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WW3 Which side are all you Trump haters going to be on?

King Billy

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About 5 or 6 weeks ago I was posting about this Bat Stew Flu which has now paralysed the economic giants of the western world. Many of you dismissed it as no worse than normal influenza, I said there was a recession coming far worse than anything in living memory. That day has come. Oil prices have dropped into negative values, meaning oil producers are now paying oil companies to take their produce. This is a phenomenon never before  seen or even imagined. Interest rates are at zero and really should be below zero, meaning countries can borrow money and pay back less than they’ve borrowed. This is unchartered territory in a capitalist system. It is totally unsustainable and cannot last much longer. The Chinese who have caused this global chaos are playing the propaganda game all over the world by sending PPE and medical supplies to give the impression of being part of the solution, when actually they aren’t only part of the problem, they are the problem and they caused the problem intentionally as their first move to dominate the world. That’s a ridiculous idea and typical conspiracy theory nonsense I hear you say. Really? Well ask yourself one question. Did you see this coming all the while when you were ridiculing Donald Trump and dreaming of the halcyon days of Obama and Bush and Clinton, the architects of the car boot sale which moved huge swathes of industry and sold most of the assets and infrastructure to China and Russia in plain sight and turned a blind eye to the infiltration of every institution including intelligence and law enforcement by enemies of freedom. Britain has played its part in this treason by allowing left wing politicians and academics to openly brainwash two generations into believing that to love your own country is shameful and the correct thinking is to rip up all the rules of civilised society and embrace foreign values and PC ideaology  in front of our own hard won traditions. Thatcher was guilty to a degree but realised her folly towards the end of her leadership, but too late. Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all guilty as fuck globalists and multi culturalists who hid their contempt for everything that made Britain great in the past and sold us down the river. Donald Trump being elected has thrown a spanner in their works and explains the non stop barrage of hatred he’s been subjected to since 2016. Ask yourself what he’s done that makes half the world hate him so much? Not much really. Ask yourself also why previous presidents didn’t have to put up with this? 90% of the media are against him 100% of the time. China realised as soon as Trump took power that the game was up. He stated almost immediately that China’s theft of US intellectual property, their cheap labour costs closing  American industries and their ambitions to become No1 economically and militarily were not going to happen. 

This plague is not an accident. It is an intentional act of war by the CCP and the US is well aware of that fact. They know that they have to get up and running again and immediately and rapidly start the rebalance of their reliance on China  in vital areas of trade, where they have farmed out necessary manufacturing industries to China and allowed themselves to become  reliant on a country which has ambitions to destroy them. 

The bottom line in my opinion is that war is inevitable in the near future. The difference between the phoney wars of the last 50 years is that war with China will not have rules and conventions because China will use any weapons available such as bio, chemical, IT and even nuclear without hesitation  because for them the death of millions means nothing and the CCP know that the game is up. This is their one and only chance. 

The Trump haters and mockers will need to very quickly decide where their loyalties lie and stop the bullshit. Otherwise they are the enemy too and will be the first casualties and rightly so. The extent of their guilt and their part in the treason going back years is something to be dealt with afterwards.

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

About 5 or 6 weeks ago I was posting about this Bat Stew Flu which has now paralysed the economic giants of the western world. Many of you dismissed it as no worse than normal influenza, I said there was a recession coming far worse than anything in living memory. That day has come. Oil prices have dropped into negative values, meaning oil producers are now paying oil companies to take their produce. This is a phenomenon never before  seen or even imagined. Interest rates are at zero and really should be below zero, meaning countries can borrow money and pay back less than they’ve borrowed. This is unchartered territory in a capitalist system. It is totally unsustainable and cannot last much longer. The Chinese who have caused this global chaos are playing the propaganda game all over the world by sending PPE and medical supplies to give the impression of being part of the solution, when actually they aren’t only part of the problem, they are the problem and they caused the problem intentionally as their first move to dominate the world. That’s a ridiculous idea and typical conspiracy theory nonsense I hear you say. Really? Well ask yourself one question. Did you see this coming all the while when you were ridiculing Donald Trump and dreaming of the halcyon days of Obama and Bush and Clinton, the architects of the car boot sale which moved huge swathes of industry and sold most of the assets and infrastructure to China and Russia in plain sight and turned a blind eye to the infiltration of every institution including intelligence and law enforcement by enemies of freedom. Britain has played its part in this treason by allowing left wing politicians and academics to openly brainwash two generations into believing that to love your own country is shameful and the correct thinking is to rip up all the rules of civilised society and embrace foreign values and PC ideaology  in front of our own hard won traditions. Thatcher was guilty to a degree but realised her folly towards the end of her leadership, but too late. Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all guilty as fuck globalists and multi culturalists who hid their contempt for everything that made Britain great in the past and sold us down the river. Donald Trump being elected has thrown a spanner in their works and explains the non stop barrage of hatred he’s been subjected to since 2016. Ask yourself what he’s done that makes half the world hate him so much? Not much really. Ask yourself also why previous presidents didn’t have to put up with this? 90% of the media are against him 100% of the time. China realised as soon as Trump took power that the game was up. He stated almost immediately that China’s theft of US intellectual property, their cheap labour costs closing  American industries and their ambitions to become No1 economically and militarily were not going to happen. 

