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Bangladesh charter flights to return stranded Brits.

Guest 'eavensabove

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Guest Stoolstabber500
31 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I provide emergency call out cover to people and organizations

I didn't know 'Rent-a-mong' was an actual thing!

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9 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Indeed Gyps. The truth is, we don't have anywhere enough PPE and blaming the problem on 'distribution' is a load of tosh. There are 1,257 hospitals in the UK.   There are 3,951 Tesco stores in the UK and yet you don't hear Tesco's blaming 'distribution' for running out of bog rolls. The only place to purchase PPE from now is China, and even they cannot keep up with the current demand, let alone next weeks demand and the months after that. The government have also made appeals for our factories to produce PPE and yet all of the factories that have contacted them, aint heard fuck all back... Distribution is not to blame. Organization is. 

I'm skeptical about the claims of PPE shortages in hospitals because it's trots masquerading as NHS workers screaming about it on the BBC which means at the very least it's being exaggerated as a political points scoring exercise. This guy sums it up pretty well....


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56 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

it's highly likely that the government is going to need a lot more than £300 billion to cover this if it stretches into the Autumn

Stoolwanker 500 should be able to lend them that. Up north in his billionaires paradise that’s fuck all. He could even ask his neighbour to  drive it down to London in his Aston Martin.

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Guest judgetwi
3 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

It will be the 'softly softly' approach here. Easing us gently forward (if at all) and keeping us sweet with a few more 'freebies'... I reckon that schools will be the first to be reopened, to give us all a nice feeling of security. All of the government releases today have been geared towards local authorities, schools and colleges on how to keep kids safe and prevent infections from spreading, not that kids are safe right now at home in their own homes? Oh, the schools & colleges in question are for special needs, as the kids can of course be used as guinea pigs and are not a vital part of our future...?  

It won’t be the posh kids going back to school. Like the Battle of the Somme they’ll send in the plebs first........”what fucking machine guns? what fucking Germans? they’ll all be dead mate, it’s a walkover.”

And if we get similar casualties so what? We just replace them with cheap labour from the shitholes of the world. Anybody who sends their brats back to school to be the   dead heroes must be some sort of muggy cunt.

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Guest 'eavensabove
31 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I'm skeptical about the claims of PPE shortages in hospitals because it's trots masquerading as NHS workers screaming about it on the BBC which means at the very least it's being exaggerated as a political points scoring exercise. This guy sums it up pretty well....


At the end of the day, PPE only offers protection to 'front line workers' in hospitals. It's offered absolutely no protection to the unknown thousands of people that have died in their homes, and only a very small percentage of people that have actually managed to get anywhere with the 111 NHS Emergency Line have been hospitalised. They're not interested in saving us all. They couldn't even if they wanted too, and not even £billions will save everybody. Far too much emphasis has been focussed upon PPE and the NHS and not about really saving lives of the many. There are still thousands of empty hospital beds and so why aint they filled? You've got to be the right age, have the right skills and the right use to the country, or you can fuck right off and deal with it at home with 2 poxy paracetamol.  

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Guest 'eavensabove
8 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

It won’t be the posh kids going back to school. Like the Battle of the Somme they’ll send in the plebs first........”what fucking machine guns? what fucking Germans? they’ll all be dead mate, it’s a walkover.”

And if we get similar casualties so what? We just replace them with cheap labour from the shitholes of the world. Anybody who sends their brats back to school to be the   dead heroes must be some sort of muggy cunt.

They've already made that completely clear, in the way that only a very select few are getting hospital beds. You aint even getting past the front door of any hospital right now. 

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Guest Bernard Fuck
6 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

Indeed Gyps. The truth is, we don't have anywhere enough PPE and blaming the problem on 'distribution' is a load of tosh. There are 1,257 hospitals in the UK.   There are 3,951 Tesco stores in the UK and yet you don't hear Tesco's blaming 'distribution' for running out of bog rolls. The only place to purchase PPE from now is China, and even they cannot keep up with the current demand, let alone next weeks demand and the months after that. The government have also made appeals for our factories to produce PPE and yet all of the factories that have contacted them, aint heard fuck all back... Distribution is not to blame. Organization is. 

These little yellow bastards?:


China are cunts. Nomination of the decade right there.

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I haven't even read the last 2 pages of this. Because you're all gay as fuck. Fuck off and eat my shit. Queers.

Government guidelines suggest that you should take 2 paracetamol if you're feeling queer. 

PM Fwankie, he's got stockpiles. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

It won’t be the posh kids going back to school. Like the Battle of the Somme they’ll send in the plebs first........”what fucking machine guns? what fucking Germans? they’ll all be dead mate, it’s a walkover.”

And if we get similar casualties so what? We just replace them with cheap labour from the shitholes of the world. Anybody who sends their brats back to school to be the   dead heroes must be some sort of muggy cunt.

Do shut up.

If this was the World War One you’d be scheming ways to conscientiously object, and land a job at the spam factory, so you could stuff your enormous, gluttonous face while leering at the female workers, you fat, cowardly, perverted old cunt.

Stop suggesting you have commonality with those people who heroically died in the mud of France merely because you’re working class. 

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21 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The south koreans kept a lid on things by tracking people by using their mobiles. Can you imagine if that was tried here? All the middle class snowflakes would be choking on their muesli and screaming about 'uman rights violations. 

One doesn't have to imagine it, its been happening in the UK for some time, mainly by commercial interests, sometimes by law enforcement agencies.

