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WW3 Which side are all you Trump haters going to be on?

King Billy

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Guest Bill Stickers
13 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Up until now, that is. Welcome to the debate.

It’s a damning indictment of the current quality of the corner, that a post which is merely a slightly more eloquent “I know you are but what am I”, has three likes.

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Just now, Bill Stickers said:

It’s a damning indictment of the current quality of the corner, that a post which is merely a slightly more eloquent “I know you are but what am I”, has three likes.

If a few more of your brain cells were firing you might come up with some amusing reposte sometimes.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
52 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Do you take a step back and listen to the drivel you write? Try and take an impartial look at what you’re saying.

You expect people to believe an amateur crackpot, his intermediate python skills and a tinpot home made web crawler that has indexed some undisclosed URLs, over world famous experts? 

Crackpot. Compete and utter crackpot. 

The point is Bill, the people who authored said content at URL's are also experts, but the content is removed / delisted. It wouldn't be a considered debate if it were written by any old spacker, if of course the argument requires a professional eye. Yes, a web crawler of sorts, but the technical bit is in the language analysis. Have intermediate Python, but advanced HTML / Java and close to advanced wolfram PL. Not an amateur either. Researcher for a living, programming languages are a useful bolt-on and a hobby. My colleagues are all PHD developers or historians. I am not, however, a PHD. We work together on a variety of projects, the most recent of which just happens to be around the subject of a looming ideology. This was a tool that we designed for a previous project and has been repurposed. In reality, this tool serves as support, has been helpful, but not much more than that. Most useful research is done via public record, freedom of information requests, various media archives, legislation changes etc.

Anyway, sorry I haven't quite passed Stickers professionalism test. Maybe I could have a glittering career like yours, wanking over self portraits printed on a 2005 Epson and shitting into flowerpots. Bill, lovely to chat. Do fuck off and die, preferably, in an unbearably painful manner.  

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Guest Bill Stickers
8 hours ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

The point is Bill, the people who authored said content at URL's are also experts, but the content is removed / delisted. It wouldn't be a considered debate if it were written by any old spacker, if of course the argument requires a professional eye. Yes, a web crawler of sorts, but the technical bit is in the language analysis. Have intermediate Python, but advanced HTML / Java and close to advanced wolfram PL. Not an amateur either. Researcher for a living, programming languages are a useful bolt-on and a hobby. My colleagues are all PHD developers or historians. I am not, however, a PHD. We work together on a variety of projects, the most recent of which just happens to be around the subject of a looming ideology. This was a tool that we designed for a previous project and has been repurposed. In reality, this tool serves as support, has been helpful, but not much more than that. Most useful research is done via public record, freedom of information requests, various media archives, legislation changes etc.

Anyway, sorry I haven't quite passed Stickers professionalism test. Maybe I could have a glittering career like yours, wanking over self portraits printed on a 2005 Epson and shitting into flowerpots. Bill, lovely to chat. Do fuck off and die, preferably, in an unbearably painful manner.  

You were so close in that post to approaching genuine self awareness about how abysmally unqualified you are to be declaring coronavirus a conspiracy hoax, how small and unsatisfactory your area of expertise is, how selective your evidence and method is and how you’ve filled in all the gaps with fanciful, far fetched bollocks.

You were so close, then you took your anger out on me instead of letting the realisation wash over you. 

You’ve wasted a lot of time reappropriate your colleague’s code. An awful lot of time and effort. I hope it’s at least kept you occupied during quarantine. Do try and get out the house a bit when this is all over chap. 

You’re a poster child for the Dunning Kruger effect.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

You were so close in that post to approaching genuine self awareness about how abysmally unqualified you are to be declaring coronavirus a conspiracy hoax, how small and unsatisfactory your area of expertise is, how selective your evidence and method is and how you’ve filled in all the gaps with fanciful, far fetched bollocks.

You were so close, then you took your anger out on me instead of letting the realisation wash over you. 

You’ve wasted a lot of time reappropriate your colleague’s code. An awful lot of time and effort. I hope it’s at least kept you occupied during quarantine. Do try and get out the house a bit when this is all over chap. 