This plague is not an accident. It is an intentional act of war by the CCP and the US is well aware of that fact. They know that they have to get up and running again and immediately and rapidly start the rebalance of their reliance on China  in vital areas of trade, where they have farmed out necessary manufacturing industries to China and allowed themselves to become  reliant on a country which has ambitions to destroy them. 

The bottom line in my opinion is that war is inevitable in the near future. The difference between the phoney wars of the last 50 years is that war with China will not have rules and conventions because China will use any weapons available such as bio, chemical, IT and even nuclear without hesitation  because for them the death of millions means nothing and the CCP know that the game is up. This is their one and only chance. 

The Trump haters and mockers will need to very quickly decide where their loyalties lie and stop the bullshit. Otherwise they are the enemy too and will be the first casualties and rightly so. The extent of their guilt and their part in the treason going back years is something to be dealt with afterwards.

Fuck it. I was gonna buy a new car. Don't think I'll fucking bother now. 

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Fuck Trump. Fuck Boris. And fuck Winnie the Poo too.

And if you don't like it then fuck you. They're all wankers, playing their secret wanker games and we're just the pieces. None of them are your friend, none of them have your best interests at heart and the only way to deal with them is to treat them like the scum they are and vote for them depending on what short term changes they promise and can deliver - not their morals, not their charisma, and certainly not their agendas - all of which they'll happily change on a whim once they have your vote.

There's no great saviours out there, Billy. Just an endless sea of minging, unwashed cunts queefing out what they think you want to hear. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Wait for someone you know to buy one and then steal it. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it Gypps.

errrm, I've been on the case of this so-called bat stew since October last year. It was obviously more than just yer average common cold, and early reports were transparent for a while and the Chinese weren't as bothered about trying to cover it up. It may never be 'revealed for certain' that the virus escaped from the fridge in a Lab in Whuan, but it sure as fuck did. Retaliation is not an option, unless we want to nuke the bastards, and not even Trump is daft enough to do that.  


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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Fuck Trump. Fuck Boris. And fuck Winnie the Poo too.

And if you don't like it then fuck you. They're all wankers, playing their secret wanker games and we're just the pieces. None of them are your friend, none of them have your best interests at heart and the only way to deal with them is to treat them like the scum they are and vote for them depending on what short term changes they promise and can deliver - not their morals, not their charisma, and certainly not their agendas - all of which they'll happily change on a whim once they have your vote.

There's no great saviours out there, Billy. Just an endless sea of minging, unwashed cunts queefing out what they think you want to hear. 

I agree with that as a general rule RK but what’s Trumps agenda? He financed his own campaign, meaning he’s not obligated to the usual big business donors. He’s withstood 3 1/2 years of attempts to bring him down with hoax tales of collusion and criminal acts. This is unheard of and reveals the real motives of his enemies. They’re scared because he is going to destroy them. The status quo which they’ve all enjoyed is about to come crashing around them. American politics is so rotten that it’s taken Trump this long to even get the wheels in motion to drain the swamp. Every institution has been lining up against him because they’ve never had their corrupt and cosy cabal threatened before. I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m a Cunt for believing this to be true but as I said, just ask yourself what Trump has done that’s so bad? And why do most of the media spend their whole waking hours attacking him?  I’m in no doubt that the war is coming and the right man is in charge.