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17 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

There is more & more evidence coming through which strongly suggests that the virus did in fact 'escape' from a fridge at a laboratory in Whuan during October last year. The WHO are in custody of the said fridge, and from "the leaked" photo's which also appeared in some of last weeks newspapers, the rubber seal on the door was completely fucked... its definitely all iffy, particularly the relatively small percentage of Chinese cases/deaths compared with those of many other countries... Ministers backing-off from answering questions, is hardly new is it? Those other cunts which stand to the side of whichever prat is giving the speech of the day, have also been told to shut the fuck up... If they were to tell us the absolute truth, the Houses of Parliament would be burned to a cinder... The live broadcasts are a total joke, and if any so-called journalist begins to ask the wrong questions, their monitor screen flickers like fuck , their voice begins to break and it's "Oh, we'll come back to that one, who's next?"  We aint seen nothing yet Gyps, and many will still be stuck on this current lockdown this same time next year.

Yep, now is not the time to play the international blame game. Governments need to concentrate on dealing with the virus and are dependant on each other for sharing data and cadging/hustling for appropriate supplies. Most govts understand this with the notable exception of the Orangeman who is desperate to shore up his debit points behind a blame wall. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yep, now is not the time to play the international blame game. Governments need to concentrate on dealing with the virus and are dependant on each other for sharing data and cadging/hustling for appropriate supplies. Most govts understand this with the notable exception of the Orangeman who is desperate to shore up his debit points behind a blame wall. 

Indeed, and whatever your views on leaving the EU I'm fairly certain that nobody should be worrying too much about free trade... On the subject of PPE (gowns in particular) I cannot fathom as to why these cant be knocked-up by the truckload here in UK from practically any thin sheet plastic/fabric. Even poxy clingfilm or bubble-wrap would be better than zero. Nurses in bin liners, now there's a thought... Why, I'd pre-book me bed-space at St. Thomas's Hospital for next week.   


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15 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

The government has shot itself in the foot, really. One hand, they had to ensure that wages were paid, then came more or less for the self employed, but for how long can they maintain this? They'll have to release us sooner or later, or do away with the need of money in certain areas. Either that, or we face TAX increases of up to 40% if we're not let out until this time next year. Keeping the over 70s sweet is one thing as so is looking after the under 16s, but?

At the end of the day, for as long as the virus is still infecting people as it does, I sure as fuck aint lowering my shields. There's no safety-line that I can currently see, when we can all become complacent. 

Most informed commentators will agree that Gordon Brown's temperament was wholly unsuitable for the office of Prime Minister. However history will judge him as a politician with great foresight. Firstly, as Chancellor, he resolutely squared up to Tony Blair and the multi-party Europhiles by refusing to sign the country into the Eurozone and also he was the architect for banking recapitalisation which was adopted by the G 20 nations post- 2008 banking collapse. The beauty of FIAT currencies is that after the dust and microbes have settled, the same group will no doubt transfer debt into an IMF post Coronavirus-crisis fund along the same lines thereby shoring up each country's balance sheet.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Most informed commentators will agree that Gordon Brown's temperament was wholly unsuitable for the office of Prime Minister. However history will judge him as a politician with great foresight. Firstly, as Chancellor, he resolutely squared up to Tony Blair and the multi-party Europhiles by refusing to sign the country into the Eurozone and also he was the architect for banking recapitalisation which was adopted by the G 20 nations post- 2008 banking collapse. The beauty of FIAT currencies is that after the dust and microbes have settled, the same group will no doubt transfer debt into an IMF post Coronavirus-crisis fund along the same lines thereby shoring up each country's balance sheet.

The political divide between all parties should be scrapped at this time. Allocate certain people from across the board who have 'some idea' of how to do what's what in a particular area and get it sorted, rather than having to pull & rely upon somebody from your own party who hasn't a clue. You're only as good as your worse man, and so use somebody better. Checking boxes from Turkey, should be done in Turkey, not at Luton. 

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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What I'm talking about is police acting like brown shirts and demanding people hand over their mobiles. 

If they are doing that on the street, then without a warrant that is illegal search and seizure. One thing the plod does is conflate public order acts with other legislation.

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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What I'm talking about is police acting like brown shirts and demanding people hand over their mobiles. 

They're having a fucking field day doing naff all, and I'd wager they're as sick as fucking parrots, as who the fuck is gonna give them a national clap?

There's no better time than now, to get down to NEXT with a roach pole, shove it through the mailbox and hook out yer clobber in readiness for Summer.

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11 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

If they are doing that on the street, then without a warrant that is illegal search and seizure. One thing the plod does is conflate public order acts with other legislation.

So you think plod always act within the law? I used to work for the LA and took complaints against the police. You wont believe what some of these buggers try. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So you think plod always act within the law? I used to work for the LA and took complaints against the police. You wont believe what some of these buggers try. 

They're a fucking law unto themselves!

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20 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So you think plod always act within the law? I used to work for the LA and took complaints against the police. You wont believe what some of these buggers try. 

I'm well aware. To be fair more often than not the average plod isn't up to speed with the law due to the short time on training. Reaching in a car and grabbing for the keys on a traffic stop is strictly illegal unless they can articulate a reasonable suspicion for doing so. To be fair most plods haven't had the necessary legal training, though a few plods act because they can't control their blue ego. Fortunately, most desk and custody sergeants, mindful of law suites, refuse to go along with such nonsense and instruct the arresting plod to return the arrested person to where they were arrested. Forget "wash your hands" more important is follow the following rules. 1/ Do not talk to the police if encountered. 2/ The plod is not your friend especially during "consensual conversation". 3/ Think Blue Isis - they are the true sovereign citizens.

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