You’re a poster child for the Dunning Kruger effect

We'll, I suppose we will see Bill. I will defo try to get out a bit, for 3 months or so before we get a "second wave". Anyway, I liked your response. 


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17 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

If that were purely responsible for China's rise to the top of the shitpile, why isn't India going toe to toe with them? Both have large populations and labour is cheap. Is it possible that Obama stood by and did fuck all for 8 years while the Chinese stole trillions worth of technology via corporate and military espionage then had the cheek to impose laws on Western companies operating in China forcing them to surrender their intellectual property of fuck off, in flagrant violation of WTO rules? Or might it be that Obama did fuck all as the Chinese manipulated the value of the Yuan to make Chinese exports more competitive and in doing so decimated the US and European manufacturing base? Not my narrative, just the truth and the evidence is there for all to see.

Its true both counties are heavily populated with an abundant supply of cheap labour but after that its like comparing apples and pears. China is an authoritarian state that decided to fully embrace free markets at the turn of the century and set aside land and created the necessary engineering and social infrastructure to facilitate that. Expect another shot in the arm as earlier this year the Chinese govt have finally relaxed rules regarding foreign ownership of banks, financial & futures traders and legal services. India OTOH is a country of semi-autonomous states, holds democratic principles (under threat by Hindu fundamentalists) and has a developed but laboriously slow legal system founded on British principles, notwithstanding the "village courts" presided by village elders. One aspect holding back industrial development was that it was as late as 2015 when laws were relaxed which allowed foreigners to own more than 49% of businesses so expect a massive industrial expansion in the next few years.

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17 hours ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

Were not specifically looking for claims and what they detail, first and foremost what draws our attention is any lopsided debate. Where the ability to debate between two arguments has been removed, we will then attempt to explore content. If there were 100 news articles from the worlds top 30 english speaking newspapers published in a day (regarding the same event), 90 were supporting an official narrative of an event and ten were opposed to it, when I run the URL checks for those data deposits a week later, the debate should remain 90 to 10. If the ten are no longer there, for example, the available information for public debate is removed. There is a small program we designed in wolfram that analyses the language against principles applied in statement analysis (criminal justice systems) and is the initial bases on which the existence of a debate is determined and subsequently who falls into which camp. We extract data posted by the top 100 English and Spanish speaking newspapers, Around 500 English and Spanish speaking University feeds and independent research labs (field appropriate), and, depending on the appropriate field, the top 30 English and Spanish journals. The newspapers are selected based upon ownership. No one owner or group can have more than one newspaper included to prevent cross bias. We also perform, separately, the same across social media platforms Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Digg and Tumblr and cross reference those against the inclusion of any of the aforementioned URL's. The rules will change slightly based upon the topic. Hope this clarifies.

Yahoo must be included as a separate search engine because is has its own prioritising protocols and displays data according to its own algorithms. If any URL is duplicated across more than one platform, it is google that deposits it into the databin because it has largest market share and influence. 

Nazis managed to kill 6 millions Jews, most perpetrators simply said 'I was just taking orders'. Control who knows what, stick to a solid hierarchy. Again, not complicated.