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Guest 'eavensabove

@King Billy  The chinks are no different than the Ruskies, USA or even us for that matter. We all of us have Lab's with virus's being held in 'safe & secure' environments, which much more dangerous than poxy COVID 19

No government with an ounce of sense would admit to a catastrophic mistake, would they now, eh?  The Ruskies for example that came over here and killed some cunt, or North Korea who killed the brother of Po-ko wung, or whatever the cunts name is, all will deny it until the end of their days... The bottom line is, don't get caught and keep absolutely tight-lipped about any error on your part. 

The cunting virus is killing people like flies, that that's all that the likes of us should be worried about, and dealing with it as best we are able and to fuck with any other fucker's guidelines & PPE. Mask up if you want. Wash yer dick if you have to and wear a poxy gorilla suit if yer think it will save yer, and if the Zombies begin to congregate outside yer manor, shoot the fuckers. It's every cunt for himself, and the only War that will develop from all of this, is fighting for yer bog rolls, paracetamol & pasta, as is evident. AMEN, Shalom and Allah be praised.  

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Guest 'eavensabove
14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I agree with that as a general rule RK but what’s Trumps agenda? He financed his own campaign, meaning he’s not obligated to the usual big business donors. He’s withstood 3 1/2 years of attempts to bring him down with hoax tales of collusion and criminal acts. This is unheard of and reveals the real motives of his enemies. They’re scared because he is going to destroy them. The status quo which they’ve all enjoyed is about to come crashing around them. American politics is so rotten that it’s taken Trump this long to even get the wheels in motion to drain the swamp. Every institution has been lining up against him because they’ve never had their corrupt and cosy cabal threatened before. I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m a Cunt for believing this to be true but as I said, just ask yourself what Trump has done that’s so bad? And why do most of the media spend their whole waking hours attacking him?  I’m in no doubt that the war is coming and the right man is in charge.

FUCK, Trump. He's fuck-all to us, unless you're a yank. What the fuck can he do, that's gonna fuck-up Your life?  

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21 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

errrm, I've been on the case of this so-called bat stew since October last year. It was obviously more than just yer average common cold, and early reports were transparent for a while and the Chinese weren't as bothered about trying to cover it up. It may never be 'revealed for certain' that the virus escaped from the fridge in a Lab in Whuan, but it sure as fuck did. Retaliation is not an option, unless we want to nuke the bastards, and not even Trump is daft enough to do that.  

Trump is far from daft. Daft is allowing and worse than that, helping a communist authoritarian regime which murders and imprisons millions of its own citizens to rise up as a credible threat to the freedoms which we have paid for with the blood of our ancestors. Are we so brainwashed with liberal PC values that even though the threat is so clearly real that we do nothing to stop it? If so then all is already lost. Have we learned nothing from history. Does the genocide perpetrated by communist regimes in the not too distant past not ring any alarm bells? Have we become so complacent in our comfortable capitalist lives that we can’t see the danger? The Chinese have shown that they have no moral conscience by their complete lack of willingness to admit their guilt over the plague and their attempts to blame various countries for it. All I’m saying is that we have a very hostile and dangerous enemy at the door and they will have to be dealt with or they will deal with us.

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4 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

FUCK, Trump. He's fuck-all to us, unless you're a yank. What the fuck can he do, that's gonna fuck-up Your life?  

We are all gonna need the yanks sooner than most people think. That’s the point of what I’m saying.  Lines will be drawn and I have no doubt that we need to start making it clear that we stand with them. If we don’t we’re the idiots and we’re fucked.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Trump is far from daft. Daft is allowing and worse than that, helping a communist authoritarian regime which murders and imprisons millions of its own citizens to rise up as a credible threat to the freedoms which we have paid for with the blood of our ancestors. Are we so brainwashed with liberal PC values that even though the threat is so clearly real that we do nothing to stop it? If so then all is already lost. Have we learned nothing from history. Does the genocide perpetrated by communist regimes in the not too distant past not ring any alarm bells? Have we become so complacent in our comfortable capitalist lives that we can’t see the danger? The Chinese have shown that they have no moral conscience by their complete lack of willingness to admit their guilt over the plague and their attempts to blame various countries for it. All I’m saying is that we have a very hostile and dangerous enemy at the door and they will have to be dealt with or they will deal with us.

