are starting tomorrow with 10,000 Mexican volunteers. (I almost said prisoners there.)

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Surely the best way to ingest is via an enema. It avoids the liver and therefore the bleach effects are diminished. Yanks should be buying bleach and a length of hosepipe.

you're right CBB. The rectum and colon are highly vascular and therefore ideal to absorb something quickly. In university we tried it with vodka.

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11 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Speaking of university, child mathematical prodigy Ruth Lawrence really turned out to be quite a disappointment, if you know what I mean.

her dad's comedy conk rather gave the game away CB. Fuckin loathsome earwig fuck makes Howard Jacobson look like Reinhard Heydrich


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17 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

It's been clear for years that his 'base' will believe anything .. and I mean anything he says and as such will re elect the cunt in November. It seems that even the grown ups in the administration are shit scared and unwilling to call him out on the constant streams of  peurile babble that comes out of the hole in his face. The only hope is some sort of coup - military or otherwise , although a civil war would perfectly suffice for him and his cells of tooled up good ol' boys . Remember that this bozo incredibly has access to ICBM target and launch codes whilst in the pockets of Moscow and Israel. All is not going to end well

There are stories circulating that both the doves and hawks in the military are worried about him and have been discussing way of letting him "die in office", there is also a core of hard right military veterans who remember him as being a draft dodger rather than the patriot that he makes himself out to be.

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