Hold on, until now you said you trawled though "scholarly articles" authored by people who had been previously peer-reviewed on similar subjects. Once that became obvious it would be impossible to undertake such a labour-intensive task (despite the algorithm and the non-existent protocols) you've suddenly changed the parameters to include 100 English & Spanish speaking newspapers (and hardly scholarly) the monitoring of which is also highly labour-intensive . You mention 500 university feeds and 30 top English/Spanish journals. I'll be charitable and say that even if your nonsense is kosher then your premise infers that there is a single malevolent force responsible for deleting items that do not fit a narrative which is dependent on thousands of people colluding on the act, including countless media proprietors, Journalists (who are notoriously precious about pulled copy) scientists, researchers (more on that in a minute), scientific search engines (yes they exist, yet no mention of them from you) all of them a peep of protest there came none. Then there are the political science graduates researching for their PhD's (due to the UK PhD grant system, they are not on furlough and are still working at various university political science depts) who I assure you, have access to and maintain massive data-sets measured in gigabytes monitoring political bias, basicaly doing the same job that you purport to do. Strangely, not a word from them either. Clearly you cherry-pick articles that suit whatever agenda has over-ruled any vestiges of common-sense you may have. The rest of what you say is...fanciful and that's putting it politely.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hold on, until now you said you trawled though "scholarly articles" authored by people who had been previously peer-reviewed on similar subjects. Once that became obvious it would be impossible to undertake such a labour-intensive task (despite the algorithm and the non-existent protocols) you've suddenly changed the parameters to include 100 English & Spanish speaking newspapers (and hardly scholarly) the monitoring of which is also highly labour-intensive . You mention 500 university feeds and 30 top English/Spanish journals. I'll be charitable and say that even if your nonsense is kosher then your premise infers that there is a single malevolent force responsible for deleting items that do not fit a narrative which is dependent on thousands of people colluding on the act, including countless media proprietors, Journalists (who are notoriously precious about pulled copy) scientists, researchers (more on that in a minute), scientific search engines (yes they exist, yet no mention of them from you) all of them a peep of protest there came none. Then there are the political science graduates researching for their PhD's (due to the UK PhD grant system, they are not on furlough and are still working at various university political science depts) who I assure you, have access to and maintain massive data-sets measured in gigabytes monitoring political bias, basicaly doing the same job that you purport to do. Strangely, not a word from them either. Clearly you cherry-pick articles that suit whatever agenda has over-ruled any vestiges of common-sense you may have. The rest of what you say is...fanciful and that's putting it politely.

Vintage Roops, of the best kind. 

End of the World is barrelling rapidly towards ‘Chief Engineer of VW’ territory here. 

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2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:


I agree, but let's be honest, smug little James here is just as much of a cunt by the looks of things. I would very much like to find him and stamp the soy out of his bollocks.

What an 'orrible, Tweeting little fuck wipe. If you are in contact with this person please send them my worst regards. 

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9 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I agree, but let's be honest, smug little James here is just as much of a cunt by the looks of things. I would very much like to find him and stamp the soy out of his bollocks.

What an 'orrible, Tweeting little fuck wipe. If you are in contact with this person please send them my worst regards. 

I must admit, despite liking the quote, the bloke is a stealth Tommy Robinson type. A bona fide fuckwit. 

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On 21/04/2020 at 00:16, King Billy said:

About 5 or 6 weeks ago I was posting about this Bat Stew Flu which has now paralysed the economic giants of the western world. Many of you dismissed it as no worse than normal influenza, I said there was a recession coming far worse than anything in living memory. That day has come. Oil prices have dropped into negative values, meaning oil producers are now paying oil companies to take their produce. This is a phenomenon never before  seen or even imagined. Interest rates are at zero and really should be below zero, meaning countries can borrow money and pay back less than they’ve borrowed. This is unchartered territory in a capitalist system. It is totally unsustainable and cannot last much longer. The Chinese who have caused this global chaos are playing the propaganda game all over the world by sending PPE and medical supplies to give the impression of being part of the solution, when actually they aren’t only part of the problem, they are the problem and they caused the problem intentionally as their first move to dominate the world. That’s a ridiculous idea and typical conspiracy theory nonsense I hear you say. Really? Well ask yourself one question. Did you see this coming all the while when you were ridiculing Donald Trump and dreaming of the halcyon days of Obama and Bush and Clinton, the architects of the car boot sale which moved huge swathes of industry and sold most of the assets and infrastructure to China and Russia in plain sight and turned a blind eye to the infiltration of every institution including intelligence and law enforcement by enemies of freedom. Britain has played its part in this treason by allowing left wing politicians and academics to openly brainwash two generations into believing that to love your own country is shameful and the correct thinking is to rip up all the rules of civilised society and embrace foreign values and PC ideaology  in front of our own hard won traditions. Thatcher was guilty to a degree but realised her folly towards the end of her leadership, but too late. Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all guilty as fuck globalists and multi culturalists who hid their contempt for everything that made Britain great in the past and sold us down the river. Donald Trump being elected has thrown a spanner in their works and explains the non stop barrage of hatred he’s been subjected to since 2016. Ask yourself what he’s done that makes half the world hate him so much? Not much really. Ask yourself also why previous presidents didn’t have to put up with this? 90% of the media are against him 100% of the time. China realised as soon as Trump took power that the game was up. He stated almost immediately that China’s theft of US intellectual property, their cheap labour costs closing  American industries and their ambitions to become No1 economically and militarily were not going to happen. 