The answer is: Yes.

It was only a question time KB, and if it wasn't Covid it would be a Nuke mistake, the Pola Ice Cap meltdown or the Seas & Oceans fucked to rights. It's on the cards and has been cast in stone from the moment we started to interfere.  There's fuck all that we can do about it, in terms of waving a magic wand, and the so-called enemy at our door, is no enemy of mine until they're in sight or outside my fucking window. I despise the yanks as much as you do perhaps, and I cannot abide their dictatorship and bullish arrogance, and any fucker that sanctions the death penalty, is no fucking ally either. The Americans are as foreign to me as the Mushlips, and if you cant beat 'em, then fuck 'em.   

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

About 5 or 6 weeks ago I was posting about this Bat Stew Flu which has now paralysed the economic giants of the western world. Many of you dismissed it as no worse than normal influenza, I said there was a recession coming far worse than anything in living memory. That day has come. Oil prices have dropped into negative values, meaning oil producers are now paying oil companies to take their produce. This is a phenomenon never before  seen or even imagined. Interest rates are at zero and really should be below zero, meaning countries can borrow money and pay back less than they’ve borrowed. This is unchartered territory in a capitalist system. It is totally unsustainable and cannot last much longer. The Chinese who have caused this global chaos are playing the propaganda game all over the world by sending PPE and medical supplies to give the impression of being part of the solution, when actually they aren’t only part of the problem, they are the problem and they caused the problem intentionally as their first move to dominate the world. That’s a ridiculous idea and typical conspiracy theory nonsense I hear you say. Really? Well ask yourself one question. Did you see this coming all the while when you were ridiculing Donald Trump and dreaming of the halcyon days of Obama and Bush and Clinton, the architects of the car boot sale which moved huge swathes of industry and sold most of the assets and infrastructure to China and Russia in plain sight and turned a blind eye to the infiltration of every institution including intelligence and law enforcement by enemies of freedom. Britain has played its part in this treason by allowing left wing politicians and academics to openly brainwash two generations into believing that to love your own country is shameful and the correct thinking is to rip up all the rules of civilised society and embrace foreign values and PC ideaology  in front of our own hard won traditions. Thatcher was guilty to a degree but realised her folly towards the end of her leadership, but too late. Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all guilty as fuck globalists and multi culturalists who hid their contempt for everything that made Britain great in the past and sold us down the river. Donald Trump being elected has thrown a spanner in their works and explains the non stop barrage of hatred he’s been subjected to since 2016. Ask yourself what he’s done that makes half the world hate him so much? Not much really. Ask yourself also why previous presidents didn’t have to put up with this? 90% of the media are against him 100% of the time. China realised as soon as Trump took power that the game was up. He stated almost immediately that China’s theft of US intellectual property, their cheap labour costs closing  American industries and their ambitions to become No1 economically and militarily were not going to happen. 

This plague is not an accident. It is an intentional act of war by the CCP and the US is well aware of that fact. They know that they have to get up and running again and immediately and rapidly start the rebalance of their reliance on China  in vital areas of trade, where they have farmed out necessary manufacturing industries to China and allowed themselves to become  reliant on a country which has ambitions to destroy them. 

The bottom line in my opinion is that war is inevitable in the near future. The difference between the phoney wars of the last 50 years is that war with China will not have rules and conventions because China will use any weapons available such as bio, chemical, IT and even nuclear without hesitation  because for them the death of millions means nothing and the CCP know that the game is up. This is their one and only chance. 

The Trump haters and mockers will need to very quickly decide where their loyalties lie and stop the bullshit. Otherwise they are the enemy too and will be the first casualties and rightly so. The extent of their guilt and their part in the treason going back years is something to be dealt with afterwards.

Wholey agree.... the thing is WW3 has already started.  It won’t have trenches or even a front line with tanks and soldiers..... it is being fought in board rooms and take overs, control of information technology, software, remotes access and control of anything from bank accounts to medical records to switching the power and water off in a country if it doesn’t behave.   China’s open letter to no10 last week basically said...... if you don’t take our 5G technology.....you will be sorry !!!!!   A fucking open threat from a foreign state to our government.    Cyber attacks are coming next.   Total destabilization of the western world. China will carve up the natural resources and companies it wants during the mass economic problems....and will buy up companies for next to nothing .....if not stopped.     There is currently a huge software company in Ukraine that rights lots of sensitive code ....funny how the deal is being stopped to China.   Only now are the government waking up to the fact we are already at war.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Fuck Trump. Fuck Boris. And fuck Winnie the Poo too.

