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WW3 Which side are all you Trump haters going to be on?

King Billy

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

Fwankie? He's hardly a size 10 is he now, eh?


This is the Jazz we all know and love. You mentalist fucking cunt.

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Guest Stoolstabber500
On 21/04/2020 at 18:07, Roadkill said:

@King Billy may be misguided on this topic in my opinion, but he'll wipe the floor with you if you make the mistake of being worth his time. Get better at this whole thing before you go slagging people off.

Yeah right that cunt can't even wipe your splooge off his face after giving you a gumjob and a reach around. Dickhead.

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Just now, stoolstabber5000 said:

Yeah right that cunt can't even wipe your splooge off his face after giving you a gumjob and a reach around. Dickhead.

Considering the amount of time it took you to reply to this I find it suspicious and worrying that the first thing on your mind when you return is cock sucking. Dirty little bastard... 

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16 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Considering the amount of time it took you to reply to this I find it suspicious and worrying that the first thing on your mind when you return is cock sucking. Dirty little bastard... 

He’s been busy interviewing some Romanians online while his foster parents were out. The forecast is for a bumper dog shit crop this year. These Northern entrepreneurs aren’t nearly as thick as they appear. That’s actually impossible.

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Guest 'eavensabove
26 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Considering the amount of time it took you to reply to this I find it suspicious and worrying that the first thing on your mind when you return is cock sucking. Dirty little bastard... 

It's a typical reaction, RK, when jabbing yourself with detergent. 

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Weary&Disgusted
On 21/04/2020 at 00:16, King Billy said:

About 5 or 6 weeks ago I was posting about this Bat Stew Flu which has now paralysed the economic giants of the western world. Many of you dismissed it as no worse than normal influenza, I said there was a recession coming far worse than anything in living memory. That day has come. Oil prices have dropped into negative values, meaning oil producers are now paying oil companies to take their produce. This is a phenomenon never before  seen or even imagined. Interest rates are at zero and really should be below zero, meaning countries can borrow money and pay back less than they’ve borrowed. This is unchartered territory in a capitalist system. It is totally unsustainable and cannot last much longer. The Chinese who have caused this global chaos are playing the propaganda game all over the world by sending PPE and medical supplies to give the impression of being part of the solution, when actually they aren’t only part of the problem, they are the problem and they caused the problem intentionally as their first move to dominate the world. That’s a ridiculous idea and typical conspiracy theory nonsense I hear you say. Really? Well ask yourself one question. Did you see this coming all the while when you were ridiculing Donald Trump and dreaming of the halcyon days of Obama and Bush and Clinton, the architects of the car boot sale which moved huge swathes of industry and sold most of the assets and infrastructure to China and Russia in plain sight and turned a blind eye to the infiltration of every institution including intelligence and law enforcement by enemies of freedom. Britain has played its part in this treason by allowing left wing politicians and academics to openly brainwash two generations into believing that to love your own country is shameful and the correct thinking is to rip up all the rules of civilised society and embrace foreign values and PC ideaology  in front of our own hard won traditions. Thatcher was guilty to a degree but realised her folly towards the end of her leadership, but too late. Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all guilty as fuck globalists and multi culturalists who hid their contempt for everything that made Britain great in the past and sold us down the river. Donald Trump being elected has thrown a spanner in their works and explains the non stop barrage of hatred he’s been subjected to since 2016. Ask yourself what he’s done that makes half the world hate him so much? Not much really. Ask yourself also why previous presidents didn’t have to put up with this? 90% of the media are against him 100% of the time. China realised as soon as Trump took power that the game was up. He stated almost immediately that China’s theft of US intellectual property, their cheap labour costs closing  American industries and their ambitions to become No1 economically and militarily were not going to happen. 

This plague is not an accident. It is an intentional act of war by the CCP and the US is well aware of that fact. They know that they have to get up and running again and immediately and rapidly start the rebalance of their reliance on China  in vital areas of trade, where they have farmed out necessary manufacturing industries to China and allowed themselves to become  reliant on a country which has ambitions to destroy them. 

The bottom line in my opinion is that war is inevitable in the near future. The difference between the phoney wars of the last 50 years is that war with China will not have rules and conventions because China will use any weapons available such as bio, chemical, IT and even nuclear without hesitation  because for them the death of millions means nothing and the CCP know that the game is up. This is their one and only chance. 

The Trump haters and mockers will need to very quickly decide where their loyalties lie and stop the bullshit. Otherwise they are the enemy too and will be the first casualties and rightly so. The extent of their guilt and their part in the treason going back years is something to be dealt with afterwards.

I am not a Trump supporter, I consider him a bully and a lout, and I still feel that he may be in Putin's pocket due to various items of Kompromat linked to laundering Russian mob money through American casinos, and hidden bankruptcies.  However, I completely agree with you about the existential threat that China poses to the UK.  

I am astonished that the UK still hasn't made a firm decision to exclude Chinese firms from sensitive projects such as creating the 5G network.  When it comes to any infrastructure project, contracts should only be handed out to proven allies, not just granted to whoever promises to complete the task for the least money.  Surely national security concerns should always over ride cost issues when it comes to setting up power stations and communication grids.  

I hope I am just being paranoid.  

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On 21/04/2020 at 01:43, Monumental cunt said:

Wholey agree.... the thing is WW3 has already started.  It won’t have trenches or even a front line with tanks and soldiers..... it is being fought in board rooms and take overs, control of information technology, software, remotes access and control of anything from bank accounts to medical records to switching the power and water off in a country if it doesn’t behave.   China’s open letter to no10 last week basically said...... if you don’t take our 5G technology.....you will be sorry !!!!!   A fucking open threat from a foreign state to our government.    Cyber attacks are coming next.   Total destabilization of the western world. China will carve up the natural resources and companies it wants during the mass economic problems....and will buy up companies for next to nothing .....if not stopped.     There is currently a huge software company in Ukraine that rights lots of sensitive code ....funny how the deal is being stopped to China.   Only now are the government waking up to the fact we are already at war.


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9 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

The  little turd has been a member for less than 2 years, and has banged out more posts than me in 5 years. If he goes on at this rate he will beat Eric's record,  and be twice as boring.


You can hardly expect anything different from a cunt involved in prostitution and organised crime....

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29 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

The  little turd has been a member for less than 2 years, and has banged out more posts than me in 5 years. If he goes on at this rate he will beat Eric's record,  and be twice as boring.


Are you two an item?

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