This plague is not an accident. It is an intentional act of war by the CCP and the US is well aware of that fact. They know that they have to get up and running again and immediately and rapidly start the rebalance of their reliance on China  in vital areas of trade, where they have farmed out necessary manufacturing industries to China and allowed themselves to become  reliant on a country which has ambitions to destroy them. 

The bottom line in my opinion is that war is inevitable in the near future. The difference between the phoney wars of the last 50 years is that war with China will not have rules and conventions because China will use any weapons available such as bio, chemical, IT and even nuclear without hesitation  because for them the death of millions means nothing and the CCP know that the game is up. This is their one and only chance. 

The Trump haters and mockers will need to very quickly decide where their loyalties lie and stop the bullshit. Otherwise they are the enemy too and will be the first casualties and rightly so. The extent of their guilt and their part in the treason going back years is something to be dealt with afterwards.

Can't see nukes being used as pointless from all sides..the worrying thing might be, depending to what side you're on, is EMP bombs, with that you can shut down the opposing enemies grid and walk straight in and take over...i wouldn't be surprised if the Americans have something like this and the Chinese know they have it.

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Guest 'eavensabove
23 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Can't see nukes being used as pointless from all sides..the worrying thing might be, depending to what side you're on, is EMP bombs, with that you can shut down the opposing enemies grid and walk straight in and take over...i wouldn't be surprised if the Americans have something like this and the Chinese know they have it.

Weather Warfare is on the horizon. The turning of the tides is nigh. 

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30 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Can't see nukes being used as pointless from all sides..the worrying thing might be, depending to what side you're on, is EMP bombs, with that you can shut down the opposing enemies grid and walk straight in and take over...i wouldn't be surprised if the Americans have something like this and the Chinese know they have it.

Efficiency and progress is ours once more, 
Now that we have the Neutron bomb, 
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done. 
Away with excess enemy, 
But no less value to property, 
No sense in war but perfect sense at home.

- The prophet Jello Biafra, 1980.

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Efficiency and progress is ours once more, 
Now that we have the Neutron bomb, 
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done. 
Away with excess enemy, 
But no less value to property, 
No sense in war but perfect sense at home.

- The prophet Jello Biafra, 1980.

You started writing armageddon songs during lock down CB ?

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2 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Can't see nukes being used as pointless from all sides..the worrying thing might be, depending to what side you're on, is EMP bombs, with that you can shut down the opposing enemies grid and walk straight in and take over...i wouldn't be surprised if the Americans have something like this and the Chinese know they have it.

The yanks used one in gulf war 2 to shut down the Iraqi command and control 


2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Efficiency and progress is ours once more, 
Now that we have the Neutron bomb, 
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done. 
Away with excess enemy, 
But no less value to property, 
No sense in war but perfect sense at home.

- The prophet Jello Biafra, 1980.

Deep fried mars bars über alles


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On 21/04/2020 at 03:29, JohnnySaucePants said:

Dont really care to be frank. But I loathe the likes of Trump with a passion for all that he is. I hope he gets a fatal dose of the covid. Come to that i reckon i'd rather live with the chinese than a bunch of red neck,  gun toting, school shooting, yaaa'll listen up,  yank cunts. 

Besides i've always fancied a bit of chinky snatch. 

I must say... my preference is for a slope.   However the split links are a cruel race if you let them have any power.  I once let my Mrs choose the wallpaper in the back bedroom.   The power went to he chinky head and before I knew it she had me in the cooler and I was being fed rations like I was in Tenko POW camp.   She beat me with bamboo sticks and tortured me for days.   That’s the sort of treatment they dish out in China for just a fucking parking fine.....   trump ain’t all that bad.   He’s just got bad press.    He’s better than Obama who did fuck all for his people in 8 years.  That went well.  Blacks are Poorer now than before he came into the WHITEhouse.

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5 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

You have my sympathies, iv'e heard they can get a bit stroppy. I've also heard that to keep one happy and subservient, at least three hours of relentless shafting ( both ends)  is needed.

Didn't you try viagra? 

No... a fucking good punch in the cunt worked.

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