And if you don't like it then fuck you. They're all wankers, playing their secret wanker games and we're just the pieces. None of them are your friend, none of them have your best interests at heart and the only way to deal with them is to treat them like the scum they are and vote for them depending on what short term changes they promise and can deliver - not their morals, not their charisma, and certainly not their agendas - all of which they'll happily change on a whim once they have your vote.

There's no great saviours out there, Billy. Just an endless sea of minging, unwashed cunts queefing out what they think you want to hear. 

I agree and would agree normally...... however what is being challenged here is not which of the usual cunts do you want in power.....but will there be a western civilization left?   It’s on verge of collapse.    Oil =$0.  Interst rates 0%. Eu collapsing.   President under constant attack.   China bio war on the world.   China swallowing up massive corporate deals on the cheap.   China buying up resources on the cheap. China carving up the world as it likes and currying favour with a few face masks to poor countries.  

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20 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

The answer is: Yes.

It was only a question time KB, and if it wasn't Covid it would be a Nuke mistake, the Pola Ice Cap meltdown or the Seas & Oceans fucked to rights. It's on the cards and has been cast in stone from the moment we started to interfere.  There's fuck all that we can do about it, in terms of waving a magic wand, and the so-called enemy at our door, is no enemy of mine until they're in sight or outside my fucking window. I despise the yanks as much as you do perhaps, and I cannot abide their dictatorship and bullish arrogance, and any fucker that sanctions the death penalty, is no fucking ally either. The Americans are as foreign to me as the Mushlips, and if you cant beat 'em, then fuck 'em.   

I dont despise the yanks at all: without them we couldn’t have been on the winning side in WW2. OK they came in late but they were helping us before the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour. I don’t really understand why some people in the U.K. have such animosity towards the US when we have been allies in so many conflicts and share so much common history. Compared to most of our European neighbours they have been far more trustworthy and dependable through the years. Of course they put their own interests before ours or anyone else’s but I don’t see that as anything wrong. We should try that a bit more ourselves. Anyway I’m fucking tired. Going to bed. The war can wait till tomorrow.

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12 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

I agree and would agree normally...... however what is being challenged here is not which of the usual cunts do you want in power.....but will there be a western civilization left?   It’s on verge of collapse.    Oil =$0.  Interst rates 0%. Eu collapsing.   President under constant attack.   China bio war on the world.   China swallowing up massive corporate deals on the cheap.   China buying up resources on the cheap. China carving up the world as it likes and currying favour with a few face masks to poor countries.  

That’s why I believe that a war is inevitable. I don’t believe the Chinese are more capable than the yanks in the cyber war game. America has plenty of power in that game. All I’m saying is that the longer we wait the stringer they get and the more chance the have. They need to be stopped and the sooner we do it the less difficult it will be. This virus is a wake up call.

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

That’s why I believe that a war is inevitable. I don’t believe the Chinese are more capable than the yanks in the cyber war game. America has plenty of power in that game. All I’m saying is that the longer we wait the stringer they get and the more chance the have. They need to be stopped and the sooner we do it the less difficult it will be. This virus is a wake up call.

I think China will be shunned by half the world....those on the Trump,side....which includes UK.    Those who take the China 5G contracts are signing themselves over to be run by them.    That’s where the front line is.   There will be no soldiers and tanks in this war.

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3 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

I think China will be shunned by half the world....those on the Trump,side....which includes UK.    Those who take the China 5G contracts are signing themselves over to be run by them.    That’s where the front line is.   There will be no soldiers and tanks in this war.

Eventually there will. Human nature mate. The Cold War doesn’t settle anything, just delays things and adjusts strengths and weaknesses before conflict eventually  decides it or one side becomes so weak like the Soviet’s did because the people refused to be slaves any longer. That will be Chinas problem most likely. A country the size of China can’t keep their citizens in the dark ages any more. The genies already out  of the bottle and the CCPs existence depends on the people having an ever improving standard of living and a constant relaxing of the control of the state. Without the worldwide trade they’ve got used to their economy will go backwards and the CCP will eventually lose their grip on the population. The Chinks are at a crossroads in their future right now and they know it. 

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Guest 'eavensabove

Streets of London - Ralph McTell

Have you seen the Covids
In the run-down IC Units
All kicking the bucket,
Or chucking up bits of lung?
In their eyes you see no life
Tongue hung out to one side
Yesterday's bed pan, full of yesterday's spew

So how can you tell me, we've only
Gotta sit indoors 'til Summertime.
Let me drag you by your throat and kick you through the wards of Brittain
I'll show you poxy PPE and a grenade to blow your mind

Have you seen our nurses
Who work the wards of Brittain
Gasping for fresh air and their gowns in rags?
They've no time for cursing
They just keep on working
Until the next Covid snuffs it
And another one counts their time

So Boris, perhaps you'll tell me
Why you're the only,
Cuntish cretin to have survived?
I wanna drag you by your bollocks with rope through the wards of Brittain
I'll give you fucking PPE, you fucking waste of time.


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1 hour ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Dont really care to be frank. But I loathe the likes of Trump with a passion for all that he is. I hope he gets a fatal dose of the covid. Come to that i reckon i'd rather live with the chinese than a bunch of red neck,  gun toting, school shooting, yaaa'll listen up,  yank cunts. 

Besides i've always fancied a bit of chinky snatch. 

Spoken like a true intellect. Fucking idiot.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Interesting isn’t it, that conspiracy threads always attract the site’s intelligentsia and MENSA members, and not the uneducated, raving fucking mentalists of the corner. 

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Fuck Trump. Fuck Boris. And fuck Winnie the Poo too.

And if you don't like it then fuck you. They're all wankers, playing their secret wanker games and we're just the pieces. None of them are your friend, none of them have your best interests at heart and the only way to deal with them is to treat them like the scum they are and vote for them depending on what short term changes they promise and can deliver - not their morals, not their charisma, and certainly not their agendas - all of which they'll happily change on a whim once they have your vote.

There's no great saviours out there, Billy. Just an endless sea of minging, unwashed cunts queefing out what they think you want to hear. 

The plan RK, has always been a globalist system with strict controls, preferably with less than 500 million people to monitor. Bill Gates (digital certificate provider, no vaccine, no access) David Rockefella Foundation (Founders of WHO) and a huge network of government placements and unreasonably rich industry chiefs, share an ideology, eugenics. The list is scary. Trump is an enemy of globalism and wholly supports sovereignty. He's the last dissenter in office, and much like Kennedy, only got in because the flow of cash for election campaign was his own. Kennedy warned us this would happen, 'a vast and insidious conspiracy'. 

They need a catalysing event for your consent to control, and were all going to give it. 

Covids RNA sequence is exactly the same as a lysosome, something the body releases during ANY illness to remove waste. 363 Scholarly articles deleted from the internet in the last fortnight at my last count, on this subject and claiming this very thing. This is why every cunt will test positive, because if you are even minorly sick, you will have 'covid'. Basically, you're going to get a vaccine for wellness.

Nice post @King Billy

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

Interesting isn’t it, that conspiracy threads always attract the site’s intelligentsia and MENSA members, and not the uneducated, raving fucking mentalists of the corner. 

Every government and system of power has multiple examples of corruption, control by fear and coercive control (in periods), literally for the entirety of civilised existence. Our own country seized half the world without permission. So what the actual fuck are you talking about spacker? Read any history book, about any country, ever.

These are called 'conspiracy theories' today, only because of the way info spreads. It must be controlled and combatted with by dispersing opposing articles, or simply removing all dissenters from view. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 minutes ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

Every government and system of power has multiple examples of corruption, control by fear and coercive control (in periods), literally for the entirety of civilised existence. Our own country seized half the world without permission. So what the actual fuck are you talking about spacker? Read any history book, about any country, ever.

These are called 'conspiracy theories' today, only because of the way info spreads. It must be controlled and combatted with by dispersing opposing articles, or simply removing all dissenters from view. 

I should believe everything ‘eavens and other equally unqualified people write about coronavirus... because of the British Empire? 

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